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Designing Banihal to Srinagar Tunnel on NH-1(A) in J&K State, India

A Case Study

Abstract: The case study seeks to highlight challenges of tunnel design vis--vis
environment impacts, mitigation and sustainability. It focuses on how innovative design
and mitigation measures address the challenge of collection, transportation and
disposal of huge quantity of excavated materials. It also captures application of
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environment Management Plan (EMP) in
addressing likely adverse impacts for sustainability of infrastructure development. It
covers the required safety measures in tunnel construction and operation. The project
illustrates unique features, being an eco-sensitive zone, located on a hilly terrain, the
only channel of connectivity to rest of the area and gets disconnected during landslides
and snow avalanches. The paper lays stress on the designing principles of the tunnel as
to how it has utilized the EIA and addressed the negative impacts of the environment in
the EMP, representing a climate-proof infrastructure and proving it to be a beneficial
exercise for the society.
The road takes off from km 189.350, ends at km 204.600 of existing road thus making a
total length of 15.250 km. The road traverses through Doda and Anantnag district of
Jammu and Kashmir and comprises of two tunnels of 8.45 km and 0.865 km, 2.42 km
length of over-bridge and viaducts and balance road of 3.515 km on ground. The
alternate alignment is entirely a new 4-lane project which takes off from km 189.350,
where a junction has been proposed and runs parallel to the Bichleri river at most of the
locations between km 190.000 to km 195.000 traversing through villages Zeniha, Asar,
Lambar, Gund and Banihal town before traversing through one of the small ridges of the
main Pir Panjal Mountain ranges through a short tunnel of 674 m length.
The road serves as a critical route throughout the year for the movement of the
paramilitary forces, other food products and medicines. Above all, this is the only road
for maintaining connectivity to rest of the country from Srinagar.
The up-gradation of the stretch is required as it is deficient in road geometrics and has
sharp curves. It has 32 identified landslips locations and 15 Snow Avalanches zones
which are required to be avoided. The existing 2-lane road cannot be widened to 4-lane
requirement without hill cutting, which may accelerate the process of landslips, which is
common in the area of the present alignment. There are frequent closures of the road
during winter season due to heavy snowfall because the existing alignment lies above

the snow line. The necessity is to maintain an all weather flow on NH-1A and to design
the road as per latest IRC Standards and Specifications. The present road has outlived
its capacity and there is urgent need to upgrade it to 4-lane alignment. Hence, the
option considered appropriate is to construct road below snow line to maintain all
weather flow.
The existing road is 2-lane road traversing through Pir Panjal ranges covering a
distance of approximately 32 km through 2.4 km long Jawahar tunnel, which is approx.
2050 m above mean sea level and has two cubes one in each direction. It is a highly
eco-sensitive area with 32 identified landslips zone and 15 snow avalanches zone.
There are also steep gradients, Sharp curves and Poor Road Geometrics in the
alignment. Therefore, the overall challenge was to meet the environmental safeguards,
apply sound design principles and comply with the rules and policies of Government.
The case study has been structured to capture the key components of designing the
tunnel and lessons learned with reference to sustainability of infrastructure. The case
study includes (i) Introduction; (ii) EIA, EMP and Tunnel design; (iii) Monitoring plans;
and (iv) Conclusion.
EIA, EMP and Tunnel Design
Conducting EIA and accordingly preparing EMP have been two key elements which
contributed significantly in the tunnel design process. While possible impacts, both
positive and negative were studied in EIA, the EMP addressed mitigation measures for
the likely adverse environmental impacts of the tunnel.
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)
Road projects particularly bring in adverse impacts on pollution load of different
environmental parameters like soil, water, air, noise, and ecological resources. There
may also be impact on the socio- economic parameters of the locality resulting in
displacement / dislocation / relocation for people and properties. This may also impact
sensitive areas as far as conservation of biological resources of a particular area is
concerned. Cultural properties / heritage sites may also be affected by such project
execution. The present project is distinctive to the extent that it has two tunnels one
small and the other long coupled with small stretches of the road providing access and
exit at the south and north portal of the long tunnel. Impacts on different parameters of
the environment for the stretches over ground and underground are likely to be different
both qualitatively and quantitatively.
The Environment Impact Assessment conducted for the proposed tunnels includes (i)
Collection of information on existing baseline conditions in order to identify the

