Sex Talk 1

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Javier Ortega TY B

Sex Talk part 1

1. Describe in some detail the activity undertaken.

The activity we did was Sex talk, a woman came and told us about different
subjects I sexology, like the girl and boy sexual part anatomy, the circumcision
and more other subjects.
2. What did you enjoy most about the activity and why?
What I enjoyed the most about the activity was the nice the woman was she
talked really fluently about the subject and she was relaxed and explained us the
things so we understood.
3 What did you least enjoy about this activity and why?
Actually there wasnt nothing that I least enjoy about the activity she talked
fluent and explained things correctly, I think it was fine and she explain really
interesting things in a funny way.
4. What have you learnt as a result of this activity?
Ive learned more about sexology and interesting facts about different sexology
5 How does this activity link in with your Ty Studies?
This will be really useful for biology.
6. How will this activity help you in the future?
It will help me on different things about sex.
7. What skills have you learned or developed?
Ive developed my listening skill and I learned facts about sex.
8. How did you rate your own level of participation?
I rate my own level of participation as normal. Because I helped on the activity
and the task she gave us.
9. Please rate this activity out of 10

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