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The Missing Bible Secret

That Leads to Financial

Health and Prosperity
By Karin Peavy
Copyright 2012.
All Rights Reserved.


KARIN PEAVY is a spiritual abuse survivor, friend to the Body of Christ,

an ardent Bible student, and author. She has answered the call of God
to help Christians understand Gods heart and mind as revealed in the
Bible. Her passion is creating books and articles chock full of Biblical
keys and strategies to help Believers experience successful living
through spiritual understanding.
To learn more about Karin, visit:

For daily wisdom and encouragement, connect with Karin


I believe we are living in the last days. This is a strategic time in history and I
am convinced God is appointing Believers who have the capacity to receive
large sums of money so they can:

Show the world a wonderful Heavenly Father who takes good care of His


Give generously into the work of the Lord so the Gospel can be preached
to a wider audience.

The Bible tells us that God wants His people to have abundance.
But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth
thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which
he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this dayDeuteronomy 8:18.
Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that
delighteth greatly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty
upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and
riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever.
Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious,
and full of compassion, and righteousPsalm 112:1-4.

The Missing Bible Secret That Leads to Financial Health & Prosperity

In order for these passages to become reality for those who can receive this
message, its going to take creating an atmosphere of faith by speaking Gods
Word concerning finances. It will take putting the law of sowing and reaping to
work by sowing tithes and offerings. It will take driving out all selfishness,
wastefulness, and greed.
It will also involve stewardshipthe ability to value, manage and care for with
excellence your current salary, possessions, your personal business, pets, and
Stewardship is often a missing ingredient in teaching on financial prosperity. We
are taught to give financial seed into churches, ministries, and organizations
that help the poor. This is part of Gods financial system and an absolute must.
We are told to build our faith in Gods Word by meditating on it, another must.
We are encouraged to release faith-filled words into our lives, which is
essential. However, accountability is just as important. God cant bless you with
more without it. You see, it doesnt do any good to give God a tenth of what
you earn if you are mishandling the remaining 90 percent.
When I was in my late teens, I began a deeper walk with God. Now, this might
sound a bit corny but I fell in love with Jesus and the Bible.

The Missing Bible Secret That Leads to Financial Health & Prosperity

Studying the Bible and spending time in prayer produced visions of doing
something significant with my life. I also discovered I loved giving. I longed to
experience financial prosperity so that I could give generously to the work of
the Lord.
I became a tithe payer. For a college student that wasnt easy. Still, I wanted to
be obedient by honoring Malachi 3:10. I gave ten percent of what I earned
from part-time jobs and gave it to the church I attended. God blessed me
There was the time the Lord told me to give away items I needed. I had asked
God for new clothes after losing weight so I gave away my best dress. Several
months later, an aunt and uncle offered to take me shopping. A friend of mine
gave me two beautiful split skirts she didnt want anymore. I went back to
school that semester with a brand new wardrobe.
In my senior year, I had a generous income for a college student. However, a
problem revealed itself. I became hooked on the things money can buy.
Although I continued to pay tithes and offerings and took care of my
responsibilities, I couldnt shake the shopping bug. If I saw something I
wanted, I had to have it.
The problem grew worse after I graduated and landed a full-time job. Instead
of focusing on saving money, I accumulated a wallet full of credit cards. I went
on huge shopping sprees every month.

The Missing Bible Secret That Leads to Financial Health & Prosperity

Do you know what I told myself? Theres m ore w here that cam e from .
Thats how I justified my spending. How arrogant! I believed I could flush my
money down the toilet and God would keep on giving me more. In fact, I still
dreamed of having great financial prosperity. Ha!
I was driven. I refused to leave a store without buying something. However, I
quickly lost interest in all the clothes, shoes, and jewelry I accumulated. I could
easily wear something once or twice and forget about it. Then Id be fired up to
buy more.
I finally realized how out of control I had become. I was up to my neck in debt
and only had enough reserve cash to pay my credit card bills. I asked the Lord
for help.
Id been having problems on my job, which I ended up losing. God used that
event to get me started on the road to financial health.
It took several years to gain control over the emotions that triggered my out of
control spending. However, I mastered the art of living within my means. Doing
so has produced peace and satisfaction beyond my imagination. Here is what I

The Missing Bible Secret That Leads to Financial Health & Prosperity

9 Truths that Lead to Financial Health and Prosperity

1. W i t h p r i v i l e g e c o m e s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y . Youll never manage a

million dollars correctly if you cant handle $10. The same mindset that
causes $10 to slip through your fingers will cause a million to slip away
just as easily.

