43 Field Troubleshooting

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Source: A Working Guide to Process Equipment



Process Problems

umans have instinctive drives, among which is the desire to

fix things. Id bet, having read this far, that you have that
inner desire to make repairs.
Growing inside me, growing stronger as I age, is a frantic, fanatical
need to repair mechanical devices. There are times when Ive risked
my life on a rickety scaffold to measure an outlet temperature from a
heat exchanger.
My career is studded with the quick-fix solution to process
problems. The quick fix that lost me a $100,000 engineering fee to
redesign a fractionation tower. That overpowering desire to impose
my will on the inanimate world, regardless of the consequences.


De-ethanizer Flooding
Place: Texaco Refinery, Convent, Louisiana
Time: 11:45 P.M. December 24, 2001
Weather: Cold, windy, rainy
Problem: Premature de-ethanizer flooding
Contract value: $240,000 (U.S.)
Liz, Jerry, Mike, and I were partners in expanding the capacity of
a naphtha reformer plant producing aromatic base stocks. The
bottleneck was the reboiled de-ethanizer, limited by flooding. Our job
was to produce a process design to debottleneck the reformer from

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Field Troubleshooting Process Problems


A Working Guide to Process Equipment

40,000 BSD (barrels per day) up to 50,000 BSD of feed. But I was
stymied by the following:
The calculated percent of jet or vapor flood was 65 percent
at current feed rates (40,000 BSD).
The calculated percent of downcomer or liquid flood was
70 percent at 40,000 BSD.
The de-ethanizer was known to flood at 41,000 BSD feed.
The tower had been opened twice before, found to be both
clean and in good mechanical condition.
In theory, the tower should be adequate at 50,000 BSD without
any modifications.
I didnt know what to do. But fate intervened. A tube leak on an
upstream heat exchanger necessitated a short unit outage. The deethanizer tower was opened for one day so that we could carry out
an internal inspection of the trays.
I crawled through the tower with Mike. Cold wash water was still
cascading down the tray decks. The trays were old-style valve trays.
All 30 trays had a 0.5-in valve cap lift (see Fig. 43.1). All 30 trays except,
I found, the bottom tray, which had only a 0.25-in valve cap lift.
Now my calculated P dry (i.e., the pressure drop of the vapor
flowing through the opening between the tray deck and the valve
cap) was 2 in of liquid with the 0.5-in lift. With a 0.25-in valve lift,
the vapor velocity would double. The P dry would increase with the
square of the velocity to 8 in. Further, the height of clear liquid in
the downcomer would increase by an extra 6 in of liquid. This would
certainly flood the downcomer from the bottom tray. (See Chap. 3.)
Here then, was my naphtha reformer bottlenecktoo small a
valve cap lift in the bottom tray of the de-ethanizer tower.

43.1.1 Whats Next?

The wind was brutal as Mike and I, soaked and bruised, crawled out
of the manway.

Valve cap

0.5-in lift

Tray deck

FIGURE 43.1 A valve cap, fully open, with 0.5-in cup lift. Smaller lift
promotes flooding.

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Chapter 43:

F i e l d Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g P r o c e s s P r o b l e m s


Well, asked the night mechanical foreman, okay if I close the

manways? Its 1:30 A.M. My guys are out here on overtime pay.
No, I answered. Pull out the bottom tray panels. I want you to
drill half-inch sieve holes between the valve caps. Ill tell you how
many sieve holes I want in 20 minutes.
I explained to Liz and Jerry my plan. It was too late to find new
valve caps with a 0.5-in lift. The next best thing was to increase the
bottom tray open area with sieve holes to match the open area of
the other 29 tray decks. Sixty 0.75-in sieve holes would be drilled on
the bottom tray panels.
Jerry and Liz agreed with enthusiasm. Mike, however, was
Norm, whats all this about? asked Mike.
Look, Mike, I know what Im doing. Have some confidence
in me.
Norm, Mike whispered, one of two things are going to happen
with your stupid sieve holes. Either your idea will work, or it wont
Get to the point, Mike, Im cold and getting colder.
The point is, if your damn sieve holes dont work, Texaco will
think we dont know what were doing and well lose the contract.
The point is, if your sieve hole idea does work, Texaco will cancel the
project because the bottleneck will be gone. Either way we are going
to lose $200,000. Thats my point, Mike screamed.
Kindly do not yell at me, I answered calmly.
Okay, Norm, then kindly explain to me your purpose for drilling
the sieve holes.
Mike, if you dont know, I cant explain it.
The sieve holes were drilled, the plant bottleneck was eliminated,
we lost the contract, Mike is still angry, Texaco is now part of
Chevron, but Im happy. But if you dont know why, dear reader, I
cant explain it.