environmental issues in the area; (ii) Identification of environmentally sensitive locations

i.e. water bodies, roadside utilities/facilities, sites of cultural/ historical/ archaeological
importance; (iii) Assess the adverse impacts on the environment and to suggest cost
effective mitigation measures along with enhancement plan to mitigate the negative
impacts; (iv) Conduct Public Consultation with Project Affected Persons (PAPs),
Stakeholders and NGOs to incorporate their views on the local environmental issues;
and (v) Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment, and Environmental
Management Plan, which will include implementation schedule and associated costs for
execution of mitigation and enhancement works; development of an environmental
monitoring program for construction and operational phases; detailing of the
requirements for institutional strengthening and training.
Environmental Impact Assessment has been carried out, in accordance with the
requirements of the Government of India guidelines for Road/Highway project. The
study methodology has been adopted in such a manner to ensure that environmental
concerns are given adequate weightage in design of the proposed highway
improvements. The study in this project employs an iterative approach in which potential
environmental issues have been examined at successive levels in detail.
The Environmental assessment is based on the information collected from secondary
and primary sources on various environmental attributes. Monitoring of air, water and
noise were also carried out in the study area and significant issues were examined
during field survey to determine the magnitude of significant environmental impacts.
Required data was collected for various environmental components such as soil,
climate, geology, hydrology, water quality, flora and fauna, habitat, demography, land
use, cultural properties etc., to establish the baseline environmental setup. Secondary
data on environment for the project corridor was collected from published and other
relevant sources e.g. the Departments of Forest, the State Pollution Control Board, etc.
The data collection from the field was completed with the help of enumerators/
In order to assess the situation in different sections of the highway during the screening
and site visit of the area, different locations were identified for testing & monitoring the
noise level, ambient air quality and water quality. The monitoring and testing of water
quality, air quality and noise level were also undertaken with the help of experienced
Alternate analysis for the present alignment has been made on the basis of with and
without project scenario and among the existing highway and new alignment. The
parameters considered for the analysis are the environmental, Technical as well social

features and their likely impact on the natural ecosystem. Potential significant impacts
were identified on the basis of: analytical review of baseline data; review of
environmental conditions at site; analytical review of the underlying socio-economic
conditions with the project influence area.
Environment Mitigation Plan (EMP)
Timely, planned and appropriate actions not only avoid adverse impacts, but also help
to capitalize on opportunities to mitigate environmental degradation or improve
environmental conditions. Environmental enhancement plans are prepared for
environmental features such as plantation and landscaping of the project corridor. An
Environment Mitigation Plan (EMP) for the project was prepared to specify the steps
required to ensure that the necessary measures have been and will be taken. This
includes the monitoring plan giving details of the resources budgeted and the
implementation arrangements. The mitigation measures are specified phase wise viz.,
preconstruction, construction and operation.
The EMP includes mitigation measures, implementation and monitoring arrangements
for various components which include: (i) Topography; (ii) Geology; (iii) Climatic
parameters; (iv) Air quality; (v) Noise and Vibration; (vi) Surface Water; (v) Ground
Water; (vi) Flora & Fauna; (vii) Archaeological and Socio-Cultural Properties; (viii) on
Public Health and Occupational Safety; and (ix) Road Safety. However, due to huge
volume of excavate material and complexity involved in appropriate disposal, the case
study focuses on this aspect.
Mitigation is defined as the elimination, reduction, control of adverse environmental
effects of the project and includes restitution for any damage to the environment caused
by such effects through replacement, restoration, compensation or any other means. A
variety of approaches have been considered for the purpose:

Project designs that avoid site sensitivities, incorporate pollution control

equipments and cleaner production processes, reduce energy and material use, or
reuse waste materials

Construction strategies that avoid ecologically or culturally sensitive times of the

year, package and schedule work to maximize the use of local labour or incorporate
training useful for project implementation and operation.