2. Y o u m u s t a p p r e c i a t e t h e p e n n i e s , n i c k e l s , d i m e s , q u a r t e r s

a n d $ 1 b i l l s a s m u c h a s t h o u s a n d s o f d o l l a r s . I mentioned earlier
that I used to tell myself theres more where that came from. That horrible
thought makes me want to cry. I disrespected my salary. I dismissed the
hard work and skill that helped me earn that salary.
How many times have you said, its just $1. Its just $10. Thats not much.
Maybe its not. But you are not looking at the power of what is in your
hands. There are wonderful dollar stores in the city where I live. You can
buy $1 items online too.
I look at my finances completely different now. I dont tell myself I just
have anything. It ALL has value. I once saved up my spare change for a
whole year. During the Christmas season, I was able to pay for my dinner at
an expensive restaurant.

The Missing Bible Secret That Leads to Financial Health & Prosperity

3. W h a t y o u t r u l y c r a v e d e e p d o w n i s n o t m o r e t h i n g s . I came to
understand that what I desired more than anything was to be closer to God.
I wanted to love myself and have others in my life that loved me. I wanted
to discover who God made me to be. This is one of the most vital keys of all.
You will never enjoy money without having these true riches in your life first.
They are so much greater than money.

4. Theres no such t hing as Easy St reet even if you do have a God

t hat adores you and ow ns everyt hing in t he w orl d . Yes, your

Heavenly Father is rich and can drop a ton of cash on you in an instant. He
is also a wise and responsible parent. He doesnt always give you what you
want when you want it if its not best for you. God is more interested in your
loving Him above all else. Can you say this is true for your life? He wants to
develop His character in you by removing harmful flaws from your soul. Do
you have an open heart to let Him do this work?

5. I t c a n b e m o r e c h a l l e n g i n g t o l i v e o n t h e h i l l t h a n d o w n i n

t h e v a l l e y . When youre in the valley, you know you need God. But
when things are going well, its easy to trust in material blessings.
However, doing so creates a false sense of security.
In Deuteronomy Chapter 8, the Lord warned the Israelites not to forget
Him. He was about to bring them into a huge place of prosperity and He
wanted to make sure they remembered He was the one who made that
prosperity possible.

The Missing Bible Secret That Leads to Financial Health & Prosperity

6. F i n a n c i a l a b u n d a n c e i s n o t o n l y f o r y o u . God does not pour out

provision just so you can have everything you want. He wants you to be
generous and help someone else.

7. Ev e r y t h i n g y o u h a v e b e l o n g s t o t h e L o r d , including the 90
percent left over after you tithe. Put it ALL in Gods hands.

8. G o d ' s w i s d o m b r i n g s l a s t i n g w e a l t h . Read that again. Chasing

after money doesnt bring lasting wealth but going after Gods wisdom will!
Many people prosper in this world without Gods help. But a lot of them are
miserable and lonely. Also, keep in mind that wealth does not include money
only. It also includes the people in your life that love you and most of all
your relationship with God.
When King Soloman took the throne, the Lord asked him what he wanted
most. He chose wisdom. Because of that, the Lord blessed him with great
riches as well.

9. D i s c o v e r y o u r p u r p o s e a n d s e l l o u t t o w h a t y o u a r e

d e s i g n e d t o b e a n d d o i n t h i s e a r t h . When I look at the lives of the

godly men and women who are experiencing success, I see they have
answered the call of God and have dedicated themselves to fulfilling their
purpose. There is one word that sums all this up and that is obedience.
Isaiah 1:19 says that when you are willing and obedient, you will eat the
good of the land.

The Missing Bible Secret That Leads to Financial Health & Prosperity

Beloved, God wants you to experience great financial prosperity so that you can
show the world you have a Heavenly Father who cherishes His children. But He
also wants you to think of others who are in need. But first, you must learn to
treasure what you already have. You must allow the Bible to govern every aspect
of your life.

Put these spiritual truths you have read here into action and they will change
your mind set. You already know what happens when your mind set changes.
Your finances AND your ENTIRE life will be transformed too. Im counting on it!

Karin Peavy invites you to learn how to experience

successful living through spiritual understanding.
Visit today.

The Missing Bible Secret That Leads to Financial Health & Prosperity

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