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Blood Is Thicker

By Matt Kirkby
Word Count: 2028

Front line officers wear dark navy blue shirts, cargo pants (with red stripe) and boots.
Winter jackets are either dark navy blue jacket design Eisenhower style, single breasted
front closing, 2 patch type breast pockets, shoulder straps, gold buttons, or yellow
windbreaker style with the word POLICE in reflective silver and black at the back
(Generally worn by the bicycle and traffic services units). All ranks shall wear dark navy
blue clip on ties when wearing long-sleeve uniforms.
Auxiliary officers (shown to the right) wear light blue shirts (long sleeve for winter and
short for summer), with the badging of auxiliary on the bottom of the crest. Originally front
line officer also wore light blue shirts but changed to the current navy blue shirts in the Fall
of 2000.
Hats can be styled after baseball caps, combination caps,or fur trim Yukon hats for winter.
Motorcycle units have white helmets. Black or reflective yellow gloves are also provided to
officers with Traffic Services. Front line officers usually wear combination caps since that is
the location of their badge. Auxiliary officers wear combination caps with a checkered red
and black band. The Mounted Unit wears Cossack hats during the winter months.
As is the case with all Ontario Law Enforcement Officers, uniformed officers wear name
tags. They are in the style of "A. Example" where the first letter of the first name is written
and the last name next to it. Name tags are usually stitched on with white stitching on a
black background, but they also have pin-styled with black lettering on a gold plate.
Senior officers wear white shirts and a black Eisnehower style jacket.

Freeze, police!
There were two figures, just on the edge of the lamp light. They were hunched over
a third, a body laying on the grass.
Police! Hands up!
The two hunched over figures, slowly straightened.
Keeping his pistol held ready, Daniel took a step forward. Step away from him.
The night wind was blowing cold for April, and it cut through his leather coat.
The two figures abruptly turned and ran.
Daniel watched them scatter and vanish into the shadowy park. Damn it. He
hurried towards the victim.

Its just a random sort of thing, Constable.

A random sort of thing. Daniel looked up from his notebook. He was dressed in
his uniform. The open jacket showed off his blue shirt and navy blue cargo pants--he was
proud of how the pants hugged his legs. What makes you so certain that this isnt an attack
on your company?
It was just senseless vandalism. Samuel Issacs gave the police constable a shrug.
His finely tailored black suit was tight against his slender frame. Vandals go after splashy
targets all the time. A few broken windows is hardly worth mentioning to the police, but our
insurance company insisted on it.
Daniel made a note. He tried to ignore Samuel's attitude. His suit is worth more
than I'll make in a decade, he thought with a trace of bitterness. Was anything stolen?
No. The vandals just smashed these windows and messed up the reception area.
The main facilities are securely locked beyond other doors.
You security didnt see the perpetrators?
The cameras are down for repairs this week.
The guards patrol took him out of this areahe returned on his normal patrol and
found this.
This is why we have insurance. Samuel turned his head. Will there be anything
else, Constable? he asked. Maintenance will be arriving to replace the glass shortly.
Fast response.
We have our own staff of course.
Of course.

Daniel pulled the tray out of the microwave and set it onto the table. The radio was
playing some easily-forgettable pop tune.
The computer booted up with the day's headlines prominent on the homepage.

OUTRAGE AT MEMORIAL GARDENS screamed the main headline. Vandals had

hit the cemetery again and overturned monuments and tried to dig up bodies.

A shrill scream cut through the night.

Daniel fumbled for his radio. Constable Maxwell. Ive got a disturbance at the
Bayview Mall. Daniel ran towards the parking lot.
The parking lot lights cast a clear glare onto the scene. A hulking brute of a man was
holding a woman by her arm. She was struggling, but clearly unable to get away.
Christ, hes the size of a bear. He pulled his pistol from its holster. Police! Daniel
called out.
The mans head twisted around.
The woman screamed and was casually batted to the ground.
Daniel raised his pistol. Freeze.
The figure kept approaching.
I said, freeze! This is your final warning.
The man growled.
Daniel fired.
The man staggered backwards.
He didnt fall. Daniel squeezed off another shot.
The man took a step towards him.
Daniel fired a third shot.
The wail of sirens heralded the arrival of additional units.
The man turned and ran into the darkness.

Flashing lights still lit the scene. He must have been wearing body armour.
Are you sure?
I shot him three timeshe didnt fall.
Another cop approached them. Were not finding any traces of blood on the
Daniel eyed the detective. Told you.
Why would a would-be mugger be wearing body armour?
The victims still unconscious. The paramedics were loading her into the back of
an ambulance.

Morning, Constable.
Daniel nodded to the janitor. Good morning, Wolfgang.
Anything new on the victim from the Mall? He stopped at the small coffee station
to pour a cup.
No, shes still unconscious.
Still? He stirred his coffee. I didnt think hed hit her all that hard.
Guess that he must have.

Im here to check on Stephanie Campbell.

Shes still unconscious.
So Ive heard. Daniel nodded, then reached up to adjust his cap. Was she hit that
The doctor paused a moment. Im not at liberty to say.

