Performance Apprisal Project

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I hereby declare that this project report titled “PERFORMANCE

APPRAISAL” submitted by me to the Department of “KOTTAM TULASI

REDDY COLLEGE“, is a bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not submitted

any other Universities or institution for the award of any degree diploma / Certificate

or published by time before.

This project report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of Master of Business Administration Degree.

Signature of the Student


Date :

Tecumseh Products India Private Limited
Regd. Office & Works: Balanagar Township, Hyderabad -500 037.A.P.India.Tel:+91(40)23078103-5,(D)23077871
Fax: +91(40)23078945,


This is to certify that Ms.G.M.SHAJAHAN student of MBA

Department of Business Administration from JAWAHARLA NEHRU
TECHNOLOGICAL UIVERSITY has undergone project on
“Performance Appraisal” during the period of 15-FEB-2010 to 08-
April -2010.

She has been enthusiastic, diligent and consistent in the study undertaken,
and has shown genuine interest and active involvement in the project.

We wish him all the success in his future endeavors.

Sr.Manager – HR & Admin



Human Resource Management is a function, which is mainly concerned with the

relationships within the organization. It is the resource, which plans, allocates and
provides for all other resources in organizations and in our day to day life. Most of
the management’s have sidelined the HRM function due to lack of immense
knowledge about the importance involved in the successful handling of that function.

The term performance appraisal is now increasingly replaced by performance

development, performance planning, development review, work plan and review,
performance analysis etc. While in some cases there may be merely cosmetic
changes, most of the organizations are genuinely interested in improving the
efficiency and utility of the performance appraisal system.

With increased competition due to liberalization and with foreign investments and
Multinationals being welcomed in this country there is immense pressure on the
Indian organizations to perform better. This pressure is for survival in some
organizations, and in others, to excel and expand in their own expertise.
Some of the organizations have built up very loyal and experienced work force. They
are very comfortable with old technologies and methods, which yielded good results
in the past. The past success combined with values, experience and loyalty to the
organization prevents them from accepting change. In addition to these employees,
there has been an entry of new generation of employees questioning everything and
are ready to run the race. In some cases they want more pay than an employee does
with the similar qualification working for the past decade.
How to appraise these two types of employees and yet compete in the race is the
major challenge for all most organizations”.
The older organizations are varied in terms of there past systems and philosophies.
Some of them have a very professional appraisal system and have continually
experimenting and growing. Others have kept themselves abreast and use highly
developed and indigenous performance appraisal system compatible with their own
management philosophies.

Phil Druker, UI, Dept of English

Here are two sample abstract.  The first one is weak as it merely describes what's in
the report.  The second one works much better as it provides details readers need on
the report's results and conclusions.

Weak abstract:

Lamb Production and Survival in Lambing Areas and Summer Ranges of a

Bighorn Sheep Population Wintering on Big Creek in Central Idaho

This report discusses current population trends in  Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep
(Ovis Canadensis) that live in the Big Creek drainage of the Frank Church River of
No Return Wilderness. Concerns exist because of population die offs caused by
Pasteurella spp.  Extensive monitoring of the population was completed in the
summer of 2001 and compared with data collected from 1988 to 1990.  The report
discusses the average number of lambs born in different lambing areas over three
different time periods.  The report shows when lambs die.  Conclusions are presented
and recommendations for further fieldwork are provided.


This abstract is weak because it merely describes what the report covers (like a table
of contents).  It does not provide details on the main results or conclusions. Check out
the next sample. 

Strong abstract:

Lamb Production and Survival in Lambing Areas and Summer Ranges of a

Bighorn Sheep Population Wintering on Big Creek in Central Idaho

The Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis Canadensis) population in the Big Creek
drainage of the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness in Central Idaho
experienced a sudden and dramatic population decline from 1988 to 1990 as a result
of a Pasteurella spp. related die-off. Extensive monitoring of the population during
that period provided information on lamb production and survival during the die-off
phase of a Pasturella die-off. After ten years of minimal monitoring a lamb
production, a survival survey was conducted on the Big Creek population during the
summer of 2001. The results of this survey established the average number of
lambs:100 ewes for three different lambing areas across three different time periods.
These were compared to similar data collected during the summers of 1989 and 1990.
Chi-square analysis of the data showed significant differences between total die-off
and 2001 ratios (p <.001) but not between lambing areas in each of the die-off and
2001 periods (p >1, p >1, respectively). Results show a high survival ratio through the
beginning of August 2001(avg. 86:100) compared with a significantly lower ratio in
August 1989 (avg. 19:100) and August 1990 (avg. 12:100). This suggests that the
2001 Big Creek bighorn sheep population is not experiencing late-summer Pasteurella
mortality.  Rather, mortality is occurring at a different time of the year and continued
monitoring is needed to make an accurate determination of the time period and cause.


