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Entry 1: Today- I left my homeland, Timbuktu, I started my

journey with Simba, Amanika, and Rashid to the mediterranean

coast. Were mostly going to be in the sahara, and hopefully live
to tell the tale. First we all met up with the lion king who gave us
the supplies we would bring to trade, iron tools rubies, gold, and
camels. Then told us to bring back olives, salt, and least
importantly ourselves, but he ice after that.seemed. Then we met
our berber, Okapi, who was at the edge of the sahara just where
we had arranged with him. Then, we entered the sahara's heat
and intense climate. Im very sleepy.
Entry 2: So, the desert is just as horrible and dry as I thought itd
be but, today is our lucky day. Amanika climbed a sand dune and
saw the corner of a rudimentary house. We headed towards it
curiously. When we got there we discovered found an oasis with a
whole village around it- also known as heaven for people in the
Sahara. We spotted some berbers and traders. We refilled all of
our water pouches and traded some gold for lots of dates and
salt. Halfway through the trade the trader looked distraught and
pugged a rug off his camel, ran outside the home we were in, and
then unrolled the rug and started whispering in arabic and
praying. Odd one he was. Afterwards he told us about his religion
and language. It was actually really interesting, I will try to learn
more about it on the coast. We spent the night there with the
traders family in their home. When we woke up we ate some
dates, then we said goodbye the the traders and his family who
hosted us. After that were grudgingly back off on our adventure.

I was sore just thinking about it.

Entry 3: I think my first words out of my dry mouth when we

reached the coast were, Please- Just let me have a quick lie
down. But, in reality we just immediately went to the trading
center because it was in the early morning and we had woken up
not too long ago. We found out rained there, it rained there a lot.
Out of nowhere a storm hit us, and we were soaked to the bone.
We sprinted for the trading center one of the few dry spots.We
also found out pretty quickly that values are a lot different on the
coast, after thoroughly inspecting and comparing we realized our
trading supplies were nowhere near enough to get the things
necessary that the Lion King required. Although we found a trader
who was very glad to trade salt for lots of olive oil. We regrouped
and had to rethink our plan, we decided just to try to figure out a
solution and take our time, stay here a while- enjoy the coast for a
bit. I was completely onboard with this idea and not nearly as
panicked as the others
After walking around and talking to the residents asking about
prices and the mediterranean coast in general, Simba and I met a
sailor- he was a bit, Tipsy. We talked and talked and talked. He
told us all about his dream as a boy was to sail forever, and he
was able to finally accomplish his dream instead of working for
the church like his parents. He was a very religious Muslim and
could write arabic, we asked about Islam and he told us all about
it- about the five pillars, the kabbah, and the whole lot. Personally

he had me converted. We asked about his sailing more and found

out that he was leaving for Rome in two days time. After talking
amongst ourselves he decided that we would blow off the Lion
king and trade our supplies for supplies we would need on a boat,
because we are off to Rome!

Entry 4: So, as it turns out sailing- not as exciting as we

expected, and poor Simba was sick all over the bow. Also, there
was rain, and lots of it. When it was dry it was like heaven and
you left like you would start flying without the weight of your
sopping wet clothes. The sailor name turned out to be Abdul,
which means, Servant of God, in Arabic. Speak of Arabic, Abdul
taught us how to write it, and that's how Im writing this now. Me
and Abdul practiced Islam, and prayed multiple times everyday.
We found out that if we hadnt trading for food and other supplies
we would probably have starved. We may have lost a half of our
salt, and our camels- but, it was completely worth it. We cannot
return to our homeland or family because we would be killed for
betraying the Lion King, so now me and Abdul will become
traveling priests. The rest the group isnt quite as keen as we are
on the religion. They mostly kept to themselves when we're
praying looking awkward below deck, it didnt really bother me. I
know they will convert eventually though.
When we first saw the shore of Rome appear right over Simba
puking head on the bow after too long time alone on that god
forsaken boat. We were ecstatic. Tears of Joy were shed. Me and

Abdul were thanking our god. When we docked we knew he had

made the right choice in coming here.

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