So any idea about what attacked those vagrants?

Daniel paused by the water cooler.
Probably just a scuffle between them. Rooting through the dumpsters and one of
them found something he wanted to keep. When I happened past, they took off. The story
is just some bull to try and get sympathy.
Where was this?
Oh, down near BioNiche.
Anyone hurt, Sean?
No. Sean shook his head. Not that I heard about anyway.

Daniel pulled on his leather bomber jacket as he stood in front of his computer.
The park. Everything centres around the park.

The stream was sluggish and low. The park was all but deserted.
Daniel walked along one of the paths, his boots crunching on the gravel. He pushed
his hands deeper into the pockets of his denim jacket to keep them warm.
A figure erupted out of a bush and tackled the officer to the ground.

Daniel struggled, but he could barely move. Cant breath.

The mans fingers were wrapped around his throat.
Daniels fingers clawed at the ground, desperately searching for something-anything-to use as a weapon.
His fingers brushed something cold. Daniel strained to get a grip on the object, then
he swung it.
Glass shattered as the beer bottle smashed against the mans skull.
Gasping for air as the fingers choking him loosened, Daniel struggled to his feet.

The businessman eyed the bedraggled police officer with an amused expression.
Out for an evening stroll, Constable?
Daniel glared back. You want to explain yourself? he demanded.
What is there to explain?
Your hired help attacked me. Thats assaulting a police officer. He eased his
bruised shoulder. So what the hell was that thing? he demanded.
Samuel turned towards him. You refer to my bodyguard?
Is that what you call him?
One of the Engineered. The mans pronounced canines were very noticeable as he
leaned in close to the young constable. You truly have no idea just what you are up
against, he hissed.
Have you ever considered mouthwash?
Samuels expression darkened. A glib answer for everything
Have our guest searched.

Sven stepped through the doorway. Samuel wants to see you, he announced in his
thickly slurred accent.
Fine. Daniel nodded and stood up. I want to see him too. He suddenly balled
up his fist and punched Sven.
The bulky giant staggered backwards and Daniel hit him again.
Sven reached for the constable with a grin on his face.
You dont fall easily do you? Daniel caught hold of Svens arm and twisted it
Sven actually laughed aloud.
Is he double-jointed or something? Daniel struggled to maintain his grip as Svens
arm continued to bend far beyond the breaking point. What the hell?

The buttons on the front of Svens shirt tore loose and the cotton fell open.
Svens chest was greenish.
Body armour? was Daniels first thought. It looked like the carapace of some beetle.
The fingers of Svens other hand caught the officers neck and squeezed.
Daniel let go of Svens arm.
Samuel wants you alive. Sven was holding Daniel at eye level. He did not say
Daniel grunted.
Sven continued to hold him for a moment longer, then opened his fingers and Daniel
dropped to the floor.
There was some trouble? Samuels eyes darted from Svens unusual chest to the
still red-faced constable.
No trouble.
Daniel remained silent.
Leave us.
Sven turned on his heel and left the study.
That was foolish, Constable. You cant escape from us.
Youre breaking the law.
I do what I must. Samuel was smiling. Would you care for some wine? he

You cant hold me forever.

No, but I wont have too. Samuel licked at his lips.

Have him shipped to our main lair. Samuel had a nasty smile on his face. Im
certain you will be comfortable there.
Im not.
You will enjoy your time there. The Mother will be eager to sample you.

The blindfold was annoying, but having his wrists cuffed and a rope around his
ankles was even more so.
Probably my own handcuffs, he thought bitterly. The night air was cold on his bare
arms. I didnt get my jacket back.

Gunfire erupted.
Daniel was knocked to the ground as one of his guards was knocked backwards. Is
that a machinegun?
Get him! a woman shouted.
Daniel felt hands grip his arms and drag him through the open door of a car.
Go! a man snapped.
The door slammed closed and the car lurched into motion with a squeal of tires.

Where the hell am I? Daniel demanded as his blindfold was removed.

The brunette driving the car took a moment to glance back at him. Safe. She
turned her attention back to the road.
Who the hell are you?
Noah Adamson. He smiled and his teeth were startlingly white against his dark
skin. You were lucky we were in the area tonight, Constable Maxwell. His British accent
was crisp.
Thanks for the rescue. Im a cop, so head towards the station or get me a phone.
We cant allow that.
No, Francesca and I need a little more time to finish our work.
Daniel stared at them.
You have stumbled into something serious, Constable. Noah eyed the handcuffs.
They will have to wait until we get home.
The key should be in my pocket. These are probably my cuffs.
Noah reached down. They dont look like normal.
Theyre standard police issue.
Noah fumbled with the small key. Theyre not what we usually see.
Rubbing at his wrists, Daniel looked down at his ankles. What kind of rope is
that? It looked like a bluish vine. Feels like it too. The texture was slightly oily to his
Noah was nodding. That is more like what I expected from our opposition.

The house was fairly isolated, and Daniel had taken note of the high stone wall
which surrounded the property. Too bad I lost track of what road were on. He would find
out when he made his escape. Ill get a full S.W.A.T. team in here.
Well be safe enough here. Noah watched the garage door finish sliding closed
behind them. Make yourself at home, Constable.
Use these. Francesca walked back to the car.