 1.The author summarizes the whole report here.

 2.The author emphasizes:   Main point/background, Results, and specific





Performance appraisal is the step where the management finds out how
effective it has been at hiring and placing employees. If any problems are identified,
steps are taken to remedy them.

Performance appraisal is the fist of life for many people. Some endure it
stoically and others see it as temporary. Yet others see it as a visit to dental surgeon
involving a potentially painful experience. In deed, for many people it is an
experience, which they would prefer to forgo, if given a chance.

In the business world, investment is made in machinery, equipment and

services. Quite naturally time and money is spent ensuring that they provide what
their supplies claim. In other, words, the performance is constantly appraised against
the results expected.

One of the most expensive resources in which companies invest is manpower.

The Job of appraising performance against results is not very often carried out with
same objective, if indeed it is done at all.

Performance appraisal, like other personnel functions forms eventually a

line responsibility, although involving the staff assistance and advice. At the very
outset it may be painted out that performance appraisal is a continuous function
and not merely an issue of forms and reports.

“Performance appraisal is a systematic periodic and so far as humanly

possible an impartial rating of employee’s excellence in matters pertaining to his
present job and to his potentialities for a better job.”
By- Edwin .B .Filippo

According to modern terminology:

Performance appraisal is a “ janus headed” process. Janus is the
name of a Roman god who had two eyes. One at front and one at back i.e.
Performance appraisal should not only evaluate the past performance of the
employees but also looks a head for his potential to develop.


Performance appraisal can be used as a means of measuring

performance in accordance with adage. Performance appraisal is a systematic review
of the performance of the staff on written basis at regular time intervals and the
holding of appraisal interview at which staff have the opportunity to discuss
performance issues past, present, future on a one-to- one basis, usually with their
immediate line manger.


The aim of performance appraisal is at attaining different purposes, they are:

 To look back on what has been accomplished.

 To look forward to what needs to be accomplished.
 To identify how individual can be helped to improve their contribution in
present jobs.
 To clarify the job holder’s career prospects, aspiration and intentions.
 To note and recognize achievements.
 To review past and present performance.
 To improve future performance.
 To identify training and development needs.
 To motivate people through performance related pay.
 To create and maintain a climate of success in the organization.


The benefits of a successful appraisal can be summed up as follows:

a. For the organization.

Improved performance throughout the organization due to:
 More effective communication of the organization’s objectives and values.
 Increased sense of cohesiveness and loyalty.
 Improved relationship between managers and staff.
 Managers who are better-equipped to use their leadership skills and to
motivate and develop their staff.
 Improved overview of the tasks performed by each member or staff.
 Identification of ideas for improvements.
 Expectations and long term views can be developed.
 Training and development needs identified more clearly.
 A culture of continuous improvement and success can be created and
 People with potential can be identified over career development plans.

b. For the appraiser.

 The opportunity to development an overview of individual jobs.
 Identification of ideas for improvements.
 Increased job satisfaction.
 Increased sense of personal value.
 The opportunity to link team and individual objectives and targets with
 To clarify expectations of the contribution which the manager expects from
terms and individuals.
 The opportunity to re-prioritize targets.

c. For the appraise.

 Increased motivation.

 Increased Job satisfaction.
 Increased sense of personal value.
 A clear understanding of what is expected and what needs to be done to meet
the expectations.
 The opportunity to discuss work problems and how they can be overcome.
 The opportunity to discuss aspirations and any guidance, support or training
needed to fulfill these aspirations.
 Improved working relationship with the managers.


Generally speaking three approaches are used in making performance


a. A Causal unsystematic, often haphazard appraisal:

This method was commonly used in the past, but now it has given place to a more
formal method, the main basis seniority or quantitative measures of quantity and
quality of output for the rank and file personnel.

b. The traditional and highly systematic measurement:

(i) Employee characteristics, and

(ii) Employee contribution or both. Evaluates all the performances in the same
manner, utilizing the same approach.

c. The behavioral approach, emphasizing mutual goal settings:

The approach is based on the behavioral value of fundamental trust in the goodness,
capability and responsibility of human beings


Stolz observes that “process of performance appraisal follows a set pattern”
The evaluation process follows following steps:









The process of designing an appraisal system should involve managers,
employees and HR Professionals in making decisions about each of the following
 Measurement content.
 Measurement process.
 Defining the rate (i.e., who should rate performance.)
 Defining the ratee (i.e., the level of performance to be rated.)
 Administrative characteristics.


In the course of designing appraisal system for two or three choices that concern
the content on which performance is to be measured.

 The focus of the appraisal.

 Types of criteria.
 Performance level descriptors (PLDs).


