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Assignment Topics
I.part A: vocabulary section
1.write 50 words relates to
job and work in English and


Civil Engineering M18

Core English 1A&1B

translate to khmer

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Civil Engineering M18


Core English 1A&1B

2.write 30 pairs of

opposite adjective
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Core English 1A&1B













































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Norton University

Core English 1A&1B



























3.write 30 words and give the explaination in English

1. Advertisement (n) a short movie trying to persuade people to buy a product.
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Norton University

Core English 1A&1B

2. Subsidiary (n) a company which is owned by larger company.

3. Telex (n) a system for sending and receiving message using a telephone line and machine
called a telepointer.
4. Professional (n) someone who has special skills and high level of education.
5. Statistic (n) information using the numbers to represent or explain a situation.
6. Communicate (v) to show feeling, or information to sb else by speaking or writing.
7. Marmalade (n) a sweet food made from cooked fruit such as oranges or lemon that usually
spread onto bread and eaten at breakfast.
8. Cargo (n) things that are being sent by ship, airplane.
9. Flotilla (n) a group of small boat or ship.
10. Macho (adj) behaving forcefully or showing no emotion for the man.
11. Liason (n) communication between people or groups who work with each other.
12. Accommodation (n) sb who designs or builds things such as roads, railroads, bridges,
13. Art gallery (n) to go to an event, place.
14. Attend (v) the activity of traveling around a place to see the interesting things in it.
15. Congress (n) to pay money regularly to use a house, etc. that belong to s/o else.
16. Engineer (n) to visit a place on a tour.
17. Last (v) a place to live, work, stay.
18. Medical (adj) related to the treatment of illness and injuries.
19. Rent (v) a large formal meeting or representative from countries at which ideas.
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Norton University

Core English 1A&1B

20. Sightseeing (n) are discussed and information is exchanged.

21. Theatre (n) to continue existing or happening for or until a particular time.
22. Business card (n) a small card has a persons name, address, telephone number, and e-mail
address of the company on it.
23. Presentation (n) a talk giving information about sth.
24. Conference (n) a large meeting where people come together to discuss a particular subject.
25. Consultant (n) someone who advises people on particular subject.
26. Champagne (n) French sparkling wine that people often drink to celebrate special occasions.
27. Lobster (n) s shellfish, having along body, eight legs, and two large arms called claws.
28. Appointment (n) a formal arrangement to meet or visit sb at a particular time and place.
29. Article (n) a writing text about a particular subject published in newspaper.
30. Fluently (adv) spoken a foreign language very well and without speaking.

4.write 40 words and make sentences

1. Love
EX: I love u
2. Dog
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Norton University

Core English 1A&1B

EX: The dog is sleeping

3. Bed
EX: I made my bed
4. Cat
EX: The cat was tired
5. Hat
EX: I bought a new hat
6. Shoe
EX: I wore my new shoes
7. Shirt
EX: My shirt was pink
8. Mouse
EX: the mouse ate a pie
9. Cook
EX: the girl was cooking
10. Lunch
EX: I made my self-lunch
11. Egg
EX: I have eggs for dinner
12. Glasses
EX: My glasses were dirty
13. Pig
EX: The pig rolled in the mud
14. Clothes
EX: I wash my clothes
15. Room
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Core English 1A&1B

EX: My room were comfortable

16. Blanket
EX: The blanket was blue
17. Pillow
EX: My pillow was fluffy
18. Cold
EX. It was cold outside
19. Feet
EX: Your feet smell bad
20. Snore
EX: My dad snore loud
21. Movie
EX: The movie was so good
22. Bag
EX: I bought a new bag
23. Pencil
EX: My pencil broke
24. Hair
EX: I cut my hair yesterday
25. Birthday
EX: Today is my birthday
26. bird
EX: The bird look cuties
27. Paint
EX: I painted my bedroom
28. Milk
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Core English 1A&1B

EX: The milk was gross

29. Snow
EX: It was snowing
30. Scare
EX: I was scared of the dog
31. Book
EX: My book is awesome
32. Myself
EX: I hurt myself with a knife
33. Football
EX: I play football
34. Baseball
EX: Baseball is so fun
35. Hope
EX: I hope I dont get sick
36. Phone
EX: My phone is ringing
37. Sun
EX: The sun is shine
38. Mountain
EX: The Mountain is beautiful
39. Military
EX: I work in us military forces
40. Broke
EX: My arm is broken

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Core English 1A&1B

5.write 20 words and give synonyms

1.Amazing incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing,
astounding, extraordinary
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Core English 1A&1B