Operation strategies for control and minimization of waste streams and enhance
workers health and safety

Contingency plans for dealing with accidents or malfunctions including stockpiling

of emergency response supplies

Compensating for lost or degraded ecological values in the project area by
enhancing similar values elsewhere.
Mitigation measures in the present project for the tunnel environment have primarily
been built into the design features of both the tunnels with the requisite safeguards for
the construction and the implementation phase. Anticipated impacts over ground have
been proposed to be kept at acceptable levels through a combination of cost-effective
mitigation and management measures.

Impact has been assessed as low and permanent as such impacts will not affect
the drainage of watersheds in the project corridor. Therefore no mitigation measure has
been suggested.

The solid waste generated due to the construction of tunnel will be partly used in
the construction of embankment in the Banihal Side and around 1 million cubic meter of
muck will be disposed at identified site as per dump management plan.
In case of finding of mineralized zones along the tunnel alignment during excavation, it
will be brought to the notice of the Department of Geology and Mining of the State
Government for directions from their end. Some fossil finds in the sedimentaries
excavated from the tunnel which may generate some new information on the
stratigraphy of the Pir Panjal Range will also be brought to the notice of the said
Department. Appropriate blasting design will be opted which will consider safety, blast
geometry, free faces, burden, spacing, initiation pattern and angled holes. Specific
techniques used for minimizing the air overpressure and vibrations will include:
Delayed detonator initiation systems;
Reducing hole diameters;
Splitting of explosive charge columns into discrete charges fired on
separate delayed;
Avoiding use of exposed explosives;
Adequate confinement of explosives; and
Quantity and quality of stemming.
The boulders will be procured from the authorized suppliers and prevalent rules will be
followed for borrowing of soil. Hence, the impact on general geology of the region will be

Land Environment
During design phase the alignment has been chosen in such manner that acquisition of
agriculture land is kept to the minimum. Construction camps, offices, plants, stockyards,
traffic detours will not be located on fertile land unless and otherwise unavoidable. If
these are to be located on fertile land topsoil should be stripped, stored and such areas
will be restored after completion of work. Best work period will be chosen in order to
limit erosion i.e. rainy season will be avoided. District authorities have been approached
for identification and handing over of dump disposal sites. The solid waste generated
from the worker camps would be dumped in locally identified site. The liquid discharge
from the workers camp will be disposed to the existing drainage system in order to
prevent soil pollution. Solid waste dumps will be re-vegetated through use of stock piled
top soil obtained from areas of construction of embankments. Local quarries and borrow
areas can be landscaped and developed for a variety of recreational and economic
uses. Engineering structures like toe-walls will be constructed to prevent debris flow
from dumping as well as storage sites. Slope embankments will be provided with the
grass turf and run off from the roads will be safely disposed of to the existing drainage
system to prevent any possibility of soil erosion. Movement of construction machinery
will be restricted to designated paths which will not pass through agriculture fields in
order to avoid compaction and physical disruption of agricultural soil. Maintenance work
of the construction machinery will be done on pre-designed cemented platforms which
will be further provided with oil drains/ oil segregators. The vegetal cover that will come
up gradually with time through compensatory afforestation will also hold the soil firmly
through their root system and also by cutting down on quantum of precipitation reaching
the ground through canopy interceptions and evaporation through canopy foliage. The
excavations from tunnel sites can be specifically used in following way:

Soft sedimentaries from excavations may be used in road embankments if

necessary after proper treatment.
Similarly volcanic obtained from tunnel excavation can be used in
production of aggregates for road making.
Hard sedimentary rock formations, volcanics and quartzites can be used
in construction of breast and retaining walls as well as gabion walls.
Reuse of excavated material after testing their suitability will minimize
requirement surface areas for dumping.


