Toeic 900d Reading Test 6

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In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
101. Every five years, it is mandatory that
(B) light
drivers take a new photo and _____ their
(C) humane
licenses in order to retain driving privileges.
(D) effective
(A) lose
107. The ventriloquist delivered a great
(B) renew
_____that resulted in thunderous
(C) file
applause and a twenty-minute ovation.
(D) record
(A) letter
102. He was shocked that none of the
(B) critic
_____looked up when he demanded assistance
(C) performance
in a loud voice at the front desk.
(D) audience
(A) employees
108. In addition to his excellent _____
(B) offices
skills and organization, Hank is an
(C) ceilings
outgoing person who can ease any
(D) tables
103. _____ the doctor nor the nurse knew
(A) candidate
where the patient had disappeared to and the
(B) management
entire hospital staff was immediately put on
(C) decency
(D) application
(A) Even
109. In order to extend the _____ of the
(B) Neither
series, the writer added new characters
(C) When
and interesting twists in the plotline.
(D) Because
(A) continuously
104. Instead of giving the note directly to
(B) continuation
_____, Heather placed the paper on the table
(C) continues
and shoved it in his direction.
(D) continue
(A) himself
110. The irony of the recent mugging
(B) him
was that the apartment complex had
(C) he
just increased _____on its grounds by
(D) his
hiring additional night-time guards.
105. Over the week, the elementary school
(A) threat
students were instructed on how to behave
(B) security
_____in a museum setting.
(C) robbers
(A) appropriately
(D) enforcement
(B) appropriate
111. Chelsea and Frances decided to
(C) appropriates
_____to the relief effort funds after
(D) appropriation
attending a lecture by one of the victims
106. The public outcry for more _____
who had been devastated by the
punishment for repeating crime offenders led
to longer jail sentences and tighter
(A) contribute
restrictions in the probation period.
(B) forget
(A) general
(C) pay

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(D) charge
112. He was_____by the bizarre positions the
acrobats contorted their bodies into and
couldn't help wincing when he saw one young
girl fold her body in half.
(A) hurts
(B) inspiration
(C) bewildered
(D) formed
113. Although he desired greatly to _____ the
first man to win the gold medal four years in
a row. he was forced to bail out of the
competition after he twisted his ankle.
(A) being
(B) be
(C) has been
(D) will be
114. Talking _____ to the abused child, the
therapist was able to extract the information
needed to prosecute his mother.
(A) directly
(B) abruptly
(C) hurtfully
(D) fleetingly
115. Because of a lack of a _____ variety of
programs, most people in this country do not
watch television regularly.
(A) deep
(B) few
(C) many
(D) wide
116. Neighbors ought to refrain from making
excessive noise _____ the evening if they want
to get along with each other.
(A) for
(B) during
(C) before
(D) while
117. His passport was no longer _____, but he
kept it as a souvenir to remind him of his
various travels.
(A) worthless
(B) pass
(C) valid
(D) usage
118. Because of its many layers, putting on a
kimono_____ requires the assistance of an
expert dresser.
(A) incorrectly
(B) properly
(C) gradually
(D) painfully


119. Despite the long hours of

preparation that went into the outdoor
barbeque party, _____ rains forced us
to cancel it.
(A) predictable
(B) forecasted
(C) unfamiliar
(D) unexpected
120. The computer navigation system
was not very helpful in _____ the small
restaurant since construction closed
down the instructed roads.
(A) locating
(B) drawing
(C) creating
(D) devising
121. The executive heads of the company
were called in for an emergency meeting
to_____ the unionized workers from
(A) help
(B) overhaul
(C) prevent
(D) force
122. No new _____has ever come to her
interview as late and unprepared as
Rachel Dawson in the history of our
(A) application
(B) applicator
(C) applicant
(D) appliance
123. Mrs. Garrison sent an _____ letter
to the editor to request that the
magazine change its negative attitude
towards gays and lesbians.
(A) addition
(B) add
(C) additionally
(D) additional
124. Despite _____ levels of
unemployment in the United States,
poverty rates are rising quicker than
ever before.
(A) escalating
(B) decreasing
(C) ascending
(D) soaring
125. Some scientists believe that eating a
well-balanced meal in the morning can
significantly increase an individual's