Appraisal can be either person-oriented (focus on the person who

performed the behavior) or work-oriented (focusing on the record of outcomes
that the person achieved on the Job).
Effective performance appraisal focuses on the record of outcomes and in particular,
on outcomes directly linked to an organization missions, objectives and customer


Most conventional appraisal system requires rates to make single overall

judgments of performance on each project. There are many criteria by which the
value of performance for any work function may be assessed.
 Cleanliness
 Quality
 Quantity
 Timeliness
 Cost-effectiveness
 Need for supervision
 Interpersonal impact etc.,


Work oriented appraisal system typically requires raters to compare
performance on each job function with a set of benchmarks. These benchmarks are
brief descriptions of levels of performance and are referred to as “anchors” and
Anchors are of three forms:
 Adjectives or adjectival phrase.
 Behavioral description and critical incidents.
 Outcomes and results.

Measurement process involves the following:
An appraisal system must be designed using a measurement scale of the
needed level precise measurement scale.
There are three basic ways in which raters can make performance
1. Comparison among ratee’s performance.
2. Comprising among anchors or PLDs and Select the one most
of the person being appraised.
3. Compare individuals to anchors or PLD.
An appraisal system design should consider the effects of situational
constrains so that rates will not be unfairly downgraded for these uncontrollable


There are two primary ways to produce an overall score reflecting the level

performance on the job as a whole. They are.

 Judgmental --- the rater performs a subjective judgment of overall
 Mathematical --- the rater or some other score mathematically computes the
weighted means of the rating of performance.

B. DEFINING THE “RATER”: (i.e., who should rate performance) raters,

supervisors, peers, clients, customers, or high-level managers can provide Rating.
In majority of the cases, an employee’s immediate supervisor makes appraisals
and he has sole responsibility for the appraisal.


Rate can be defined as the employees whose performance is to be rated. The
ratee may be defined as the individual, work group, division or organization wide

In appraisal system, a variety of administrative decisions must be made. These
decisions include as follows:

 Frequency and timing of appraisals.

 The rating medium.
 The method of feed back.


Developing should follow planning the design of an appraisal system, which
consists of following seven basic steps:
1) Start with job analysis.
2) Specify performance dimensions and develop PLDs.
3) Scale the PLDs.
4) Develop a rating form and program.
5) Develop a scoring procedure.
6) Develop a appeal process.
7) Develop rater and ratee training programs and amnuals.

After an appraisal system has been designed and developed, it must be
implemented. The process of actually putting the system into operating consists
of the following steps:
1) Training
2) Integration with the organization HRIS.
3) Pilot test.


After an appraisal system is implemented in an organization, it should be evaluated to
ensure that it meets its intended purpose effectively. A comprehensive evaluation of a
performance appraisal system requires the following.
 Collection of several types of data.
 User reaction.
 Inferential validity.
 Discriminating power.
 Possible adverse and disparate impact.


Strauss and saules have classified performance appraisal methods into
traditional, newer or modern methods. They are:
1. Traditional Methods:
 Straight ranking method.
 Paired comparison technique.
 Man-to-man comparison method.
 Grading method.
 Forced choice description method.
 Checklist.
 Free easy method.
 Critical incident method.
 Group appraisal method.
 Field review method.


The newer or modern methods place more emphasis on the evaluation of work
results – job achievements – than on personality traits. Results oriented
appraisal tend to be more objective and worth while especially for counseling
and development purpose
The modern methods are
 Assessment center method.
 Appraisal by results or management by objectives.
 Human asset accounting method.
 Behaviorally anchored rating scale.


Performance evaluation can be done for a variety of reasons- counseling,
promotion, research, salary, administration or a combination of these. So it is
necessary to begin by stating very clearly the objectives of the evaluation
program. Having done this, the personnel evaluation system should address the

 Who?
 What?
 Why?
 When?
 Where?
 How?
Of performance appraisal.

(i) “Who” of the performance appraisal?

The appraisal can be done by one or more individuals involving a combination of the
immediate supervisor, other manager acquainted with the assess work, a higher level
manager, a personnel manager, the assessee, peers, the assessee himself and the
assessee subordinates. The person who has thorough knowledge about the job
content, contents to be appraised, standard of contents and who observes the
employee while performing a job should conduct the appraisal. The appraiser should
be capable of determining what is more important and what is relatively less
important for the Job. He should prepare the report and make judgments without
personal bias, favoritism etc.,

(ii) “What” of performance appraisal?

The “what” of a performance appraisal consists in appraising non-supervisory

employee for their current performance, and mangers for future potential. It includes
evaluation of human traits. Appraisers were asked to rate appraisees, using five-point
scale, on such characteristics as tact, willingness, enthusiasm and maturity.

(iii) The “why” of performance appraisal?

