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eIpyl UL OIPeY AjIUNUULWOD jo Ayiqeulesng :seD10, Buipiqy ee Abiding Voices: Me Sustainability of f =~) Community Radio in India s 8 unicef Commonweaith Educational Media Genre = Unite for children for Asia ICEMCA), New Delhi E ble al 4 Abiding Voices: Sustainability of Community Radio in India “ 2 Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi unicef unite for children $ ao - ols le (cc) Creative Commons: Licence + Attribullon-Share Alike 2.5 Generic ‘Yau are trae - fo share (copy, distribute and transmit this work): and adapt this work - under the fallowing conditions: Atlribullon: you must attribute the work by Identifying bath the Sponsor/Licensor {Commonwealth Education Media Centra for Asia, UNICEF) and Authors (but natn any wary thatsugaests thal they endorse you or your use othe work), ‘Share Alike: if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distritite the resulting work ghly under the sams or similar license to this one For any reuse of distribution, you must make cloar to others the license terms of this wor http Jicreativecammans.orgflicensesiby-8a"2.5 Any ofthe aboye conditions can be waived ityou gat parmission tram the Licensor or Authors. The Authors’ natal rights.are retained in this ieentse. ISBN: 81.88770-06-X. Publisned by R. Thyagarajan, Head, Administration and Finance, Commonwealth Educational Media Cantce for Asia, Commanwealth of Leaming, 13/14 Sarv Priya ‘Vihar, New Delhi Designed by Arvinider Chawls, New Delhi Printed by Swaradha typesetting, S88, Pocket 5, Mayur Vihar Phase |, New Delhi 110081 ol4 le Contents Foraword Acknowledgements: Abbreviations ‘Chapter 1: Introduction-the Issuos and Prospects of Community Radio Movement In India ‘Chapter 2: Case Studies Some Practical Actions by CRSs Annexures: i, Qtiestions pased to Potential Aduoriisers of CRSe it, Collecting Basic Information on a CRE fromm Those it-clitye ofits Ruining ti, Dusstone praia Heat ™ Puce ear Ue Reporters (CRRs) of Select CRESS. vw ees Matrox: ened ane Reforences a7 101 103" 10 113 ne Var 14 oe Foreword ( would ike to begin Ins messagie by congratulating ihe Ministry of Informabor and Bragdcasiing and the supoorters:of community radio forthe Impatis 9 the Community Radio Movetiant in india, The Ingteasing number of operating community radio slitions, many of which are NGO-msnaged. compels us ta think-ebou! the sustainability of the CRstaions. ‘Susiginabllity Is a miajat wonc|rn for all, Gominunity radi activiats. supporters, policy. makers and prartilionars. Since the policy: changes introduced In 2006, UNICEF India fas been a: keen supporter of the Gotnmunity Radio mevanant We are supporting the selling Up af a number of statigns in parts of the counlry and we are engaged, along will our NGO addressing elfecnvaly the issue of sustainability. We oderstand livai a-station has capital ard reckrnng casts, neds human, resources for programming and running the sistion and ating same time needs to be relevant to the community, being the voice tor the exolucied groups. To Understand {he sues ard tmarn from the exporiances of furrotioning NGO-supported stations, in August 2041, we partnered with CEMCA to Investigate rifled susiainabilly dimensians — programme, teaiitical, human ani financial We ete new happy to share the findings, synthesized into nis publication that recommends same praciical actions tha: ‘stations can immediately take tebe more sustainable ‘We thabicall the CR stalinns who have came forward, sarticibated openily and stared the relevant data:te contritiulé I the study The study — called Abiding Volces - pravities actionabie Ideas for sustainability, | nape that the -sludy arid rocommendations will guide ail stallions and We would be hanpy: tohear tron You and restive your fridhiack on teatudy Rake Megat: Chie! Communication tor Development UNICEF $0th Apel 2012 a+ elt tle Acknowledgements Aprojaetiaan, comprising R Stender Alka Mamotra, KK Sundaram sind Mari Dev Arye. undertook ihe sxenise of nrepating sists réporl an conn ly radio moverian! in Inia, The altar two, vetvan farmer affiders tg andience researgh ot Al! /ngia Rail, deserve special anks tov the) ou-opetation and uniting spit of conducting settous. reseamnn nln a rolarlvaly matgitalsecter af dopular neula. The eam is gratetiiite s number otfocal iangaage koowing fetd mvastigators. We are thankhd for UNICEF India on) catalysing thie study and Dr Pacio Metakipultis, UNICEF India’ mewriting the Narewwentd We are als afaichil to sl) commiUnity iaifio Stalibhs thal Genetoliily shared date and experience, Thanks go lo cullesgues. A Thyegersian, Rukmii \vamraju and Monits Sharnss. tor then vsiuahle time ang advice, Ontecord bs appreciation to Hema Priyadarshini) and Rupics Saxene fer helping 4 fompliation of documents, amd Geetha Nambisen and Sativh Nageral} for compiling sad ymegreting the cepom winch formed the basic source tor writing thls book Mast sincars thanks goto Shobhlts Jain Jarcapy-edsing ‘end.some analytical and explanatory additions to the wjteeductory cthapiar of ‘this pubicaton.and thus shapingihe CEMEA-UNIDEF repartinte @ took tor clrsiilatiog'In publite domi: Our thanks to Ancindér Chavile tor designitg Ihe bowk end prepanng ihe camera-temdy-copy af Abiding Valres-and to M/S Swaradha Tynesetting fer onnting iin record uma. Finally many thanks, go to Jayaiskshrni! Chittoor far preparing the miairix gly2n &y the book as Annexure Vand jer compiling Compediam 2012 Community Radio Stanone in indie 2012.25 the book. Abuing Vowes, has trealy borowed hotogragha fram her publieatinn and to Char Sharnigier ans iring that the Corectiiy as suggested Were pil inte yghl place and dito tor halping the ponterto compits and sei:the nhotograyshs in the book. Without their heap this bork Would/nothais Bean campleie e+ ol Abbreviations ADVTS-Agiarisamaets ‘MPLAD_AIP's Lara ie Ozetegratl AIR-AD lant Rai MYRADA- Nysore Ressttamert ane AMARC Assgiaidlon Memes dass ‘Bavalopmant Aganey ‘Radiadliftsuies Commmunautaires (A, NABARO—Netionat Sark forAgradureand Freeah areanym [oe World Association ot ‘Rural Boyalopmant ‘Caynmaatty Baca Fromdcastes) NOCR~ Nanqua Dhar] Cannan aio AME Anni Meringance Cariroct NOCRRS- Narra Dewan Carman ey ase ATS gr Te Strinn Ageulliural Tecttrestoigy Memoir! a _ ‘BAC Gear Morr Municipal Carpomtian NOWIE~ Nogarandde Clryarteatia Voor BPQ= Buniness Prooess Quip Drcsiudcaaere (RC Cerra Nps cine NREGA. Nntorei Rural Evplayrant Ceantes [NTPC Nabional Thermal Powse Carceraton (CEMOA_ Commonwealth Eoucational Media OB Chitdoar Broudrsting Conta lor ne PARD Peoples Aswocitin fer Ruta nd ‘velopment Che Comerumay io REACH Rural Eneproniueip fir At mud CRI Corrrmatty Rasy Marvin aN Hes CRR-Conmanty asin Rogorar feral SRS—Communty Rao wlaloe FaT Regt notation ¢9%-Lornorsin Soaion Resporltility SC Schein Caste le SeasnesT eanenewe SEN Sif Emoloyed Wiomoe's Avwociabont ‘viaual Pubticy SAG Sil uly Group DET Dipital Seipumerment Founitnihoc ‘SMART~ Saeking Modem Applicator for ‘ORR Means Fisk Racuctan ee, = Mopsage Serie DEF Dipl Eompowiernst Feurdaio : St— Scheduled Thhe DG NM —Dimcjor Gararat Nadonal Raral Haat sfigsion ORDA. District Rural Derttoprined Aganey SOPA- Grant of Purmiiss-an Agreement T= inferno Tatnnolegty SCTE Karna Stata Couniilite Science, “Fectnlogy ane Exwresuneat (B—Minsrry of lnfomatinn and Brcateset ig WLR Mennbier nf Lagiatatliw Avsigmatihy ole -SWRC~ Socal Whit ang Regasich Cacits UNESCO Util Natlang Educated Solute une Cobian! Chypanteabiey UNICEF Unter Neston Crearens Fun longa shes Nations iaenatnnal Snidresis Emergency Fund ‘PRA Lian Pah Assiecennn «/WRC= Wratess Planning and Coordinanie ol 4 tle e+ pie ale Ea Introduction- the Issues and Prospects of Community Radio Movement in India “| (community radia) is ealiod popular or educational radio in Latin America, rural or local radioin Africa, publie radio in Australia and free or associative radian Europe, Allthese describe the siume phenomenon ~ gaining voices and democratizing communicattan.on a community scale Community radio, allhough taking on diverse forms depending on its surroundings, remains a lype of radio made fo sarve peopls; radio thal encourages expression and participation and that values local culture, ts pumose is to give a voice fa those without voides, to marginalized groups and to communities far from tage urban centers, where the population (5 too smatl fo atiract commercial or targe- Scale State radio.” Michael’ Delorme, World Association of Community Groadcastars [AMARC]. It seems too sary to analyze the contribution of community radio movement to grassroots participation and penple to people circulation of ideas, op which 90's ling way Lo reiblorne damocritizalion of cumimunication anid in Jury, wih fot equilabia prawere roletiony WW SoGkety, Thupetiare, thus fawtiw of Absing Voces 12 w marily giocuss the curem wenos and ways of Invigorating CAM In India. Community Radio Movement Community adic (Sty, 4 braadénstinng fruity Mat Rerves venous: cormems Af the peopis lnm pArtinulAT JeograpNinsl ABA Is 3 popular mans a carnmuriiicatign abaut ecinmien witurasts ot the kanal petrile 1) deeyseaptingy world evan nr (he Twentyeateentury, radio compages tthe mei) saurme ot fas communiastion for the large majority Of people ane Ihasetnig IL Meat Surprhing inat the nor-eevenmmental arganizations (NGOS) worliling = MevSlopiment saator aie Sducahanal mets Shlutionsare he man) SqEMts bf spearheading 6 communily vaio movermen| (CRM) In Fabiuary 1885. the Supreme Courtof Indi annmiiced none of ils judgments that ‘allways are cubhic prasany and thie hazed a wall tor CRM toaake casis in the aquniry Subsequently sone edyestional radi. stations tilisted’ wen Inonucuslhig services al maututiony| campuses ‘Cammenity-beged pregranmming look rast in aiflerent parte of Inala, qvilh the: purscse of ermpowenng communtiies through: sccess to inlormaon-and caniinunicdon ewe" Five years lle: in fear 2900, N/é-Goveriment at indie wnouncad As-community vada pakey anew) 2002. the gavernmmsnt Gptided to-allow Fepuise sducaficral etrlununs ta Sel up aed run) late rom es{ihg stations Mier anoitiay tout pears the Gorperiimiaet tefarmulated its ratio polley.sndd Issuedion 18° November 2000 airiew set of guicielines see Annexure VI) that Would permit NGOs another civil atitiely organizations to own and operat radii aralions. ‘The mavyuted of the revised potlcy 18 Thet community renhe stations woultt ain tO [epresent interests and wO.0Re nat Rave almost no piace in he "Feil interstory ae isan iNet NC it 25 ail 2012, 2s a nem is seein wg eg Enum Ala bral usa 29 4st FAY “lncnitditia’y, tue rowan ment auelioniog vemineciel af puivaie FMA rade rodko brpadcasting verses, fo private operators (retiviraats ara comymefrial enlirprames controled Pyern ane) provid antariarmant page ayakimelanipaa vereerly Foren ie =z e+ | % ola ple maitsbeaty ard commercial fatih, “The Quidelides endorse greate participalion af noq-pintl NGOS and ovispcuty hodles and) enodurag= them fo apply hunficarpes i veeajrweys lorbrm|vcasting, Wiitu: tw years: if ainguicing Us revised paliny guidelines, Ie yovernmnanl henelved 297 Appleallens Iarliciines THE thauiod 105 applications from educational institunons, By 30° November 2008 insre-were thaty erght community rac stations (CASS) opsvating actess Weis; rut by NGOS and educslinnal insilintions amg on {° fecemter 207), thle namber Nant gone wp te ape unared ane lweniy-five! The grow) (if CommUnily rattlO In nia has Been rerarkabte lis Is test five years Bestiles many unlvernity Sampuses: some NGOs anu, atlier chill ‘S0ciTy, aTSTTSHONS Now nay) thew CR stanons (CRIs), Many prom sre Mm the process al ablaining loaner lor funding slich broadcitating frcillties”, Henvevel notall stations arewnrliny aecaeliy gecorling te ihe guidlines lel ‘agen by ie covetnment While Some staiions aredong good sérvme to thelt cavutiuifitias Withod! butlefinig Ruich aboul-ewming pris pany sobfearn rs Finite te fll hel obliges to Woe Comte taliy, Curvent Status of Community Radig in India COMMUNKy Raigic {CR)is_ in Ineory, & DOWertyl medium Ina! gVES-wOLES to the volodess. serves as Ihe mauthplece ofine Marymallzed, and i atthe heart of comrnunesnan ano denon: processss wit sogienes It sa imalier of (esearch to find aul (hig medi otgamnnnigatian is arreailly as usttinable Bs |b Hlemved, A lel work Based Sbt-month pryectofCEMOA- UNICEF etuaise dung August 2014 1¢ denuary 2042 the bread plone of the buriént-shatusiol oommuniy‘caulla i India: Isduce (élated wilh MUTAPSA) aapeste of quatainablity at canimunny fadle iy India. ana nalianieg ceried intormation from seiest community rate siahams