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Campus Life: The Campus Life resource offers several opportunities to become
culturally active with the rest of the students on campus. Some of these
opportunities include sport facilities such as indoor sport centers and outdoor
facilities, as well as organized sports. Cultural activities include Greek life, in which
members of Greek organizations can meet and interact with each other. There are
also academic opportunities such as Student Life and Leadership, where students
are offered many services and programs to improve themselves.
The Campus Life facility appears to be very comprehensive in terms of
meeting students needs, especially in terms of healthy interaction. The programs
and facilities that specifically interest me are the Aquatic Centre and Intramural
Sports. I will also be exploring the other programs where I feel I need improvement
and learning.
2. Student Union: The Student Union offers many different facilities to help
improve, advance or simply make more enjoyable the lives of students. It for
example includes a relaxation space, a store where books can be bought, and dining
facilities. The Union even goes beyond the on-campus needs of students in
providing audiovisual facilities for non-campus related activities. The Bowling Centre
offers active recreation such as, of course, bowling, table tennis and games, while
the Music Room provides the opportunity to listen to more than 1,500 records while
reading one of several magazines that Union subscribes to.
The Union appears to be a very useful facility, which can even help with
obtaining a job when students have finished studying. I particularly like the fact that
it caters for needs outside of the immediate academic and campus-related
3. The Student Health Center: The Student Health Center, as the name
implies, caters for the health needs of students. It includes services such as family
planning and a health, physical therapy, ...

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