Noah took the pair of bolt cutters and nodded his thanks. Yes, they will work. He
cut through the vine.
The door to the house opened.
Clive, please show our guest to his room. Noah gestured. Daniel, go with Clive.
Hell show you to where you can refresh yourself.
Then well meet for dinner. Yes, I could do with a little light repast. After that little
exchange, I feel peckish.
This way, please. Clive was wearing a dark suit.
Daniel eyed him.
Dont try to run, Francesca warned. I hate having to shoot people after I just
finished rescuing them.
She holds that Uzi like a pro. He nodded. Im your guest.

The room was on the second floor. Daniel gave it quick look over. One cell to
another, he thought bitterly. At least this one is more comfortable. The thick carpeting
tickled his bare feet as he walked across to a curtain window.
The ironwork was decorative with leaves and bunches of grapes worked onto the
solid bars.
The phone was dead, of course.
The shower, through the open doorway to the en suite, looked inviting.
Daniel emerged from the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He stepped
back into the main room, but his soiled clothes were gone.
He looked around and half-heartedly opened the oak wardrobe.
He slid on a pair of boxer briefs and then pulled on a clean pair of sweat pants and a
red tee-shirt.

So why are these Engineered in Belleville?

Francesca looked across the table at her companion. Where better?
Daniel shook his head. That makes no sense, he complained. Surely theyd do
better somewhere bigger. Like Toronto or New York.
Oh, the Engineered are operating there as well. Noah Adamson took another long
drink from his glass. Theyve got clans all over the globe.
So they want to use the air base?
No, but who would think they would be operating so close to a major forces base?

How much danger is there?

You're not in much danger. You've been innoculated.
How? When?
We slipped the anti-virus into the flu shot. It seemed the easiest way to arrange
matters. Noah leaned back in his chair. More wine?
You have an answer for anything.

Can we call in help?

This situation is beyond the abilities of your military. Adamson gave him a smile.
Well handle it.
No police. No army.

So what's the plan? Daniel asked.

Francesca smiled. We're going to go in and shut down BioNiche.
Daniel looked at her and then over at Noah. Just like that?
Yes, Noah said in agreement. Just like that.

Daniel pulled his jeans up and zipped them. He selected one of the shirts, and then
picked up his jacket. He slid it on, not bothering to zip it up, and then he pulled a blue
baseball cap onto his head.
Noah looked at him and smiled. We have pistols and some heavier firepower.
You're not just going to bomb the lab?
That's not our style, Daniel. We're not looking to devastate the city. We're trying to
save people.
So you're going to storm in there shooting?

They won't negotiate. They will only attack us and try to bite. Francesca was
leaning against the wall. Pay attention...this is important.
It's very much a simple Glock 17.
Daniel eyed the pistol. Looks powerful. He picked it up and sighted down the
stubby barrel. Standard issue, he added. I'm familiar with it. Though I prefer to use the
I know it's standard issue for your police forces. That's one reason we chose it as
our pistol of choice. A slender finger tapped the bullets. These are hollow and ready to
burst on impact. The bullets are loaded with the anti-toxin. Makes it more likely to take
down one of the Infected.
Otherwise, you need a head shot to destroy the brain, or else sever the spinal cord.
Neither easily done.
Exactly. These magazines hold seventeen bullets.

There are two fences for us to deal with. The first one will be simple. Chain link
with barbed wire. No effort to cut a hole in it.
And the other?
The inner fence is electrified.
Daniel's mouth hung open.
You didn't notice on your previous visits?
No, that slipped past me. Daniel barely recalled seeing the second fence. Why is
that one electrified?
Because it will keep any of the Infected from getting loose. Or so we assume.

Samuel was dressed in a well-cut black suit. His eyes narrowed as he glared across
the top of the desk.
Then Samuel chuckled softly. You again, Constable?
Yeah, it's me. Daniel fired his pistol and one of the Infected toppled backwards.
Got some new toys to play with.
Good for you. I see that you're out of uniform.

Samuel got away! Dan kicked the edge of the desk.

We'll go after him...he won't get far.
But what about--

The labs have been taken care of. A few doses of the anti-toxin into the various
vats and some incendiary charges.
You're going to burn the lab?
Daniel grimaced.
There's no left here except the Infected, the Engineered, and their willing servants.
We've cleaned out the others.
Better to see this place burned down.
But what what about Samuel?
He'll be tracked down.

Daniel kept quiet as the team went over their maps.

Wolffe Island.
Figures he'd be based on an island.
So now what?
Now we go after the bastard.

Do you see the fence?

Jason was grinning. I bet it's electrified.
You can touch it and find out, Daniel told him.
Jason laughed.

You keep showing up. Samuel grunted a sharp curse. I really should make sure
that you're dead this time. He had exchanged his usual suit for a tight-fitting leather
motorcycle outfit.
I'm a man of many surprises, Daniel told him.
The gas station!
I see it. Jason gestured. Go ahead. I'll cover you.