sorsss: the bounty These cate sludiés of CEMCAAINICEF projectfeporl discs a Essellintiig stazy ar Sidntae petits. afesmmsinilvsadio imoweetientin india THe Wun Gt publlatiing AbiUiny Voices Bo bing INASLEry into pully Uden so tha those serving Ihe communities: feel encourages to Bet io more. wommibrily hadi gislions in the gounhy Ant Ihe cxlstielg OnSs-galr mare ovfliience and Sostain NeW goed practices’ “Compancinun 2o7e Hf Sommauniye Hae Staverrm my inde haw yecorsend cre Aumeradt wot eeu ode ately tigen itor 22 BEF} Sie Maiti vmeth ya, BamivirA ATID AVIny ADFT Kini Galergpbetiaty Misnanees Comnattentty Ears Hulten Jbewe 24-28 e+ elt Community Radio asa Too! for Social Change Tia wancem of puplie Droadeasiing systeni recawan @ Mllip wie Chea) rai Wade Bro ugfit th ici La give rato rire localltead touch ceailing Ika a tool! for oqiil\ohaqae, Government of ndie’s dlrediive prmmpis al commurmty radic see Annexure VlJ Is 19 Serve-geagrapmicat com biities and cotmunitl es of intersal mines piractsaly, This cranny (ity fadio stalions 1GRSS)are slated to hroadcael prigrams Ihet ars populist art, FeevaNt 1 Ine Ges! comMuUNy Bul Bre Ren oveneoked By puniie bremaisaaling radio, stalin A CRS ie piri wind fiwnbtl by tue cormrmaiity eenyes, tle delivery hy the mative of sacid| keneti rather than, profil, Thus: community race iLinelions with a-speciiic opyeoiiva 10 sore Bale Crrpnbiity (y erncnsnitod wii witty forall arp the Irwatviarriert antl pamiclbraticr nat ihe sorrmmurlily (he produelicn Of coprtapt Cleary, It ig yseiJlito state what we mer by the tery Jcmmmmanity far examifiny IhmeMinacy of cammaututy rai in farms OFS etyprctive of eer vines Ramblin intarsete ae priiving SEIT As a tool far gociaichange tread farms cormrunity a social) pailqious! oooapational, orolnerqroup otany aie ana henerally lls membaty hue.ina specie weal. lle: menibans stars omninn charaétarietics on Intafests aswel 38 = eqmmon curs) apa hatooca| tonlage. tt parcdves-lisaltaa cisting! in. sane respect tary bine laigerabelety willm WitieN ite memibets live Ils ordarto-serve its garnoular intéssts; @ ccimmunity equifee wait and ‘egillatiu, access bo call somrmuniicalion media. The cormnnicaiion raaiorees Suct) as cirrays are Hetefore ater of fesputces Nat lead to be accessible ta ail mentberwaf 4 erin CeabenmLinity rentld nave ent GAM) ih iniin S ASSent ally abel suistaijuable titilzation of {hls wocessibblily maw madé possible by (ns oficial, policy Qtitelines isstied by lke Government of India, Providing avarcetothe: Nriareainalizied red ties unt said 1) Phir aeneed Urtaars eect Sd Ne tte require tapsistan| efter adi the aim gt nenesaing the growl] take of, ERSsaninecouniry. Community Gata 0 Inds ad mafliat borne fat’ pecdirame ital were narrowenet using tape recitians and satellts radio, oraied inmuph pidhili serine Groadcustars Wilh’ the advent of goverment policy. hes now became posttbia to set ij) OR Stators Ita} hrosticast lé.an auclierciewlltit adenjarsaled wovatage arsa. By definition these sianinns cater tty a limited snuiimen, creating ther) as.colobyities i thett own) iovalllies. and elhawinn Mhectthe: Qppeittinity 1d atidtess think clttecnserns powerfully: Tha tediont affacs i) Opporinity Im pesple, sepieciaiy yuuly inourbad Slums to oi * |e ola ple poiticivate In davet¢pient programe relavadl to tery, This medium af DrSserols commineation is watnemely pelleran( Ny inday’s Weld dennintedt by global media congiomaratas thar impoaeallen valvesand cultural hom The voles of people, Ihelr cullufe end sg piratins ate: hallectid Hemmugh CR. eed tis inure leails toa targer istenerslyip Badides dealing With soela( protlarts and entenalning kyew! peqmlY, GR ale sts 48 Sf! ilermediary penvasn Ine Govemment ano Ine besl makees: It has disyed @ syhilicant. tale In botging communicsiiah gaye beweasy the Cavermmentamd ocel peanle (nla, GR haa indeed proved ta be one of ne Hes iviinmia of comunuilication at ne gimee-roet |auel The (iF stalens lay = qlivatel nile th mthing Iie peeps ewer slut trate basic ngnme eorifement and cunes. wills prowsing a-sirong plsitacm 1 Neely diessminale ideas emongal the Community GRSS tis hevane ons al ihe impanaal Instumeyts irr sireagthaning 'Righ) 1 Freedom of Speech and Expression While each CRS's soproach fo broadcasting denendsan Wsvnatuns Size and objectives: what ul CRSs hove in commonisanwage anilantiing Wis sissizinalllt aqcess Ol {he danza conimunities 16 wfoniretian, Banicipsnonand eniieinens ins ine umeroley ofthese tactore thal jntonms diverse uutcames Inantynamic social Hinancial aid polities iandecape Analytical Perspective Fovlowmny instences stave the ratire of impetus porurnanmy radio ie teoalving as arate! social ahange |r Indla UNICEF wilh 2 mail mandate af inglinentvig thie LIN lll ie Keyslogment Goals /MBGs) Ie enijeimet with OF stations fom 2605 onwarnis Starting with En inisnvestLaliourwin an NBC) based CR Stan Whras embarked en seting Uo CR sistos will Identified NUsin seven at Whe mou! Uadiewart disingle of ihe country. tm aallingn, UINICER 1 kar tn makesommunty radio sraronesustainsbte in the caursentatew years. ihas nen saidithm thare 1 me need Yo educate the masses create awareness. al the grassronte iavel! we may albo sonal the pucsibilityat fearing tram the se-called umedlicited masses whem conrmunity-nadin Inavementgeihs Inomentan in india and then aniimg vores tell ts witel to learn from. them in lems aif eresaiving our sivironiient and surviving step lie veges commits of (Wier: “Bea. Shinry in SHivili's amale oh Thre Hon t Cott itity Fain ted) Ciikmaete srr, ee ilimce teraction yy Aaliit, OES ei) LE mart a> e+ ‘Thoudyn tia nomber ol functioning CASE ly Inrle Kan NW distinct skyna-ctt Ging Up, the. Skstiretuny faedon.emmlins @ msjup cancadn te all CH sonvers, polity mekersand nractitonsrs Abiding Werces ts an-atampt 10 Hiemles valcke dinieheigns-of Unis aspect oF ranhiia's CRS any Ihaiolaig (ith case Stuulesnighiightett in boid gpd undertified (ante The Latin watt susnnere (renee. 19 hoki, sus, up) mite morword af sustametiilyand the JSencerrawith ite atillity 16 Mold up something Ihstts i One's paEseSsiNcr GANS for action te maintaiy sg canuin process ‘Good qrantigas! dismuesed in case studies of aalect CRSs m Aniiing Viices show aspung CRSS he way te Ddld Up Wei aclivilles ralated to nroageashing 6Md tts WMlizing Calrertieniy radi tanllly 3s ap effectios und popular medion fhe peuple Ih genera) and for rural and underserved urban citizens iy parfioulag atitne ¢arve tine, Idsntilying Hat pmnolions' in Uestriglion at ease studias Mn AUwiNE Volses Giraws what ibs awaid for success!ilTunetioning of broadeasting activities in 4 flevéloping country tke: India Mere wee Coste pti of conaiticns ini wIicty US.CRS 6 unahis lo sistaintts achvities at.soime polit nf Ine ILwiLoesse ts ile! Fan aula! cultural abit Seonomie seasons, 2& explained above lt Makes God serse 10 try and) austen) aciivitias tie comunity radio ‘it domuninily raise aciivilies are voetiychntinuing, Ihen ihelrattart ile ats CRS Hea smailer of geaat cones? (p Ihie Sanee Hip eR ot wer sling Innguuity ola CRS asa finel quatiahialtly amnremriate inisof Wie weet pursue ine susta;nap lity factor as a mere ormcess oF acineulng minor gaide hare and there OH course actieving this destination dees not imply (het ore ciming! mévise fne's wolljn of what longterm roimensnce ofa CRS mesne ai a-nsrmoular pow of time in a naruculer googiaphic space ‘The analytical tremawork of suntsinabllity in Abiding Yoicss drawn oy and SoMECtE Wilt GBOAF ry eeriinE OF {ve Him! Wy the: cryekea sot carpriiiey Fadia. Ihe torn toler Iofour nro citteppries'as iti Key elements thar go ute ‘determining Me survive) oF GR stalsiris Wi thle, These ars |) propiam ‘gusta inability (I) human epd-socidl sustalrraiallty il) Nnencia) sustsiran lily andy | fC rrnical SUBIainEnIlity 11a imperaal totearin mind Inabeach of ine tour categories cemalitiin an iiganik relanona hip wilh ome categories, 54.3 mminne less or gal thane aspect affects the connition of ether aspects of ‘stista inability: The lollowitg lout sactiitis elaborate Wiiateacitot tsfout key eternanis siibsivines ‘o mre teen rehash none wheo uti hana rac a a ‘ses Pavia 4 == e+ +) @ oe A) Prognaen Suntinlouibittty Under program stistainability the vafiaivles inglide a] Noutses broadcast, ) language ofhroedcast, ¢) program formatsand packaging. d) themes, 6} roleol the program managementeommitice. f) feedback mechanism, 9) Systems foreontent monitoring, and fh) sourcing Of program and finet recording. Allo! these variables cantnbate Lo program sustainability. ‘The main fntior that keapsa radio statinn alive inthe hearts of stanarsis ts. progtam content The populariy of the station is dirsatly prepertional to the ‘extent to which the programs are able to relate fo the audience and address their tell We isnves and problems, and celebrate thelr lives and acco(nplisiy ents. This jn tum is determined by the producers of the proqtam, that is. who designs the programs and who the presenters ere The more listener panicisaie In the process of areation, the more they ‘own’ it, rendering it powerful (bilsability te-strikes familar chord, Listansers alse find comfortinthe company of people who speak the same language/ chialect_ ‘Their relevance and applicability. if Me lives of iisienets determine the prograni sustainability Thi oredibilly of infarmaliin provisign else goes 3 long way fa-determing jt Other factors hat affect itare * ‘sontinulty in the,finw ofnew content and ideas refiected through creative formats (interes| and entertainment), © the emotional connect! loyalty) that lhe proyranis evoke:and % (preservation cf tradition while Inspining chabge and liberal, ptoaressive thought and action, Hi) Homan ane Socta} Sustatnaitily. The key fectars:that contribute to human and social sustalnabillly are the presence of team of pat staff their recruitment and retention. a vadill as the conimitiud Involvement af volunisars. Regular training and capacity bullding ofthe station sta? and motivation are-other important factors for ihe human and social continuity ofa CRstation The goal of :orimunily radio’as @ platform of, for, and by the communily Tor Promoting the -Voine of the viiesiess” inspired ine 2008 officint paliny e+ = | elt guitlalinesio eel Up CRSs acta Indi, Chivsiaine pertlnnntie comunity cwrarahip, mondyeman! ajd particisslin ane munasingly goirany yegestay mntheuocesstul oparatlonofsammiurnly tadinstattons. Ths stoments of muman end) socrisusmnanlity meiuis volutes FHOkIFsation Pal? baining)n rae pencicllin, Absent irahtbeharice aie, honing of uiwerstanding am! perspective on various lesa. GR states hove voiced Gificulbes in sustawing ie imerestana panicipaion of MWolUNearR” aid Meatibare OLAne community tO adeteds Une participation. issthe for this nation the cammpnity racks sition reset th Ye an mieqral partol (be communiy ile The community needs 1 regularly ascertan Ite Sreolbillty arm wert Gt ihe cotniraatit wattle station (9 lett Ives. THe rale-4f Hie ASO In ile scanatic |e (hat af & ceantinalor Walia faclitertor amd remton In this context, Ihe Suptdinabiitty of CRE'S alowly connecteo willl Ihe recruitrent Irailing and retentian of ins core stato personal, thetratifition levals dedication, taval 4! eallstadilar al woh, ae wel.ara trverfynpiratican aviel prmitrvstiog Ahntt vesy haapry. Yee Abn arcane im the community: 0), vtaeeteiad Suautiasanatsttity: Since Ihe getting Up uf he MSC CRS (y Inia wie fumelityg smeriario Ras evolved a great deal vir iheyesre White now Imname possible (h tastve funding fram 2 farge number of sources ifthe CRS makes the sffartte act on this lnindls | guts Fund sising activities ar ma! explicitly factared tito Ite lernmattefarerce (TORS) of € OR tery Is Traini for ite Stalion Menager. the CR leemand4he Program omrmittes tocatticnatemtius-achuily An adequate fnancral bass ts vital vo erable borvihe surwival and geowitty of aGRS and toa sinain-agtantall otter categarlag of suntainabiliy aft in ore way oF olhor yialy- linked ki Tmanciat sawldimabilit}.: Al) ihe samme fhe suewinsbility tector of pCRS canner be reduced 19\(tsifinapcial hunainig alone hetauee tha potenlial of CR te sirangihnt demarratic and nash palfiy WW developmen! opens-ugs arompaets af urasarmuts orgtni dations. which ingy oon ilcenses 16 set wo ERSs for oramoong comemimty interestan! achieving better health and ediieasién, Ag Slisanty pointer ola, commit iettic asa syatern proves a pelettory [ur the Voineless and marminalz= secllans of society, esremally in poor and ramets pars.ot Ineeouniy These communities ana tha NGOs.Ihat work with (herr ray nn! Nave aitequinia Imanqidl psoureds