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/SIMPLIS Elements

Working with SIMetrix

Randy Joseph G. Fernandez

R1 = 1k

Vs = 5V


R2 = 1k

Figure 1: Basic resistor circuit

1. Download SIMetrix



1 (free version, for Windows

systems only) and install it on your laptop/computer workstation. Read

the User's Manual

2 for details.

Note that this document refers to the

February 2008 edition of the said manual.

2. Open the Elements application and create a new schematic from the Command Shell window.

Figure 2: Creating a new schematic in SIMetrix




3. While the native SIMetrix


simulator is more powerful, the simpler SIM-

is preferred for this exercise.


On the schematic window, select

to change the simulator for the application.

Figure 3: Changing the simulator to SIMPLIS

4. Place the components in the schematic by choosing them relevant icons

found on the tool bar, enclosed in a red box in the gure below. These
icons, specied in order, are:

resistor, capacitor, inductor, ground, N-

channel transistor, P-channel transistor, diode, DC power supply, waveform generator, transformer, and voltage probe.

Figure 4: Selecting electrical components for the schematic

5. Insert a probe, similar to a voltmeter, in the schematic.

Figure 5: Inserting a voltage probe for analysis

6. Select the appropriate analysis to be run by the simulator. In this case,

"Transient" would suce. A conrmation window will open to inquire if
you want to save the schematic.

Figure 6: Selecting the appropriate analysis for the schematic

Figure 7: List of possible analysis methods in SIMPLIS

7. Click Run.
8. Manually compute for

Vo .

Is this the same as the simulated value? Note:

You may want to change values of

Vs , R1 ,



for practice.

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