Thanks. Daniel waited a moment, took a deep breath, and then ran for the gas
Jason tripped and fell to the ground.
Daniel opened his eyes.
Welcome back to the land of the living, Samuel gloated. He was standing near the
counter. Well, for just a bit longer that is.
Jason was struggling.
Daniel twisted his head enough to see his partner.
Jason had ropes binding his wrists and ankles.
If anyone told you the bad guys lose at the end of the world they'd be dead wrong,
Samuel said. He was holding one of their pistols in his hand. Your anti-toxin is a nice
bonus. I'll have my scientists examine these bullets and we'll see if we can eliminate our
Infected vulnerability.
Don't you want to be able to kill them?
We know how to do that already. What we don't want is you and your friends being
able to ruin our plans. He chuckled. Even now, you and they are just annoyances to me.
He pulled the trigger of his pistol.
The gunshot was loud.
Daniel screamed as Jason's blood and brain matter splattered across the snack aisle
of the gas station.
Samuel was still grinning.
You son of a bitch! Daniel screamed. I'll make you pay for this! I'll track you
down and kill you.
Samuel snorted in laughter. You do that. He leaned over, staring down at the cop.
You go right ahead and do that, he sneered. Samuel put the handgun into his side holster
and then he drew a large knife from his back.
Daniel eyed the blade. It was long and serrated, the handle engraved, depicting a
snarling dragon's head.
Samuel casually tossed the knife across the floor and laughed. You're a lucky guy,
he spat. I was just going to shoot you, but I think I rather enjoy the idea of you hunting for
me. Why don't you crawl over your dead buddy, grab that knife, and come and catch me.
Daniel glared at the man.
Samuel was still grinning.
I will find you.
Samuel laughed even harder. Oh, I like you, he chuckled. I could have used a
man like you in my organization. Then he slammed his black boot into Daniel's chest,
pinning him against the wall and holding him in place. Take your time finding me. The
dead are rising. The Infected are spreading. The world is coming to an end. And you know
the best part? I'm having a blast!
He lifted his boot from Daniel's chest, and strolled toward the door. He snatched a
few bags of potato chips on the way out and one of his bodyguards stepped outside.
A gunshot rang out.
Daniel felt a moment's hope. He opened his mouth to call out to his rescuers.
It's clear now.

Daniel felt his heart sink. There was no mistaking Sven's voice.
Samuel walked past the doors, paused just long enough to wave at Daniel, and then
walked towards his car.
Sven pushed the gas station doors open and blocked them so they would stay open.
He was grinning, his teeth showing white against his skin.
Daniel grunted. I am going to get out of here, he told himself. I am going to find
Samuel and stop him.

hot a zombie in the parking lot. Daniel heard the motorcycle Samuel came in on start
up and thunder down the road. He imprinted his face into his minds eye so hed
never forget it. He would find him and tear his heart from his chest. But first, he had to get
his hands untied. He spotted the knife only a few feet away, he couldve taken five steps
if he wasnt bound and reached it, but instead he had to crawl on his belly like a snake.
The electric entrance to the gas station slowly opened. A zombie shuffled inside, its vacant
stare spotted him immediately. It reached for him with one arm, as the other was gnarled
down to the elbow. Daniel flopped toward the knife. He struck his jaw on the hard floor by
accident and a jarring pain rang in his head. A decayed hand curled around his ankle. Daniel
kicked with all his might, breaking free of the zombie and inching closer to his freedom. He
heard a hungry groan from the entrance, as two more living dead wandered inside. Daniel
rolled forward. He had the knife behind his back within seconds. The zombie hed
broken free from reached for him again. He waited until its rotting head was lingering over
him then put his heels together and kicked for all he was worth. The blow hit the zombie
square in the face, both feet sinking into rancid flesh. The zombie made a loud crack as its
nose was crushed under Daniels feet. It paused momentarily, then, went in for a chomp.

We need to get off the island.

I know. Francesca nodded her head. And preferably before they catch up to us.
Daniel was looking through the window. I don't see anything out there.
Well, yeah.

5 As the zombie grabbed Daniels leg and was about to take a bite he cut the rope on the
knifes blade and stabbed. The knife slipped inside the zombies skull with ease and
made a wet slurp when Daniel yanked it out. He got to his feet, ready to deal with the other
two zombies whod invaded his home. They were faster than the ones he was used to
dealing with outside. Both were men at one point and in all likelihood assimilated into the
walking dead not long ago. He leaped backward as the pair reached for him. He let them
stumble forward, and sprang. The knife bored underneath the chin of one and the blades
tip showed through the top of his head. When Daniel tried to wrench the knife free he
couldnt. He twisted the handle to no avail but couldnt manage to loosen it. The
other zombie grabbed his unprotected arm and pulled the flesh toward its infected mouth.
Daniel let go of the knife for now. He jerked his arm away seconds before the sharp,
blackened teeth could tear his skin. He shoved the zombie with his palms and watched it
topple over. He wrapped his fingers around a shelf holding a variety of stale Milky Ways,
Skittles, Gummy Bears, and other candies, and pushed it over. The zombie was already
halfway up and ready to try again when the metal rack fell on top of him. The zombie
twisted underneath the rack and pinned himself between the shelving. Daniel ran to the dead
zombie and curled both hands around the knife handle. He put one foot on the corpses
face and pressed down while he pulled. The wolf head at the