to qteal (bie nirastrieatital cose They raly cn-daners ana finding pigarizations to helo- Fea outwit this aspect ol svstairabulltye oi * |e ele ois Further challadge lies in Une apatalianal exieLtor turning the CRS, The CR statun Haste raise ils oi) resources to (nest the Gparatiunal costs, and (Nis im variously Gane by seeking eantritutions/ conakons tram the community, ‘Quinraling lntime hough ocomimersia’ edvertisodianis aod Uyrauity comtentparthars) ips or guvernmant spaunscrstips VI) Tiectrmlagicn! Seamalnnb ply ‘The stements.of tectinolocrat sustarabiityinclida © Avaianility at Annual Mainionaries Contec (AMC), insureshiee, Availaollity of electric power, Abilily to fiz minar and majot mattunetions of equiprreits, Revamping tachnical afprects, and Location of Ine transmitter Tachnologinal austainabllity 5 a.ciitical fctarining Ives ofCR siavone. The CRSs Must ons Non-deliclivy broadoast and high dually moording of brograms Many CRS¢ are often, constrained, by limited resources.and cannot go 1 fornighly sophisticated leremitters at eqiimmant ky maintain ually of produchon at pragrams and breadcant, The community nay nat have technical parsanmel hearoy Factors: that aitect techincal sustamabiitty include the cost of mnfrestrcture and equipment, avaliabilly and erompiness of ati sales sérview arid uffpetive Functioning Of annuul mainlenanca contact (AMC), msutanes af equipment esnecrally)m disaster prane aroes availablity of a backup: Vanatnilldy, and the ichnlcal Yaining of statne “stall ang valunbiers to regulatly maintaiy Ine equipment and vermnye causes of besle taubisétooting Research Objectives and Methods: The CEMGA-UNIGEF file-based study ofsaltet community riio suitiant: in indie had the aim of identitymg the ‘god practices’ and 'stretegize' for aghleving Wiel Sdstaihatully 8¢ Inet) oft stations bavi mtniltale suun practinés fotattective and Wealinglul parformanc= Tile GEMCA-UNICEF priject team madeon in-depth stidy of four dread aspects of sustanabmly: neamaly, program content; human. technical-and Rnancisl resources of CRs atid collocied base tata of Wunly-epuar CRS attarsdiministeting a preiieniiaty questionnaire The team reviewed its bays sata for selacting ten CASE, five tram ttw nertyand five fiom the south of * e+e % o |b India (lot detalis see Table 1) and (hat develapad detailed schertiles of guestions for CR station managers, GR reportersand polertial advertisers {see Annexure | to Annsxure:V for various. schedules). To facilitate better canimunication, cohduct ahd recording-af all interviews was ini the local Janguage and [ster there was transeription, and traislation of tine interview Fecardings: To protect individual views onthe subjectthere were interviews: With particular informants, The analysis ef data’ look into account the ganeraltrends thal emeryert from individual ane group interviews, The study was exploratory in nature; Il was intended to harvest the lessons laarnt and dimensions of CR station management that contribute to or constrain the sustainability al CRSs. I focused on lhe aspects thal could affect longevity of GR station, withoul getting inte any evalustion af the peonnance of the station. The team-did not use any tools of quantitative data collection’ and there were special wffors Made to frame the questionriaira and interview séhediies {o yidld qualiative data Flaite eae Bde War Slik (ata Pres 0 dpe Mba Unie Amin ea Mabe Tome Ceartirvurty Rinna Soul Vouk and Rapesiiun) Resiulch Comte “11 tama Senge Merotl Chinn Focmanir hgaettieast faand fiaou Tablet: The CR Stations Sefected tor Dotaitnd’/ Depth Analysia +/* ele ois ‘Observalions and Informal Gischssiiris turther arided fo q\nlitatve data base, Limitations of uve Swidy ‘The researcnars igantifian some of ths | olowing limitations sl ihe stunt © Themribsrof onerating statiocs wasdimlted to tier only Bue to peunity of lime. |) wes net possible lc carry out @ detailed technologicatreviewot RSs selected by ihe team & The pesearth ladies quantitalive dato williregard Ia ine CRSS seigelod fonthe study: & The gender dimension, tral js; the purber of wonrer playing different roles in CRSs and the conditions that enable their conuinutor. landorenip, ahd empowerment, an amma thnl roquiTs dotailed explaratinn and (his study does noleoyaritimdarits scope. Why Abiding Voices? ‘The sty qpans yp the need for turiar review of CRS varnbles, Inchiding Aho ctileria ye! bonctimutks fat saection af myupr yest ase well se ton lining modules and knowledge resources that can be made avaiable ro CR teams: townrds-ethentad orawlh and siistaitesbllity, lisa moognisad fact thal community radin foray axints ing dynamic contex! of changing avelopmant priodlles and ghemiags In the overalf pemdilions obdewntutvl # glabal ecanartie order. Thete Is a heed to recognee tail the Canim mity ridin sentor has lined firancial mesoureds whet) ln tien call for newer sirdiegies and thinking ly ferne ot vasoline mobilisation and mataaement of social sastainabilyy ‘Strela! stistaihabilily iv closely liked lo sommuihlly paticlpalian, ovharstip and progreas and financlal surtanahility If conomiant factarwith 4ociei institoions! end polltical environments, Tre CEMCA-UNICEF jrojact has Faveaied linal ih Wicks) many NGOs and conmliallytiaged ofgamZalions are finding itditfiedtio runt CR stations in a sudtatiable marines. The Community Radia Policy of the Minisiry of Inlermation and Broadcasting. Government of india, Incitities some slipiilations |lo -aritancs social ant hiiman sustainably; and there ane S2veral techiieal organtientions that provide assistance through training. manitonng and ovaluating, and treuble shooting: Yel suatanabilly of CRSa wal best sill a heuirishe wxerane as thane is no model and ne systema~ticunderstanding aflhie elements that can ‘ensure the longevity of GR station elt To dite (here has beer! yo, dingy Of fuslamabilily of CRSS yn India: The ORSstiold ine pntential ob swergtiemne grsssroois level mechamsts far Participatory gvimaned and darnincratcy and ait ie SMuity emule peeve Epitical Inatgtite tor (fei effet erase srutstiryivel Sllic= 2006, wiltm maja Mmaneate of iinpemenung ire UN Milenniuin) Devaionment Goss (MOGs) UNIEF fr RiigayAd WiI|SCRS= Starting Willen Initiative at Lalitntir an NGG baraw GRS, and UNIGEF has embarked on, sutting wir ORSE with, Kdentilea NGOs m seven ol tre mastbackwaradrsinots o! ho eauntry. UNICEF to an Wirmaid community Mae ersten “eustamate In the causa fa lawyeae CEMCA-UNICEP project hag docutabitad avilable axparrEnce ty the form of cade studies, whieh Hight success sth af, TDRSS ¢vinisand teal wilh the siistainandlly lanioen! the CRs The cass stiches of saleoe RSs inlbuding Vnces aim at Ailing this read (ir abasic asxtant, Next chaphar otthis book presents case studies of sage! CASS, with the nrojecttaain's tidings under eect category at sustzinatallly comprelentnive mairta of (he eonlibuting facial amd the cmngtfsitls laced by cach GRS ig available iy Annexure V The case eludiees lay threadoare deraliad contextual aitalysis of & lined number ol CRSs-and bile us to Unetorstoma ccinipie labion oF aLortatnabillty, Thesm cane stein havecan the Ore Hard ofvem 2 yiviel vicars: af rera-lits Sttseations. aye ent see other hang prowded fhe basis lal ie applicisnor) of eas: Empineal invesiigalicn al cainuanrparary GRSs withiis thir malin cembants is read onremulliple sources of ante Crilies-c tm caren Stuidy rath sry ili fe Siar Woe ussee of [hw sev Plumber bl cases Sllidied A coretlly planned and Orafied study’ of currant Wales end provlume Theipact of the CRS is seen through the Sipetinncss ofllserere who: have benefitted, fom the progranrs and through the symbiotic. Huationshii benvesn tne -sranor staf volunteers arid Agi pailicipante In fac! Ihe-enefay and enihuaiasm of ane mabiises the thers intoaction anctcreation y Themes are onented towards develapment, educabon. socia! waltare. agreiltute, local langiiage and'disiects, andlocal cullirs. Tha GRS han (huts: Incated iigell na Strung sadio-Gullurall cantet that is peleewernl grad usetuite the ksieners: o> The emphasis placed an canlent and é relevance and Variety are kay sieengths ofthe CRS + it has a well-managed, motivated and deritated GR leam (etal members): + fipasirained te stait and vollmjeers. } There ateaudiines faddback muchanisiis in place ‘As'alraady slated jy ths eutiot art background of this case study, Ravin \Mallall hess Sullabte location which 4 Clase [o.@ BSNL tower, As 6 result [hee qansmitter is effective over the enbre areaend reaches aimostas percsnzot ‘Wayanad District Miceeteiy ay Trovgn Ravia MAtol. fared: mynad erotlems In tthe course of ies lalineit, to solve Utkin IL took conlinuois, nlinng effarts and co- Spatula of fhe Managing Connmittee, tame and volunteers, networking and frequent visite te the nafional snd-sale cantsis, Today. Use CRS is rtbing forward yall wary Tow rirablons in tlre oF tainted go risration, plogranrprodudlion, phgullment andtetenlion af mlented ol4 staff, training ofpersonnel, electricity and finance. An effective Program Advisory Committee and a vast number and variety of programs that sucoesstully cater to different categories of listeners constitute a positive outcome for Radio Mattoli. Its other positive outcomes Is its engagement with a large number of actars including Indian and foreign; ‘government, non-goverment, private actors; who are willing to fund the initiative through projects and partnerships. Finally, Radio Mattoll has achieved a high degree oftechnical preparedness, Bere e+ pie Case Study 2 Radlo Mewst, Mowat District, Haryana Background The Mao community of Mewal Districtis a convert caste par excellence. During the Mughal period: the Meso community ' accepted Isiam and then It raverted back to Hinduism and once again relurned to j islam. Thus tne community has a mned =f culture of both the refigions. But it i a closed community where dictates of | Mullahs are still followed roligiously. For A exemple, haraly anybody ownsa TV satin this area as the Muslim clerics are against it, Women are mostly non-titerate and hardly allowed to come aut of thelrhomes. * Ratio of git) chil is daclinitig rapidly in | Mewat District as it is in other pans of Haryana, Seeking Modem Applications for Real Transformation (SMART), an NGG, took i up the work of tiinging about a change in attituries slong with social and economic progress. The NGO had fo lread very } cautiously a8 the local administration } advised it that there could be siiff j resistance from the leaders of the Af community who used the pretext of roligion to-control the people. Fer SMART f itwas a-gradual process of preparing the ‘ favourable gfouhd for change. In 2011, the Minstry of Information anc ale ele Briarcas(ing granted cans lo run Radio Meal, Suislained efforis ara new bringlig abou! buhavigurel change and ihiy |b eorraberated by the fletd repprlere wno belong 1 (he same community, UNESCG through NOMAU provided the station transmitter. which hasia reach of over S0U,000 people |\) rile oF twenty-tive Keikary\alse™ folly, Radio Mewat was braadcasting for we haurs each in ihe maming and afternoon (went up lo sixhours every day staring TApil 2071, wilt ¢ plan lo raise |Llurttier to len Mouredally, by Febtuary 2052. Peng rath Ake ulisaballthy Radio Mewat rebes on its deep understanding of the community, bore out of callaboratlonal aera deicadl, by orale frelio peogeutis that rade! jacal aspirations With ne other radio station in (he area ang ownership of lelevision-at tessiinan $8 per cent i prowides:a unique oppermrny lor duration, spledainniant and Information) ‘The CRS dayised aur Independen! progam segments, namely, fealty, education, financial Incision and social Iragitions. Inadaition te sountored programs: it cresies foto programs locally {o reflact local connemis The raillo stitiui has adopted a Btep apptoach to expanding ttrale program snd all iy thre reginr) poliave ihat community radio ws for tialr welfare. People throng the place wham reporers go t the willages tar seconting Vilage aldérs atiqwithent to reseed as per ihe pretersnps oF tie reporter, The following Key elements, ge into ereking of the program sustanablllsy at Radio Mewat. 