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The name of Salt Range was first used by Elphiston in 1813. The Salt Range represents
the outer rim of the Himalayas confined between latitude 32 30 00 to 32 34 45 and
longitude 72 05 00 to 72 14 45 and forms southern border of hydrocarbon bearing Potwar
basin. The name Salt Range is derived from the occurrence of huge deposits of rock salt. Salt
range represents a 180 km long ENE-WSW trending strip at the southern edge of Potwar Plateau,
making an abrupt escarpment against the Punjab plains in south. Strata in the Salt Range have a
general Northward Dip. The deformational style of the Salt Range is typically marked by broad
synclines and tight anticlines (Davis & Engelder, 1985).
Fulfilling definition of the Museum of Geology, Salt Range exhibits complete
stratigraphic succession from Precambrian to Recent. The Geology of Salt Range is blessed with
richly fossiliferous stratified rocks that include Lower Triassic Ammonite bearing beds and
Lower Tertiary marine strata composed of age diagnostic foraminifera, Permian carbonate
succession with brachiopods. (Sameeni, 1997). Geographically, The Salt Range covers the area
of Jhelum, Khushab and Mianwali districts. It is divided into three parts: Eastern Salt Range runs
from Jogi Tilla to Kallar Kahar, Central Salt Range from Kallar Kahar to Musakhel, Western Salt
Range from Musakhel to Mari Indus
The range is approximately 186 miles (300 km) long from East to West and its width, in
the central and eastern parts, is from 5 to 19 miles. It rises to an average height of 750 - 900 m.
Sakesars Peak is the highest peak of the area. (Sameeni 2009).
The Salt Range is one of the most important geological regions in Pakistan. It is easily
accessible and displays a wide variety of geological features and paleontological remains. It has,
therefore, been rightly called a field museum of geology and paleontology. All the strata are
excellently exposed due to lack of vegetation. The quality of the exposure also provides excellent
opportunities to appreciate tectonic features in the field. The Salt Range is, therefore, of
international scientific and educational value, and is highly worthy of conservation and
preservation (Sameeni 2009).
The Khabeki and Uchali, Jhalar are some important lakes. The Salt Range contains the
great mines of Khewra, Warchha and Kalabagh, which yield vast supplies of salt, gypsum and


Figure 1.1: Satellite image of the Study Area (Wikipedia).



Figure 1.2: General geology and division of salt range(after E.H.Pascoe; 1919).

Location and Accessibility

The study area is located 250 Km SE from the Islamabad, the capital of the country. It is
easily accessible by Motorway (M-2) from the capital of the country and other cities. Noshehra is
55 km far from Khushab, 90 Km from Sargodha. Sabhral, kufri, chamnaki, Dhaka and khura are
the main villages in the study area which are connected by good network of metalled roads.
1.1.2 Study Area
The study area is located in the central part of the Salt Range and the lithostructural
mapping of the kufri, khura, jhalar, sodhi, dhaka and surakki, chamnaki, kathwai and sabhral
areas were done during the field work in the month of april 2014. Important places of the study


area of Noshahra surakki and the Khura villages. This area is rich in minerals such as Coal,
Laterite, Fire clay and rocks such as Limestone, Dolomite and Sandstone.


The main objectives of the field excursion are:


Litho structural mapping of the kufri, surakki, sabhral,chamnaki,jhalar

khora, sodhi, Dhaka, and kathwai villages of Central Salt Range, Pakistan.


Better understanding of the distribution of rock units and geological structures (tectonic
disturbance) of the area.


To construct the cross section of area and visualize the subsurface geological image
though surface geology i.e. the subsurface geology and penetration of the surface
structures in subsurface.


Study of the different sedimentary structures to predict the environment of deposition.


Slope stability for the prospecting of the hydrocarbons.

1.3 Methodology
By using conventional mapping techniques and toposheets of the Geological Survey of
Pakistan (GSP), base map of the study area is prepared.
The pictures of different sedimentary structures are taken and the contacts of different
lithostratigraphic units are marked.

1.4 Preparation of Base Map

Tracing techniques are used to prepare the base map from the topographic sheets of
Geological Survey of Pakistan. The base map includes the sheet of survey of Pakistan
topographic sheet no. 43 D/2, of 1:50000 scale. The base map is enlarged 5 times, and the litho
structural mapping is done at the scale of 1:10,000. Latitude and Longitude of the Base map are:
72 05 00 E to

72 14 00 E

32 30 00 N to

32 34 00 N


It was used to locate the particular area for fieldwork, exact location, elevation,
geomorphology of that area. It gives the sense to judge the elevation or depression and steep
slope or gentle slope from the contours on it.


During the thesis work, following instruments are used:

Geological Hammer was used to collect the rock specimens and fossils for insitu and laboratory observations to define the different properties of rock.


Hand Lens was used to observe texture, micro structures (such as veins) and
inclusions (such as fossils) in rock specimen. A magnification of between 7 and
10 times is probably the most useful.


G.P.S (Global Positioning System) was used to locate ourselves on the map. It is
based on satellite system. It provides reliable positioning, navigation and timing
services on a continuous basis anywhere on or near the Earth, but its working may
be disturbed by the bad condition of weather.


Measuring Tape was used for measurement of length and thickness of different
rock beds.


Digital Camera was used for the photography of topographical, geological

geomorphologic features, and structural feature during field work.


Hydrochloric Acid, 10% diluted, was used in-situ for the identification.
of carbonate rocks on the base of effervescence.


Brunton Compass was used to measure the dip and strike of rock units to locate
different directions such as north, south etc.


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