6 base disengaged, and then the rest followed, making a sickening sucking noise as he
ripped the blade out. He addressed the last remaining intruder. The zombie gnashed its teeth
at him as it struggled to free itself from the metal rack. Daniel bent over him, reared back,
and stabbed the zombie in its eye sockets until it was motionless. Afterwards, he sat on the
floor and wept. This gas station had been home for his uncle and him ever since the
beginning. Theyd banded together, locking the store down, eating what they needed to
survive, and taking comfort in the tattered remains of their family. And now his uncle was
among the dead. He went to where his loved one laid. He avoided the blood stains and
chunks of bone shards littering the aisle. His uncle had met his final end. With his head
blown apart he would never return to join the living dead. Samuel was to blame. If it
wasnt for him his uncle would still be alive. Daniel clutched the knife so tight his nails
dug into his palms and he bled. Samuel, he spat the name out like a curse. In a
world where the dead were eating the living why did an asshole have to come along and
make things worse? He told him to find him. Hunt him down and finish his life for ending
the life of his uncle. And Daniel intended to do just that. He wiped the knife blade clean on
his shirt and slipped it into his belt. He vowed to never use it again until the day came when
he could put the blade against Samuels neck, slit it, and watch him choke on his own

7 Daniel spent the remainder of the daylight burying his uncle behind the gas station. He
forgot the history of the old world, and filled his heart with the incessant need for revenge.

8 Chapter 2 Sarah and Joelle were on a reconnaissance mission for the Marauders in the
brisk autumn cold. Sarah drove the Volkswagen van while Joelle rode shotgun and helped
navigate the new terrain. Make a right on Seymour Street, Joelle instructed. Sarah
spun the wheel. The tires squealed as she made a sharp right and nearly crashed into the side
of a building. Watch where youre going, Joelle gasped, and pressed herself
against the dashboard. Youre too cautious. Try to loosen up a little, Sarah
laughed and playfully punched her in the arm. That kind of talk will get you killed,
Joelle replied. She rubbed her arm and tried to act like it didnt hurt. Ahead of them, a
zombie was standing in the road. His clothing was in tatters about his body and had he
moved out of their way he mightve passed for a human. Sarah accelerated. Im
not dying, not today at least, Sarah said. Joelle braced herself for the impact and
screamed. But Sarah wasnt paying any attention to her. The van collided with the
zombie head on. Instead of flying over the hood or being jammed under the vehicle the
rotting corpse exploded in a hail of organs and bones. Ropey intestine covered the
windshield and his head flew over the roof. Sarah laughed long and hard as she turned on
the windshield wipers.

9 Are you crazy? Joelle shook her head. Never mind, dont answer
that. Damn, that one was a splatter. I didnt think he was that old, Sarah
cheered. The windshield wipers cleared most of the intestine away except for one long
chunk which got struck under the blades and hung over the side. Did you see that shit?
Sarah asked, and mimicked the zombie impacting with her hands. He was like
BAM! Are you out of your fucking mind? Weve got a job to do, Joelle
pressed. Chill out, Sarah said. Hes just one less zombie we have to deal
with. Whats your problem anyway? My problem . . . Joelle repeated.
My problem is that Samuel assigned me to help you today and all you want to do is goof
off. Hey, Im still doing my job. Whats wrong with having a little fun?
Its the end of the world, lighten up. Joelle crossed her arms. Make a right
down Western Avenue and then we should be there, she told her. Youre really
mad at me, arent you? Just keep driving, Joelle said. Sarah shrugged,
Youre the boss. She made another sharp right turn, jerking the wheel hard
enough to shred a layer off the tires. Joelle was thrown sideways into Sarah. Slow the
fuck down, Joelle demanded. Sarah pushed her off and straightened out the van.

10 Were fine. Theres nothing to worry about . . . Her sentence trailed off
when she saw the wreck in the road. A military truck was lying on its side and partly
covered a jeep. Both vehicles were useless metal shells and blocked the road. Great,
how the hell am I going to drive through that? I thought the report said this road was clear?
Sarah sneered. Joelle opened her door to get out. I guess well just have to
walk the rest of the way, she said. Sarahs upper lip twitched in a snarl.
Wonderful, she growled. Joelle eagerly got out of the van. She stretched her arms
out and rolled her shoulders. Sarah got out of the car and examined their surroundings. The
city was a disaster area but relatively devoid of zombies and other raiding nomads. They
were parked between a pizza restaurant and a brick building. The windows of the pizza
place were shot out. Inside, she could see cobwebs on the upturned tables and lots of broken
chairs. This city is a shithole, Sarah spat. Joelle finished stretching and pretended
not to hear her. Lets arm up and get this over with. I told Samuel wed be back
before sundown. Yeah right, and I guess you always do what he tells you?
Thats how I got to be your boss, Sarah, Joelle smirked.