1 Certett Appre wn! tay All Racoriad Progemenn Ascnptwniter. who works with the field reporters to-creato interesting sents. haniles sach gcrlpl No’ program) goes dian trom this stallon without thorugh veiting of (he ecripl apd! carelli) aditing, Since the community largely compases othodox:and raditional Meo:Missims. wha:torm-mors Uhan $0 par cénl af the population, Radio Mewaliakes cirdls enaliee Inat cotiteni Is Senultive to their sunelbililes, and nothing Conliaynysial goos on) the air hj Suripira Change ‘Ovang to this (ack cl formal equcation, unemployment among youth prevails it Ue region aid IFresilis:f rotatively high entra rit, WK Har baled IM nducallon ean nfaatiy an environment econdurive [o-changa, the lori NGOS madusutcessil attennpts to canvinee elders tosund their wards te schois: They sncouregett parents fo sand their daughters lo the governmiuant echools, I e elt +le Rario Mawel Straicigically spoke agalitah community carimittess: (Kita Panchayats) and cantiary te the appraterslinm, the carmmiisily td pot rege! (vanemariy Thiswas socras aped omen alacceptance TheCRS: iso onéaied pregranis we inform youlliis whe Med miafried apriasd thir paternity Wishes, to take atraller i gavern ment. fur) Heptres Mere Itrey get protection and basinreqyirenients forsurvival, NLL Waabeddoemsebel CMLL ‘The comirmunty ratio team menttaiie a good rapport with the goverment dtegartments and Works. i tandem Is propngnle wars davalgnmiant schemes and programs. Asa resull. people of ia negiant can nowy sacods wanoue devélooment schemes The peonie recognise shal ther-access to benellls o! goverment, schemes aapands upon Ihe lifarnimtion dissamitiated liy He GRS The NGO'hiead raportid thal ste fy working far the community iwtich nein real terms-econonucally backward and has litte shape for apida the tilts ofekon amie deveinpment tame ‘The station has saventaen ste members and ten field) workers. Renoyremy Ihal he area was'tapials with lalenl: Ragin Mewabtscnsed to seem focal Youll Jo may the station H\WwWevwe WyWAe econ avinent [Nat nopedy woul aonretonrart ae voluntser Therheckqraund was weal ara, thay nad farts losuppen Batlareweniin progpacte have inhignd.a lghat ilaval nf confidiernice with inn start as hey are always involved i diatntution pf fie provi by way of ilgher sateries. AGcoreing Te two fidky reporters, wine warked al Ratio’ Mewal, "Thi salary we! deaw Mew ue station 1 very fiecessary for (is ue wa-both are marina ain Haye clillticen We come fam poor family and our etlldran need our suport We would vot heave pews His ‘statin, thane Oheites Hrod bu wun say slay suypppocait th) ae.” ‘The folleiving cenmidérnilonts continua ts huthinn and sbetal dieatairiab lity st Radio Mewat in (Ytofwaaion Fret (tirvaa fia Meeribanrs (81h fear epntrite 8 recs vated rotate tinieny el tet peter rnkic satishadtory, Tits @-ovident htm mahercw msporse to felt presentations: The CRS gets litty Lo skity talephane oulls ally on! people requesting far that cheits pronrams 40 Aprons ot Stadion Ml eer The recent appolnimnnt ofa young and dynamic pera ae Sint nanager has greatly enhanced ihe effisiancy pt the CRS He ra alec reshamipie to Qenerate raventis Innough advermsements: |e e. ele UW), Elclunsy of Fiald Hegonare. Interviews with held reporters ef Rano Mewal reveal that (hey.are proud and happy to be a part df ths station. They are bomtruttad to-calaly2ing posi change Ip thsi community, Thett own dtatus (rrr comm rity has increased subsianvally anc ine words now cary significance net oniywnen fey are heard on raid butalso when they speck fopeaple aff ifve air ‘Frere admePSOURAARSHN Radio Méwat has eamed advertising reverum:- trom various. fepartmenta and saeneies, nanialy. © SsryaShikshs Abbiyan=Haryane Navenai Rural Health Mission: Mimsiry ofHealth, Haryana ‘insiiiote of Rural Development; Gapettment of Rural Development Haryana NABARD, Regional Gfiice, Ghandigem DGENRHM, Haryana DRDAMewal Total Sanliatian Campaign. DesarmenlolPanchayall Ral Supenntendem of Pouce Dews |irtlhlite of Engineoring ‘Hespetallty Miartagerrit leeseitutay © DAVP.Sharat Nirman Campaicirt Aircel Mobile service provider + Mewal GaveopmimntAgancy (ADVTS), se tces WC Je ouitert Ural tiie station has quliod: lhe support and matronaye ot, agences tar and wets. nctuding trom NTPC, which offered Re, 300,000 fran la CAR hind. This direngthens the view thalCommimly Rade Stations: cary generate revenue fo meut theif operational cosa, provided Ihat thay profuse need-based content (programa) arid satablish good rappar: with Hifferan) agencies. Harley Mawalnowcomionably éarns'enaugh {ones Its monthly expendiiure of about Rs. 224.800, which licludes salaries. Wl Adyactiiny med Fremetion Ths distinction of being a bile Cotamunty Radio Station of the Méewat Co} nTUriny Bucanies a drawbank whan il cunts to gammnring beanies Tren) The region, Unfortunately: tha peakwardness of te region is-direetly relatad lo absaned o! bUdiess acuvity, There afe four urtian tertes around Mewal, ramely, Séhna, Gutgeon, Bhiwad! and Palwal, hey ans, howsyelr, ableast thimy kilometers away from the stshan; and not mtorested in advertizing for buisness) Mew Distrlet I e ele +le ‘Seeking olfier avenues for promotion, Radio Mewet Was stared = marniotship drive af Ra S/- wach regittaring (rebiviadhudl quis a badtiser aise uso free announcement as an neenuve. |i has be-up wilh the Syndicate Bank to piseé-a logo. of Raile Minwat ory al] postars-and pliblicity matefal sf the Bank, Radio Mewat |s also a patt of DAVE ponal for bnoadéasting al DAVP advenisemerns, Witt enttad vehi d Ekaaebsadivikal oy Frequent pewar fallureane voltage fuchibons caused huge losaes to Radio Mawal, which Nas now installed 2 denihle backup systain te auaid dassuy i has come to Rardin Mewal al'a price. The training of the staff ts adequate to ulilize and maintain all the equpmant.and there have been no dlfheullies 3 laren accotint oT felted ej ulpmert, Rate MivaW Nes a coriprihnnwide |sErAnee for oquipmant as willl ae infrasicuctore whieh inéhuctes the buuleling Patel Fresher Radio Mewal has its raison cate in ihe development of ihe Mao norimunity of Mawat, wilt) particular reterence to sorial justine, tumen vights afd economic independence of te eommunily | serves. Building and iraining of community-based stall is = Key slrengili of the CRS, whitcl) has (ocated the process of change wihin the cultural mile. and nas suexessfilly achiaved ite objeetive In saveral instsrices. The follwing arc the otharfdatiires of Radi Mewan's implatnm tion of ie potiey guictulities, * ‘its pregrams and programing processas.ere deeply comextaalisad in The clliire of thts vem andite cconaniic ard tsctal aspirations Staff laam ematges trom Ihe locally and Wile éadh siaf member ha offantivaly absorbed Wye professional ulMios oftha ORS, thi mambor Isai8 keenly aware ol {he naeds of the liStenercommunity Themes of the: pragrams are -ornted towards healthy education: financial [nelligien arid social traditions The rade janm Informs the fisteners ebout various devulopment achemes and this fnoreases ‘access lo fhewrbenefts. As Menbioand! @attive Ne’ stalint is sulkably Iotated'sd Ue tangeilltar is ffectivi over nearly Wwentyive kliemelers around, teaching Apopulation at 500,600 Regarding the poliey directive of gatheang feedback on impact of ccamimunity eadin on local community, Radio MewWal gathered fredhack (7 the (nitlel tages bot subaequarlly thats hes troup nomllemp( te interact will +! -e audiences. There Is only anecdotal evidence that self help groups (SHGs), farmers and others have benefitted. Summing Up. Radia Mewat. with a good understanding of its audience and rootedness in the community il serves, has successfully used CR as a tool for social transformation in (ts target area. |! is one of few stations thatclaim to generate enough advertising revenue to cover its monthly expenses. For detalls of its advisory council, content committee and indicative program line-up 'see CEMGA-UNIGEF CR Project Report 2012: 61-62. Bere e+ pie o | 4 ale Case Study 3 Namma Ohwani, Kolar District, Karnataka Background "MYRADA and "VOICES sat up in: 2001 Namma Dhwanj, as an audio studio component of the Community. Mulli- media Centre In Budikote village of Kolar District in Kamaicka. As part of a UNESCOunded project on Assessing Impact of ICTS for Poverty Reduction, MYRADA and VOICES established this information cum communication hub in coliabaration with women's seit help groups. in orter to explore the possibility 6f limproving local comimunicetion channels with regard to education and awareness, developmental and cultural needs of the community, ‘Namma Dhwany (aur voice) was initially only a recarding station, run by trained! local persons, Narrow casting its prograrts, It operaled as a village level forum In Budikote Village to ensure {he ownership ‘of the community in managing and Promoting the community fadia project “MYRAQA or Myxore Regettiement ond pameae Axara 8 Peep) corrptel Paaticory At hesbaar cooiating in fo Budikoie cogs for aver Bocade "AIBIEES fe a uniliof Nhwdh yarn Communications, whith ia. Bangalore-pssud pun-orutt dowaloenent communicaiina orpanjzabon ynat works tor mrntgirallead) mmctione of sndhety. Mt eopdorms Cun Intertats. batworn communiqainn, “culkire ane Alpin ws yah up U1 elt cand 10 Inipfnwe and etrengitien the Nyy gl lntormallon whase contan| as focally generated and which rerpordticd to lose! raquiremetite and! invereuiss. In 200%. the women's scl help grouns which manages: eperations: of Naming: Dhwani. opted to: cable vasting lis lacally qannialed progrante it vordat (6 achive the otijectivies af pravillling fies kasi serviles of tirrety infomeanon-ane promoting conmunnydevedpmerntacavityend innayes Nemma Dnwarl recerved ms. proadcasting licemsa in ine maniti of Becuinba 2085 Tha CRS covies arélind 12.872 faiiies In 182 Vilages, fpolonging t0.tne Barranmet and Malur Hoblias of Koler ising tts signet Peeches: avait tet! kiiametar tats and covers & populatiesrat S100: Tes forogramy bs tineartcast fnrwightiuurs eachday The‘iniings ane am fami, 2am Zonventagaitintheevenng 6pm San, frauen Ssueverrmmnnty Naming Ohwar CR osserunares informauan on wide sna waned topics WHInE ara rakavar lo thee conaTpUnty it ealars bs. Five following key alanine gentrisute te program auieralryatidity st Mamma Qhwan| OAS 1 pmadrtarwne Presi The lncally xtamtitied staff meinners of lhe radla-stanon develop the program saufert Ural Js-intsed of) tie needs sod Teetierk exyressent by the tcommmianly) Far isin, Whee catchment! areit oF thie GAS wheliodes 4 agnilicani number of nondliermes hence Ihe CRS provides: ihe) witty entical Wuermatiot abarit formation ¢f cinnerallves. managing Unrifl and creaih elt: erduication of qumerau disdames (reugly wariisd | hasatth programs: legal the 1saites at mhetitarice. mvenueand laxation, amiancing legal qavieriales ek par govRrninarl Urls: or anreinditieits. awareness and eradication of superaitlans and sooully,qinjial acvities. informs ine Sel/ Help Groups abou metnods of book keeona, irasir canidipt wf Haining, Sssential slsciplite goivammet schemes af social wallare, case Studias and qaneral awareness promrans for sostal-and denote Havalop Ment ‘AUdichoe saginettallon-at Mamena Diwitel creates tallor-maris pmgishs what Noid Me interdst of tne lelaier communily For exemple, programe far women include womed's norte, health) and hygiene. educattonst Infognnlion fur gid childecn; ate avafaness foV acintashonl girs, piegnamey dard child tate Sonihl freacticwes: livchuthiig ferret feev(iclider, Mlawry.s early manage: success:stones of women and Se:f fain Groups Programs for Faumets conalst af Infarmailon gh department shhemes. ‘wate mandgernil, fwninliLat crap raladiian, amexbeling| Mornmalian, veriaiy awit. oi * |e elt +le reperahoriol Ihe tleid butore Ihg-gaasen, hew lachnology In aqhcalltvre, rain WaRdr Fervestiitg, anh orgunis farming, stop insures, saritatlyre, hvestotk managamem. atc For chideen abere are cares! idence. hoh-fetmal edircalion frefenstiin Tor ixembtalon, Leiuded aber, elie Highs. Prod \ ding send breckehsesstierg gserocgeanneya boy (Nn parseppsley tO ihe Beople-and bor the neopla Narnme Dhwam Coowminny Radio (NOGR) gives "Volos to the Voierless’ The kalaldastope of pmgranii hreadsaal by lhe CRS Incllidé woritsiltues. animal, hestandty. saith awanmass: nciuding Nome pasad ynmalding, Sehenies for the differaniiy-aniett anc owidews: laysl swareness and services Insurance, sel! Selp anus, diferent tanks of He treavesrriitias: Apparently, prine (6 iimatalting (ve frantimittes there waw no etluty uide-token by lite ORS regarding the aprronriige location tat would ernbite the signal te enaily reach Ils targe|pepulaliore The CRS Iso! tna opimoninal ihe Ministry oF Infartraabinry and Briaudéaainng weude purple GRE iio tse powerrof he tramantttes;at learet tor Ifie ety: based sarrraiity adios, te reach hg larbl geayp, orl shabld petmiLling Ubi! pppeBlAss to extn ttit-signal aaffiectivaly thoy iri Penh At present, (here iE a_blalvs between pyliby amt prantoe 4] Decca CRS Thougt iiss. aban ofarreducatondl restitarisinveived