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(A) effective
(B) hunger
(C) nutritionally
(D) productivity
126. The string of poor ______he made in the
late 90s ultimately caused him to become
bankrupt and lose his company.
(A) capacities
(B) investments
(C) benefits
(D) interests
127. He found that quitting his job and
starting an online business was the most
_____ decision he had ever made in his life.
(A) generous
(B) dependent
(C) lucrative
(D) suspended
128. He advised the young novelist that the
book to_____ another publishing company if
he wanted to keep it in its original form.
(A) has sent
(B) were sent
(C) to send
(D) be sent
129. Selma made the presentation easier to
follow _____ providing everyone with a
handout that outlined her main points.
(A) to
(B) if
(C) by
(D) since
130. Unsure if his detailed explanation made
_____to the young recruits, he retold the
history of the company with simpler terms.
(A) sure
(B) sense
(C) idea
(D) entry
131. Her fondness for children naturally
steered her into a career that offered _____
and support to schoolchildren.
(A) guidance
(B) allowance
(C) pregnancy
(D) research
132. Keeping _____accordance with the
agency's mission statement, we offer absolute
confidentiality and anonymity to all our
(A) from
(B) to


(C) in
(D) out
133. Obtaining the guardian's _____ is a
requirement for any researcher who is
planning on running experiments that
involve children.
(A) method
(B) document
(C) procedure
(D) consent
134. Although cute and cuddly in
appearance, a bear is ____of killing a
human being in a matter of seconds.
(A) capable
(B) inevitable
(C) edible
(D) unable
135. She was eager to _____the kitchen
and living room, but did not plan to
start doing so until she had saved a few
thousand dollars.
(A) enter
(B) renovate
(C) ruin
(D) omit
136. The restaurant owner placed _____
flowers at each table to save the time
and cost of setting out fresh ones every
(A) artificial
(B) expensive
(C) genuine
(D) current
137. The company agreed to reimburse
her for her travel and board _____ if
she gave the opening speech at the
(A) hotels
(B) lists
(C) accommodations
(D) expenses
138. Because the patient's symptoms
were _____ despite the early treatment,
the doctor decided to move him into
another ward.
(A) flourishing
(B) worsening
(C) disappearing
(D) shifting
139. As part of his training, he was
required to give a_____ of the

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manufacturing plant to a group of middle

of finding a correlation between the two
school students.
(A) tour
(A) inept
(B) trip
(B) approximate
(C) travel
(C) alternative
(D) voyage
(D) imprudent
140. The researcher abandoned his original
idea and investigated an _____theory in hopes
Directions: Read the texts below. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. For each
empty space in the text, select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B),
(C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 141-143 refer to the following passage.
Large companies have set their eyes on the younger _____betting that if you
141. (A) generator
(B) generation
(C) fragment
(D) ingredient
can get them early, you might keep them longer. This was clearly acknowledged on Tuesday at the
opening of the Paris fashion week, when H&S, the junior line of Dolcy & Dock, invited 120
students to sit front row and center.
The show _____with a "beach party" of dancing male models, and everyone looked
142. (A) abolished
(B) corresponded
(C) converted
(D) culminated
happy. But those interested in _____the future of fashion would he well advised to
143. (A) to design
(B) designing
(C) designed
(D) have designed
see Dolby Stone's shows later in the week, or attend the opening of Vara's photographic exhibit that
opens later tomorrow.
Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter.
Dear Ms. Howard,
It was a pleasure to meet you at last month's home improvement expo at the conference centre in
Dublin. It was a very _____ trip for our company and we were pleased with
144. (A) spiteful
(B) successful
(C) ferocious
(D) sympathetic
the strong interest in our do-it-yourself product line.
When we met, you expressed particular interest in these products and I have enclosed our latest
catalogue for you to examine. If you would like to place an order, we also have a same-day doorto-door delivery service that is free _____ charge within the
145. (A) in

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(B) on
(C) with
(D) of
Dublin area.
If you choose to order via this new method, we ask that you return unsold items within two months
of purchase. This is because we frequently upgrade and update our product line and need to keep it
current for our wholesale customers.
I look forward to receiving your order and I hope to have the pleasure _____ you
146. (A) on meeting
(B) of meeting
(C) did not meet
(D) to have met
again some time.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Debora Jones
Questions 147-149 refer to the following passage.
Have you ever stood behind someone _____line at the store and watched
147. (A) for
(B) at
(C) on
(D) in
them shuffle a large stack of at least 10 credit cards from different companies ?
Continent with such many cards are still In the minority, but experts say that the majority of U.S.
citizens have at least one credit card - and usually two or three.
Its true that credit cards are now important sources of identification - if you want to reserve a hotel
room, for example, you really need a major credit card. And used wisely, a credit card can provide
_____ and allow you to make purchases with nearly a
148. (A) interest
(B) convenience
(C) profit
(D) exposure
month to pay for them before interest is charged.
That sounds good But in reality, many consumers are unable to take____of
149. (A) lead
(B) advance
(C) advantage
(D) insurance
these benefits because they carry a balance on their credit card from month to month paying interest
that can be as high as 23 percent. Many find it hard to resist using the "plastic" for impulse
purchases or buying things they really cant afford. The numbers are striking: In 1999, American
consumers charged about $1.2 trillion on their general-purpose credit cards
Questions 150-152 refer to the following report.


