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National College of Business Administration


Subject: Project

Topic: How Organization

Culture effect on Project Management

Presented To:

Prof. Kamran Ismail

Presented By:

Muhammad Fiaz


Table of Contents

Component of an Organization 2
What is Organizational Culture

Characteristics of Organizations Culture

The Role Of Organizations Culture

Function of Organizations Culture How Culture effect the

project Management

An organizations culture can be related to the success rate of projects in a
number of areas,
including processes, Project Management take place
within a broader context than the project itself projects operate within an
organizational culture that influences
How decisions are made
Outcomes evaluated and project steps follow one another to a hopefully
successful conclusion.
All projects have a beginning and ending date.
Components of organization

Within any organization successful project management is

contextual. What that means is that the organization itself matters:
its culture , its structure , its strategy.
Each play an integral part and together they create the environment
in which a project flourish.
Issues that affect a project can vary widely from company to
Contextual issues provide the backdrop around which project
activities must operate. so understanding what is beneath these
issues truly contributes to understanding how to manage projects.
What is Organizational Culture ?
Organizational Culture is a set of ,shared values that organization members
have regarding the
functioning and existence of their Organization.
Characteristics of Organizations Culture
Seven characteristics that capture organization's culture

Innovation and Risk Taking


Attention to Detail


Outcome Orientation


People Orientation


Team Orientation





Innovation and risk taking: Concern the degree to which

employees are encouraged to be innovative and take risks
(Salary Increment, Incentives ).
Attention to detail: Concerns the degree to which employees
is expected to exhibit precision, analysis, and attention to
Outcome orientation: Concerns the degree to which
management focuses on results or outcomes rather than on the
techniques and processes used to achieve them.
People orientation: Concerns the degree to which
management decisions take into consideration the effect of
outcomes on people within the organization.
Function of Organizations Culture
The Functions of Organizational Culture Increase organizational commitment
and the consistency of employees behavior
There are five Basic function of the Culture that helps to achieve the
1. Defines the boundary between one organization and others.
2. Conveys a sense of identity for its members
3. Facilitates the generation of commitment to something larger than selfinterest.
4. Acts as social glue that helps to hold the organization together by providing
appropriate standards for employees to follow.
5. Serves as a sense-making and control mechanism for fitting employees in the

How Culture effect the project Management

The Project Management provides the following generic list of
organizational influences:
1. Organizational culture and Style

2. Organizational structures
3. Organizational process assets
4. Organizational communications
5. Enterprise environmental factors

Major Effects on Project

National culture

Behavioral , Attitudes , values based on national culture.

Professional culture : the culture of pilots and the pride in their

Organizational culture

Policies, Procedures, Commitment of senior management,

Communication culture, etc
Hands-Off versus hands-on Culture

Hands-Off Culture

Managers in some cultures are more involved in day-to-day.

Management was extremely hands-off. In general, everybody was given

some area to own, and they owned it. Managers made no attempt to tell
people what to do, in fact, they saw their role as running around, moving
the furniture out of the way they just worked on it, and different layers
of management happily doing this.
What is Hands-on Culture

Project Managers in a hands-on organization may expect more help from

senior management, a greater need for documentation, and a greater
responsibility to educate about technical possibilities and constraints.

The End

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