indetivlles or SOCiat ‘ralaained Incliding adiicailin, Dencan CRE le not algnificantly |icgrated oi with the community, tt appesrs thaf the CR tsam Has not received any Ofiamitstion traming if aspects of cungdueting a feed fopwart suidy, paricipatory content production. seting up of listener's clubs, organisation ‘of a program management commili¢e The CRS would do well lo byid apport in the ommurlty tireugh (ites chibs, sell halp groups end ctr cdllective forums: and-through different promotional events tied in with differt local level development iniliatives, Ke the jrauguration oFa school, or thecelanration ofa spetial day orevant. Capanily building and mentoring in participatory content preducton will heip the CR team to enliven the dotlSN With the valdes Of the contmunilies served: Human sustainability is ed in with Community engagement where a cane (CR team motilises and leads several volunteer yroups to produce different kinds of programs based on thew specific passions. The-power of radio 1s best laveraged when [he audience beeames both lestaner and parormer The CRS iiguld feview the actual reanh of fhe CRS |b terms of leveraging the janemittor power and take necessary steps to rectiy this. | nsads to Lindersiand and sagmentits audience, before taacides upon is priatities and strategies to promote he CRS and enpure tis sustainabillty, Summing Up The tocalicn af & corimumnity ravin can hes bane of a boon, Giver lim location and competition with ipopular FM radio, there is treed to Pabitlee the community artund the! hanifité of 3 racio that provides Them @ platform (er aticujation en the ssues that mean the most ia them that-enables them to bulld slulls Hone: talents and take: up Jeadiership (n'thairown locality anti te tuilet sertt-corilidance antl esteem amongst their known people. Strapped as ithe for funds and human, fesaurces, Deccan GRE fs yal to bulld a-sirategic visio! itd take action tomiive towaris cleanly sated goale of engagement, achinvemant and teapstaemation. e+ +8 eit e+ pie Case Study 5 Samudayik Rudine Radio, Sanand Taluk, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Background ‘Samudayik Rudino Radio started as ai innovative radio series broadcast dally from All India Radio, Ahmedabad. Employees of the NGO, SEWA (Saif Employed Women's Association), Abmedabad, produced this program with the aim to reach and engage with rural women labourers in the region, The success of the station encouraged SEWA to apply for the CR license, After getting permission to jaune its own Community Radio Station (CRS) in November 2009, SEWA made it an 8 hour daily transmission affair, SEWA women tnanage and operate it ahd broadcast programs mainly for women keeping Inv mind {harspeciicneads. The ORS Is acuessitlé te a population of about 225.000 living in around forty villages within a tan kilometre broadcast range. As peran estimate, about 25,000 people tureto this station daily, The vision of the CR sation Is congruent with that of ils parent organization SEWA. The CR ‘Station alms ta empower those women who hail from the informal unorganized sector and are'nor-literate end poor. The Approach is to equip them with varied information and education; espacialy providing varataral cr liveiliitnd wkillk, gr britying tam inte the min Aineain ulig ng mas! attordalile sau weressihie means at coromumiicatan reso in 2040011, Samuuayid Rucme Ramis Dagoen the Ladi Media Awaras for Gendat Sunpitiity 2010-41 (Wester Region) ili ti SpebiitAward Careyary ‘Bios te-emmpower women toyao medi’ Hvsnelved two more awards. hamely ine: Fis! CEMCA Community Fsaia Awaras for. Gooo Pracuces 200) under We categories. (i best tenaiie camyalgn anu il) cemny|ily engagenient raaran: Seunenrnnntiiey THE SIStlon HhOStesete programe oh Sit mayor subiets remety: fread liticsts, emidcare insurance, ampioymem, women's empowerment anc Infotiniiinn Practically) the pragtattia distais avery probiony Wer Spy. Incas generation, matron ediicanen, sel/-rallanes, eAviCONMEnt ayroUltUIe NOLEE-KeeDINg and child-care Io erriowernental women Guiiny festiale and olfier avait, Wve coverage: gravitas motivatiany, fo autive pannyipaton of the community. Besides: the CRE uillizes. seme prograrts: for Harraweaeting fo create wider outfesel! Anew tonnat iieing Bnawai—a traltinana: art of loth sinyiiy- Nes aah lnyoduced in which Ivo Gharsoters | Bangi and Randtll gre massanes to hstenars ara Junny way using dance and-anng The ‘éspaned Mony Ihre lislesnaire [0 [his (ogra ia vary dood thar thon nArrowsasting) Hin tam] Miso. alters, Gram Sapnas (village Panetsysts) in ihe villages. Tus s.metine sna prace: Jo Nhd majorly oF villagsies praan! Thay raise aD saris OT Iseues-hisee, Recunding of (Kis event tiy Sammutayih Rullitio Ratio ORS becones an eavallentingradient forts prgrams: ‘Vhese 15.8 faurmenmer advisory comnnitas yf the CRSand anuther booy at CR leain witli Nive inembers Boln Ihe bodies gre imyponsitile tay freedcastina pregram line quot Samudayid Runtiqo Radio” ALLO se SneeR RUIN ATEN Tie bagel ccrmmunily comprises women metbersot SEWA Tid repertars wna are slsomembelsaf tha Assocenon) naip-addresstne orabiems tscza hy follow membiats wid alin re-pabkage the lnarhiny in the Cain of prigiars on the same theme: Repoiters visi {he Neicl mlénact willy villagers, collect information and Inen weave tint partowarory fororars ta broadoastavers “Fay coca il acids y comuiehna ait CR toatyell Steradigyid Ruglocd Ponca wal irs tn WIRE XOgtE) HAD 5G CEMGA- INRZEF GR Project React B7~AR En e+ "|S elt +le weak Evary day there ia © differant tHamie tnd adifenent fnrmal, If eduld be arama puppetry Hhavai (leedifional ari of talk singing), interview or disgiktsion - 1 Comminmenrarts Reparors Programme anneULe lz CEtarTne OHA Ins WwaRKIY meeINgS at Ine station, and avaryane ats aa per fn decisions taken ln this masting Ab rrwes. the tearm fale shits meg far rate rember are ceponers as recordin, OMSOMeSSlinS srIMSLILne waren Gal (nary Ihr anai woman NGC GR thpottors alle’ Uid-vetiikon Detled Jaiening Mh stallor ja ae OOOOMLINIKY to cerve oifer worn wha need anteyunte ariel lirraly ghilarroe All he wennery working win Samudayit Raine Rade have enhanced ther gkills and’ partinillss.te Colin Uf ih Ihe; they naw see their Work al CAS a Imi thir« Ler relurn the Bunsfit te el))o muribters aed atan ib do lita bagerway There oe ssyoral (ob opportunities (o-erlice the women (sporers away from ine SS, Dutsnay preter to stay Br, Ab Lisely commie a tot of respect ates 2hjoy er enicteeionateae There ih slao2 sere of mds they tect wile doing tme wolk However In between many Women Nave indeed teh the Ortpanieaniiin far baton prgepents titemube the pay le just Ra 4.560/- gor rami i Tron, The Community Radio Reoorers were depured for ron days prior tome fraiguerstiian to attend tesitning ‘at hailing of eauinetent Earlier they had, expresiet! [hie View hal busta (raining an luardWware [fey dillo fomendied Irsining “O11 pregram orooucion and mresentanon The tesm Had nol Sipaelallzsel |p his finie), As a erstullt) Usmy aver Util be matiliaey lint atlentiln Joy long, Subaduuantly they organized expgeyre vieite to otter radiostanons and Hed iraiting ch enhancement of capacities in. communtiy endagementand program pradiet|on CEMCA afona with Oni Word Faunrdiation (hia, coneuulid two rauiite of Crating (6r Ihe radia) team) fealty werkers, community Waders. and fepresentalives of diferent picipations of oreaing engagig comin wil COMMMNY Panicigatiny In ZOD al 2014 Post workalnps prddurtiqn. Subpor wae grven to ensure thet fire pew irenises gol an onnertumly to Dinetee tn howky abeidlirctt Skil, Trailing also 'attémpled to gulver ceotiont Mroupt ayitéruies tretivenn Tie radks pravuctivt learn are the field - faemecihen wor. on women's heath: Tha had-the aim of enmeniy Ye peoyrane chutenl Uirotigh the: voices eT weruen an lurnitng tSsiaak jo Maer everyday ives. oi elt FUaamaedal ShaLiasalilit ‘Sariwutayih Rudin Radia ls petaps, arare OF Staten whith fas carshully AIM assrtobeslynoTUTed Ihe mage OT A-Station whith calsesle the neaus-ot padre wameratio Nave abemgion ite rig fen He NGO The mustaialllty of tlie station is nul ini earring, meome by atirartising Ralliart Icons from bmadtaaling programs, of mei evervasy Newde, Te two coutes to SUSINNEDY are DUES acer [Port ean other in CoMmepLiine Mery: Tha CR Stating Had state cleaily ttalihe stallon has bobo opmind with > missin to enable warner, rot is ean prold Tha flmenrtiol skrvivel ite assured ne the pareny NGG nas vangus ether aciiviles to sam money. 30 far pa atieinpiehave bean faarteto gamer faveriie \ntuigh aby meats) Nar has anyone enpmachad the ORStnrthis purpose. The GRE (eam & visar thal ney yrmile gertainly pot Subirwl te the market Semmetda juai for-eerting money. A-zurvey of gmail matkete (nie village rivanine (ial the lncal radar were wot intezeited i isang tt raafle time for promoting teir Guiness interests trownll advertising People in Villages Were oO! Ihe opitune nat” we fll knew aMoUr Gann sills sane thew bultinnss anlivilles. Thm pomsbilily of Mmprovihg bibles (hroug! radio ris Utara sewed tn trate, Pesce fratr oui te allege ae etitkealp came Io Us dilar bearing ahoull ILun radipy as a senice pravider is aveady Pheri thal pilisige ae wall ™ ‘Tegeieveceteselbgt Syethsteralillity, The studio of ines station has: tean talltaccoming tothe stata of art toshinotaay: Everyiting trac (entering Ia egiipments andolhersupportine matatals fms Baan done will oft kare THe Svermil Look mt the atti in very inmressive. Maiimerance. gt the gaggets is. perfest A competent lochiwrlan Nes. belie appoinisd [0 lake oars a! the mayvlenance alg Li Ment and guide oltmap mummies Of the team aboul épijratitin, ac, care of estummment One Key concert he OH team ss inal dhe transmitter be: malittaiiaed (i shich way Ipatitign: is ne Chance af phrdakdownh tal could dhbrupt| he dally brosnicaat, Eley ara strc Weren mamnens of the NGG milf nal grou prepara-aii the proarmns Tie Station Ras Shine 2eaRGhet and Pop lay raHIG Women Wie arieraa live talented and popular Thisis hintinun afalltne isam members Thalgh thelr cormminrent ta the assigned worn % total theme to create something: sptcla! lemnissing in Sate mambars. This ie why Samutiayi® Alita Risks atangyperres. cevrenidabear yy (otto Pregl | aq Lilly, THI wort engaged Ine CR work oi * |e are vary few, and they are asked tocover all evants in lhe field witholit giving Prefarancete (hair jrterastaraptilude. SEWA brings to the radio program te ideal of colleetivema women and empowering them through training, educating ard information on issues of relevance and practical importance. Stemming Up Maintesimce of eqiipinuints. nn trarterriter is Yiry goad in Samiucayie \Rudine Radia and tenenily & tramed person has also been appomied who is imparting technical training to the staff in ine studio operation as Well o take thany mate efficient and Gunifartable in their work al the tation Undoubtedly, raridom olacement of'siatt in recording work al the CRS is harmtul for quaily prodixttion, People trom ihe community, but pol fiacessatily mambarsiafthis NGO may alsa be welcome ta do thls work, ‘éghinteers who Have penchant tor creative: program making will {hen inter into this ares and give botiar impression of ihe statinn's progtarns. Thissstmingy may alye bring Frasers ane Novelty te its progres. There does notseemtoha any.greal virtue Inexchidma mate valuntears from reporting werk Ibclusive petey ‘will expand Samuciayik. Rudine Radio's engagement with ine community. New peuple with innovalive igeas-and special aptitude. far such work, if iawled Lo jain the tearm, af feporters: would bring varity ih parspective ag wall a8 grester mobilily fi terms of he CRS's outreaoh, As this area han high cost of living, the (CR reporters need/to pe pau? reasanebly to meet ihe expensas. Improvertent If. the qualily of the peogratis and ther valle ty the ‘féleners anil to the station foguires more atlintiin to thematic “Sechilization of ratio production and.content neh senptvertiing e+ e+ pie 2 + e+ pie Case Study 6 PARD Vaanoli, Madural district, Tamil Nadu ‘Beckground The Community Radio Station, PARD Veanoll is located In the modal farm of People's Association for Rural Development (PARD), an NGO, active in Thirtimangalam Block of Madurat District, Tamil Nadu, lt was launched on 8 September 20098. The CRS started broadcasting the programs for one hour daily. Alpresent it broadcasts its programs for three and a halt hours from 1.30 pm ta 5.00 pm PARD Vaanoll is audibte in mare than sixty villages. The CRS's signal feaches 4 radius of about 20 kilometers, covering a population of 180.000. Prograan Siestaitabdlity: PARD Vaanoll CRS broadcasts mostly community-based programs. These Include coverage ‘on importance -an education, health, legal aid and legal awareness, sustainable agricultural Practices and citizen's rights. Apart from the regular programs thers are also programs to calebrate loca! festivals and tocommemorate spacial days declared by the Intemational erganizations such as International Women's Day, World AIDS Day. Local community members actively parlicigale in preparing and broadeasting these programs. With the support of iis. dedicated staff ele team) PARD Yaanoll CRS has collectéd cullniral songe tram lho community’ marbersand pow hess volew bath offhe cornmuuiysdangs far mach Ura ton and aheil hours Agrictinural experts help in predictor at agricutinest programs and medical doctor assist in oreducing heallh edlated programs whilr lie staifninmber vearry (timate responsibility of production of hese programs Most af these Prograints aré nite! wilh locally produced fale songs lo render thar mare Inturesiingn, A) Prager Aas ibery Outre! Memasernwrt Compton PARD Vaaiall CRS His a thirteen member Mandgemant Gammittes" ‘The Imenibers: comprise community loaders. acacemicians. journalists ard rinefltadl professional. Thay \itclide fernale mieihers All he mimibers ara honmary end ne remuneration ts paid te them The commitias meats ance In thes months and seems Ihere Ys Mo fixed tentive Tor Une caMmittas marries: ‘The Management Gommittas provides quidanne to preparation of program norltent, including prreiparabor ol the new programs I¢ be launehed as per the npedsof fhe cammunity and changiiatocal environment and ineddifion, oversees dey taday aperationsotihe CRS, Wiis content generation i the resnonsibiliy of ‘the Station Managar. mombers of the Managemen! Commilice and lhe staf), fl is Ue Mahager, PARD, who dé respormible [op the Sapangion, expenditure, appaitmarits. andrayente generation exc. i) omninetFesaback Stady The ORS has eegiilar listannes who provide -roguiiir fisedbarth on thes programs broadcast, CRS workers personally collect feeaback during their Interaction wif the Metrers Thit feedback has enriched Ine CRS wit Ideas, enabling | tn Improve upon the qualty atprogram contant and alse tp foentify The talent amang the sammunity members As tie workers collect Ihe feedback, Ihere iro ependilure ivalwad itl The piotlly othe CRE 7s le eamiwinicsle velly the conhmunity in order to anil] Neral rune development, particularly of he Salt Hal Groups ane farmers: |t was reported by some informants thatas a result ofthe CRS's: broadeasting agticliltural programs thera was an Incruase In culllvated afaa of the villages: falling ith ile range of lisliemerstiiy Similerly browdtasliny of, educabonat programs had. the reaull of better performance of me aiudent Veith it of adiley wtidnc monitor whe CEMCAULNICER CR Pree! Rigi 201% 4 I e elt +le immunity We whe ares. THE prefer! enim silk iney came aarnes any HOUTEN tory Bvidence to suanaT these facts: fi Witt Caonmunny.farrim &armmanity PARD Vamiall CRS anioye the fill oo-apertion af helical carmunly. The CRS 18 ullliaing-ine community wn sextant goneraciod and wvolang: th um Rarticination and prazsitiatinn of prograrits. The CRS is providing prograie for famrers; SNGa and Tessligitiell Nps to Ne village peaple The progr emitted “natu Gru Gramanws Bevaile! (Dols ofa wllsge eaen aay) isan jnrrqvetiive program thst gives ihe all-round Ustals of & village” Phat ar foie stall srvrritings orveolls with ot Program excoulives are! hye FeRorers: He HeUUAS one worn fremitei AS welll All (te Menibers are tam the comunity, Allare lull Line employees working for eigh| RoWs's day, Their emoluments rmge from Ret,S00 (0° Rs.4,000 par mani CEMCA and MAARAtramed all iresie! members of PARD Vaanol CRS: Entire taining Wes Yob Gf cast ave Inara thesre Yas no AaKoeneliutes jnaurrad on tralia oF NE stall mamibers, : There fs quite a tuyn level of altniion among ie etal as yore that nen mempers nave jefiihey jane because! petter wh Goporuriives oumod the (ORS dng sith beraiies of parnages offAmeia staltmambers THE CRS IS at tre opinion thebine siettsiouln be prufarnatily nil (line as gemrpened ho part tim 88 ie formal oorall lypes of ware like lilo work produrpor and feseentation of praaraip mare Sthintiently PARD masts The eniira cagital investment sand curren! pocrationan expondllute Of the CRS. Ihe begakyp iil costs Indicdtod 1 Ube quilted) scoaynle af the ORS during 2011 | aves fiiy-thres per canton bef salaty, thinywnme per ceoton reattyng the damage caused by fighting thres pst “anit bth Vavel anothiat Uitan gr cent on wpesicands cha gas rave! live pti dann on SlaNcrmany, Steprificantly, 39 reef Connit at Hew yeiar’y Gent wait for wulvinng, (hs breakdown prabient ol Irensmitter, The PARD vaanal CRS fs located 1:1 the retvinte villages of tie Cisttiet so I ‘cull only juen aibetubemnents ality th past nine ani a hiattyears ASS smah NGO runs.tiis CRSand i harsio office ar punnactiarys if) New (elny, tlle! bdr Tl Up the beling raguanratiotl thr Use emganelrwet of DAP far Govarriniant advertinn rant. [nthe fines GRS nay Sxplore thik Sours “Te Wicca livee ingrid Tews Low DEMCALUMICER OR Pholott Rieti S012: BS oi ele Gf INcarne tor sustaining Its efforts. There is nol muct'sqope It the coverage res for carhinjenstal advertisenmnts as there are is ho sigritigant business? sennce establisnmentin ie wemity: The CRS was able fo secura only ane advertisamentirom ajeWellery store, The GAS would Vike 49 fein hw othe taller have Kel thal activins, going, raluedt finds and overcanre chitllanges. 1{ hes (nviled exparts fq vealt their cation and help with peactinal management tips: The CRS feels tint Areater riilwarking and knowledge shating can mane a big difierence (0 the COMTMUTVly FadiG Stalions anross the Country. The CRS would benatit from suppor! af other networks that eauid assial iwitn Ine DAVP rogistrasign:atc. ThE CRS ia making effarta to vopilarims the Staton and its programs Inordar to.gain greater listarershia end thereby Increase the revenue forthe smoath funtung ofthe CRS TaRmislo see] Susssltab lity ‘The CRS dia face a ortsts whens transnussvon-stagped due toa lechnica: msllunction oniiied by nature! calnmity. The ISMie vas resaividt with the hie af the tedhmisians/engineers fram Bangalore. Power shartige fies of the major problems forthe CRS: and | has addressed the problam by daitg an invertor Mowever socatad sie [tis ina beach Ward mall area (hal feces.the brunt of autames, the CRS ie unable. sven with the Inverter, 1 leverage its expentence:and the wealth of [ocal lalent te produce mote holirs af programiniing ar to Incroaise ite broateanthaurs. Fillee and Bisel PARD Veandll tearines aut to.over 60 villedes- ard 190,000 people so Wl evident inal thay have sullably leveraged the power of ine transmitker ana complied withthepolicy Community invaivarient andorantatiqn Is anther feature thal sirengihens the performance and pojalanty afiha CRS The leclitical and financial sustainability is now In tha ands of the paren NGG. The Mnanicial langauily of fin mation is araailly at seh clue (or ttve Vilinateetallty of theequipmen\to natural calarmities ike lightning, storms.aic. = ap “The CRE needs to explore pesrbililes. of altemative form(s), of enerey bo (han ite ransmiitel-arid This pirnlang dts centindity. Ip e e+ pie An NGO named “Apna Kosh’, a unit of Bunkar Vikas Sanatha (Weaver's Development Society) decided to have its: awn community radio station when it cama to know about the Goverment ‘scheme to give licensas to thoss who ara ‘engaged in the wolfareof community. This NGO has a tarde number of mentbars on its roll, Practically, evary member of the community engages inthe occupatian of weaving the world famous Chanderi silk. Members of this: community not only needed timely infotmalion an their work related activities but also required knowledge about their awn. well being, Keeping this basic requirement in mind, tha NGO faunched its own radio station famed ‘Chander Ki Awaaz’ (CKA) on ‘18th April 2070. Sine its inception, this station has heen broadcasting programs that aim atfullling thisavowod objective. Located at a distance of 140 kilometers: fron} Jhansi in Uitar Pradesh, Chander i Awaaz CRS functions. with a team of volunteers selacted from the local community. It operates from 3. private house which Is in the neat of Chandar city, The studio and aditing: room are designed according to the state-ot-the-art pattem where every gadget |s fitted elt apptopriately The CRS's beginning has been modes! wttairas presently Il bogadicagts only freur hilar rages. AUtua! prociucicn is af pe hiengrs|) me morning aud In the evenmng fis the rapeatof morning programs. Tho CRE covers about lthiny villages around Ghandcn serving cota PpplLaHOlT O00, GGN, THe abou frrblattiss prieeaia Uuricy ine Wied alt sansa, As per a rongh satiate of its fisteners hawerl op feanthask tacaived thpoily phovie calls anc:conimunity /5tue reapettens’ mMerabuen withipsopis ameut warty to Weanty-one Mousa psoplle Rirle 0 thig station wwery say Tha Sagal quality 1s Guile dood in Ie COKETEBE ero as. nn Nin Fes Rpulleinp ae ralloc axistin the vieiraty The "aenh of the stallomis.on at aveeage appreximately Miser Kilometers, Al same planes the signal reaches sven trp tafurty Alameters. Gr ihe alivei hanch srplaces it dees natresct even five kilometers Listeners frany-suct| pisces often! call up-and ask now thay cam also llsran HC, Thiel Uy ternl basa Pah Het abepiaerncd thive ci wenpantec oP COHCA, buat {fiery fa ce knowladys envoy fhe "Rerla Mitre” [Radia Reportars) abonuf, bevy te overcome tins hurdie. The CRS ts Hea-cf explaining to Hts listeners Inat neti) cath he chore in tile regard (PP Puaangpirr 1aqytentt Atatity Alresent, CHAS funelloning wilh goad repositery.of progr uanient prepared by the ttarm Local toll yuusit is availahts In-abuncionca bo the dation These fall gongs attract miral fulke and they tater be Win large numbers wih evid wierest Heportors have:estibhstad gaod rapport willt local govarnitnsuts devalueenen| agdiiciss WicW provid) hast (iodo On welfare schemes lil NREGA, healih programs felisille gt dit child and Savill impaci on inure socal swucturs The ORS receves. 15.20 phan calla dally (orreg (tenis tp listen ta fell sens at lhale etitice. ‘The follewieg autetarding fans of CHCA sritribute bs the potenticll sustearmability in hibeane, HE Re euiblinen ct Cosithiorth, The programs. brugilizaet roo) CGA’ are Inamly on the Issues behellicial tp the community, Sivee ull the repartive belong ta the local sre, tri) rogram suffimentl rettest the problems. issues and noedé ph the comiminly Thess geograrat are basically orypronicihne balitisit in heater, addressing Lo the neds amd dara 6! the hwo majat dcoupatitrns of the: people nthe nrea. thats:! lindigenauseparstiel The mile reporiers luke all decilony feganting Uwe Content of the progrants: their preperation. anc serecron ol ine issues for ihe progranss. oi + \+ ele ois They keep in ining lhe needs and aspiratlina oF the listeoers. Nati o! the programs Js Sponsored by any outside agency 19 rng revenud to Ine ‘station; ‘Some of'ine programs breancas! by thi sation proved decisivetn changing the course of nellan of joyplimeniiation agenches, Soverdl welfnre sclismes cole aftectively be Implemented inthis ares berm of timely intarventton ofthis stator in ine form ofnecessary mformauoninpurs i) inno vlug Peegramiing The Gamnnseity Hatlto (eporar ot OKA have prod\ccad Nar tealr Ustyrrnrs some wary Winavuilve ad Wivestigatlve programm: suelt ay ‘Raheny Rozgaar Kit {Emmoyment opportundies} 'Chanden kaa titraas' (History of Chenden) ‘handed Ke Gaurav’ (Heroes of Chandérl) People appreciate these programsaiid give thairfesdback thrauph phere calls and tatters {W) Gonmrremity Melua Proserilly, the residanté.o! Chandan tral vory pisased (I fey are iscluded in thé programs specially if ney are seked lo give (heir apislonson an issue” ‘Earller thay sed to got intated if they were approached In give their fntanview, DOL once they reallaed tke amounl of ead work CKA wae doing they started appreciating (L They event approacted the radie reporters an ‘thei share theiropmnons and conceras: They teal excited whan they hear thomsalves an tha radio and adtars talk about IL The podple in te community also ‘canbihilte to the ginaduetion’ a the programs Gn fmporiant days like AIDS cay blood donation diy. environment day they give them ¢omments tnrolah public opinion. Thelocal folksingars and musictns ais comin tothe siuidiote platform omGhAa, Ihikas observed tharwhile gion hand, somo groups of ihe camutuinily feel dosaly associated with