11 Sarah dug in the backseat and produced a M16 asMaxwellt rifle. Yeah, so fucking
what? You might be my boss but Im the one covering your ass. Without me youd
be zombie fodder, remember that. You wouldnt want my aim to slip now would you?
Joelle swallowed a hard lump in her throat. She tried to stand straighter and look
strong and tough enough to take on Sarah, but they both knew that wouldnt happen.
Back at camp, Joelle was boss, but out here, far removed from the Marauders and their laws,
Sarah was queen. Remind me again why you came so highly recommended? Joelle
questioned. Sarah lifted the M16 to eye level and aimed at the pizza restaurant. She scanned
the barrel through the broken glass, and pulled the trigger. There was a loud retort from the
rifle then a blood splatter. Joelle leaned forward as a zombie missing the top of his head
tumbled from the open window and slapped the pavement. Sarah shouldered the firearm.
Thats why you brought me along, she grinned. You . . . youll kill us
both. Do you realize how much noise that just made? Well have the entire town barring
down on us within a few minutes. Let them come, Sarah answered.
Ive got plenty of ammunition. Joelle rubbed her own head in frustration.
Hey, dont sweat it. Ive been with the Marauders for a year and a half now. I
can handle just about anything. Yeah, Joelle muttered, But can you handle

12 Sarahs lips curled downward in a frown. Who were you back in the Old World
anyway, a drill sergeant? Joelle added. I was a stripper, Sarah replied.
Joelles eyes widened. Im just kidding, Sarah laughed. I helped my
dad on a farm. I was signed up to go to a university when all this shit happened. Joelle
nodded, Wed better get going. Sure thing, boss lady, Sarah quipped.
Sarah grabbed a backpack from the van and shut the doors. They were forced to climb over
the mess in the road. Joelle first, then Sarah close behind. The military truck had an
enormous hole in the center; jutting pieces of sharp metal stuck out unevenly, creating a
dangerous hazard. Joelle stumbled as she tried to manage her way around the gaping hole.
Her shoe snagged on the metal and she went tumbling backwards. Oh shit, she
wailed. Her instinct kicked in and Joelle put her hands out to lessen the impact sure to come,
but sure never fell. Sarah caught her by the shirt just in time and yanked her back. Hey,
try to be a little more careful, Sarah said. She helped Joelle get her shoe unstuck
without a qualm. Thank you, Joelle said, and meant it. That couldve been
a nasty fall. Dont mention it. From behind them came a chorus of moans
and the sounds of dragging feet. Sarah shoved Joelle forward.

13 Move out, boss. Joelle crawled over the wreckage and this time she avoided the
large hole in the vehicle altogether. She made her way over the wreckage and onto the road
then waited for Sarah. The street before her was a mess. Countless bodies decomposed on
the sidewalk or on the road, flies swarmed in and out of unbarred mouths as they feasted on
a banquet of rotting flesh. Joelle covered her nose to keep out the rancid stench. Sarah came
down the side of the wrecked military truck and stood beside her. Damn, what a trash
heap. We mustve missed the party, she said. Yeah . . . Joelle drifted off.
She witnessed a dead man stuffed inside a trash can. A crow pecked at his exposed feet,
stripping off the carrion and consuming it. This is even worst than the last town.
Sarah shrugged. She pulled her arms out of her backpack and dug inside. Moments later she
produced two green surgery masks to cover their nose and mouth. She gave one to Joelle,
who quickly put it on, and Sarah the other. The zombies wont be able to get over
that wreck for awhile. How far away are we? Sarah asked. Were about half a
mile away from our destination. Are you ready? Sarah put her backpack on and armed
herself with the M16. She brushed past Joelle and planted her boot down on the head of the
nearest motionless corpse. The head cracked under her heel, sending dark matter onto the

14 All of them are dead, I think. Lets not waste any more time, Joelle advised,
and walked out into the sea of dead bodies. Sarah grabbed her by the arm, pulling her back.
I dont take chances, Sarah told her. She shoved Joelle out of the way and
continued down the street. Every time she came up to a dead body she stomped the head in
until it was a pile of mush. Joelle crossed her arms and followed her lead. We should
really hurry up. Those zombies on the other side of the wreck are bound to figure out a way
to us, she explained. Sarah used the sidewalk to scrap brain matter from her boot heel.
Im getting really tired of your shit. Just because Samuel put you in charge of a
couple of missions doesnt mean you know what the hell youre doing. How many
raids have you been on? Ive been on four raids, Joelle said proudly. Sarah
laughed hard. Youve only been on four raids? He must have a shitload of
confidence in you to give you a job like this. He should have confidence in
me, Joelle defended herself. I can take down any door anywhere. Yeah,
well see, Sarah said, and pointed her rifle at her. What are you doing?
Look to the right and then get the hell out of my way, she demanded.

