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Half Hollow Hills School District

Building Formal Pre Observation




Department Cert Type

3669 Courtney Freer West Hollow (053) ENL

Tenure Date Opened Observation Date Observer

Professional Tenured 10/18/2016


Date Closed

Allison Beyersdorf 11/13/2016

Lesson Plan Content

Briefly describe the students in this class, including those with special needs? How have you used this information to plan for this lesson?
(Component 1b)
There are 3 students in this Stand-Alone ENL class. There is 1 female and 2 males. Of the three students, two are first-year Entering students
(Level 1) and one is a second-year Emerging student (Level 2). The students are all from different countries and speak three different languages.
Their first languages spoken at home are Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese, respectively.

Why are these goals suitable for this group of students? (Component 1c)
The goals for the lesson are
suitable for this group because they
support both district and state
expectations as well as standards.
Students will be using their
knowledge of the English language,
expanding their vocabulary, utilizing
the previously learned topic of verb
types. The outcomes are clear &
rigorous, and take into account
each childs specific learning style
and stage of language
development while making a strong
connection to the curriculum and
standards posed by both the
district as well as the State of New
York. It is imperative to the hold the
children accountable to a high
standard, but at the same time
support for each child in order to
provide for success at their ability

How does this lesson support district priorities and state standards?
This lesson supports the district
priorities and state standards. It is
specifically geared toward a
Grammar unit we have been
working on learning about the
different types of verbs. This unit
includes parts of speech such as,
noun types, adjectives, and verb
types. Students will be focusing on
the different verb types which
include action, linking and helping
verbs. Students will be expected to
be able to identify the three
different types and identify them in
a sentence.Students will be able to
write their own sentences utilizing
the three verb types using their

How do these goals relate to broader curriculum goals in the discipline as a whole or in other disciplines? (Component 1c)
One of our major focuses this quarter has been centered on 'reading like a writer.' Upon the completion of our first grammar unit, we began a focus
on literary devices. Next, we read the short stories My Name and "Thank You Ma'm" teaching the students to annotate and analyze literature.
This grammar unit continues along our path of students identifying the parts of speech in a sentence. The ultimate goal is to improve student
reading by giving them a better understanding of the English language. Students will be able to used more varied sentence structure because they
will be more knowledgeable about the English language in general.

What difficulties do students typically experience in this area, and how do you plan to anticipate these difficulties? (Component 1a)
At this level, most of the ENL & some of the Gen. Ed children tend to have a difficult time getting themselves started when it comes to
independent work. This sometimes occurs even after we will model and provide explicit instructions. Therefore, I have taken this into account
when planning the lesson and plans to scaffold and give visual cues as well as guidance to ensure understanding of the topic. In addition, I will
allow for the use of translators for students who are new to the country. Lastly, I will be providing a translated version of the Powerpoint to the
student who has only been in the U.S. for a few months. This will allow him to have a better grasp and understanding of the topic.

Half Hollow Hills School District

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What instructional materials or other resources, if any, will you use? (Attach sample materials you will be using in the lesson.) (Component
To develop this lesson I used:
-Powerpoint Prepositions
-The Half Hollow Hills CSD Curriculum for ELA 6th grade

If applicable, describe how the planning of this lesson reflects recommendations made during prior informal/formal observations and
professional conversations.
The planning of this lesson reflects multiple conversations with colleagues, specifically my co-teacher, Ms. Marybeth Clark, and administrators, to
align with our individual lessons to be more rigorous and in tune with the NYS Common Core Standards.

Teacher Comments
Teacher comments pertaining to observation setting. List any items you might want to call to the attention of the Administrator.
While teaching, I strive to teach the 4 pillars of ENL instruction which is listening, speaking, reading and writing of the English Language.
However, my lessons also center upon the journey and life lessons. This is interweaved with historical significance and ELA curriculum as it
applies to their other core classes and their daily lives. I have worked hard to create a comfortable and risk-free environment in which ENL
students feel safe to learn and make mistakes. I scaffold all of my lessons and review our overall ongoing ideas daily.

Observational Focus (optional):

Half Hollow Hills School District

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