The “why” of an appraisal is concerned with:

a) Creating and maintaining a satisfactory level of performance of employees in

their present job.
b) Highlighting employee needs and opportunities for personal growth and
c) Aiding in decision for promotions, transfers, lay-offs, and discharges.
d) Promoting understanding between supervisor and his subordinate.
e) Providing useful criteria for determining the validity of selection and training
methods and techniques and forming concrete measures for attracting
individuals of higher calibre to the enterprise.

(iv) The “When” of performance appraisal?

The “when” answers the query about the frequency of appraisal. In most
organizations employees are formally evaluated once in a year, in others twice a year.
New employees are rated more frequently than older ones. The ideal thing is that each
employee should be rated three months after being assigned to a job, and every six
months thereafter. The time of rating should not coincide with the time of salary
reviews, if the two occur together, constructive evaluation and consideration of self-
development will probably take second place to the pressures of pay.

(v) The “where” of performance appraisal?

The where indicates the location where an employee may be evaluated It is usually
done at the place of work or office of the supervisor.

Informal appraisal may take place any where and everywhere, both on the job in work
situations and off the job.

(vi) The “How” of performance appraisal?

Under How, the company must decide what different methods are available and
which of these may be used for performance appraisal. On the basis of comparative
advantages, it is decided which method would suit the purpose best.


A performance appraisal can be effective when it is concerned with behavior rather

than personality.

Information rather than belief.

Change rather than evaluation

Precision rather than generalities

Commitment rather than compliance

Support rather than direction.

Skills rather than forms.


There may be significant factors, which deter or impede objective evaluation. These
factors are:

A. Halo effect or error:

It is a tendency to let the assessment of an individual to trait influence of the

evaluation of that person on the other specific traits.

B. Horn effect:

Unsatisfactory rating in quality influence the rating for the other qualities.

C. Leniency or strictness tendency or constant errors:

Relative to the true or actual performance an individual exhibits, some supervisor

have a tendency to be liberal in their rating i.e., they consistently assign “high values
“to their employees, while at other times they may have a tendency to assign
consistently “low values.” The former tendency is called “positive leniency error”
while the latter as negative leniency error.

D. The central tendency problem:

It refers to assigning “average rating” to all the employees with a view of avoiding
commitment or involvement.

E. Similarity Error:

This type of error recurs when the evaluator rates other people in the same way he
perceives himself. For example, the evaluator who perceives himself as aggressive
may evaluate others by looking for aggressiveness.

F. social differentiation:
Rating is sometimes impeded by the evaluator’s style of rating behavior. Pigou
has classified raters as: “High differentiators” i.e., using all or most of the scale: or
“low differentiators” –i.e., using a limited range of scale.

G. Later behavior:
Rating based on later behavior most commonly ignores demonstraters behavior during
the entire appraisal period.

H. initial impressions:
Rating is influenced by the initial impressions of the employee.

I. Spill over effect:
Past performance rating if unjustified, influence the current one.

J. status effect:
Rating high-level employee high and low level employee low.

K. Contrast effect:
Rating of the employee against other employees rated recently rather than
establishing performance criteria.


In any performance appraisal, due consideration must be given to the

ethics of appraisal, failing which many organization problems crop up and the
very purpose of appraisal may be defeated. Some of the Do’s and Don’ts of
performance appraisal are:
 Don’t appraise without knowing why appraisal is needed:
 Appraise on the basis of representative information:
 Appraise on the basis of relevant information:
 In offering an appraisal, it explains that this is only your personal opinion of
the facts as you see them:
 Be honest in your assessment of all the facts you have obtained:


Most organizations, both public and private, finds it necessary

to have some mechanism to manage the performance of employees. The meaning
of the term “Performance Management” has signed over the years. In the past it
was often taken to mean rating employees using a trait – based instrument-one
looking at factors such as neatness, punctuality-etc., as opposed to focusing
directly on work output. The evaluation process also tended to be secret. The
employee will not participate and will not told what rating he or she received.
This style of performance appraisal is no longer considered good practice. There
is general agreement that performance management should be:

Task oriented: It is based on results as opposed to personal traits, and measuring
results against pre-defined goals and targets.

Participative: Involving the employees as well as his or her supervisor, both in the
setting of goals at the beginning of the rating period and in appraising results at the

Developmental: The evaluation process should do more than rate employees-it

should assist them to improve their performance, and to identify any training or other
support that may be required to this end.

Basic purposes:

Performance appraisal systems may assume many different styles and types.
Effective appraisal systems contain two basic systems operating in conjunction:
1. Evaluation system.
2. Feedback system.