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The citys ever-increasing traffic_____added to yet again this morning.

150. (A) growth
(B) fund was
(C) problems were
(D) laws were
Downtown was the scene of chaos when a truck Carrying 50,000 literal 01 milk overturned at the
intersection of Kennedy and Runnymede. The milk flowed onto the road creating a
slick_____which in at least 12 vehicles smashing into each other or
151. (A) surface
(B) flat
(C) external
(D) peripheral
Lampposts and signs.
No one was injured but the ensuing traffic jam _____ motorist for over 3 hours.
152. (A) propelled
(B) arrested
(C) detained
(D) slowed
The happy faces were on those of the neighborhood cats, who enjoyed an unexpected feast
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine arid newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 153-154 refer to the following order form.
BMG Records
Get 12 CDs for the price of 1 by using this order form. Enjoy terrific savings, free music and more.
You start with 3 FREE CDs now, and pick the rest later from over 14,000 titles. A shipping and
handling charge will be added to each selection.
Complete the portion below and return by mail.
First Name: Jason
Last Name: Simmons
Email Address:
Home Address: 532 Cumbersome Drive
City: Lakewood

Telephone: (330)5707760
Zip Code:
Warner Bros.

1. 35990
All-Time Greatest Hits Barry White
2. 02303
Cheap Tricks
3. 23033
Van Morrison
Please choose one:
(X) Yes! I'd like to join BMG Records. Please send my 3 free selections now. I will then buy 1
selection at the regular Club price within a year and choose 8 more selections free. ( ) No, I do not
want to receive 12 CDs for the price of 1, with nothing more to buy, ever.
Payment Options (please choose one):
( ) Check
(X) Credit Card
Type: American Express

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Number: xxxx67424456523
EXP: 09 / 2008
BMG Records reserves the right to request additional information, or reject any application. Local
taxes, if any, will be added. Late charges will be added to past-due bills. Offer available in
continental USA and under special arrangement in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin
153. What additional fee will Mr. Simmons
154. Where will the CDs be sent?
come across?
(A) To Jason's place of residence.
(A) Special luxury tax.
(B) To Jason's workplace.
(B) Delivery charge.
(C) To a recording studio.
(C) ATM fee.
(D) To BMG Records.
(D) Postal stamp.
Questions 155-156 refer to the following information.
Welcome to NEMTA.
The Northeastern Massachusetts Transportation Authority (NEMTA) operates a multi-modal
system that provides public transit services in five different counties and to selected stations in
Connecticut and New York.
NEMTA is a convenient way to travel to work, school, shopping, and leisure time destinations
across the region. This map provides route and station information for regional rail, subway, and
trolley service. For information about bus route service, please refer to the published timetables, or
NEMTA's website.
NEMTA offers a variety of fare options, so pick the one that suits your travel needs. Transit Passes
can provide significant savings for unlimited travel on all NEMTA service routes for riders who use
the system on a daily basis. If you are planning a day's outing, try a Day Pass on any NEMTA bus,
subway, or trolley for one full calendar day. The Day Pass is also valid for one trip on the regional
155. What kind of service does NEMTA
(A) Anyone who will be traveling out on
the regional rail.
(A) Moving and delivery assistance.
(B) Anyone who works a full calendar day.
(B) Employment.
(C) Anyone who likes to travel around
(C) Financial support.
(D) Public transportation.
(D) Anyone who will be riding every day.
156. Who should purchase a Transit Pass?
Questions 157-159 refer to the following minutes.
International Council of Policy and Practice
Ana Miller
Darryl Wang
Vice President of Operations
Gregory Brunbaker
Vice President of Finance
Janice Simpson
Vice President of Communications
Date: September 13, 2005
Venue: Houston Hall, Room of Flags
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Topics covered:

