Coconut Oil Offers Hope For Antibiotic Resistant Germs

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June 4, 2016

Coconut Oil Offers Hope for Antibiotic-Resistant Germs

by Brian Shilhavy
I havent had a cold in over 5 years. Just when I feel as though Im coming down with something, the scratchy, sore
throat symptoms.gone the next morning! I also used to get these little blisters on the bottom of my right foot.
Someone told me they are some sort of herpes virus. Since using the coconut oil I dont get these annoying little
things. Usually they would surface in the summer or when the weather turned warm. But I realized this fall that I
hadnt been bothered this past summer. I believe that the coconut oil really helps ward off the virus. I also have
hepatitis C and my viral counts are so low that they are almost in the undetected category. I dont even worry about
this anymore. Nancy
The antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of the medium chain fatty acids/triglycerides (MCTs) found in
coconut oil have been known to researchers since the 1960s. Research has shown that microorganisms that are
inactivated include bacteria, yeast, fungi, and enveloped viruses. Much of this research is highlighted in the writings
of Dr. Mary Enig Ph.D, and can be found here.
Lauric acid is the most predominant MCT found in coconut oil. Regarding lauric acid, Mary Enig Ph.D writes:
Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid, which has the additional beneficial function of being formed into monolaurin
in the human or animal body. Monolaurin is the antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal monoglyceride used by the
human or animal to destroy lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, various pathogenic
bacteria, including listeria monocytogenes and helicobacter pylori, and protozoa such as giardia lamblia. Some
studies have also shown some antimicrobial effects of the free lauric acid.1
Lauric acid is also prominent in the saturated fat of human breast milk, giving vital immune building properties to a
childs first stage of life. Outside of human breast milk, natures most abundant source of lauric acid is coconut oil.
Overuse of Antibiotics
One of the biggest problems facing modern society is the overuse of pharmaceutical antibiotics. This overuse is
starting to concern many people, as new super germs that are antibiotic resistant continue to develop. The Infectious
Disease Society of America reports that germs resistant to one or more drugs kill 100,000 US hospital patients a year
and cost the healthcare system more than $34 billion.
Speaking at a conference in Copenhagen recently, Dr. Margaret Chan, the director general of the World Health
Organization, stated that antibiotic resistance could bring about the end of modern medicine as we know it. Dr.
Chan stated that hospitals have become hotbeds for highly-resistant pathogens like methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus, increasing the risk that hospitalization kills instead of cures.2
Even if you are not taking antibiotics from your doctor, there is a good chance that you are getting plenty of
pharmaceuticals through the foods you eat. 80% of all antibiotics sold in US go into farm animal feed. The U.S. Food
and Drug Administration was sued in 2011 by a coalition of environmental and public-health organizations claiming
the agencys lax stance on antibiotic use in farming is leading to costly and potentially fatal infections in humans. 3 But
by the end of the year, the FDA announced they would no longer try to restrict the routine use of antibiotics in animal
feed, as it was too expensive. They decided to let the industry regulate their use of antibiotics in livestock voluntarily.4