15 Joelle jerked her head around in time to see the animated corpse crawling toward her.
The long haired mans fingernails managed to rake her sneakers before she leaped
out of reach. A loud report from the M16 rang and a few bullets smacked his head. He
crumpled on the street, dead again. I . . . Im sorry, Joelle apologized.
Ill let you do your job as long as you let me do mine. Sarah took off her
backpack and handed it to her. Why dont you hold onto your own things? I can aim
better without this dragging me down. Joelle tightened her mouth and fed her arms
through the backpacks loops. She secured it and waved Sarah forward. Make a left
down this street and we should see the building. Sarah walked around the last of the
bodies lying discarded on the street. She turned left down a narrow alley and kept the barrel
of her gun at eye level. Ahead of them, a city dumpster blocked the exit. Sarah continued,
moving faster now. Joelle adjusted the straps on her backpack, pulling it snug against her
skin. She knew why Samuel had instructed Sarah to carry the pack instead of her. Sarah was
expendable and she was not. Yes, Sarah could fire a rifle and always completed her missions
with few casualties but she didnt have the unique skills Joelle possessed, and that meant
her life didnt matter as much in the eyes of the Marauders. As Joelle pondered the
frailty of Sarahs life she discovered something interesting jutting under a

16 rejected milk carton. Joelle stopped and yanked on a hard jewel case. Her fingers slid
over the unopened DVD in familiarity. Oh my God, this is The Notebook! I love this
movie. I havent seen it in years. Sarah didnt hear her. She was a good fifteen
feet down the alley and closing in on the dumpster. Hey Sarah, look what I found,
Joelle called to her and held up the DVD. The scrap of hundreds of dragging feet and hungry
moans made Joelle look over her shoulder. Oh fuck, she gasped. Countless
shambling corpses made their way into the narrow alley. Some crawled on their elbows, but
most walked. All wore the same vacant expression and moaned in hunger. Joelle ran for her
life; if they didnt move that dumpster out of the way or climb over it they were
finished. Sarah! Joelles cry alerted her to snap her head around. Sarah pointed
the automatic rifle at the horde but didnt pull the trigger yet. Get down, she
ordered Joelle. But Joelle continued running toward her. I said get the fuck down.
Joelle was gasping for air in the short burst of speed she put on. She wasnt watching
where she was going when she tripped on a glass beer bottle and crashed onto

17 the concrete. Her movie flew from her hands. A loud snap came from her ankle and she
knew in that instant that it was broken. Sarah sent a barrage of bullets streaming into the
living dead horde. The roar of gunfire between the narrow spaces of the two buildings was
deafening, and Joelle covered her ears. The bullets ripped through the zombies, popping
their heads like grapefruit. When the gunfire ceased, Sarah bent down and pulled Joelle by
the collar. Get up, now, she ordered. Joelle tried, but her left leg wasnt obeying
her commands. She withered on the street like a squashed bug. I cant, my ankle is
broken, Joelle cried. Sarah pumped a few more rounds into the approaching crowd of
zombies. Shell casings piled around her feet until she had unloaded an entire clip. Joelle
used her arms and good leg to drag herself behind Sarah. Help me stand, she hissed
through her teeth. Sarah shouldered the asMaxwellt rifle and shoved her arms under
Joelles armpits and pulled. Theres no time. We have to get the fuck out of
here, now. Sarah dragged her over broken glass and a pool of black, stagnant water.
Joelles whimpers were drowned out by the hundreds of zombies coming after them.
They were an endless sea of dead bodies, stumbling over each other just for a chance to sink
their teeth into warm flesh. A few of them were faster than the others and clawed at
Joelles limp foot.

18 Sarah, pull faster! Joelle cried and kicked at the horde with her working leg. She
managed to hit one of them in the face but it did little to deter its advances. Sarah dropped
her. No, please, dont leave me, Joelle pleaded. The zombies were upon her in
seconds, climbing up her legs and going for her exposed skin. She tore the green mask from
her face and screamed. Two of the zombies chewed on her jeans, but couldnt break
through to the skin beneath. The retort of a high caliber pistol silenced their gnawing. Joelle
was splattered with their infected blood as one by one Sarah planted a bullet in each skull.
After they were dead she grabbed Joelle and dragged her to the dumpster. Climb over
this while I hold them off, Sarah ordered. I cant, my ankle, Joelle
complained. You have to try. Ill give you a lift if you can just stand up. Sarah
stuffed her pistol between her jeans and lower spine. She dug through her cargo pants for a
spare clip to the automatic. Joelle used the steel hangings on the dumpster to get on her
knees. She forced her cracked ankle back, and screamed in pain as she began to climb. The
zombie horde was nearly upon them, clawing, moaning, and inching closer. Sarah slapped a
fresh clip into the rifle and rained bullets into them, splitting heads open and driving the
crowd back.
Joelle forced herself to climb faster. She cut her hand on the dumpster and bled out. Ignoring
the wound, she gripped the dumpster lid and heaved herself up. Over the top of the trash bin
she could see the target clearly, and then she started to slip. Ive got you, Sarah
said, and pushed her onto the top. She leapt on the dumpster and crawled up the side. Her
M16 slipped from her shoulder as the strap was cut on a metal hanging. Joelle helped her,
pulling her up with all her strength. Sarah went for her asMaxwellt rifle but the living dead
slammed into the dumpsters side and clawed at them from below. Leave it, we have
to get to that building, Joelle instructed. Sarah withdrew her sidearm and began loading
bullets into its chamber. Yeah, and how in the hell are we going to do that? You
cant even walk, she scoffed at her partner. I can hop, Joelle told her.
Besides, they cant get us now. Sarah looked down on the hundreds of decayed
faces. The zombies banged on the dumpster, but couldnt manage to climb up the sides.
But with heavy numbers they could eventually overwhelm the blockade, either by crawling
over each other or pushing the dumpster out of their way. We need to move and
fast, Sarah said. Ill help you down then we haul ass to that building. How long
will it take you to get us inside? One minute, maybe less, Joelle answered.
Do you pick locks? Something like that, dont worry.
Damn, Samuel was right about you. Tough as nails, Sarah grinned. I try my
best to impress, Joelle smirked. Sarah slipped her handgun back into its holster and
climbed off the dumpster. She immediately felt better knowing she was on the other side of
the walking dead. The zombies were still making a racket but at least she didnt have to
look at them anymore. She raised her hands out to Joelle. Come down real easy. I
dont need you to break anything else. Joelle pressed her stomach to the dumpster
lid and descended feet first. Sarah grabbed her by the waist and slowly put her on the
ground. Joelle flinched when her broken ankle touched the street. She relied on her other leg
for support. Lean on me, Sarah ordered. No, Im fine. You need your hands
free in case we run into more of them. Sarah didnt listen to her. She braced herself