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1. Reaffirmed agency's Non-Discrimination Statement and Equal Opportunity Act. Importance of

diversity in membership stressed as key to organization's revitalization.
2. Discussed a rough budget for meteorological research and upcoming conferences related he
tsunami disaster.
3. Decided to participate in this year's anti-slavery conference at Columbia University. Bruce
Benning, VP of Social Welfare, will speak at a special lecture preceding the conference.
4. In light of next week's officer elections, the President and VP of Finance each announced that
they will not be running again. VP of Operations and Communications each announced that they
hilly intend to run for their current positions again. Nominations will begin on Monday. Any
member who has been with I-Council for two or less years cannot be nominated.
5. Divided the responsibility of seeking new connections and possible members among the four
officers. Anyone willing to donate over 1000 dollars to the I-Council treasury will be automatically
entered into the 1-Council membership list.
6. The next meeting will be held on September 15, 2005 to prepare the upcoming conferences and
research information.
157. Which of the following was NOT
(D) Bruce Benning.
discussed at the meeting?
159. What is one prerequisite to being
(A) Budget proposals.
nominated for an officer position?
(B) A lecture before the conference.
(A) Must have previous experience as an
(C) Upcoming elections.
(D) Additional meeting space.
(B) Must be able to present special
158. Who made it clear that they will run for
the election?
(C) Must have been with the organization
(A) Ana Miller.
for over 24 months.
(B) Darryl Wang.
(D) Must offer 1000 dollars to the
(C) Gregory Brunbaker.
Questions 160-162 refer to the following letter.
Dear Mr.Pan,
Welcome! You are now insured under the AETNA insurance is your 2005-2006 health insurance
identification card. Please keep this card with you at all time, especially when seeking care outside
the state of Rhode Island or when filling a prescription.
Just a reminder of benefit and plan requirements:
- Access to 410,000 local and national preferred providers.
- $1,000,000 maximum benefit
- $500,000 prescription drug benefit with access to local and national preferred pharmacies
- Plan deductibles apply only to emergency room care, prescription drugs, substance abuse
treatment, immunizations, and annual eye exams.
Please keep in mind that von must he actively employed, otherwise your coverage could be
cancelled. This ID card does not guarantee payment or benefits as all claims are subject to medical
mid policy review, and are determined in accordance with the provisions and limitations of the
For questions regarding the insurance plan, please contact Chickering Claims Administrators, Inc.
at (00)841-5374 or,
Dona Mansfeld

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160. What should Mr. Pan do with the

enclosed item?
(A) Send it to Rhode Island.
(B) Present it to the local representative.
(C) Bring it with him all the time.
(D) Make a photocopy to submit to the HR
161. What is the greatest amount of monetary
(A) $2,000.


(B) $500,000.
(C) $410,000.
(D) $1,000,000.
162. What is one reason for which the
insurance plan may be withdrawn?
(A) Overspending in the hospital.
(B) Failing to provide valid ID at a
(C) Stepping outside the coverage area.
(D) Being out of work.

Questions 163-166 refer to the following advertisement.

Apheos is the solution to your diverse business
and document management needs.
With the addition of a new Web Services framework, Apheos XI uses the open architecture of SML
and SOAI technologies, so you can now link, integrate and customize your existing business
systems and web applications easily.
It also enables knowledge-sharing and linking of digital data and paper-based documents with
minimal manpower, low cost and a short lead-time. The Web browser can be displayed on the lame
operation panel and frequently-used Web applications can be programmed to be shown. What's
more, uploading scanned documents to a specified folder on the Web application or printing digital
document its stored in the folder directly is now as easy as copying. Truly. Apheos is designed to
exceed your expectations in all ways.
Apheos is powered by a newly developed hybrid tandem engine and has a high speed scanning rate
of 100 papers per minute (ppm) in monochrome and 50 ppm in color. The real 2,400 dpi highquality picture resolution is made by a new vertical laser.
Bring this leaflet with you before October 15th and we will provide a 15% discount and free
delivery. So confirm your purchase today or you may miss out on this opportunity!
163. What kind of client is this product
(C) The Web browser can be shown on the
(A) A company that has many hard copy
(D) The product works with 100 ppm in
(B) A company that makes investments over the
165. What benefit can customers get
until October 15th?
(C) An organization that focuses on design.
(A) They can receive a trial order for a
(D) A medical center that specializes in surgical
(B) They can get a copy machine for half
164. According to the advertisement, which of
the following is NOT true?
(C) They can buy the product more
(A) Apheos can be used to customize the office
cheaply by showing the leaflet.
(D) They can win free maintenance service
(B) The product can save money and time.
for a year.
Questions 166-168 refer to the following information.
A Double Dose of Data
While many big pharmaceutical firms are ailing, IMS Health, which measures the industry's vital
statistics, is in great shape. IMS is the leading supplier of research on the world's $550 billion
prescription-drug market, tracking everything from broad industry trends to how many prescriptions
for a particular drug a particular doctor in America wrote last week. IMS' dominance was so great

