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Chapter 9

Lists in HTML

A. Multiple choice questions:

1. What are the different types of list that can be created in HTML?
a. Unordered List

b.Ordered List

c.Definition List

d.All of these

Ans. d. All of these

2. Which among the following list displays symbols as bullets for the list?
a. Unordered List

b. Ordered List

c. Definition List

d. All of these

Ans. a. Unordered List

3. Which among the following is not used as symbol for Unordered List?
a. Square

b. Rectangle

c. Circle

d. Disc

Ans. b. Rectangle
4. Which among the following is not used in Numbered List?
a. A

b. a

c. i

d. @

Ans. d. @
5. Which among the following attributes changes the starting sequence of numbering in an Ordered



d. All of these

Ans. b. START
6. To define the Definition Term in a Definition List use the ______________ tag.
a. DT

b. DEF



Ans. a. DT
7. A list prefixed with a symbol before is called ______________ list.
a. Unordered List

b. Ordered List

c. both a and b

d. none of these

Ans. a. Unordered List

8. Which among the following symbols will be displayed if the TYPE attribute of the <UL> tag is
given the value as DISC?

b. c. d.

Ans. a.
9. What is the default numbering of the ordered list?
a. 1, 2, 3

b. a, b, c,

c. i, ii, iii

d. A, B, C

c. nested list

d. none of these

Ans. a. 1, 2, 3
10. A list within a list is called a ___________.
a. list of list

b. list-list

Ans. c. nested list


B. Fill in the blank:

1. <UL> tag is used to define an Unordered lists.
2. The value circle of the TYPE attribute of the <UL> tag is used to display a hollow round bullet.
3. The <LI> tag is used to define the list item for both <UL> and <OL> tags.
4. The Definition list do not have a bullet or a number before it, instead it is indented.
5. A list within another list is called nested list.
6. The <SUP> tag is used to define a superscript.
7. The TYPE attribute of the <UL> tag is used to specify the symbols used for the bullets.
8. The JPG formats are used in photographs and uses compression technique to store a file.
9. The SRC attribute of the <IMG> tag is used to specify the location of an image file.
10. The <SUB> tag is used to define a subscript.
C. State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. You cannot insert bulleted text in a page.


2. Ordered Lists is also called Numbered Lists.


3. <LI> stands for List Item.


4. <UL> tag is used to specify Unordered lists.


5. The default numbering style in a ordered lists is A, B, C


6. You cannot have a nested list of Unordered list.


7. The <LI> tag should always close with </LI> tag.


8. TYPE=rectangle attribute of an unordered list, will create a bulleted list of rectangle as a symbol.
9. The START attribute of the Ordered List changes the sequence of numbering in an ordered list.
10. The REVERSED attribute reversed the Numbered List numbering sequence in descending order.
D. Answer the following questions:
1. What is a List? What are the different categories of list that you can create using HTML?
Ans. Lists in HTML is used to arrange data containing bullets and numbering to produce an
ordered set of text. The different categories of list that can be created using HTML are:
a. Ordered List

b. Un-Ordered List

c. Definition List

2. State one difference between Ordered List and Unordered List.

Ans. Unordered Lists are used to display with bullets before each item in the list. Ordered Lists
also called Numbered Lists are used to specify numbers instead of bullets as in Unordered
3. What is the significance of TYPE attribute in Unordered list in HTML? What are the different
possible TYPE attributes available for <UL> tag?
Ans. The TYPE attribute of the UL tag is used to define the symbol for the bullets which may be
disc, circle or square.

4. What is <OL> tag used for? Write the <OL> tag along with its attributes to create a numbered
list, where numbering is done using alphabets starting from e.
Ans. Ordered Lists also called Numbered Lists are used to specify numbers instead of bullets as in
Unordered lists.


5. What is Definition List? What are tags associated with the Definition List?
Ans. A definition list is a list of terms and corresponding definitions. Definition lists are typically
formatted with the term on the left with the definition following on the right or on the next
line. The definition text is typically indented with respect to the term.

A definition list always begins with the <DL> tag and ends with the </DL> tag. The
definition term is tagged as <DT> and a definition description tagged as <DD>.

6. What is a nested list? Give an example to illustrate nested list.

Ans. A list within a list is called a nested list.



<!-- Illustration of Nested List--!>


<TITLE>Nested List</TITLE>




<LI> West Bengal

<UL TYPE=square>

<LI> Darjeeling

<LI> Bankura

<LI> Jalpaiguri

<LI> Islampur


<LI> Bihar

<UL TYPE=square>

<LI> Kishanganj

<LI> Purnea

<LI> Madhepura

<LI> Katihar





E. Application-based question:
Observe the following web page and write the HTML code to generate it.
Mangoes of India are well famous in the world for its sweetness, richness and flavor, The land
of India is the largest producer of mangoes and most important fruit of the country.
Most popular types of mangoes in India are:







Some other famous varieties of mango includes:

Bombay Green


Note the following points while generating the web page:
Title of the page is Indian Mangoes.
Font style for the page is Arial.
Heading of the page is blue.
Image used is mangoes.png.



<TITLE>Indian Mangoes</TITLE>







Mangoes of India are well famous in the world for its sweetness, richness and flavor, the land
of India is the largest producer of mangoes and most important fruit of the country.

<IMG SRG= mangoes.png><BR>
Most popular types of mangoes in India are:<BR>

Some other famous varieties of mango includes:<BR>


<LI>Bombay Green


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