The main aim of the evaluation system is to identify the performance gap (If any).
This gap is the shortfall that occurs, when performance does not meet the standard set
by any organization as acceptable.
The main aim of the feedback system is to inform the employee about the quality of
his or her performance. (However, the information flow is not exclusively one way.
The appraiser also receives feedback from the employee about Job problems, etc.)
One of the best ways to look at the purpose of performance appraisal is to look at it
from the different viewpoints of the main stakeholders. they are:
The Employee View point and
The Organization View point
The Employee View point:

From the employee viewpoint, the purpose of performance appraisal is four – fold:

(1) Tell me what you want me to do

(2) Tell me how well I have done it
(3) Help me improve my performance
(4) Reward me for doing well.

Organizational Viewpoint:

From the organization’s viewpoint, one of the most important reasons for having a
system of performance appraisal is to establish and uphold the principles of
accountability. For decades researchers have known that one of the leading causes of
organizational failure is “non-alignment of responsibility and accountability.”

Non-alignment occurs where employees are given responsibilities and duties, but are
not held accountable for the way in which those responsibilities and duties are
performed. What typically happens is that several individual’s or work units appear to
have over lapping roles.

The overlap allows, indeed actively encourages each individual or business unit to
“pass the buck” to others. Ultimately, in the severely non-aligned systems, no one is
accountable for anything. In this event the principle of accountability breaks down
completely. Organizational failure is the only possible outcome.

In case where the non-alignment is not so severe, the organization may continue to
function, inefficiently. Like an engine that is poorly made or bad tuned, the non-
aligned organization may run but, it will be sluggish, costly and unreliable.
One of the aims of performance appraisal is to make people accountable for their
actions. The objective is to align responsibility and accountability at every
organizational level.


360 Performance appraisal:

The appraiser may be any person who has thorough knowledge about
the job content, contents to be appraised, standards of contents, and ethos
deserves the employee while performing a job. The appraiser should be capable
of determining what is more important and what is relatively less important. He
should prepare reports and make judgment without bias.

Typical appraisers are:
 Supervisors
 Peers
 Subordinates
 Employees
 Users of services and consultants.
Performance appraisal by all these parties is called “360” performance

Supervisors include superiors of the employee, other supervisors having
knowledge about the work of the employee and department head or manager.
General practice is that immediate superiors appraise the performance, which in
turn is reviewed by the departmental head or manager.
This is because supervisors are responsible for managing their
subordinates and they have the opportunity to observe, direct and control the
subordinate continuously. Moreover, they are accountable for the successful
performance of their subordinates. Sometimes other supervisors, who have close
contact with employee work also, appraise with a view to provide additional

On the negative side, immediate supervisors may emphasize

certain aspects of employee performance to neglect others. Also, managers have
been known to manipulate evaluations to justify their decisions on pay increases
and promotions. However, the immediate supervisor will continue to evaluate
employee performance till a better alternative is available. organizations no
doubt, will seek alternatives because of the weaknesses mentioned above and a
desire to broaden the perspective of the appraisal.

Peer appraisal may be reliable if the work group is stable over a
reasonably long period of time and performance tasks that require interaction.
However little research has been conducted to determine peers establish

standards for evaluating others or the overall effect of peer appraisal on the
group’s attitude. Whatever research was done on this topic was mostly done on
military personnel at the management or pre-management level(officers or
officer candidates) rather than on employees in business organizations. More
often in business organizations if employees were to be evaluated by their own
peers, the whole exercise may degenerate into a popularity contest, paving the
way for the improvement of work relationship.

The concept of having superiors rated by subordinates is being used in
most organizations today, especially in developed countries. Such a novel method
can be useful in other organizational settings where the relationship between
superiors and subordinates are cordial. Subordinates rating in such cases can be
quite useful in identifying component superiors. The rating in such cases can be
quite useful in identifying component superiors. The rating of leaders by combat
soldiers is an example. However, the fear of reprisal often compels a subordinate
to be dishonest in his ratings. Though useful in universities and research
institutions, this approach may not gain acceptance in traditional organizations
where subordinates practically do not enjoy much discretion.

Self Appraisal:
If individuals understand the objectives they are expected to achieve
and standards by which they are to be evaluated, they are to great extent in the
best position to appraise their own performance may become highly motivated.

Users of services customers:

Employee performance in service organizations relating to behaviors
promptness, speed in doing the job and accuracy, can be better judged by the
customers or users of services. For example, teacher’s performance is better
judged by student and the performance of a conductor in passenger road
transport is better judged by passengers.

Some consultants may be engaged for appraisal when employee or
employers do not trust supervisor appraisal and management does not trust the
self-appraisal or peer appraisal or subordinate appraisal. In this situation,
consultants are trained and they observe the employee at work for sufficiently
long time for the purpose of appraisal.
In view of the limitations associated with each and every method
discussed above, several organizations follow a multiple rating system wherein
several superiors separately fill out rating forms on the same subordinates. The
results are then tabulated.


The overall objective of taking up of a performance appraisal is to study and

evaluate the growing importance of human elements in the corporate sector. With this
unprecedented growth, the importance of performance appraisal as a tool for the
growth and development of both employees and the organization has also
tremendously increased.