Instead of relying on man-made pharmaceuticals for everything, many are now turning to natural methods to boost
the bodys immune system and resist harmful viruses and micro-organisms naturally. Coconut oil is truly one of
natures best germ fighters.
I too have had major improvement with cold and sinus symptoms. I used to chronically get bronchitis at least 3 times
a year. Already this year, I have had 2 bouts of cold symptoms, and increased the amount [of Virgin Coconut Oil] to
nearly 6 tbls a day thus averting the yucky sickies. I must say that I am truly impressed with this stuff. I have also
seen major improvement in my complexion, i.e blackheads and breakouts. I use it directly on my face twice a day
and my skin keeps looking better and better. Cheers to Virgin Coconut Oil!!! Laurie
I have hepatitis C. I was informed some time ago that the coconut oil can be a healing agent for this potentially fatal
disease. I had undergone the medical treatment with interferon with no success. I was only real sick form the
interfuron treatment, lost my hair, and became severely anemic. That was about 6 years ago. In the last 4 years I
began nutritional regiments noted to help/heal hepatitis c. That includes flax seed oil, milk thistle, multi vitamins, and
in the last 2 years- coconut oil. My viral load was initially at 5 million- high! In the last 3 years it has gone from that to
1/20th of a million- low! My Dr. is amazed. I feel better, more energy. And most importantly I now have the belief I can
watch my grand-children grow up. I believe that the coconut oil was a major ingredient that boosted this healing. It is
also yummy! Gay
Coconut Oil Offers Promise for Antibiotic Resistant Germs
Some of the most promising research in recent years has been in the area of using lauric acid or monolaurin, both
derived from coconut oil, in treatments for antibiotic resistant super germs. One study was conducted at Georgetown
University by Dr. Harry Preuss in 2005. Dr. Mary Enig writes:
One of the most serious and intractable medical problems facing doctors today is that of antibiotic-resistant infectious
microorganisms, the so-called superbugs. One example is MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), now
a common source of blood poisoning and infection in hospitals (see sidebar below). Other examples of antibioticresistant



include Bacillus



virulent Escherichia



pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, and Mycobacterium terrae, viruses with lipid membranes, and a number of invasive
This problem has led to interest in researching the use of natural products to enhance the treatment of infectious
disease, such as coconut oil and other oils rich in lauric acid as well as herbal remedies like originum oil, substances
traditionally recognized for decades for their healing properties. While there have been many testimoniesso-called
anecdotesabout the effectiveness of such natural treatments, until recently no published studies were available to
doctors that would allow them to justify their use of these protocols.
Fortunately coconut oil and other lauric oils, as well as oregano oil, have recently been the object of study in the
Georgetown University laboratory of Dr. Harry Preuss in the United States and this research has resulted in several
published peer reviewed papers appearing in toxicology journals in 2005.
The antimicrobial properties of both volatile aromatic oils such as origanum (oregano) oil and medium chain fatty
acids such as lauric acid and its derivative monolaurin from coconut oil have shown promise in these studies. As
noted by these researchers, origanum oil, used as a food-flavoring agent, possesses a broad spectrum of
antimicrobial activity due, at least in part, to its high content of phenolic derivatives such as carvacrol and thymol.
Also, lauric acid, which is present in heavy concentrations in coconut oil, forms monolaurin in the animal body and
this derivative of lauric acid can inhibit the growth of many pathogenic microorganisms.

