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Nama : ________________________

Graduate from university is a beautiful moment for me and also for my parents.
Graduate is first step for me to change my life, and the first I think after graduate from me
university is how can I work. If you need a job you must be the best person, because in
Indonesia many people looking for a job. Because of that I will prepare my self to fight with
another people there. I will study hard more even though I after Graduate from university,
because study not talking about time and who you are.
Many people need a job same with their passion, but we know many people also
work in a company without their passion. I will search some job like my passion, but if there
is no job like my passion I will like my job whatever it is. Because if you love your job
everything Its gonna be oke. And after Graduate I need to work and focus with my job and I
hope I can study s2 same with my department in s1. And also I say thank you for all my
lecturer in majapahit Islamic university, to give all knowledge and guide me.

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