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1. What effect does the first stanza have on the poem?

The poem opens with: It was many and many a year ago, in a kingdom by the
seaIt creates a sense of a fairy tale in a magical land, where love is
2. What are contrasted in this stanza?

3. Why did Annabel Lee die? What words/lines suggest she died?
According to lines 11 & 12 and 21 to 23, Annabel Lee died because the
angels envied their passionate and ideal love so they took her.
4. Did her death end the speakers love for her? What words/lines
suggest your answer?
The speakers love for Annabel Lee didnt end. He says that their love is
stronger by far than the love of those who were older and wiser than them.
In lines 30 to 33, he says that neither the angels nor the demons can ever
separate his soul from Annabel Lees, saying that his love for her is eternal
even after death.
5. How does the speaker continue to remember Annabel Lee? What
words/lines suggest your answer?
Even after her death, the speaker continues to remember Annabel Lee. He
says in line 34 that he dreams of her every night and that the stars remind
him of her bright eyes in line 36. Also, in lines 38 to 41, the speaker tells us
he spends his nights next to the tomb of his lover, Annabel Lee.

Theme: Death and Love

THESIS STATEMENT: The poem is mainly about the eternal love of two people and
how they could not be parted even in death.
In lines 5 to 12, the speaker tells us about their relationship. He mentions that they
are in love with each other so much that they lived with no other thought than to
love and be loved by me and that even angels envied them. This jealousy now is
the reason of Annabel Lees death as said in lines 21 to 23. But, in the next stanza,
the speaker says that even death cannot take away their love. He states that their
love is stronger by far than the love of those who were older and wiser than them
and, in lines 30 to 33, he says that neither the angels nor the demons can ever
separate his soul from Annabel Lees and he will love her forever. He proves this in
the last stanza, when he tells us he dreams of her every night (line 34) and how the
stars remind him of her bright eyes (line 36). His love for her is further proven when
he lies down by the side of his darling which may suggest that he has given up his
life to be with her. Note how he uses the words my life and my bride. Annabel

Lee was said to be a young maiden, so the speaker may have implied that they
were to be united in death.

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