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PLACE A N A D T O D AY ! F o r a s l o w a s P 6 0 0 o n l y. P L E A S E C A L L 2 5 7 7 4 6 9

Education with a Heart

amed after the patron saint of Sta. Ana ten years ago, she envisioned a dream that made
Manila and mother of Mama Mary, St. Anne her realize what she really wanted to do for the
was the source of inspiration for the founding rest of her life. Having that purpose with an
members of one of the most highly recommended uplifted spirit and a new vision for the future, she
technical and vocational school in Makati. A proven decided to come back home to the Philippines and
track record and almost a decade of experience in the give service to her country instead.
field of education, St. Anne School of Arts, Science
From then on there’s no stopping St. Anne School
and Technology still remains as the top choice for
in fulfilling the dreams of its founder of helping
most Filipinos who wants to take their career to the
as many people as possible in providing them a
next level. Proof that quality education needs not to
better tool for their future. True to her words and
be expensive.
wisdom with all humility, St. Anne School is now
With its affordable fees, flexible class schedules and in the verge of a critical change with its advocacy
highly skilled faculty and staffs, St. Anne School not of education with a heart in aid of changing the
only gives a competent hands-on skills training but lives of the common Filipinos.
also can provide a job assistance program with its
St. Anne School of Arts, Science and Technology
qualified and deserving students.
offers the following courses from Caregiver,
“Education is the most important tool that people Nursing Care Assistant, Practical Nursing,
could use to change their lives. With the proper set Pediatric Care, Senior Carer, Hotel & Restaurant
of skills, knowledge and training, you can become Management to Tourism and Hospitality
anyone you want to be and steer your own destiny.” Management.
as stated by its School Administrator.
It specializes in short term courses such as
It has never entered the mind of its founder that one Culinary Arts, Commercial Cooking, Bartending,
day she would be at the forefront of one of the most Barista, Baking and Pastry Production. They also
coveted, TESDA accredited, technical and vocational provide training for services like Housekeeping,
school in Makati City. But fate seems to have it that Front Office, Travel Service, Tour Guiding and
way when one day while she was in Australia, almost Food and Beverage Services.

St. Anne School of Arts, Science and Technology is now accepting enrollees for Culinary Arts for March 2010
Batch. Be a highly paid professional chef. Learn the art of Cooking and Baking . Set your future to a good
start now. For special promos, discounts and scholarship you may call at 887-6227 or 887-3148. You may
also visit their office at G/F Comfoods Bldg., Gil Puyat corner Chino Roces Avenues, Makati City.