Part of the research focused on Staphylococcus aureus. In vitro studies were performed on two strains of
Staphylococcus aureus and this was followed by in vivo studies in mice. The effects of monolaurin and originum
when used in combination were better than the most potent antibiotic and this research showed that these safe
antimicrobial agents could be useful for prevention and therapy of Staphylococcus aureus and numerous other
It is now clear and scientifically validated that the inclusion of coconut oil in the diet could and should be utilized for its
preventive and healing properties.5
A study done in the Philippines in 2008 found that virgin coconut oil, added to antibiotic therapy, may help relieve the
symptoms of community-acquired pneumonia in kids faster than antibiotic therapy alone:
The current study included 40 children between the ages of 3 months and 5 years old. All had community-acquired
pneumonia and were being treated intravenously with the antibiotic ampicillin. Half of the group was randomized to
also receive oral virgin coconut oil in a daily dose of 2 milliliters per every kilogram of weight. The oil was given for
three days in a row. The researchers found that the respiratory rate normalized in 32.6 hours for the virgin coconut oil
group versus 48.2 hours for the control group, according to the study. After three days, patients in the control group
were more likely to still have crackles than those in the coconut oil group 60 percent of the controls still had
crackles compared to 25 percent of the coconut oil group. Those in the coconut oil group also had fevers for a shorter
time, had normal oxygen saturation faster, and had shorter hospital stays, but Erguiza said these findings did not
reach statistical significance. How might the coconut oil work to ease pneumonia? Erguiza hypothesized that it may
boost ampicillins effectiveness because it contains lauric acid, which is known to have antimicrobial properties, she
Coconut Oil and Viruses
Antibiotics are not effective in treating viruses, but the lauric acid and monolaurin derived from coconut oil has been
known to destroy viruses since at least the 1960s. Dr. Mary Enig summarizes much of this research:
Recognition of the antimicrobial activity of the monoglyceride of lauric acid (Monolaurin) has been reported since
1966. The seminal work can be credited to Jon Kabara. This early research was directed at the virucidal effects
because of possible problems related to food preservation. Some of the early work by Hierholzer and Kabara (1982)
that showed virucidal effects of Monolaurin on enveloped RNA and DNA viruses was done in conjunction with the
Center for Disease Control of the US Public Health Service with selected prototypes or recognized strains of
enveloped viruses. The envelope of these viruses is a lipid membrane.
There was an instance in the US in which an infant tested HIV positive had become HIV negative. That it was fed with
an infant formula with a high coconut oil content gains significance in this context and at present an effort was on to
find out how the viral load of an HIV infected baby came down when fed a diet that helped in the generation of
Monolaurin in the body.
Of the saturated fatty acids, lauric acid has greater anti-viral activity than either caprylic acid (C-10) or myristic acid
(C-14). The action attributed to Monolaurin is that of solubilizing the lipids in the envelope of the virus causing the
disintegration of the virus envelope. In India, coconut oil is fed to calves to treat Cryptosporidium.7
From 1999 2000 a study was done at San Lazaro hospital in Manila by Conrado S. Dayrit, MD, and the affect of
coconut oil and monolaurin on the viral load of HIV patients. It was found that lauric acid did bring down the viral load
of HIV patients. You can read more about this study here. Dr. Dayrit conducted similar studies on the SARS virus,

since the coconut oil consuming Philippines population was relatively unaffected by the SARS outbreak that
happened in China and other countries a few years back.
My roommate has been a herpes carrier for yearsnot the genital herpes, but my understanding is that all cases of
herpes are viral, and that is the important common denominator. Virgin Coconut Oil (VCNO) is an anti-viral and
breaks down what is called the lipid envelope surrounding the herpes cell. She initially got herpes in her eye many
years ago, and it was basically dormant for several years after getting the initial episode under control. About 20
years later, it became re-activated when she acquired another herpes infection doing post mortem care on a patient
in the hospital. The patient did not have a known diagnosis of herpes, but my roommate remembers cutting her finger
on a piece of metal on the bed frame while giving this care. Perhaps the virus had been dormant for years on the
bed. (If that is the case, and we will never know, so much for hospital cleanliness)! This time the herpes affected her
spine, and she had a long bout of it, with much pain and suffering. This one was harder to get under control, and she
had a few minor flare-ups. Since beginning VCNO, she has not had so much as a cold sore. Only time will tell for
sure, but so far its looking good, and she is getting other very positive results from the oil. Debby
Just a testimonial. I learned about the purported benefits of coconut oil and lauric acid last summer on the internet. I
began taking it because I had, as it turned out, been misdiagnosed, with Herpes 2. My father is a biochemist who
taught medical school and graduate school for 35 years before retiring. So before I began taking it, I ran some
literature by him. He was impressed so I have been taking it ever since. But my family hasnt. This October, I received
a call from my eldest daughter who is in college. She had been diagnosed the day before (by blood tests) that she
had mononucleosis. I checked to see if the virus (Epstein-Barr) was lipid enveloped, and found that it was. I got on
the internet and found her some Lauricedin pills and had them overnighted to her. She received them on a
Wednesday and began taking the prescribed dose daily. Nine days later, a Friday, she called to tell me she was well.
Subsequent blood work the following week confirmed that she was. Her other classmates who had gotten mono and
had not taken monolaurin, remained sick for weeks and some were not even well by the end of the semester. I told
my dad and he was impressed again. Seems like coconut oil should be the prescribed regimen for mono. David,
Attorney, Memphis TN
Coconut Oil as a Topical Germ Killer
There has been good research lately showing that coconut oil is also a good topical agent for fighting germs! People
living in the tropics have known this for thousands of years already, of course. It is good to see some of the research
catch up with the facts. A study published in 2010 in Skin pharmacology and physiology looked at the effect of topical
application of virgin coconut oil on skin components and antioxidant status during dermal wound healing in young
rats. They found that Virgin Coconut Oil-treated wounds healed much faster, as indicated by a decreased time of
complete epithelization and higher levels of various skin components.8
A study done in 2009 in the Journal of investigative dermatology found that the lauric acid found in coconut oil had the
potential to be more effective antibiotics in treating acne vulgaris.9
Find more information about how wonderful coconut oil is for your skin in our Coconut Oil for Skin Health article.
Coconut Oil Proven to be a Powerful Germ Killer
One of the claims we constantly hear against coconut oil is that there is no research to back up any of the claims to
health benefits. That is simply not true, and the research behind coconut oils ability to fight pathogens is well
documented and well-known. Much of the research is regarding components of coconut oil or specific fatty acid
extractions, since such products can be patented, while coconut oil cannot, since it is a basic dietary oil. More and