It is now being realized that simply having a good system in place does not
make form a successful organization. This has therefore given a need for integrating
the strategic concerns of a firm with its performance monitoring system.

The following are the specific objectives behind taking up of the study in TPIPL .

 To study and analyze the system of performance appraisal prevailing in the

 To study the scope of prevailing system
 To study the evaluation process of the system
 To make recommendations and suggestions for further improvements of
the system, with the permission of the authorities.


Nature of data:
The data collected is from both primary and secondary.

Sample size:

The sample size is 50 in respect of the officer’s category i.e., from the departments
namely, Personnel, Finance, Marketing, Environment & Safety, IT, CADEM, etc…

Choice of sample:
The sample size is chosen by random sampling.

Tools used:
Tools used for collection of data are questionnaire and findings are made on
percentage method and depicting the same as graphs and other forms of pictorial




“Performance appraisal is a systematic periodic and so far as humanly possible

an impartial rating of employee’s excellence in matters pertaining to his present job
and to his potentialities for a better job.”
By- Edwin .B .Filippo
Performance Appraisal is a method of acquiring and processing the information
Needed to improve an individual employee’s performance and accomplishments

Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating the performance of employees,
Sharing that information with them and searching for ways to improve their
By- Newstrom
Organizations exist to achieve goals .Goals are only met individual employees
Efforts match with policy of the organization and thus bringing out success and
effectiveness. The assessment of how successful employees have been at meeting
their individual goals therefore becomes a critical part of HRM and here comes
performance appraisal system.
Performance appraisal is an important component of the information and control
system. In today’s flexible organizations, performance evaluation provide an
important way for managers to clarify performance goals and standards and to
enhance future individual performance through the enhanced performance of
The performance appraisal system:
 Is an organizational necessity
 Is based on well defined objective criteria
 Is based on careful job analysis
 Uses only job related criteria
 Is supported by adequate studies
 Is applied by trained qualified raters
 Is applied objectively throughout the organization
 Can be shown non discriminatory as defined by law.




Tecumseh Products India Private Limited (TPIPL) is a global multinational company

producing mechanical and electrical components essential to industries manufacturing
and products for health, comfort and convenience.

TPIPL is an independent global manufacturer of hermetic compressors for air

conditioning and refrigeration products, gasoline engines and powertran components
for lawns and garden applications and pumps.

Mr. Ray Herrick a former employee of Ford Motors started Tecumseh Products
Company (TPC) in 1930. In 1937 The Company went in public with an offering of

25,000 shares. Mr. Ray Herrick passed away in 1973, but his vision lives through his
son, Mr. Ken the current chairman of the board and his grandson Mr. W. Herrick who
has been the president and CEO since 1984.

TPC is the US $ 2.0 billion cooling agent, having a global presence and a global
vision with 29 manufacturing location in 4 continents across 100 countries employing
over 20,000 people. It is the world’s largest independent compressor manufacturing
company with 10% market shares of global market.

TPIPL’S Vision:

To provide comprehensive solutions to customers in the field of cooling while

providing autonomous working environment for employees, to tap their creative
potential, bring out the best in them and optimize stake holder’s returns.

TPIL’S Mission:

 To be recognized as the world leader in the supply of refrigerator and air

conditioning compressors.
 To provide our customers superior products and services.
 To create an environment in which our employees can grow to their full
potential and make difference.
 To provide superior value to our stake holders.
 To be driven to reach the highest possible standards of excellence in all our
 Nothing will be done to compromise our integrity.

Tecumseh India:

Tecumseh Products India Private Limited (TPIPL) is an ISO 14001 and 9001 certified
company. TPIPL came into existence from July 1997, with the acquisition of siel
compressor limited, Hyderabad (a 36 old company manufacturing compressors since
1963) and the compressors division of Whirlpool of India limited at Ballabhgarh,
Haryana in north India.

Tecumseh India is a 100% subsidiary to Tecumseh products company (TPC), USA,
Which is the world’s only full line independent manufacturer of compressors. In India
Company has 20 sales offices, an extensive network of over 200 dealers and more
than 600 registered small manufacturers.
Tecumseh India is headed by Mr. Vipin Sondhi, and employs about 1500 People.
Tecumseh India is the largest manufacturer of compressors in the country in all three
segments- Air conditioner, domestic and commercial refrigerators and is a leading
player with growing Indian market for, compressors.

