Elementary French I

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Elementary French I[Enter Course]


Elementary French I is a carefully sequenced and highly interactive presentation of French

language and culture in a media-rich course environment including new video shot in
France and Qubec with young professional actors. It is designed to be used as a full
course of study.
To successfully use this course, you should be a motivated student with a sincere desire to
learn about French language and francophone cultures, and be comfortable with computer
technologies. The time commitment will typically average 6-8 hours per week.
For information on studying French online vs. in person, see Who should study French
Online? in the course introduction. You will be prompted to create an account to access the
course introduction, but you may click the Look Inside button to view the course without
creating an account.

Additional Course Details

Topics Covered:

Introductions, Origins, Studies, Age, Appearance, Personality, Preferences,

Activities, Time, The Family, The Home, Work, Meals, Restaurants, and Shopping.
Estimated Time to Complete Course:

15 weeks. The course is divided into fifteen thematic lessons. Each lesson is
designed to take one week to complete so working through an entire course will take
the average student approximately fifteen weeks. Completing this course and
Elementary French 2 will require two semesters or roughly thirty weeks at the
university level. These courses have also been used successfully at the secondary
level where they can be extended to cover two years or more.
Additional Software or Materials Required:

Chat environment and videoconferencing software if the student is working with an

instructor in a distance-learning situation.
Course Last Updated Date:

August 2011
Changes in This Update Include:

Addition of final exam using extensive question pools.

Maintenance Fee (per student):

Free to independent learners; $50 for academic students.

In-Depth Description
Each lesson opens with a video dramatization that sets the context for the lesson. Parts of
the video are then replayed in a variety of interactive activities and tutors. Each video in the
course was written specifically to serve as the foundation for the lesson in which it is used.
These high quality videos were produced with French actors on location in France (Nantes)
and Quebec (Montreal) so the speech, movements and contexts are authentic.
The beginning of each lesson is always a set sequence, from simple recognition of
language in a video dialogue, through explicit learning of grammar and pronunciation, to
written and spoken production of variations on that language. After this ordered beginning, a
number of activities are offered to the student in which the language learned is used in
understanding new texts, sounds or videos or in creative production (conversation or
writing). Lesson tests and final exams, generated from extensive question pools (portions of
which are automatically graded), are available to students enrolled in instructor-led courses.
The Learning Dashboard allows for at-a-glance evaluation by instructors of student
progress based on each lessons learning objectives.

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