The project involves approximately 9 km of tunneling to cross the Pir Panjal ranges. The
excavation of the tunnels will be carried out from two ends, i.e. from Banihal and
Quazigund side. An indicative plan for management of dumping the debris is presented
Quantities of Excavated Material (Debris)
The estimated quantity of Excavated Material (Debris) is 1565000 cum which includes
(a) at Quazigund end - 730000 cum and (b) at Banihal end - 835000 cum.
Collection of Debris
The debris generated will be collected at proposed truck parking, (Km 193) south of
short tunnel and at identified place in Anantnag. The site will be encapsulated from all
four sides and up to a sufficient height, so that no material is carried by the wind. The
trucks carrying the material will be covered with tarpaulin or other suitable material so
that spill does not takes place. The debris at collection point will be kept moist by
sprinkling water regularly.
Disposal of Excavated Material
In Banihal Side, these will be utilized for following works:
(i) Rock fill Embankment will use 350000 cum; and
(ii) Filling in Truck Parking will use 100000 cum.
The material that is unlikely to be utilized in the works will have to be disposed.
Transportation of Debris
From Collection Center to a Place of Use / Borrow Areas
The debris will be transported in trucks/ dumpers covered with Tarpaulin and will be
kept moist. Loading and Unloading will be done in a manner so as not to cause
discomforts to workers / residents.

Dump Disposal Site

All structures like retaining walls etc. required will be constructed to retain the spoil. The
spoil / debris will be carried in trucks / dumpers covered with tarpaulin and will be kept
moist to avoid spill of material. The loading and unloading will be carried in such a
manner, so as not to cause discomfort to the workers/ residents. The disposal site will
be covered from all the four sides up to a sufficient height to avoid spill of material. The
spoil/debris will be kept moist by sprinkling water regularly. After filling of Spoil/ debris
the site will be developed as agreed initially with the owner of site before handing over
of site.


In order to achieve optimal level of safety in tunnels, the primary objective has been
kept at prevention and the secondary objective will be reduction of consequences. To
deal with situations as accidents and fires, the objective has been to create ideal
conditions for: (a) People involved in accidents to rescue themselves; (b) Immediate
intervention of road users to prevent greater consequences. This stems from the
experience that tunnel fires can be extinguished immediately after it breaks out but after
a few minutes , there are chances of development of full blaze involving loss of life and
damage to tunnel; (c) Ensure appropriate and timely response by emergency services;
(d) Protecting the environment; and (e) Limiting material damage.
Accordingly, Tunnel Safety Measures were prepared which include areas such as fire,
lightning, special safety features, power supply, natural risks, traffic management,
ground support, natural risks, ground water and roadway water. Of all these, only some
key features are highlighted:

Installation of a mechanical ventilation system ( semi-transverse ) for control of

heat and smoke. The smoke control strategy will be based on allowing
stratification of fumes to develop.
Provision of evacuation routes, safety recesses to house fire extinguishers
Provision of fire recesses to house firefighting equipment of the fire brigade such equipment will include fire hydrants and fire hoses
Provision of a fire fighting network consisting of main water pipe connected to the
main water tank. It is possible to provide for tanks of 500 cu m capacity at each
tunnel portal. The steel pipe of the network will be embedded sufficiently below
the ground level to prevent freezing during winter months
Installation of pumps required to maintain the fire mains at the required pressure.
Installation of emergency call network, supported by radio-communication
system dedicated to the tunnel emergency intervention teams, traffic
management system and the tunnel closing equipment. In case of fire detection
in the tunnel, the SCADA system will analyse the ventilation requirements
according to the fire position. The activation or isolation of the required ventilation
equipments (exhaust fans, fresh air fans, jet fans and exhaust dampers will be
fully automatic)
Permanent fire brigades dedicated to tunnel safety interventions will be
positioned at each tunnel portal during the period of tunnel operation.

