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Rosyth School Topical Test, 2013 Science Primary 4 Name:__ - Class: Pr. 4 —— RegisterNo.____—_ Duration: 60 minutes Date: 04 March 2013, Parent's Signature:__ Instructions to Pupils: 4. Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. 2. Follow all instructions carefully. 3. This paper consists of 2 parts, Part and Part It Marks Obtained * This paper consists of 13 pages altogether. ‘This papers not o be reproduced in part or whole without the permission ofthe Principal RosythSchool/TopicatTestScience/P4/2013 Part! (20 MARKS) For each question from 1 to 10, four options are given. One of them is the ‘correct answer. Make your choice (1,2, 3 or 4) and write your answer in the bracket provided 1 Mary observed two animals, R and S, and competed the table as shown below. A tsk (¥) means the animal has the characteristic and a cross (X) means the animal does not have the characteristic. ‘Observation ‘Animal ® ‘Animals Eags are lai in water 1 x “There are 2 stages. Ei x ithas eblegs x q ‘Based on the table above, which of the following animals would most likely represent animals, Rand S? ‘Animal Animal S o Chicken ‘Meaiworm beats @ Frog ‘Cockroach 8 Frog Butonty a Mosquito ‘Cockroach Which one of the following statements correctly descubes the difference between a cockroach nymph and an adult cockroach? (1) The adult cockroach eats animats but the nymph eats plants. (2) The adut cockroach has six legs but the nymph has four legs. (3) The adult cockroach has wings but the nymph does not have wings. (4) The adult cockroach has feelers but the nymph does not have feelers. 3 RosythSchoolTopicalTestScience!P4/2013 Study the two groups of animals below. Living things Group X Group ‘ockroach ‘elephant ‘butterfly ‘mealworm beetle rabbit ‘grasshopper cat Which of the folowing are suitable headings for the two groups of animals above? Group x GroupY A insects Tammats 8 | Young does notresemble adull | Young resembles adult Cl asstage iecycle ‘B-stage Ife cycle D [lays eggs - ‘Give birth to young aive () Aoniy (2)B and C ony (8) Cand D enly (4) A.and only Co) ‘The pictures below show the developmental growth of a bean plant at. various stages ofits lie cycle. pate Picture A. Picture B Picture ¢ Picturo D. ‘Arrange the piclures to show the cortect order in the developmental growth of a bean plant, RosythSchoolTopicatesvScience/P4/2013 John prepared four set-ups, A, 8, C and D, as shown below to find out about the conditions needed for seed germination, Meist Cotton Dry Cotton woot ‘Seeds with seed coat ‘Seeds with seed ‘coat removed Pratein refrigerator Plate nearthe window Setup A, Setups Moist Cotton wos! Moist Cotton woo! Seeds with seed ‘Seeds with seed ‘coat ‘coal removed Plate near the Plate in the window dark cupboard Setup C Setup In which of the set-up(s), would the ceeds germinate? (1) Aconiy (2) Bony (3) CandD ony (4) A,Cand D only RosythSchoolTopicalTestScience/P4/2013 ‘The diagram below shows a young seedling with Part Q. ‘The following pupis, Anna, Betty, Charles and Dew, made some statements alput Part Q of the seeding Anna: Part Q makes food for the adil plant Betty: Part Q traps fight for the seedling make food, Charles: Part @ takes up water and minerals for the seedling Devi: Fart Q provides food for the seeding before its leaves make food, Which one of the pupils’ statement is correct? () Anna 2) Beny: @) Chares ) Dewi 7 RosythSchoolTopicalTest/Science/P4/2013 ‘Study the diagram below. Measuring ae 4 rS 4 | ‘Oem? | Moasuriig “iar Liuid 8 400m Liquid a Liquid A a [stone ‘Whats the volume of Liquid 8? (1) tocm* (2) 200m2 8) 500m? (4) 60em= Which of the following are noo-matter? (ones Sunlight ooking of ‘Shadow ‘Music sjelalo}o (2) P and Q only Q)Rand S only @) Q,S and T only P,Q, and S ony 9 ResythSchoolTopicalTest/Science/P412013, Refer to the fowchat below. [fiver] + Does it have logs? Yes Does it lay eggs? Based on the flowchart, which is most Ikely to be a butterfly? aw @y @x az RosythSchoolTopicalTest'SciencelP4/2013 10. Jolly put a pot of plant in a black caverad jar. A few days later she ‘observed that the plant was growing towards the opening ores BR Sun Pot of plant: Black covered Jar ‘What could the above set-up be used to show? ‘A___|[ Pants grow taller B__| Plants need water to survive (C__| Plants need sunlight to survive. 