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in 2002, that a commission in Europe brought charges of business monopoly against the firm.
Eventually IMS prevailed.
With $1.6 billion in revenues last year, IMS's dominant market position has made it an attractive
takeover target. On July 11th, VNU, a Dutch market-research firm, made its move, announcing its
acquisition of IMS for $7 billion dollars. For IMS, the deal will move it closer to the consumer.
VNU's strengths in analyzing information on customer behavior and knowledge of communications
media may come in very handy for IMS.
166. What kind of company is IMS?
(D) It was not paying back borrowed
(A) Data collecting agency.
(B) Organization of doctors.
168. What happened to IMS recently?
(C) Factory that produces medicine.
(A) It took over another company.
(D) Media company based in the Netherlands.
(B) It was bought by a foreign firm.
167. Why was IMS brought to court?
(C) It is developing a new way of
(A) It was providing the wrong data.
gathering information.
(B) It was using fraud in dealing with a
(D) A communications department was
pharmaceutical company.
(C) It was controlling the market.
Questions 169-172 refer to the following announcement
The Rotary club of Philadelphia invites you to join us on a tour of America's oldest brewery.
Youngling Brewery tour and reception will be held on Saturday, October 22, The tour will be from
1pm to 2:30pm at 5th Ave. Street in Pottsville, PA. Following immediately after will be the
reception at Maroon's Sports Bar & Grill at 556 North Center Street in Pottsville, PA.
Availability is limited to 60 people. A van service with limited seating (24 seats) will he also
available. Additional questions can be forwarded to Mark Cabot() at mcaboto@yahoo.corn or by
cell at 434-213-4933. Please meet at Yuengling Gilt Shop by 12:45pnt, If you want to shop for pins,
it is suggested you arrive earlier. No lunch will be provided, but appetizers will be served at the
meet-and-greet reception. Closed toed shoes only. No sandals, flip-flops, or any other shoes with
openings in the front, back or sides.
Please RSVP by September 30 by sending check payable to The Rotary Club of Philadelphia to:
Office of the Rotary Club, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
169. What unique fact is mentioned about the
(A) It has a gift shop that is open 24 hours.
(B) Visitors can check out the restaurant in the
(C) It has a strict dress code.
(D) It was one of the first breweries in America.
170. Why is the gift shop mentioned?
(A) It is the gathering venue for the tour.
(B) It is where the reception will take place.
(C) Visitors can use their checks there.
(D) Participants must bring gifts.
171. What is one rule in participating in the
Questions 173-176 refer to the following instruction.

(A) Alcoholic drinks are strictly

(B) Participants must be under 60 years
(C) The fare must be paid by credit card.
(D) Appropriate footwear must be worn.
172. According to the announcement,
which one is NOT true?
(A) Tour and reception will be held in
different places.
(B) Limited number of people can take
part in the tour.
(C) Full lunch will be provided.
(D) People who want to go must reply.