Are you ready for CHANGE?
Are We Really Ready? Despite of the controversy surrounding its infallibility, all we could
We’re now on our fifth presidential run since the 1986 snap hope is for a just and peaceful election. There are advantages and
election. And what change did it bring us for our country since disadvantages in an automated election but no matter what the
then? Fortunately for those who earn money other than on our outcome would be, the truth is there’s still a little or no chance at all
own currency, most of them are probably not even from here, but for Filipinos and our country to be really free unless we start within
they’re the ones reaping the rewards and bliss of our country’s each and every one of us. If we really want change, we have to
democracy and economy. But for the majority public you can expect change ourselves.
for the worse. The fact remains that we still live in the darkest days
of our lives even gloomier than the previous ones due to rampant Changing the Way We think
corruption, social injustices and poverty. Considered still as a third The power of the mind is a unique tool for change.
world country by others with an old adage, “the rich gets richer and Whatever our mindset is programmed with
the poor become even poorer”. We often ask ourselves, where did constitutes the results from our own actions
we go wrong? How and what we should do? and emotions. We all have the ability to change
and the gift of influencing others to change. The
Automated Election Philippines is blessed with so many natural resources
On May 10, the Filipinos shall decide but the most important of all resources our country
again who will run this country. And for the has are the ones always taken for granted, and
first time we would be witnessing a new that is the Filipino people. Divided by more than
process called automation in our national 7,100 islands, culture, dialects, political views
and local voting system. The Comelec and religious beliefs; the probability of uniting our
was allotted P11 billion pesos budget people are deemed very slim. Unless we find a
for this year’s election. It inked a deal way to stand together united with the same vision
worth P7.2 billion with Smartmatic-TIM to finally put a stop and wage war against poverty
Joint Venture Company which will As long as there’s poverty, there will always be
provide the machines for its victims, corruption, prostitution, exploitation and war.
implementation. Smartmatic International
was the one involved in the automated The fight against poverty is not won in the streets, in
elections in the US, Mexico, Venezuela, Barbados, violence or in protest. It all starts and end within our own
Spain, Taiwan, and now the Philippines. Our government have minds.
stepped-up its campaign to educate and convince the voting public
of the new system and its integrity. In order to change this country, we have to change ourselves first.
In anything that we do, we should always strive to be better, if not,
The Automated Election actually involves the tabulation of votes be the best in everything. Believe that nothing is impossible as long
and not the actual casting of votes. Voters will be given pre-printed as we have faith and love for our country, we can always achieve
ballots together with a secrecy folder and a special marking pen, whatever we set in our minds. We have to reach out to as many
where they will mark their preferred candidates by shading the Filipinos as possible and send a powerful message of hope that we
oval beside the names of their choice. Ballots are then fed into could change our lives and this country, if we just believe. We need
a PCOS election machine, where votes are automatically tallied to continuously learn, teach, inspire and motivate Filipinos and begin
and forwarded to municipal and national servers. An election the change by changing the way Filipinos think.
officer monitors the PCOS screen to make sure that the ballot was
successfully accepted. The PCOS machines will transmit encrypted
election returns, and print-out eight copies for various political
parties and election watchdogs for manual cross-checking.

Michael Mendoza
Art & Photography

C R E AT I V E TEAM Joe Servano Charlie Elona

Editor in chief Carol Fernandez
Maribel Fernandez Insiang Peralta Kian Suelto
Advertising Executive
Managing Director Creative Director

FreeFILIPINO Magazine is a free community magazine published by

FreeFILIPINO Publishing Inc.
Address all correspondence and advertisement inquiries to
FreeFILIPINO Magazine 37/F LKG Tower, 6801 Ayala Ave., Makati City 1226
Telephone: 257 7469 Fax: 859 2882
Email addresses:

FreeFilipino Magazine shall not be held liable, in any way, should any problem arise from the truthfulness or validity
of any product, service, product or claim of any advertisers published ads herein. The general public is therefore warned and
advised to verify first the correctness and the lawfulness of the company before making any transaction. Statement, views and
opinions expressed by the writers, contributors and advertisers are their own and does not constitute or do not necessarily
represent those of the publisher or the management of FreeFilipino Publishing Inc.


The Significance of
Benefits of Exercise to Our Body.
· builds strength, endurance, stamina and