more people are finding out just how powerful the medium chain fatty acids are in fighting pathogens. Here are a
couple more examples:
Research done in the Philippines found monolaurin from virgin coconut oil to be comparable in effectiveness, or even
more effective, in fighting Mycobacterium tuberculosis as antibiotic drugs streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin, and
ethamburol. The study was conducted by Jonathan Cabardo in his dissertation for a PhD degree in biological science
at the University of Santo Tomas. His adviser was Dr Delia Ontengco, a well known microbiologist and professor at
the UST Graduate School.10
A medical doctor in Florida recently saw excellent results from using coconut oil in treating Helico Pyloric Bacteria in
the gut in his patients. They took one teaspoon of virgin coconut oil three times a day, and saw results as good or
better than taking antibiotics. Read his report here on coconut oil and stomach acid.
So as super germs continue to develop and antibiotics lose their effectiveness, look to coconut oil as a possible
alternative that is 100% natural.

About the author: Unlike many people who write about coconut oil by simply reading about it, Brian Shilhavy actually lived in a coconut producing
area of the Philippines for several years with his family. Marianita Jader Shilhavy grew up on a coconut plantation in the Philippines and in a culture that
consumed significant amounts of coconut fat in their diet. She later went on to earn her degree in nutrition and worked as a nutritionist in the
Philippines. Brian Shilhavy also lived in the Philippines for several years with Marianita and their 3 children observing firsthand the differences between
the diet and health of the younger generation and those of Marianitas parents generation still consuming a traditional diet. This led to years of studying
Philippine nutrition and dietary patterns first hand while living in a rural farming community in the Philippines. Brian is the author of the best-selling
book: Virgin Coconut Oil: How it has changed peoples lives and how it can change yours!

1. Mary G. Enig, Ph.D. Health and Nutritional Benefits from Coconut Oil: An Important Functional Food for the 21st
Century Presented at the AVOC Lauric Oils Symposium, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, 25 April 1996
2. Reported by ABC News on March 16, 2012.
3. Historic Lawsuit: FDA Sued over Antibiotics Allowed in Farm Animals by
4. Big Farma Convinces FDA to Take a Dive, Alliance for Natural Health
5. More Good News on Coconut Oil, Weston A. Price Foundation
7. Mary Enig Ph.D. on the Effects of Coconut Oil on Serum Cholesterol Levels and HDLs
8. Effect of topical application of virgin coconut oil on skin components and antioxidant status during dermal wound
healing in young rats. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2010;23(6):290-7. Epub 2010 Jun 3.
9. Antimicrobial property of lauric acid against Propionibacterium acnes: its therapeutic potential for inflammatory
acne vulgaris J Invest Dermatol. 2009 Oct;129(10):2480-8. Epub 2009 Apr 23.
10. Glycerol Monolaurate (GML) in Virgin Coconut Oil destroys tuberculosis bacteria
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