'D—_| Pienis respond to changes. (1) Aand B only 2) Aand Cony (Cand D only (AB,CandD ( ) End of Part! RosythSchoolopicalTest/Science/P4/2013 Part (20 MARKS) For questions 11 to 17, write your answers in the space provided, 11, Suresh bought some meatworms and decided to keep them in two ‘containers as shown inthe two sot-ups below. wire mesh slice of ‘apple mealworns up4 Sot up2 4) In which set-up wil the meslworms notisuviveiatter some time? Explain why, (1m) 1) After certain tme, some of the .mealworms changed to mealvorm beetles and Suresh released them all, Why did he need to do so for the sunvval of the mealworm beetios? (om RosylhSchooVTopicalTestSciencelP42013 12. Study the two animals as shown below. Animal Q Based on the pictures above, state three differences between the two animals. (Do not compare its shape and size) (em) Difference 1: Ditierence 2: Difference & RosythSchoolTopicalTest'Science/P4/2013 13. The pictures below show tho stages of growth of a meahworm beetle Go @ Stage A Stage B Stage c Stage D 8) Atwhich stage, A, B, C or D does mouling occur mast often? Give a reason for your choice. (1m) ) Complete the if cyde ofthe beetie by filing in the letters, B, C and D in the boxes below. (am) Life cycle of a niealworm beetle ©) Give a reason why living things reproduce, am RosythSchoolTopicalTest/Science/P4/2013, ‘Jason measured the mass of the seed leaves as the seedling grew and recorded the results in the table, He carried out the entire experiment ina dark room, 14, oon leaves Dayt Day 3 bays a) Which sot of results (X, ¥ or) in the table below shows the mass of (im the seed leaves as the seeding grew? Support your choice. (0 the seeding if ifs stil kept in the dark room after (im) ©) What are the conditions needed for germination? RosythSchoolTopicalTesvSciencelP 4/2013 1. Observe the seedling of a balsam plant as shown below. Groon leaves Balsam Plant Seo eaves ) Draw the part ofthe plant which is not shown inthe picture. (1m) ) State two functions of the part drawn In (2) em) 16. Aniice cube was left on a table wth the room temperature at 33°C. The ice started to melt as shown inthe diagram below. sy JABS / 4a) Name the state of matter labelled A and B respectively em) A 8: ») State two similarities between the matter A and B, am RosythSchool/TopicalTestScience/P4i2013 17. Bala wanted to use either Bag Aor Bag B to pack the items needed for hhis camping ttip. The propertios of the materials of both bags arc ‘shown below. BagA Bag. Properties Waterproof \Non-waterproof ‘Strong Strong ‘Mass of the empty 80 160 bag (a) Bala decided that Bag A isa better choice than Bag B for his camping trip. Based on the table above, support his choice by stating wo properties of Bag A and explaining why each of the property make Bag Ahi choice. Gm) Properties, Reason Property 4 Property 2: End of Paper EXAM PAPER 2013 SCHOOL : ROSYTH PRIMARY SUBJECT : PRIMARY 4 Science TERM: CAL 2 Tos ITs ed Part Ir qu @) Set up 1. The mealworms in set-up 1 will not survive as it has no food or water. b) To all the beetle to look for new sources of food uz Difference 1 : Animal P has a pai of wings but Animal Q does not have a pair of wings Difference 2: Animal P-has six legs but Animal Q has 8 leas Difference 3: Animal P has 3 body parts but Animal Q has only 2 body parts qs a) Stage B. It is growing the most. <> D =) To ensure continuity of the same types of animals U4 3) X. As the seedling grows, it uses the food in the seed leaves therefore it decreases. 9) It will wither 2) The conditions are Air, Warmth and Water. us » Balsam Plant b) It absorbs mineral salts and water from the soil. It holds the plant firmly to the ground Que a) A: Solid B: Liquid b)Matter A and B has the same mass and volume. qu7 ——________ - Properties Reason Waterproof “The items will not get wet when ierains | Lightweight [It will not be too heavy for Bala to carry

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