Exercising for Better Health

· burns stress hormones and calories
· promotes stronger heart muscle
Exercise, together with a healthy diet, helps reach our body’s
maximum energy potential. · supplies our body organs with a good
It also improves how we look and how we feel. It’s time or have any doubts about your health then amount of oxygen
vital for our over-all well being to understand the it is important to consult a health professional
importance of a daily physical activity in our life. We immediately before you decide to exercise. · circulates nutrients in blood
need to move our bodies to increase the circulation efficiently
of oxygen and nutrients to our body organs. It also GETTING STARTED
strengthens our muscles and burn off unwanted fats Buy a good pair of comfortable walking shoes. · improves blood
and stress chemicals. Start at your own pace, since it’s not a competition
so there’s no need to hurry. Begin a 10-minute circulation and
TAKING THE FIRST STEPS stretching program you can do at home. A breathe bone density
Humans are not designed to live an inactive life. of fresh air is not a bad idea. Don’t push yourself
Unfortunately, modern technology has contributed too hard to prevent risk of injury. A 45-minute walk · helps protect
immensely to our sedentary lifestyles. From on a treadmill or a brisk half hour walk 2 to 3 times
motorized transportations to vacuum cleaners and a week is a good start especially if you’re unfit. You
against heart
washing machines, our health is at great risk and can gradually increase your pace as your stamina disease &
pays dearly with the simplest conveniences that and strength improve. The important thing is that osteoporosis
reduced to almost nothing the need for us to exert you should learn to enjoy what you’re doing. Treat
efforts. Therefore it is essential for us to fill that gap it like learning a new skill. Start at the beginning,
with regular exercise. stay focus and committed. Decide on exercise · enhance
you are most comfortable with and always take immune
KNOW YOUR LIMITS account of your age, weight, and health conditions. system
Not everyone can enjoy the benefits of what exercise Remember to breathe deeply, feel the energy
can bring. There are many things we should consider within your body and drink lots of water after. and boost
before starting a regimen and a visit to a doctor first vitality
is highly recommended; especially if you suffer from
a medical condition such as diabetes, heart disease, · increased
high blood pressure, asthma or very overweight. On our next issue: Weight and Diet. How our look
If you are aged 45+ and haven’t exercised for a long reflects the way we eat. Guidelines on Healthy Eating.



Living the Filipino Dream

Life had never been that easy to Manolo, an honest, unassuming, ordinary man and a native of Leyte. Noli,
as known to his friends, has worked his way up to the business world thru hardships and perseverance and
is now living a Filipino dream. With his successful ventures in real estate management and selling, he now
operates and co-owns the very first Filipino-Korean realty company in the Philippines.

The Daemyung Consulting and Realty Corporation caters mostly to our Korean counterparts and fellow
Filipinos living in Korea. He was able to bridge a gap between the two nations towards a mutual and healthy
business relationship. And with that partnership it grew to a thousand fold which prove to be a very rewarding
career for Noli.

Filipinos are naturally charming, highly conversable, neat, honest, hardworking and trustworthy. These are
the characters inherent to a man that made him a self made-success. Earning the trust of foreigners is a great
achievement shared not by everyone but to him it came in easily. Being a good steward can really make a
lifetime of a difference.

In December of 2009, Noli launched another feat and opened the first ever Filipino-Korean Store in Makati
City. The Quik24 is a 24-hour convenience store located at the lower ground floor of the Makati Palace
Hotel, in Burgos corner Caceres streets. It’s a one-stop shop offering a wide range of both local and Korean
products and services from grocery items, beverages to school and office supplies. It also serves Korean
cuisine and special delicacies for dine-in and take-out. Soon it will be opening up to other services such as
free delivery within its local area.

The onslaught of the global economic crisis didn’t hinder Filipino entrepreneurs like Noli from taking risk
on yet another venture and he’s still on the look-out for even more opportunities. He hope to share to others
the same confidence he has for our country and start building an empire the same way as he did from a mere
foundation of trust, determination and hardwork.
Daemyung Consulting and Realty Corporation
Telephone: (02) 897 97 68 Mobile: 0920 4638085

[ Earn unlimited income this year!
We will show you how.

Whether you have been an entrepreneur all your life, or just starting,
or don’t know where to begin, we can help you grow rich. With the
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We’ll show you how to make your money work for you.



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· Potential Livelihood Opportunity down to the community based level
· Highly Consumable, Effective, Value driven and Quality Products
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· Open for Dealership and with Easy Payment Terms Available

Quality Filipino products, USFDA and BFAD approved with Good

Manufacturing Practices (CGMP), Value for Money, Low Risk,
Small Start-up, Big Income and with a Global Market Reach.

If you think you’ve got what it takes to make it big this year and whether
you had experience in the same field or not, please feel free to see it for
yourself and schedule an appointment for a brief orientation and free
product samples. The company will provide training and full group support.
We will show you how to make your money work for you effectively and
take advantage of this great health and wellness Global Filipino opportunity.

Text name and contact details at 0929 2187614

for appointment email:



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