the staton( others are just apathetic tawarts tt The fopariérs ‘olen approgcly these istisied groups of pom illle’s biexplain and Moliyate em Slut iis Llitity IN hale if, However, istnue Net people, by snd large. have welcomed ttys sation and listen to Its prograrns with infaresh Jv) Loca) Pilaleed Far the promoting’ lonal dlleot ‘Bundétl and ihE ciuttire, lint Staticny hroadcasis progranis: nn regula; desis: The primary. vbjectve ul the progres *maing tb weve the contminily info a aingle Unread “Fam yengrenmiin of Carndin’ KI Rushes ne CEMCR NICE EER Prajptt Ragyert 22 {7 ele ¥} Lande) Clee nht J\vintaresting nve (hed aopied by the radio reporters tor searching fhe lovat talent among ihe youll: Of Ghandian & Prulbha Kiran a progr af the Station, wherein listenent are asked (0 fly 3 form Myfiighiing ther talent or imerest sre iva ‘paricutar feid Ths exercise helps nem to Inchise talriled paople with gped singing, posiry recitation ar story telling taiant for Ihe programs of CKA, Itatsonilfis ho peed te ennuarage creative. ac among Ihe Youtns as Ul career oy Acconting to Ihe ratte reportors. in ardar ts: achieve thin objentive gaveminent shauld organize workshops and promatir ‘he local fatent teient on sreas like anchormg, edfing, and, arogram proeiuetion ete vil Peeohack Meciunimm in 2008, when the acto Staion applied for obtaining = license tram tis Minsiry of infotmatian and Broadeasting if Candutied’3 haem survey wal the Help of its radio mortars Siro thy: ovark i the field, the ORS Spent Hite memey on data calleenén iam ie community. The only cost incurred was tite philing of tis survey sotreduies The mettiods of obtawing feadback fram [he teteners. are how either through phone-in ortheaigh sdggestion biases piacad al various inoatiaris i the. ares, The fsedtemk abtained| from the listerrers very: important for structunng thotimescHodule of Inegrograms ‘heueenny ares! Seesnremttfete The following elements contribute to human resaures sestainability, i Molheiitaay Setecticin, Frabinineg undccaradliathan, Hope ta saciite & brightir flue [n their cherishad area oF public porters 1s what Longs prospective cendidiates jo BKA: Though many peoote visit tis stattan witha purpose (o work here ax reporter Ine selection iepandts only an her/his proving Lalentsind Spink Losreve comunity, Baars the actual progiam production, they gat stydle training In the opetatiims of recording and other Islated aspects. The Staton Manager. who fan ‘experianced! workor Inuthis\Ratd, piersonally auuervieos ther (raining OF mete recruits. |twee cradiable on the part of Statin Manager !o keep hic team happyland aaliafied He-mnsiirad Ital every rdperter gol anopportunity and Ssatinfaeting of producing a CRApIsgram Wp The CHA meen: P eaitanttl Potabiet Some beld\reparters hive been associated with GHA since 2008 when this GRS was launched They workd as part ti reporters as thay iid nel fcolving @ ramilar remunsredian for ther work: They engaged in pihar I e elt +le apes In orcheites quart Uveit Vhded heme geod atljusttied Leer tems Nar Grding Lo ble (fri stanly of ibe pineal clespreeretse ch ive areata ily OT eben lly: suipply oihesianon: They netdivad a éariire of (reining. pull them) on thectrack to work in tras Seed tn 2006 “One Worl Gout Agia’ tate tani mi basis aperanins As ‘Aipldtfaportars hey four (hits trailing quite -holifid) Macoreting to thertrr bier should be more such trainings Witte future because tlay.ane of great haip: The sug¢esiinn Was tal malrad ofinersmnng ths ime and Uays of Inest drain vas Ht ke better to rope (herr Tregquianay. The Station Managet hae nw developed s teant of vollintests rain the commurily They mpresant Vitually every Segrent ofttreliaterer groups ere ine pattern of a reporter in Wie local nowspaper Eor oxampe a poeess forks hes toe fy paral wha mimhes BGT If Nhe Oven eay aie She tree ‘spealal taste tor sage pilayss;-A Mipslim ential renting fram Vreaver commuity produces pypgrams.tti Urdu language: @ college going gi wie was bom 88d beughtupia Chandar, hay petckpil (or detate anid drains, Currently, a lam shrine (luUnlASR: felerted 10 a8 [ne "Radio Raportises! ar “Radi Mar, manages CKA siatign saiflessly arg take-up The primary responsibilty of praduting me programs A) the Ratie Reporters are axorated girl well Walnad iy the Tink! of faule: podremming. They Hswe fecalyed regular training ittatend to CR pingiilictiony work anul eparessenph all Hom segments a! ihe community inciwamg howsemves -sludems weavers “shopkeepers ald workers amd teachereer. Eklng outthet tlveliixee! in different pcafexsiorm, they bong their varied experience and perspective tir Ine programs Way proquoe Exen voluntesr atends 10 work ar ine CRA Laklog lime off Fan othin ecorertiirmnente ‘The voluieiens tam menibers are dgvuled.and camevited ti the job ii hard Vihay work Pere tes what thteir crmeative urged iin mot to wart misttey Thuy Gam fiisas areppotunity te-Tone her tdlents ang-a.olationm wheee ter abilty lo make’ good quallly ornardinus is wall [ested These are Iho masons Why ‘focal pape feal saaitacheH (oCKA, UN], CARD trneyeemeni nia Li an The voluntests hye naw liaen invalysid will the Community Ratio orgiect ‘Toraverg years The radio reporersare happy-ard satisfied working at CWA, which bas: given Dem a new actly New (hem names follow the tag line “Chander Miwa tei Reniartars Abmiltshopkerper: aiso working as & Teper because.o! fis talentiinsoript writing: (eis happy itat hols now'a retsgrized radio an} and sama oi elt “egspeciwhafaverhe.gnes This single rmasinn is eholigh|lo¢heolicagn hry ie ‘work fvtrn Hie Mester abst pv deann itv i Wen rade fy tapers a Gavemmem organized fuitclion where a mumerer wes present. He “rdchlved [ih hOMoUr becanae ol |yiip aberdeen Wily Whe CRA compal tye radio, ‘Opesther tepater expressag happiass over je oppertuNNy Ne got ke exnibums wnilna prowsss: He [seis tia! CKA providests vase pintforny far Hirmuin this smal city, Far thle reakon, fia vunied Nims as w liey parson Many loos! ants, who nad mzcorded (Nem programs fr headleashngy Inenkedt Ihe stalled protusery fine enhancing Ineit popnilarity iat Drought Wem betlerand Hiogerstage parfomianca — Whe arriaurtt nf eriisslisden arid dedicaatiin ome observes dinomsthe propia corrected with CKA.daes Tot appeerto dilate crougn all of therm feel tte, pinetrol tne apsanee ol fandingand resumes Tre people whonadlaleave Wdue (o'lhait family pressure. carmen itnprovainent os martes prospects BM Tey Ine contrite: if witatower mattine/ thwy ean byway of ideas; scripts, sand Ghntimnritseti Hywever, Lanpeers thal same sort af Inisimiiion issimmering in the haatts of hase yolliMeers Be They Wars mptiiratad ff work Ker or ihe ausiimines of baititter hfture bolt\ cares wise-and puonarrically. His now fort to conver Ihgir Inust wll some raimtucsomont he honorarium’, Ms Will alspatinact Uficwof feat fete a der flne fer af ewe voaluyrifemetess CHA IS thie ony racic station tat beth suetainacd for: levy Witty trial hirer suppor and thie hee bean possinte. nity barsuse ofthe cournge aod deternuitalion of thé euppod NGO and is wollimidet Nisam They auniutyveraite dd lye felteivivegs, Ghats “Heey fate Th anaariig Minnly produintion it Kaearlinrenith expert tr fre sven! of panesititon ofa recording attire lstnrmment weltroul giving any reason even when tbnre Wels Briar honsanlontaned. Ihre ware always inary probly, Since the sthtan nods nol pay anyltling 16 the wxpert, tae respurdiollity otemanging aitermdivas falisurtine voluntaar team members Tig haga thai aciion od Ihe gtshor'speriarmance OQ) Mingcaraer es” Ca venntisendined I evedl tin Regarers Ustially cals tht tecording as pet Iheir convenience because Way sr patel ejgealy. thw recording 16 rashuduled burause of repertars Incanventsnce, like whole Bung goss haywire, Even the expert refuses to sgiv@allemate lime” oi * |e elt +le oA tuinds ard avenilatin Shrasclibanetatudbillty ‘Azmall funting jem UINESCG ana nananans tor local eeganissnone ana wallwisheis helped bo kel up OKA, Thy ficwtes (ee wits coluctad [rom Member Haleners ar 68) a OF CRS The sim was to bulls the capmety ef youth and sspacially young girls 10 teverage the range af skills thal thoy poksese and provide gverlise for axptezalan of lhelr lalenl, The gradiicl progression from a Community Milimedia Centra ta & Garnmiiatiy Reds Station has feriidated teller owaecatia: and. parlicpation, af the loos Poll Prope nave omtduully Lndnnstened the importance af the nace aiatlin Whey everyday business, ati! tre ctalioh hed pian ayed Nr mobilise Smell enlarge danations fray individuals ane rgenisations. Fine Stanin Mamagerconeadted Niet at presen! QKA makes do witty vary low pomilanal oot as thare was no funding’ available to The iasic Qxpenaiture i on dlectriclly and ranlor the space He was aware! iat in reat Utute tee neporters would! dertiame dette cerjumeeration. ri Mie ‘Bupn! OF Increase In the Ire Ot bradeass from tur hours Wo.elght hors daily Wie repevrters” hope for mare business woul. alsa aise Sincé allict CRA CRs are working partima ratsing oraadéasting hours dose notaaern inadibie: Howeves, INE finite o! the stallon bepcerlisiig 2s the NBO finnbig CKA assured iis finemial sMipor Ul EKA achiiues sett sustainmgintow ofresocrces. 1 Roller OvertwntatiiE interminws wth potential advertigars in the Sean Indicated Mat mog! cf ine People Whie ln bunin=ss fie thie ara Nave ined nvadiia for ihre publicity of Meir product, Acapediing to thepm marriphtets atvcriihe jlital icity uae bere Utes Most effective means of giving publiey to (ner venture: Wher iney werd given a aoLOn of! publicly Uvtaigh CR ibey all agrend lo 'L They abso accepled cuften walvantages of pilliibiging thru radio They said that tue asEra=ariount at rroney they could spend was arcurel Re-SO0-1000 ina, Fmonifl OF! pabticily of Mer product fit these were all Nypoitietical nfatamants and how many ul ties will Game forward toactually iank thie haviness WH GKA Station rarainy 1o-be Sein Al prmpert, very (aw prtranrensursare giving ade lathe Station ‘The barat in front of tte icanyof nero working ana dodicared GARs is tock adeduule: (nduiess siivh go own oabvayaner, quiniretion ate Which Irrita (helt talent dend caapsabiilly Wo rratke goed progres fortireiy Hetarers. This nmakes thant teel heiplzesness: They alee meedan, bxfausilve Ireiritig Io become ante sell-#uffinient In orter te produce good oquility progranis and to nvainbiin triair anqulprtnryl @fTielertty oi elt Renofiara now dapect batter retire ates of monny Reavenis eatin Myrouugyh aed vrrihgerrrmnr ite Je rritselt WINCH [bye yatter frying Heb relece foul Wi Wttiee sucess: Og) Nemesis es trie CR UT StreTUOLi® BOIS are HOW FBNIFED 10 anvings Haople Kagerding [rs Imporsrss of fisiening ta ratlle asi) (werlysfirst century radio tes leat fis giamour that used ta go earker with ths medium of-educeoon and AAMDOTRINM An WAY the aiteypeléice of marly olin moat of ertertmdimmnly education, mace Nos iahain tiankwer, M7 An jmnivalive approach metopian by thésacllo reperrers try arden to papular ine programs is hy reacting: out t6 thew. 