43.2 The Elements of Troubleshooting

I once found a blue sapphire in Australia. It was imbedded in a gravel
bed. It had been buried after a volcanic explosion in the gravel of the
old stream bed for 65 million years. It was easy to find. All I had to do
was to dig up and sift through four tons of gravel. It only took six
days. But I knew it was there, so it was easy to find.
Troubleshooting is like that. Part of every problem, embedded in
the problem itself, is the solution. The solution is a component of the
problem. Each problem consists of a number of components. And one
of these components is the answer you seek.
The first element of troubleshooting is an absolute belief that
the solution exists. An absolute belief that you can find the answer.
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A Working Guide to Process Equipment

An absolute belief that its only a matter of time and determination. An
understanding that you have to do the job alone. No one can help you
because no one else is dedicated enough. No one else cares enough.
The second element of troubleshooting is direct field observations.
There is a piece of data you lack to intellectually grasp the problem.
The difficulty is you dont know what that piece of data is. Its like
looking for gems in the Australian outback. Often, a client asks me
why I so desperately wanted some particular pressure. My answer is
that it was physically possible to make the pressure measurement. I
want all the data available because I dont know beforehand which
piece of data I really need. So I want all of it. How can one tell what
samples, temperatures, and pressures are available if you dont go
out to the field and look?
My personal preference is to obtain all plant data using my own
tools, wrenches, gauges, temperature probes, and fittings myself. In
my toolbox, I have every 0.25- to 1.5-in pipe fitting known to mankind.
I also have a set of instrument fittings and every possible adapter to
convert from piping threads to instrument threads.
I routinely drag 30 pounds of bushings, elbows, sleeves, and
nipples all over the world. I never know when Ill need a 1 to 0.5-in
reducer sleeve to make that definitive pressure measurement.
But why do I have to unscrew that piping plug myself? Why
must I use my own hands to pipe-up that pressure gauge? Why, at
60 years old, do I insist on climbing up 120 feet to a tower vapor line?
First, the physical activity relaxes me. Also, it gets me away from
other people. What I need is time to reflect on the problem without
distraction. Also, if I get the data myself, I know they are correct. Or
at least I know the range of uncertainty of the data.
Basically, I just like climbing tall distillation towers and working
with pipe wrenches and fittings. Its fun. I guess one element of
troubleshooting is to think its all a game, a challenge to be enjoyed.
Honestly, Id do it for free.


Field Calculations
Some people use calculators or computers. I have my K&E slide rule.
I used to be a computer guy in the days of punch cards and Fortran.
But I always take an electrochemical computer with me on all field
troubleshooting assignments. It fits compactly beneath my hard hat.
The ability to manipulate field data as it is obtained is the best
way to speed success in field troubleshooting. For example, how
much air is leaking into the incinerator duct at the sulfur plant in
Aruba? What size hole in the duct is needed to allow this much air
leakage? I can calculate the air flow based on the observed temperature
rise in the duct due to afterburning of hydrogen sulfide in the
incinerator effluent. Now I know that I need to find, and did find just
yesterday, a 4-in by 4-in hole in the duct.

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Field Troubleshooting Process Problems

Chapter 43:

F i e l d Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g P r o c e s s P r o b l e m s


What you need to do is carry into the field:

Your technical training
The tools of the trade
The fanatical desire to solve the problem
The absolute certainty that the solution exists and is accessible
to you
Most of the equations you will need for common process equipment
have been presented in the proceeding chapters. One of the purposes
that we had in writing this book was to make such information
available for field troubleshooting.