Hyderabad plant:

The Hyderabad plant is on a sprawling 54 acre land at the Balanagar industrial belt 15
km Away from Hyderabad city on the highway line going towards HMT Ltd
Narsapur road. At Hyderabad plant TPIPL manufactures compressors used in air
conditioners for deep freezers, bottle coolers and water coolers which are considered
to be world’s no. 1 in the 150 million compressor market a year. The Hyderabad plant
has a capacity of manufacturing around 3,000 units per day. The Hyderabad plant has
a technology development center with full Research and Development facility. The
plant is also supported by two service centers: AW Service center and ML Service
center. The Hyderabad plant has six regional offices among which four offices are at
the metro cities: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai and the remaining two are at
Ahmedabad and Secunderabad. Besides these there are branch offices and depots
located in prime cities across the country.
The Hyderabad plant also has a network of about 177 dealers across the nation and
are preferred suppliers to key original equipment manufacturers (OEM’S) like LG,
Voltas, Bluestar, Godrej, Videocon, Fedders, Amtrex, Hitachi, etc. TPIPL Hyderabad
plant was successful in getting the ISO 9001 Certification for maintaining quality of
the compressors in 1994. And for the eco friendly environment maintenance the
company has got ISO 14001 certification.

The management has started development activities in the following areas:

 Effluent treatment plant
 Tree plantation
 Biological treatment plant

 Rain water harvesting is to increase the ground water level and TPIPL has the
distinction of being the first organization in this regard.
 Vermiculture is the process of utilizing canteen food wastage for converting
into natural meaner.

TPIPL Hyderabad has a total of 766 permanent employees as on date includes

 172 Officers
 232 Staff
 362 Workers

Ballabgarh Plant: At Ballabgarh, Haryana TPIPL has invested Rs. 200 crores for
manufacturing of Non – CFC compressors. The Ballabgarh plant is one of the best
compressors manufacturing unit in Asia. The plant is extended on 21 acre land on the
Delhi – Mathura National high way. The plant has a capacity of manufacture 25000
units per month.

5. Philosophies: Tecumseh encourages its employees to follow these

philosophies, which is the Japanese way of working:

1. SEIRI (Sorting Out):

a. Look around your work area and ask yourself “is it really necessary for all
items to be there?”
b. Separate items of re-workable and rejected items.
c. Re- works the re-workable items and disposes off the rejected items.

2. SEITION (Systematic arrangement):

a. Items must be placed in pre fixed locations so that they are accessible and
can be easily used.

b. Items should be clearly identified by labeling them properly.

3. SEISO (Spic and Span):

a. Clean the workplace yourself.

b. Clean all the equipment including tables etc., yourself.

4. SEIKETSU (Serene Atmosphere):

a. A clean workplace properly selected and with proper arrangement will

soon become dirty if SEIRI, SEITON and SEISO are not practiced
b. To achieve a Serene Atmosphere the three steps of SEIRI, SEITON and
SEISO should be continuously repeated.
c. We should keep our area of work neat and clean including your own attire.

5. SHITSHUKE (Stick to Self Discipline):

a. Follow rules and regulations strictly.

b. Adhere to timings and respect time.
c. Confirm to standards while working.
d. Follow the prescribed operational standards.

TPIPL’s Quality Policy:

 Committed to total customer satisfaction by meeting their evolving needs,

expectations and aspirations – stated, implied or latent.
 Striving to provide products and service of global quality standards and to
reach a position of leadership in the field of operations, and setting new
 Continuous improvement across the organization and up gradation of
products, technology and process supportive environment, at least contribution
to society shall be the means to achieve the goals.

 The approach will be through proper systems and procedures and total
involvement of employees, vendors and other business associates.

IPL’s Environmental Policy:

The vision of Tecumseh India is to be a serene green and eco-friendly co-operation

carrying out all its operations contributing to preservation of environment and natural
resources for the benefit at large.
Among others this can be achieved through.
 Allocation of company – wide priority for sustainable development with total
involvement and commitment.
 Evaluation and up gradation of current technologies, products and raw
materials for minimization, handling and disposal of solid, liquid and gaseous
 Realization of tangible objectives and targets set for continual improvement to
control and prevent pollution and conserve resources.
 Legal compliance and going beyond setting new standards.
 Meeting international expectations such as Montreal protocol, 1987 in phasing
our CFC’s as refrigerants in our compressors.
 Training and propagation of Knowledge on environment.

TPIPL’s Key Business Objective:

 Set the world industry standard of excellence for customer satisfaction.

 Achieve total quality.
 To attain and surpass global quality and reliability standards for our products.
 Maintain clear technology leadership.
 Market share leadership with focus on customer needs.
 Meet business and financial commitments.

TPIPL’s Seven Deadly Sins:

1. Inconsistent product Quality

2. Slow response to market place
3. Lack of innovative and competitive product
4. Uncompetitive cost structure
5. inadequate employee involvement
6. Unresponsive customer service
7. Ineffective resource allocation

Advantages of 5-s

 Operations can be performed without error. Proceeding in a well regulated

fashion resulting in fewer defective items thereby increasing the overall
quality of products.
 Operations can be performed safely and comfortably, reducing the chances
of accidents. Machinery and equipment can be carefully maintained,
reducing the number of break downs.
 Operations can be performed efficiently, eliminating waste thereby
increasing the efficiency and productivity.