2.Anger enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, madden

3.Angry mad, furious, enraged, excited, wrathful, indignant,

exasperated, aroused, inflamed

4.Answer reply, respond, retort, acknowledge

5.Ask question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to,

demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz

6.Awful dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant

7.Bad evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten,


8.Beautiful pretty, lovely, handsome, attractive, gorgeous, dazzling,

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Core English 1A&1B

9.Begin start, open, launch, initiate, commence, inaugurate, originate

10.Big enormous, huge, immense, gigantic, vast, colossal, gargantuan

11.Brave courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, daring, heroic,

valorous, audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty, mettlesome

12.Break fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck, crash, demolish, atomize

13.Bright shining, shiny, gleaming, brilliant, sparkling, shimmering, radiant,

14.Calm quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed,

collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloof

15.Come approach, advance, near, arrive, reach

16.Cool chilly, cold, frosty, wintry, icy, frigid

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Core English 1A&1B

17.Crooked bent, twisted, curved, hooked, zigzag

18.Cry shout, yell, yowl, scream, roar, bellow, weep, wail, sob, bawl

19.Cut gash, slash, prick, nick, sever, slice, carve, cleave, slit, chop, crop,
lop, reduce

20.Dangerous perilous, hazardous, risky, uncertain, unsafe

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Core English 1A&1B

II. part B: choose six of the following topics and write

as lists
1.write the names of the ministries in Cambodia.
-Ministry of Royal Government of Cambodia
-Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
-Ministry of Commerce

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Core English 1A&1B

-Ministry of Council of Ministers

-Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts
-Ministry of Defense
-Ministry of Economy and Finance
-Ministry of Education Youth and Sports
-Ministry of Environment
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
-Ministry of Health
-Ministry of Industry Mines and Energy
-Ministry of Information
-Ministry of Interior
-Ministry of IT (NiDA): National Information Communications Ministry of Technology
Development Authority
-Ministry of Justice
-Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
-Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction
-Ministry of Municipality of Phnom Penh
-Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Inspection
-Ministry of Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the United Nations
-Ministry of Planning
-Ministry of Post and Telecommunication
-Ministry of Public Works and Transport
-Ministry of Religions and Cults
-Ministry of Rural Development
-Ministry of Secretariat of Civil Aviation
-Ministry of Secretariat of Public Service
-Ministry of Social Affairs Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation
-Ministry of Tourism
-Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
-Ministry of Women Affairs
-Ministry of Royal Government of Cambodia