From: Martha Ray, Coordinator for Sansom Place Apartments

Re: Fire & Evacuation Safety


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Many fire alarms have been set off by burnt or smoky food. Please be attentive to your culinary
activities. Do not prop your door open while cooking as it can cause hall smoke detectors and the
whole building's alarms to go off. Due to the serious nature of fire safety, we have instituted a $50
fine for persons who activate building-wide alarms when window ventilation would have prevented
the incident.
If your cooking sets off the building's alarms:
1. Notify the building's Information Center to alert the staff of the situation. This will help the Fire
Department locate the source of the alarm, and will shorten the time the lire bells ring.
2. Exit the building according to the procedures outlined in the resident handbook. Remember to
dress appropriately to brave the outdoor elements. Also, you must exit using one of the lire
stairwells: All elevators become immediately inoperable once the alarm sounds.
If you do not report the cause and your apartment is found to be the source of an alarm, you may be
tined considerably. Please also remember that open flames and candles are not permitted in Sansom
Place and that halogen lamps must be handled with safety and kept away from curtains.
173. What is recommended for residents to do
175. What is the consequence of not
in case of burnt or smoky food?
taking accountability in setting off a fire
(A) Open the main door and let the smoke
dissipate into the hall.
(A) A warning.
(B) Open a window and let the smoke dissipate
(B) A fire department citation.
into the outside air.
(C) A hefty fine.
(C) Call the fire department and ask for help.
(D) Exclusion from building activities.
(D) Inform all immediate neighbors and let the
176. What is illegal to have in Sansom
Information Center know.
Place Apartments?
174. What happens when the alarm sounds?
(A) Halogen lamps.
(A) All the doors become locked.
(B) Smoke detectors.
(B) Stairwells become inaccessible.
(C) Flammable curtains.
(C) Elevators stop working.
(D) Candles.
(D) The Information Center will make an
Questions 177-180 refer to the following report.
Police seek high bail for repeat hike thief
By Andrew Whitney
September 23, 2006
City police arrested a man whom they called a recurrent hike thief Wednesday with the help of local
Around 2:05 p.m., 71-year-old Brian Housman saw a man using bolt-cutters to attempt to cut
through a cable-style hike lock that was being used to secure a hike at the entrance a City Hall.
Housman immediately called police, hut the would-be thief had tied the scene. He left the bike
behind. along with its severed lock cable. Because the hike was not registered with the city, officers
stationed a security guard at the scene to await the owner's return.
When the bike owner -- a local university student -- returned about an hour later. The bike in
question was a black Giant bike worth about S 150. police took his statement. Meanwhile. an offduty security guard spotted a man actilli2, suspiciously near a hike rack in the parking tot complex
by Kelly Drive.

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The man matched the description from the earlier attempted theft given by Housman. The off-duty
guard recognized him as William Dammer, 30, of the SW block of North Taylor Street in
Philadelphia's Fairmount neighborhood.
The same guard had taken down Dimmers name for bike Melt several months earlier. In fact,
Dammer had been arrested numerous times for similar crimes. He was out on I .1..e awaiting trial in
another case.
In response, police officials have submitted a "high-bail request" to the Philadelphia District
Attorney's Office in an attempt to keep the suspect jailed until a trial. Such requests are normally
reserved for more serious crimes, but Police Captain Joseph Fischer said that given the repetitive
nature of the crimes, it was justified in this case.
177. Who was the owner of the bike that had
179. Why are police officials requesting
been almost stolen?
for a high bail in Dammer's case?
(A) Brian Housman.
(A) He is a repeat offender.
(B) A security guard.
(B) Bike crimes are serious.
(C) A university student.
(C) The suspect escaped from the jail.
(D) William Dimmer.
(D) He stole the police captain's bike.
178. How did the off-duty guard recognize the
180. Who is Joseph Fischer?
bike thief?
(A) A court judge.
(A) He was his neighbor.
(B) Philadelphia's District Attorney.
(B) He recognized his profile and had caught
(C) The off-duty security guard.
him before.
(D) Head of the police force.
(C) Dammer's face appeared on posters often.
(D) They worked together at the local university.
Questions 181-185 refer to the following notice and email.
Arts and Culture Week in Detroit is fast approaching. Get 50% off tickets for 50 events held over
11 days from October 20 - 30. With assistance from the Detroit Cultural Organization and Rivendell
Row, the Academy of Lights presents fun and entertainment for all ages. Come join us for a free
night of theater on October 20th and watch any show at Arden Theater Co., Interact, Prince Music
Theater, and the Wilma Theater for absolutely no cost.
Adults over 21 years of age can also join Happy Hour from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the 24th to the 27th.
Gallery Night (October 28, 5:30pm - 8:30pm) and Museum Days (October 23-24 & 29-30) are open
to children but parents and guardians are advised to keep close supervision. Students are admitted
free to any event held in the Print Center, Sketch Club, Schwarz Gallery, Newman Galleries, the
Fabric Workshop, Kellijane Center, Art Conservatory, and Vox Populi throughout the week with
valid student ID.
Visit for times and locations. 100 discount tickets are available today and
may be obtained by emailing Tickets will be handed out without reservation
until supply is depleted.
Date: October 1, 2005
Re: Discount Tickets
I am writing this in response to your Arts and Culture Week ad in the Metro newspaper. Please send
me 6 discount tickets for the 11-day festival at my address:

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296


Jennifer Glaze
790 Whitman Circle
Detroit, MI 23959
In addition, I checked your website but the listing for all participating groups is inaccessible by the
link that is provided on the homepage. Can you please send me a list of all the theaters, galleries,
etc. that are affiliated with Arts and Culture Week? Also, I am a college student taking a year's
leave, but have lost my student card and will not be able to obtain a new one until I return next year.
Can I still enter without paying to the student-free events?
Your timely response is much appreciated.
Jennifer Glaje
181. Who is hosting the Arts and Culture
(C) Any organization that is participating
in the events.
(A) Rivendell Row.
(D) Metro newspaper subscribers.
(B) Detroit Cultural Organization.
184. Where did the notice appear?
(C) Detroit Guide.
(A) On the Internet.
(D) Academy of Lights.
(B) in a magazine.
182. What event does not permit high school
(C) In a paper.
(D) On a college bulletin board.
(A) Happy Hour.
185. What is Jennifer's problem?
(B) Gallery Night.
(A) She already graduated from school.
(C) Museum Days.
(B) She is unsure how to obtain the tickets.
(D) Vox Populi.
(C) She doesn't have a student ID card
183. Who will receive discount tickets?
(A) Whoever requests them, as long as they are
(D) She doesn't know where the events are
being held.
(B) Any student of the academy.
Questions 186-190 refer to the following memo and attachment.
To: Department Managers
From: Noguchi, Chairman
Kevin Williams from the UN contacted me about an opportunity for our firm to get involved in
energy issues in the Asian continent. There will be a mandatory interdepartmental meeting
tomorrow at noon for all department heads in the Blue Room pertaining to this subject. Involvement
in an energy program of this caliber will be the crucial element needed to expand and improve the
image of our firm.
Print out the following attachment with comments or questions. I will be out for the rest of the day
in a meeting with Sheldon Palmer of Readington, Inc., but feel free to leave a message with Beverly
if the need should rise.
Attachment i.doc
Expression of Interest for Policy Research:
Regional Energy Program for Poverty Reduction
The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is inviting qualified and interested
consultants or consultancy firms to express their interest and send their profile by July, 22, 2006 in
order to participate in the UNDP Regional Energy Program for Poverty Reduction.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296


The aim here is to develop three separate policy research papers on the following identified topics:
-Impact of rising oil prices on the poor.
-Cross-border energy trade issues and their impact on energy prices.
-Regional mapping of options to promote private investments on alternative energy sources
The consultancy service is expected to commence in September 2006, and is to be completed within
four months upon contract awarded by UNOPS. Individual contracts will be signed for each of the
above mentioned policy research papers.
Consultancy firms will be short-listed by UNOPS on the basis of the following requirements: Experience in consulting and research activities in the fields of energy, poverty and economic
-Knowledge and understanding on the linkages between energy and poverty
-Knowledge of energy markets and sustainable energy solutions.
-Appropriateness of the analytical tools used.
-Formal Expression of Interest.
Detailed terms are available upon email request at Interested companies must
submit the above documentation in English, for each study they Nyis!1 to bid for by July, 22, 2006
to Barbara Lemoine, United Nations, 2nd floor Service Building, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
186. According to the memo, why should the
(A) Travel to Asia.
firm participate?
(B) Write a paper.
(A) It will be financially profitable.
(C) Construct a research facility.
(B) It will improve relations among various
(D) Appoint a UN official.
189. What is NOT in the criteria for
(C) It will improve the company's reputation.
short-listing firms?
(D) It will promote Mr. Williams.
(A) Familiarity with the topic.
187. Why does Chairman Noguchi mention
(B) Type of research method employed.
Readington, Inc.?
(C) Know-how of solutions.
(A) To explain his absence.
(D) Ability to predict future crises.
(B) To suggest a rival for the UNDP proposal.
190. How can an interested party find
(C) To let his managers know who his original
out more information?
source was.
(A) Send a request in the post.
(D) To mention a powerful Asian corporation.
(B) Send an email.
188. What are consulting firms expected to do
(C) Write to the country representative.
if they are selected to participate?
(D) Bid in an auction.
Questions 191-195 refer to the following emails.
From: George Heimer <>
To: Bethany Davis <>
Date: January 15, 2006
Dear Bethany,
It was lovely to meet with you last Friday afternoon. Our discussion over the future of Holden
Industries was very productive and cleared up many financial concerns I had about our pending
merger. I have spoken with all staff and broken the news about Franklin Enterprises' acquisition of
I will be busy all next week meeting with clients and letting them know one by one the future of
Holden Industries, but we should schedule another lunch meeting to discuss other aspects of the

