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Joe Gupton, Music Teacher at Brandenburg Primary School

Allison Doutaz, Library Media Specialist at Brandenburg Primary School
The Library Media Specialist at my school and I will collaborate by assessing my IDP
lesson. My IDP lesson involves the culminating presentations that students will make for their
projects that they have been working on. Students will be creating commercials for original
products, not currently in existence. Then, students will use technology to create a commercial
about their product. Students will create their own music to accompany their presentation in the
form of digitally produced music or a recorded jingle. During my IDP lesson, students will be
presenting their finished projects. I will be recording the presentations with a video camera. Then
the Library Media Specialist and I will assess the presentations against the rubric together.
Activities that will
be done

KY Teacher

ISTE Teacher


Mrs. Doutaz and I

will collaborate on
the creation of the
rubric that will be
used to assess

2.3 Plans assessments

to guide instruction
and measure learning

2.A Design or adapt

relevant learning
experiences that
incorporate digital
tools and resources to
promote student
learning and

The rubric that we

will be creating
together will measure
learning objectives.
The rubric will
require students to
incorporate digital
tools into their

Mrs. Doutaz and I

will discuss the
details of students
meeting in the
computer lab and
discuss what
considerations need
to be made in
integration on the
student computers.
Mr. Gupton and I
have met at least 2
times to discuss how
to begin the project,
what technology will
be used, and what
tech is currently
available at our

6.3 Integrates student

use of available
technology into

2.B Develops
environments that
enable all students to
pursue their
individual curiosities
and become active
participants in setting
their own educational
goals, managing their
own learning, and
assessing their own

Students group work

will be done in the
computer lab, where
they will integrate
technology into
multiple facets of
their presentations.
discussion will help
us to ensure that
students are able to
get the most out of
their time in the lab.

school and in our lab

to achieve this goal.
Mrs. Doutaz and I
will have weekly
discussions to reflect
upon the progression
of the students
projects. She will
provide feedback and
advice, and I will
reflect upon my
strategies and their
effectiveness with
Mr. Gupton and I met
on 9-7-16 and
discussed the first
day in the computer
lab. Overall, he and
I were very pleased
with how well the
students interacted
and worked as a
team, as well as how
they utilized the

7.2 Uses data to

reflect on and
evaluate instructional

5.C Evaluate and

reflect on current
research and
professional practice
on a regular basis to
make effective use of
existing and emerging
digital tools and
research in support of
student learning.

Self reflection will be

important in
developing this
project and in refining
its future use. We will
discuss what
solutions could be
used for problem
areas. We will use
results from
instruction to evaluate
its effectiveness and
reflect on
improvements to be

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