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Name____Kate Huling________Class ____IBT__________


Making Effective Presentations Worksheet

1. What do you need to know about your audience?

Why they are attending the presentation, what they want to know, how much
information they have already, what technical language they use or are familiar
2. Why is it important to provide some signposts and timings?
Its similar to an agenda and allows the audience to know what is going on.

3. What is the function of hooks?

To pull the audience in.

4. What techniques will help you keep an audience's attention?

Making clear, brief points, using simple visual aids to highlight specific points
(these should be vivid and with only minimal information).
Using humor and summarizing key points.
5. Why do you need to control your body language?
Because 75% of a message is shared by body language.

6. What are the four types of questions you can be asked at the end of a


questions you can answer on the spot

questions that require further information you don't have with you
questions you wish to avoid
aggressive questions.

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