43.4 Troubleshooting ToolsYour Wrench

The tools of my trade are:
Gear wrench. This is a two-headed wrench. One end is a
valve wrench for turning valve handles. The other end has
adjustable jaws for piping and fittings.
6-in crescent wrench for instrument fittings.
12-in crescent wrench for pressure gauges.
A 16-in aluminum adjustable pipe wrench (steel is cheaper
but twice as heavy).
A short, curved knife for cutting through insulation.
A digital pressure gauge that reads both vacuum and pressures
to 30 psig.
An infrared temperature gun that reads up to 800F.
An infrared temperature probe with laser pointer that reads
up to 500F.
Spare, 9-V batteries for last three items.
A hand-powered vacuum pump used for obtaining flue gas
and samples of gas under vacuum down to 25 in of Hg.
This is a $30 item purchased in an auto supply parts store.
Its conventional use is to evacuate brake fluid lines.
Plastic tubing.
5 ft of coiled stainless steel 0.25-in tubing, used as a sample
Litmus paper for pH.
Lead acetate paper to check for hydrogen sulfide.
Inflatable plastic bag to catch gas samples.

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A Working Guide to Process Equipment

About 60 assorted piping fittings and 10 assorted instrument
A section of 0.5-in stainless tubing with an instrument fitting
at one end and a piping fitting on the other end.


Field Measurements
My success as a process engineer is in proportion to my ability to take
accurate field measurements, most often to obtain a differential
pressure between two points. Since the differential pressure is usually
only a small portion of the total system pressure, consistent, if not
precise measurement is critical.
Use a digital pressure gauge of the smallest range. If you are checking
pressures on a distillation tower that operates at 80 psig, use a 0 to
100 psig gauge, not a 0 to 500 psig gauge. The larger pressure range gauge
has a potential error five times greater than the smaller range gauge.
Digital gauges are always preferred because everyone reads the same
pressure. Also, the orientation of the gauge does not affect its reading.
A good-quality digital gauge will cost $500 to $1000 (U.S.). Radio
transmissions affect the digital gauge reading, so shut off your radio
when taking such a reading.
Velocity affects pressure. Figure 43.2 illustrates the problem. This
is plant data from a hydro-desulferization unit. The 10-psi increase
in the pressure through the exchanger is due to the reduction in
velocity, resulting from flowing from the 6-in exchanger inlet into
the 8-in exchanger outlet line. Certainly there are frictional losses
through the exchanger, but this is more than offset by the conversion
of kinetic energy into pressure.
When measuring a differential pressure, changes in elevation
between the two pressure points should be corrected to take into
6 in

850 psig

860 psig
8 in


Decrease in velocity, increases flowing pressure by 10 psig.

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Field Troubleshooting Process Problems

Chapter 43:

F i e l d Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g P r o c e s s P r o b l e m s





FIGURE 43.3 P-1 will read higher than P-2, due to dynamic pressurethe
conversion of velocity into localized pressure.

account the density of the flowing fluid (one psi equals 2.31 ft of water).
(See Chap. 40 for an example.)
Avoid dynamic pressure readings. Figure 43.3 illustrates the
problem. The kinetic energy of the high-velocity inlet fluid will be
converted to pressure as it impacts the vessel wall at P1. This is called
a dynamic pressure. The pressure at P2 will be lower than P1. The
correct pressure to read is the static pressure measured at P2.
Account for nozzle entrance and exit losses. (See Fig. 43.4.) The
pressure at P2 is lower than P1 due to the acceleration of vapor through




FIGURE 43.4 Pressure at P-2 is lower than P-1, due to nozzle exit loss.
Pressure at P-1 is converted to velocity at P-2.