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Core English 1A&1B

2.write the family and relationship

- Father

- dad

- mother

- Mum

- parent

- parents

- Child

- children

- brother

- Son

- daughter

- sister

- Grandfather

- granddad

- grandmother

- Grandma

- grandson

- granddaughter

- Grandson

- grandchild

- cousin

- Nephew

- aunt

- uncle

- Niece

- boyfriend

- girlfriend

- Fianc

- fiance

- bride

- Groom, bridegroom

- wife

- husband

- Spouse

- father-in-law

- mother-in-law

- Parents-in-law

- son-in-law

- daughter-in-law

- Brother-in-law

- sister-in-law

- godfather

- Godmother

- godson

- goddaughter

- Godchild

3. Write the kinds of public holidays in Cambodia

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Date of

Core English 1A&1B

Holiday Name

January 01

International New Year Day

January 07

Victory over Genocide Day

February 22

Meak Bochea Day

March 08

International Women Day

April 13, 14, 15, 16

Khmer New Year Day

May 01

International Labor Day

May 13, 14, 15

King's Birthday, Norodom Sihamoni

May 20

Visak Bochea Day

May 24

Royal Plowing Ceremony

June 01

International Children Day

June 18

King's Mother Birthday, Norodom Monineath Sihanouk

September 24

Constitutional Day

September 30, October 01, 02

Pchum Ben Day

October 15

Commemoration Day of King's Father, Norodom Sihanouk

October 23

Paris Peace Agreements Day

October 29

King's Coronation Day, Norodom Sihamoni

November 09

Independence Day

November 13, 14, 15

Water Festival Ceremony

December 10

International Human Rights Day

4. Write the names of animals

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- Horse

- calf

- cow

- Cat

- sheep

- buffalo

- Chick

- rooster

- butterfly

- Dog

- rabbit

- dragon

- Duck

- hen

- worm

- Donkey

- sheepdog

- insect

- Goat

- goose

- frog

- Crocodile

- turtle

- snail

- Penguin

- bee

- shark

- Shark

- deer

- giraffe

- Monkey

- gorilla

- fish

- Bear

- eagle

- elephant

- Fox

- lion

- kangaroo

- Tiger

- zebra

- pig

- Snake

- spider

- panda

- Scorpion

- lobster

- crab

- Mosquito

- fly

- seal

5. Write the name of fruits

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Core English 1A&1B

- Apple

- apricot


- Banana

- blackberry

- black plum

- Bread fruit

- cucumber

- custard

- Dragon fruit

- grapes

- jackfruit

- Orange

- papaya

- pear

- Pineapple

- watermelon

- coconut

- Lemon

- passion fruit

- strawberry

- Carrot

- garlic

- corn

- Potato

- tomato


- Bean

6. Write the names of the colors

- Red


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Core English 1A&1B

- Black



- Brown



- Grey



- Chocolate

III. Part C: In this part, please give the definition of these

grammatical items and give five examples to support each of the
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Norton University

Core English 1A&1B

1. What is noun?
Used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things common noun, or to name a particular
one of these proper noun.

1. Person He is the person to see.

2. Animal The dog barked at the cat.
3. Place The restaurant is open.
4. Thing Throw the ball.
5. Idea Follow the rules.

2. What is adjective?
2. A word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or
describe it.
EX: 1.They live in a beautiful house.
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Core English 1A&1B

2. Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today. This soup is not edible

3. She wore a beautiful dress.
4. He writes meaningless letters.
5. This shop is much nicer.

3. What is adverb?
5. A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group,
expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. (e.g., gently, quite,
then, there).

1. He quickly runs.
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Core English 1A&1B

2. She slowly walks.

3. He happily chatters.
4. His behavior is bad.
5. Clark wanted to be the great big house

4. What is pronoun?
3. A word that can function by itself as a noun phrase and that refers either to the participants in
the discourse (e.g., I, you) or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse
(e.g., she, it, this).
EX: 1. we are going on vacation.
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Core English 1A&1B

2. Dont tell me that you cant go with us.

3. Will you please tell them to come in?
4. These are terribly steep stairs.
5. We ran into each other at the mall.

5. What is proposition?
1. The act of offering or suggesting something to be considered, accepted, adopted, or done.
2. A plan or scheme proposed.
3. An offer of terms for a transaction, as in business.
4. A thing, matter, or person considered as something to be dealt with or encountered:
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Core English 1A&1B

Keeping diplomatic channels open is a serious proposition.

5. Anything stated or affirmed for discussion or illustration.
6. Rhetoric. A statement of the subject of an argument or a discourse, or of the course of action or
essential idea to be advocated.
7. Logic. a statement in which something is affirmed or denied, so that it can therefore be
significantly characterized as either true or false.
8. Mathematics. A formal statement of either a truth to be demonstrated or an operation to be
performed; a theorem or a problem.
9. A proposal of usually illicit sexual relations.
Verb (used with object)
10. To propose sexual relations to.
11. To propose a plan, deal, etc., too.
EX: 1. Alec ate the banana.
2. The banana was eaten by Alec.
3. Did Alec eat the banana?
4. Alec, eat the banana.
5. The activity is eat.

6.what is verb?
1. A word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the
predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen.
1. Use (a word that is not conventionally used as a verb, typically a noun) as a verb.
"Any English noun can be verged, but some are more resistant than others"
Ex: 1. lets run to the corner and back.
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Core English 1A&1B

2. I hear the train coming.

3. Call me when youre finished with class.
4. I know the answer.
5. She recognized me from across the room.

7. What is conjunction?
A conjunction is a part of speech that is used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. Conjunctions
are considered to be invariable grammar particle, and they may or may not stand between items they conjoin.

1. tried to hit the nail but hit my thumb instead

2. I have two goldfish and a cat
3. Id like a bike for commuting to work
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Core English 1A&1B

4. You can have peach ice cream or a brownie sundae.

5. Neither the black dress north gray one looks right on me.

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Core English 1A&1B

8.what is interjection?
The interjection is a part of speech which is more commonly used in informal language than in
formal writing or speech. Basically, the function of interjections is to express emotions or sudden
bursts of feelings. They can express a wide variety of emotions such as: excitement, joy, surprise,
or disgust.

1. Ash, that feels wonderful.

2. Alas! Im lost in the wilderness.
3. Bah! That was a total waste of time.
4. Bless you, I couldnt have done it without. Its time for me to go. Cheerio!

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