'Iisteners shrough thet mrovde phnned Sihce uve !s aboorl m mobile linge (nesA days oF incl worts SVINYOOOy possesses A Mobile, fo Poputarzn Mam progRETTs thmysrend SME Ja Ihe HISteNers providing RMaticeA: sonAgiE ol a parieular program. Apart ‘fom ihis; they aiao give adveriesinanta of the program t local mite sHownloading snars and ae, tnenr ta vewnioad 1s aavertisements siong WIE Eangs Mepersors mete What the parson goes hack hace and lider fo fhe eeregn Hy! she wieckedinty hues the advertibay niin ata proonan ferbe browdenst ih CkAgH a parmiiadar dale Then cailing we CiCAite Iiterer ahs ntherwlevart! datails of Ine progranvor listens 16 the program sac taert scallop lojprese Wie pmoreniargivehiailiergamnienh ‘Gre GRR woyyested a webil® for CKA ry onde to Migr (ts propulleily Advartiging inrough ener and hex poarne at prominent praces:will Biso Tnerekaise aierrfiesss atstliyt he piatHiny pecan! Weellely with Chaser! Il Awaaz galhted on) Wl coilld Go tovillagesé fy Spol recordlira, Peaple will tke notes of rand Hence knowabaut i. (Ucables A a i ASH Tachhical Talis developing in aay eglipment or the: transmitter Hrialf edhe, He enews ie Feared bea br pear pl ihere wits no mained person avaiable An incinent ieken place sometime ego highlights seriiustees a Wie Issue. One day Siuddan|y (hie trarteniiter Wert Gulf ardor sre thine Ware me flac (© Wake il far repair, Ht Had 16 be faker to Kolkata 1 ool: wing tine (6 geri back ana suDaranttal amrounDel intoney fyad th. ba palo Five prntiiery ia geling tobe coming tines an warrarty period ofall aquiprey tat ORAL nerering-carplation , Erratic power sapnlyis amutier big seue that always worse CKA team Inembers, Bul batting Gan bivdane it thin reigard Mehoe il tias Heer dincidid fo purniiaba 4 pinteralor sehlon whieh GHA (mmniselataty requires extra finds. oi * |e elt +le Ty Cpiitlonial rasta puarsharsing isi "or {Him garprater will Garth Iifatse GKA’s cost The Aavieory Commuties™ is aware of tvs grave situanor-and ‘yell atin Lifer ths fled bight IR yy abe er ebaacisded wy theat for ill rraks canmecied with [he Sately of tranamiilar act ather aquaimrents,ary, insuranes poly will be availa ef “Ons World Sauin Age siippanad purcnase of equipments and! cost of enuihding, 2 studies baat Hie lariat for building satuadite wan ciiffirnit) ta procure Pendle did notagres ta give theif land on rentitie more tien five years im a row, Wh greabeftorts Inare wes atasclistlcr of (his sag, The Station vaxy batthy need=s Valicis Io cover Heid (enrenne | ylitelan Mele pick ered drop cf artiei frarp U)iair esrrees. Masices| Inettuimsrts recqy.iirmet| by ino performing amsis-are aiso f b¢ purenased ‘Evoryining needa AWOL Niels Vian they are preseniyaiinn, of Effnete ate on to wepilpy fila station with avery seeentllil tem, Pviievand Mantis KAS eysiution aver hme exemples transition fom a iaw cost Indgenolsly cnnsinuntied studi ly a State-ot-a/twell neqlipped station This marks thie joumey ofa Exnrmiunity. with support trom aller arsariaations, aentanngcantionsly Monawunallenging trmoros, CMAs brat teremiiva No loeallslic VoHIMeer team Ihe oAckIOg O11 supoOMIvE ane rak-taKing Seuntinniily boise argayisallon. and callahurallont lar turding thie esghenalves ernilpman| iparous lachrical juappart are mstiiia in radio production hau served fo give tit to the aspirations: of Ihe. communily wy Ghandsn Tre Incite? [haf femnding a clidilenge Is access ta adequate lunting lit Ine torn el Grants, qavaynmany spansorshlpe or GAVE wrtverttaira mye rjentcinjrag tly idortify srr bap diffenanyl sources of Fic, it Ranedlen aril Kowety CHA Hasueiuaively nmagud to afteciively reach. wut wy The intended Popalation it the town and iis alstecnatealing villages, Hui notind ist tha CRE. leilocated away frit ie NSO previa. The |neation and tvight of the transmitter are Giaelli/ Jovthe aunnes af a CRS. oftenlims sf scum thal the tocalian of @ station fy datormned gn the basissol us orsxintty 19 the pacent orgerlisation! Ou IN the case of CRAThE -ctiteria ol. unhinitared outreach and sultaivlity of lhe praises Was ehlpler will) a¥ellubilily of is premise for al leest hive years rit afforratlllity. “Tt ttl ol bnogran city coeds ernie méa CEMCAUNICEE CAPitnot Rowvt 2012 107 oi | ° HN) Community Engagement, Relevance and Development Orinitation (CiA's handpicked (eam of bright and decicated local volunteers has been ont of the mast critical factors in ensuring the sustainability of the stabon, Constant engagementwilh the community on contentensuras Its continuod relevance and populanty amongst listeners. Focus is on need based and devalopmantorjentad programming. Sumoning Up Jhis the need of the Hhaur far CKA to ptoactively seek oul collaboration and lunding opportuniljes thal will. ensure financial sustainability, This wall in turn ensure the sustenance of iis two strong pillars, namely, program and human siistainability. 1s equally Important to. louk into the saleguarding and maintsnance of equipment fram camage due: to satural orman-tnave causes in the exten! possible, especially owing {othe cost invalved. CKA may explore somie measures undertaken by otherstatansin this context. The recritment of a core team of full time and part time CR professionals will ersure better management and production in the Jong 'nity, Increased interaction with the community through innovative promotions} elivities, training of paw community Viluntaars ani creation of naw cadres of radio reportersis a dynamic process thatwtll ensure (ho papulanty ofthe station and contribute to its Janigavily. e+ pie Case Study 8 Jago Mumbai. Bandra, \ Mumbal Backigrouns ‘The Union Park Association (UPRA) of Bandra, Khar (W/) under the chairmanship of MrNavin Chandra set up Jaga Mumbai. =. Mr Ghandra felt thatas ellizens.of Mumbai it was the duty of the Union Park Association to do something in solving the } problems faced by the people in the area. J UPRA mombers though! thal, uniess people themselves take part in the Ay process of development activities Undertaken by the local administration or other government departments, they could natexpectte see any results. UPRA recognised radio to be the cheapest and finst convenient mass medium thal can disseminate required information! knowledge to the inhabitants of Bandra, Khar (W). So UPRAinvited people'to take part in each of its programs to make it relevantto people inthe area. Among the first issues addressed the problems of finding a suitable place to install mast for anterinaand setting up the studio proved tobe the bigoest challenge: j Bul each problem staried resolving one 1 | after tha othor wilh active supparl of mambers of this association ‘Jago h Mumbal' became a reafily on May 2010 ‘ when programs went on air for the cammunity, elt Al present, tho-station has: feyular trartsmlission af Weve hours: This JSimplies sty ours res programming from & am to 2 pen ard a repeal brosdeasi ni theevering bom Zemto§ pm. The reach at Jago Mumbai ‘ably Iheee letive: Womatere In one direction as Weny high ‘tae buildings dibrarruel IS igryRls Path THe abhret Sule 8 Sew Ahurp hance no Govern uf population, Many slinr areas gprese ground itis locality meksdling the Jamauis any Ute largest Dharavl shin comes wilhlits coverabe araa Sypaill dirtanile yiages of Bemdteare slay rilfisares This ORS prakes te best im reaen each of iner, Tihs program composilion issuelt that @li sacoons gat their WOloes Mead Fig Iron) natal Minato western Ruch playa! by cal! youltyane can listen fam tis atetian Fees fh Reelin, lage Mutial i praparing ovary day the attineddle of a sik hour ptearam, ‘The programy fully represent (he touts, qt the mixed eidlire of tte area Mempers-ol an enthusiasiic CR teem glang willl a post of volumteces.of all Hges whi hackgrionls raptmantiny aiflemn( injowhombryls grtupe SseIMprising INE aneieneE, IMMertaKe prnGLiutilm ot kage Mimaral program. Wir Bll Ungello compete Wilt Oller paraiis! stenons. We leam members frapareiie programe withgreal zea Initially. Ilaipeared 10 be ainly chalionge fo lok Tor pslowee isis cy stn day. Today a Gombiratiin of “ald recdirding, suche farogiame and ee presenianans meet this scheauie, Ut total programs thimy per cent ace link-based recordings. ily or eent are stulio based progesti- end Awenty: rer ceil ane Carte: sip ds. 9 reexyll af parivarshie around variuay Orgran Heaitheare + Use of renewanie enenpy i.e. salar lighting, solar water heating, solar ‘cookers * Employment and self-employment opportunities imparting itformation ata the Right to Information Act (RTI) + And dither goverment programs thal faciitates entitenients for women, childrén and the rural community, vi Content Bank: ‘Gne.o! the strengihs of Terie CRS ie #s:content Bank of G00 to 700 hours of recordings of. chitiral programs. stored in its archive, |tdods hot face any diffculy in content generation as SWRC has a communications daparimant which otganizes pisppet shows, sweetolays Two reporters working with (his NGO have sscodiallon ofdecades and hance have slowly bul steadily biult this rallection, vi Katworking and dankagen ‘The CRS approach for content generation is to go to various places for content gatharing, and also record programs In studio Whenever anyone: visils SWRE, When Farthh Abdilla yisifed SWRE, radio learn asked him about ws vicws on solar enargy and conveyed his mossage to community through radio. Similarly whe Dalai Lama vishad Tinnis, tha CAS organised alive broadt-astof his visil, SWRE had conducted in Tilunia a workshop ar Health Suraksha Yojtie (Health Scheme) Radio tear worked with the health départment and, got assiirance that all matorial Ital le reeoived trem It on a+ +) * ele ois ‘wll also 96 Lo Lhe URS lo pradiice its prograins During inaliguration of the worktop, ihe rduyteam took into accou ihe views of tie Health) Minfster ondiffarent sues related te health schemas: wii Fesdogen Mtvenaniem Perce tes Tt, launeting te CRE tasni camad ott 4 study to identity the fudiénce snd. heir characteristics Inclicing! (he pogulatian, number of achapia: the pementage of worm er: Slibsequently there fas been na systamalle lsedibark.mteohanism Wistiuedal ths CRS Al present plans are afoot to conduct 2 fiedhack sunvy to yridnrstand ihe profie of listennes, thew exusctatons, and popularity of CRS and There, is aleady a questionsalts prepared torthispumase HhaInnuiReLa DUES) A LAT ARPA The radio stalion cofsints mainly of ihtee parsons Whe perform diiferant yolks whenithe neadanses Tha Station Manager |s overall jn.cherte of the stallion, bul algerdoubles sea Reporter. Thate is a.waman who ig alsa this Mariaper sum Reporter: THe (irl parsan if again é woman who if Exior end renders her-vaice 23. Announcer as well The following key clementsensure the human sustarnability ofthe CRS, 1 Expariniced und Dedicated Coen Tur The CRE ware wffievenily witli loam uf jue! tras persons ond fey ata compleloly dedicated and passionate about their work at Tioria Radio This ‘tho uf similar ralliuret background, sesociatsd with the NGO fora longtime also pirfoln viher’dulies Int 'cabe the oncdaion demands The lian mémbors bélidve thal avnry task of Hie gtatlan is thii.rasponsibliny and sm scarcity of human resource fas no ace here The envirunmeantis charged, aid beople are xollid abdul Ihein work, aver Inoughy Une infrastructure ts wustere, famimscent ct Ashram Mite iy india in prackse there ars no hisrarchies-and pay drawn oy the stal.members fells within shortrange. ‘Same of these working here also lhe pretises In vary modest hours. Ip cage ol any immediate qr ongerit need, (he leary requests SWRC Mmenibar-teathors af tie college, whe live th the meary villages: to de thie resording, fat exampie,ata finetion Keid in their vikege. Ih ls part of the prevailing concept thatany person can do any jab erpvided thal persen gets: Ihe opportunity 1) Covtercuusity Invulo erect greed Weteumertione The cammurity leat gle Informatica about the meagsanes lun thie el Villages. So [he huMiber of reparlars working lor slation Is NOL only two, ralher tne GRS | hunared le hundred and fity reporters working far il So the community dec! the praducton of programs. Location Fecording Invariably covars all Inirs, big. oF entail, held fo nearby villages Moat recurditgs ore gene cdlly marci elityerr Wy the field of div offices willy governmentrepresentatives. However, Ihe concept of using local community members to prepare community based pragrem ieonly paitlallyachiaued in thik CR Station as three parsons of focal angi are working as reporters but they are.old |tands: cof ins NGO aasemsaten will Heanosiang Aven whet hte Station WAS Not thare No outiide pernan is allowad fo rahe their services evan ifithay with tedo.ko, MTG There se no formal training orgarizea for Tiioria Radio Stallon team. However, Met Digital Empowarnent Fovindatian (OEP), conmectd witly SWRG provides the necessary assisiance to train the team wilh nn cot invaivement The Solar Elsctronos Deparment af SWRC tramed the tant wibou! haw to operat tie Rnlst onongy powsted handset: Anhiter perann who lhe comnnnrty handies computer related issuns Tilonia Community Raaio Station & using Linux sotwarm, Digital Empowerment Foulidatiot aiso gave Iraining ony Adobo Exiigty har Natu ts Five days, ‘Soros! Ssvsstanfmm tty Station was established witty’ total Investment cost of Rs 500,000 te (899,000 approximatiniy, We inchided: nly the kos! af equinctrent. Ths extnmely low buen! enlarprine cane into axistenve an every olharfarilily was either net arranged at cepended wi local infrasiwotre, Even the sigdtric conection was tot aYailable sid this station Uses eolar enerdy, so the recurring bill on Hluciricity Jods j1of 4x51 Th hus case. Significantly, mrad ‘SSas:med persons who areasseciaied with (te NGO giner tong manage the etre Wark of rutting this Sinkidn. The total operniitnmal gost is approximately Rs 15,000 to 20,000, winich molules salaries ot the statfand maintenance castets. Thrsts one ofthe casesot alowbudgetCRS I) Raviiie Gensranon Mreogn Ade Thotiy Radio's matt abective 1g 1 4prmad 4 relevant Minssage of kocial change ail devetopmantintifalaraas S6.\t ices Aetihink ruichvabout Ihe faverue and has not contected any adveriser tp give edivertisement an id o

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