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296


merger including employee standing and benefits. I will be in contact with you before Thursday, but
if you have any pressing issues, please feel free to give me a call.
Also, on Friday, you mentioned that you sent a box of your business cards to our office, but my
secretary has informed me that it has yet to arrive. If it is not delivered by tomorrow, I request that
at least 20 cards be directly sent over to my office before 5pm by a personal messenger. It is
important that I have them ready for our clients.
I look forward to meeting you again.
Warmest regards,
George Heimer
Director, Holden Industries
From: Bethany Davis <>
To: George Heimer <>
Date: January 15, 2006
Dear George,
Thank for your email yesterday. Our lunch meeting on Friday was indeed constructive in laying out
some fundamental guidelines for our merger. I was happy to have the chance to meet you
My staff informed me that the box of my business cards was returned unopened, so I have sent one
of our interns to your office to deliver the box this morning. I am pleased to hear that we will be
meeting again shortly, since we do have more to discuss in regards to Franklin Enterprises
acquisition policies and the welfare of your current staff.
My schedule is open this coming Friday between the hours of 11 and 3 so if you are available. I
think it would be wise for us to meet before your client meetings. I will be awaiting your call
sometime soon, and hope that you receive all the needed materials.
Bethany Davis, CEO
Franklin Enterprises
191. What was discussed at the meeting?
(A) Layout of new business cards.
(B) Beginnings of a merger.
(C) Outsourcing of employees.
(D) Clientele records and information.
192. What concern did Helmer have
pertaining to the merger?
(A) The other company's profit margin.
(B) Whether or not they would be able to meet
(C) Confidentiality of the joining process.
(D) The fate of current workers.
193. What issue was raised surrounding the
business cards?
(A) They were not printed quickly enough.
(B) He received fewer cards than expected.

(C) Mr. Heimer has not received them yet.

(D) The delivery was made out to the
retired secretary.
194. Who will deliver the business
(A) Bethany Davis.
(B) The mail carrier.
(C) An office worker.
(D) Someone from Holden Industries.
195. For when does Davis propose their
next meeting?
(A) One week after their first meeting.
(B) On the 11th.
(C) On Thursday.
(D) Beginning of next week.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296


Questions 196-200 refer to the following notice and email.

Your monthly cable bill of $89.95 is past due. A late charge will apply if your account becomes 27
days overdue and will accrue daily until the bill is paid. Cable service will be disrupted 30 days past
the original due date and will require an additional $20 reactivation charge. To avoid this, please
mail your payment in full amount in the enclosed envelope.
Any questions or concerns regarding your account or billing statement may be forwarded to our
Customer Helpline at 1-800-205-9900 where a friendly customer representative will be happy to
help you. For email inquiries, please refer to our address at
P.O. Box 1045
Rocklin, CA 95677
From: Kristin Marshall <>
Re: Cable bill
I am writing this email in response to the notice I received regarding an unpaid cable bill.
I paid the bill on time on April 30, 2006. I have kept a copy of the payment for my records and will
gladly scan it and attach it to a second email if no records of the payment appear under my account.
Please reassess your database for any possible errors or misinformation. In addition, I have heard
reports for some other customers using this cable service that mistakes were frequent. A close
companion has even received free benefits and channels for the recurring errors that were made in
her statements. What kind of non-monetary reimbursement will I be eligible for if the mistake is
confirmed as being from your end?
I can be reached at my office at 213-205-2203 between the hours o19 and 5 if my account lists any
other inconsistency. Thank you for your cooperation.
Kristin Marshall
196. What is the purpose of the notice?
(A) To activate a cable service.
(B) To advertise a new company.
(C) To inform of an unpaid bill.
(D) To notify that a service is being cut off.
197. What is likely to happen if a bill goes
unpaid for a month?
(A) Service will be terminated.
(B) The company will sue.
(C) A customer representative will call.
(D) The customer's credit report will suffer.
198. How does the company expect to receive
(A) Over the Internet.
(B) By post.
(C) Through a wire transfer.
(D) By phone.

199. What kind of proof does Marshall

have that she paid the bill?
(A) A customer representative can attest.
(B) The check was sent as registered mail.
(C) Her office staff saw her do it.
(D) She has retained a duplicate.
200. What does Marshall request ?
(A) Compensation for the company's
(B) Discount for signing up her friends.
(C) Payment for the inconvenience she has
(D) Referrals to other cable services.


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