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A Working Guide to Process Equipment

the overhead vapor line. That is, the pressure of the vapor is partly
converted to velocity. To correct the pressure at P2 to static pressure at
P1, add the nozzle exit loss as follows:
Nozzle exit loss (psi) = 0.3


(62.3) (27.7 )

where DV = Density of vapor in lb/ft3

V = Vapor velocity in overhead line in ft/s

Better yet, just measure the pressure at P1 and forget about the
corrections for nozzle losses. On the other hand, the fluid flowing
from a nozzle into a vessel will usually gain in pressure (pressure
Dont forget about time. Pressures in flowing systems naturally
fluctuate by a few percent. To avoid the distortion of an observed
differential pressure due to such fluctuations, select a reference pressure
somewhere in the process. After each pressure measurement, recheck
the reference pressure gauge. Correct your recent measurements for
the observed pressure fluctuations.
I could write a whole book just about making pressure and flow
and level and temperature measurements in the field. Actually, I have.
(Troubleshooting Process Operations, 3d ed., Pennwell Publications, Tulsa,
Oklahoma.) But Ive made my point. Making field measurements is
complicated. There are too many variables to turn the job over to the
unit outside operator. There are so many sources of potential error to
consider and eliminate. There is only one way to make sure any job is
done right and thats to do it yourself. At least you will know which
data are reliable and which data are questionable.


Indirect Flow Measurement

Relief valves, control valves, and isolation valves are subject to

leakage. In a typical modern petroleum refinery, about 0.4 wt.% of
crude charge is sacrificed in this wasteful manner, mainly due to
valve leakage. Knowing that a valve is leaking is not much help in
getting it fixed, unless an approximate idea can be obtained as to how
much is leaking. Let me give an example as to how I handle this
Assume that a closed gate valve on a 3-in, 200F, hot water line is
leaking. We are sure that the valve is leaking because the piping
downstream of the closed gate valve is hot to the touch. To estimate
the leaking flow rate, proceed as follows:
1. Using your surface temperature infrared gun, check the
temperature of the pipe immediately downstream of the
leaking valve.
2. Repeat the above, 20 ft downstream.

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Chapter 43:

F i e l d Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g P r o c e s s P r o b l e m s


3. Calculate the observed sensible heat loss per pound of water.

If the observed temperature difference between step 1 and
step 2 is 20F, then heat loss per pound is 20 Btu per pound of
4. Calculate the observed ambient heat loss from the 20 ft of 3-in
pipe (with an area of 16 ft2) using the formula:
Heat loss = (T) (U) area
Heat loss = Btus per hour.
T = Temperature difference between the average pipe
surface temperature and the ambient air temperature, F.
U = Heat transfer coefficient. Use about 2 for skin
temperatures of 200 to 300F in still air. Use about 4 for
skin temperatures of 400 to 600F in windy conditions.
Area of pipe, ft2.
For our example:
Heat loss = (180 to 80F) (2) (6) = 3200 Btu/hr.
The (180 to 80F) term is based on the average skin
temperature of the pipe of 180F and the ambient
temperature of 80F.
5. Divide the observed ambient heat loss (step 4) by the
observed sensible heat loss per pound of water. In our
3200 Btu/hr 20 Btu/lb = 160 lb/hr
This is the amount of 200F water leaking through the closed
If the pipe is insulated, just make the skin temperature measurements on the external insulation. The heat transfer coefficients
(between 2 and 4) will still apply in the temperature ranges noted


Using the Infrared Surface Temperature Gun

Checking a pipe surface temperature using a temperature gun requires

following several rules:
The gun needs to be 1 to 6 in from the surface. Do not be
fooled by the laser pointer. Just having the red dot on the
surface will not give you a good reading on a small pipe if
you are 5 ft away. If its a large vessel, the longer distance is

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A Working Guide to Process Equipment

A shiny reflective surface will give erratically low readings.
Stainless steel surfaces are bad. Rub some tar or black paint
on such a surface. Wait until it stops smoking. A rough, rusty,
black, or brown surface is best. For cool (100F) pipes, surface
conditions are not important.
Try for the highest temperature reading possible. The angle
you hold the gun at, relative to the pipe, does affect the
observed temperature.
Dont waste time and money on an instrument with an
emissivity reading. Just make sure the pipe surface is
nonreflective by using the tar, black paint, or blackish grease.
Ive had no luck with the emissivity settings.
Use of the surface temperature gun, which is my main troubleshooting tool, requires consistency, not accuracy.