Special Safety Features:

Safe tunnel operation will be ensured with installation of some modern systems like:

Global CCTV network: Video cameras will be installed all along the tunnel
roadway and in the transit rooms of the emergency exits. All video pictures from
the video cameras will be transmitted in real time to the Tunnel Control Centre
and continuously recorded on HDD digital recording system.

Automatic incident detection system: Such a system will continuously analyse

video pictures obtained from the tunnel video cameras and transmit in real time
to the control centres alarms concerning unusual events occurring in the tunnel.
After an alarm is generated by the system, the system will be able to isolate the
corresponding event on the HDD digital recording system for analysis.

Tunnel SCADA system: This system will conform to the best standards and
codes of practice. Such a system will provide the traffic operators a large number
of tools, both in practical and functional terms to operate the tunnel installations,
to obtain information and to avoid taking wrong decisions. All equipment will be
manually controlled from the Tunnel Control Centre via the SCADA system.

Monitoring Plans
The intent of the monitoring programme is to ensure that the envisaged purpose of the
project are achieved and result in desired benefits to the target population. To ensure
the effective implementation of the EMP, it is essential that an effective monitoring
programme has to be designed and carried out. The broad objectives are:

To evaluate the performance of mitigation measures proposed in the EMP;

To evaluate the adequacy of Environmental Impact Assessment;

To suggest improvements in management plan, if required;

To enhance environmental quality; and

To satisfies the legal and community obligations.

Various physical, biological and social components identified as of particular

significance is affecting the environment at critical locations in various stages of the
project have been suggested as Performance Indicators (PIs) listed below shall be the
focus for monitoring.

Air quality w.r.t SPM, RSPM and CO;

Surface water quality w.r.t BOD and pH

Ground Water quality w.r.t pH, DO, and Coliform count;

Noise levels (Leq and Maximum Noise level) around sensitive locations;

Replantation success / survival rate.


The monitoring plan during construction and operation stages has been described in
detail in the respective EMP document. For each of the environmental components, the
monitoring plan specifies the parameters to be monitored; location of monitoring sites;
frequency and duration of monitoring. The monitoring plan also specifies the applicable
standards, implementation and supervising responsibilities.

Contingency and Event Action Plans

The contingency and event action plan provides the basis for evaluating the efficiency of
mitigation and enhancement measures and suggest if case criteria are exceeding the
prescribed standards, authority to check including proposed and additional mitigation
measures and further actions that need to be taken to achieve the desired effect.
The contingency and event action plan includes:

Visual observations;


Selection of environmental parameters at specific locations;


Monitoring of these parameters

The objectives of the contingency and event action plans are:

Evaluation of the efficiency of mitigation and enhancement measures;

Updating of the actions and impacts of baseline data;

Adoption of additional mitigation measures if the present measures are

insufficient; and

Generating the data, which may be incorporated in environmental management

plan in future projects.

The contingency and action plans methodology covers (i) Components to be monitored;
(ii) Parameters for monitoring of the above components; (iii) Monitoring frequency; (iv)
Monitoring standards; (v) Responsibilities for monitoring; (vi) Direct responsibility, (vii)
Overall responsibility; and (viii) Monitoring costs.

The case study has captured the tunnel designing process with environmental
assessment and mitigation as the key focus. A major challenge is appropriate disposal
of the estimated quantity of Excavated Material (Debris) which is 1565000 cum.
Preparation of EIA, EMP and monitoring plans have been crucial elements which
contributed significantly to the designing process. The study also includes the required
safety features in tunnel construction and operation. The project signifies unique

features, being an eco-sensitive zone, located on a hilly terrain, the only channel of
connectivity to rest of the country and gets disconnected during landslides and snow
avalanches. The paper lays stress on the designing principles of the tunnel as to how it
has utilized the EIA and addressed the negative impacts of the environment in the EMP,
representing a climate-proof infrastructure and proving it to be a beneficial exercise for
the society.


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