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Karim Benchekroune

Friday 21st 2014

Comparision Essay
Of Mice and Men is a award winning book written by John Steinbeck. This 1937 story
talks about two close friends, Lennie and George, who go on a journey together seeking for a job
since they Lennie caused a problem in Weed, the town they were staying at. Lennie, is the one
who suffers from lack of mental abilities. However, Lennie is the strong, and fit for work type of
man. George is the smart man. He knows whats best for Lennie and also knows how to control
him. There is the book and the movie of Of Mice and Men. These two different versions are
similar in a way and different in another.
The first difference is the setting of the book and the movie. The setting of the book starts
in the Salinas Valley. George and Lennie were planning to sleep by the river. However, in the
movie, it starts with George and Lennie escaping Weed by getting chased by horses and men
with dogs and then they slept near the river. Another diefference between the book and the movie
is that in the book when Curley s wife felt alone and went to visit Lennie, Candy, and Crooks,
Crooks wanted to answer her back and be rude. She then threatened him. In the movie, this scene
is deleted for some reason. Curley s wife is never shown threatening Crooks.
The first similarity between the book and the movie is that both versions show Lennie
addiction to petting mice. The second similarity is that both versions show how Lennie is
mentally disabled and how George is the smart one and how George tells lennie what to do. The
third similarity is that in both of the versions, Candy s dog is shot to death. Another similarity is
that both versions show the scence when George shoots lennie. Last but not least, both versions
show how Curley is a showoff and how he like to pick fights with anyone he sees.

Karim Benchekroune
Friday 21st 2014

Of Mice and Men is a intresting book that takes a person back to the year of the Great
Depresssion. During the Great Depresssion, life was hard and getting a job was harder. People
were selling all their belongings just to feed themselves and their families. There was a big lack
of jobs and many people fled their countries seeking for jobs.

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