Pressure Measurement Problem

Often one has to obtain a pressure reading on a vapor-filled line.

Most technicians will realize that locating the gauge below the vapor
line will result in an erroneously high reading because the line will
fill with condensate. But suppose the pressure gauge is located
above the vapor line. If the line is self-draining (no loops or pockets),
will a true pressure reading result? It depends on the diameter and
length of the pressure sensing line. A sensing line less than 10 in is
fine. If the pressure sensing line is 2 in or larger, it will be selfdraining and that is good. But if the pressure sensing line is smaller
than 0.75 in, the line will not be self-draining. The condensate will
accumulate in the vertical section of the line, and the indicated
pressure reading will be too low. Why this happens I cannot say. But
I have observed this problem for both hydrocarbon and aqueous

43.6 Troubleshooting Methods

With tool bag in hand, you now set off to troubleshoot the process
problem. There are three alternative methods to consider:
Trial and error
To a large extent, experience does not help me solve very many
problems. It isnt that I dont see the same problem repeatedly.
I certainly do. Its just that a problem has so many different faces that

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Chapter 43:

F i e l d Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g P r o c e s s P r o b l e m s


I fail to recognize the true nature of the problem. Superficially, it looks

Relying on experience wastes time. Relying on experience as a
guide drags me into the quagmire of trial and error. I have an inner
weakness for trial and error solutions. Its inertia and laziness on my
part. Its part of my propensity, carried forward from childhood, for
the quick fix without the commensurate effort.
Its true many problems are solved by experience (someone
has seen the same problem before). Its true most problems are
solved by trial and error (alternatives are tried until something
works). My difficulty is that process problems that can be solved by
trial and error or by ordinary experience rarely reach me. They are
handled by the shift operators or solved by the unit engineers.
Its the intractable problems that are my domain. The ones caused
by several malfunctions, all of which have to be corrected before any
improvement is obtained. Its the problems that appear to be unrelated
to any prior plant operating experience.
These sorts of problems I have been able to solve only by insight.
First, I collect all the field data. Second, I discuss the situation with
the plant shift operators. Next, Ill examine tower internal drawings,
pump curves, exchanger data sheets. Finally, Ill perform the relevant
engineering calculations. This usually does not result in reaching a
resolution of the problem.
What I must now do is that which I find most difficult. Its the
application of intellectual energy and insight.
I have to be alone. Alone and away from telephones. I do best
when out of the plant, perhaps walking in a park.
I have to accept all the data. Ill repeat to myself the mantra, Even
though you dont like the data, the data represent reality. The data
you wish to reject are just a reflection of your lack of intellectual
I have to put aside all preconceptions. I have to discard the notion
that Ive seen this situation before. Trying to solve a problem based on
experience creates mental confusion and wastes time.
I have to cast aside my ego. Often Ive already taken a position in
some meeting. I hate to admit Im wrong. I hate to admit that an
analysis by some junior engineer was correct.
Twenty-five years ago a young engineer from Standard Oil of
Ohio asked me to define a step-wise approach to troubleshooting
process plant problems. Honestly, I didnt know how to answer her
question. And I still dont know. Its a sense that grows inside me,
rather like hunger or anger or joy. Its a sense of growing comprehension. The seed of the solution existed in my mind all along. It
will grow into comprehension given the right environment.
I call this insight, but if you dont know what I mean, I cant
explain it.

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Field Troubleshooting Process Problems


A Working Guide to Process Equipment

Thanks for reading our book. If you have any questions, please
contact us at:
1-504-456-1835 (fax)
1-504-887-7714 (phone)
norm@lieberman-eng.com (e-mail)
Liz and Norm Lieberman
5000 W. Esplanade
P.M.B. 267
Metairie, Louisiana 70006

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