under Joelles shoulder and helped her stand. Once we get to that door your on your
own, she said. Thank you, Joelle mumbled. Together, the two ladies made
their way out of the alley. Once clear of the narrow confinement, they spotted the Liberty
building across the street and made there way over. Joelle flinched with every forced step
and held onto Sarah like a life raft. Easy now, were almost there, Sarah urged.

21 When they came to the wide double doors Sarah eased Joelle down on the stoop. She
then proceeded to try the handle, but the door was locked and probably reinforced from the
inside. Joelle took off her backpack and began pulling electric wires, clay, and three sticks of
dynamite out. Damn, I guess this wont take long, Sarah laughed. She knocked
on the door. Hellooooo, is anybody home? She waited for a reply then knocked
again. Open up, we know youre in there. Why dont you make this easy on
yourself and save us the trouble o breaking in, she demanded. A soft, quivering voice
answered, We dont have any food, go away! Sarah took out her handgun and
beat on the door with it. You heard the man, Joelle. He says theres no food and we
should go away. Joelle slapped the clay on the door, inserted the wires and dynamite
then shook her head. Hes lying. If he would share his spoils like a good boy we
wouldnt have to do this. How many people do you think hes got holed up
in there? None, Joelle said. Hes a greedy man. If he had anyone to
help him they wouldve shot us through the windows before we even got here.
Sarah looked up the side of the building and spotted an endless row of glass. I hope
youre right, boss. I am. I trust the scout. Now help me across the street before
this thing blows us apart.

22 Sarah lifted her by the armpits and let her lean against her shoulder. She snatched the
backpack up and aided her toward the alley. They were halfway across the street when the
dynamite exploded. The blast sent pieces of wood and metal into the air, destroying the
door, and sending a shockwave throughout the small town. The man inside was screaming,
not in pain, but disbelief. Sarah put Joelle down on the sidewalk. Ill be right
back, she told her. Stay put. Do you think thats such a great idea? What
about the zombies? Joelle trembled, as she glanced back at the alleyway. The dumpster
was shaking back and forth. Dozens of rotting, skeletal hands poked out of the spaces
between the dumpster and the wall. They would push through any minute and come for
them both. Trust me, I know what Im doing, Sarah smiled. She cocked her
pistol and walked into the open cavity where the door to the Liberty building once stood.
The man was still shouting and screaming obscenities at the madness of the world. The
dumpster inched forward. Joelle could make out hundreds of decayed heads and flapping
jaws moaning for a taste of her flesh. She dug into her backpack again, producing a stick of
dynamite and a lighter. The dumpster shook and toppled over. Hundreds of zombies poured
out of the alleyway like water breaking through a dam.

23 Joelle lit the wick on the dynamite. She held onto the red stick, wondering if it would be
better to keep it and finish her twisted life. The zombies shuffled toward her, their mouths
gaping open with anticipation. BAM! BAM! The retort from Sarahs gun echoed in the
building; the man inside stopped screaming. Joelle dropped the dynamite by accident. She
watched as it rolled away from her and wished she had the strength to chase after it. The
zombies were closing in on her, reaching for her, ready to rend and rip into her warm body
until she littered the streets like the rest of the trash in town. Joelle pulled out another
dynamite stick. She didnt have time to start the fuse when the one she dropped
exploded at the front of the zombie horde. The discharge took eight or ten zombies apart.
Their limbs flew into the sky and hit the concrete with a sickening sound. Joelle went to
light the stick in her hand, but it was too late. Dozens of hands pawed her damaged leg,
pressing against it, and cracking the bone further. She screamed as the zombie horde pulled
her closer. Her life was over.

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