Strategies and processes at TPIPL:

 Workplace improvements (5 –S Philosophies)

 Creativity club
 KRA’s (improvements/suggestions)
 Variable earnings sharing of value addition

 Agreement process – organization needs
 Non conformance reporting /audits
 Open house/communication meetings
 Team assessment and feedback
 Changing life styles.


 TECUMSEH Company’s HR Model focuses on performance as a core in all its


 In establishing a performance driven culture, the company has initiated certain HR

processes to nurture and sustain it.

 The company believes in recruiting the best from the industry and in retaining and
developing the best through innovative compensation and reward systems.

This has necessitated that the companies re-look at its approach to compensation as
well as its practice to motivate employees towards top class performance.

The company realizes that each individual must be motivated and developed to
handle the culture challenges of the business. Therefore, in order to realign its
HR processes, the following areas have been scrutinized and modified.


 Assess the potential of individual for their development and growth.

 Objectively assess performance vis-à-vis plan so as to link it to a compensation


 Leverage the process of business and planning and extend the same up to the
individual level for objective setting.

 Defines targets in the beginning of the year so as to reduce ambiguities at the

yearend appraisal.

Objectives of Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal can be either formal or informal. Usage of formal

systems, schedule regular sessions in which to discuss an employee’s
performance. Informal Appraisals are unplanned; often just some statements
are made in passing about an employee’s performance. Most organizations use a
former appraisal system. Some organizations use more than one appraisal
system for different types of employees or for different purposes.
The six primary criteria on which the value of performance may be assessed are:

 Quality

 Quantity

 Timeliness

 Cost Effectiveness

 Need for Supervision

 Interpersonal Impact

If appraisals indicate that employees are not performing at acceptable levels, steps can
be taken to simplify jobs, train and motivate workers, or dismiss them, depending
upon the reasons for poor performance.

The results of performance appraisal are normally used to:

1. Estimate the overall effectiveness of employees in performing their Jobs.

2. Identify strengths and weaknesses of employees in performing their Jobs.
3. Determine whether a subordinate’s responsibilities can be expanded.
4. Identify future training and development needs.
5. Determine readiness for promotions.
6. Motivate and guide growth and development.

Uses of Performance Appraisal

 Determine the appropriate salary increases and bonuses for workers based on
performance measure.
 Determining promotions or transfers depending upon the demonstration of
employee strengths and weaknesses.
 Determining training needs and evaluation of techniques by identifying area of
 Promotion of effective communication within the organization through the
interchange of dialogue between supervisors and subordinates.
 Motivating employees by showing them where they stand, and establishing a
databank on appraisal for rendering assistance in personnel decisions.

Personality Based Systems

In such systems, the appraisal form consists of a list of personality traits that
presumably are significant in the jobs of the individuals being appraised. Such traits
as initiative, drive, intelligence, ingenuity, creativity, loyalty and trustworthiness
appear on most lists.

Generalized Descriptive Systems

Similar to personality based systems; they differ in the type of descriptive term
used. Often they include qualities or action of presumably good managers---
“organize, plan, control, motivate, delegation, communication, makes things

Behavioral Descriptive Systems

Such systems feature detailed job descriptions, including specific statements of
the actual behavior required from successful employees.

Results-centered Systems
These appraisal systems (sometimes called work-centered or job centered
systems) are directly job related. They require that manager and subordinate sit

down at the start of each work evaluation period and determine the work to be
done in all areas of responsibility and functions, and the specific standards of
performance to be used in each area.

CHAPTER – 4 &5



1. How long you are working in this organization?

S.N Perception % of response

1 Less than 5 yrs 20
2 5-10 yrs 0
3 10-15 yrs 12
4 15 yrs and above 68

% of response

Less than 5 yrs

5-10 yrs
10-15 yrs
15 yrs and above

From the above figure we conclude that 68% of the employee’s are working in the
organization from last 15 years.

2. Is Performance appraisal system in practice in the organization

S.No Perception % of response

1 Yes 100
2 No 0

3 Can’t say 0

% of response

60 % of response
Yes No Can’t say

From the above figure we can conclude that all the employees are aware of
performance appraisal system.

3. Who conducts Performance appraisal in your organization

S.No Perception % of response

1 Organization 96
2 Out source 0
3 Both 4

% of response

60 % of response
t io
r ce oth
iza sou B
gan ut
r O

From the above figure we conclude that 96% of the respondents say’s that the
performance appraisal in their organization is conducted by their organization it self.

4. How do you feel about present appraisal policy in TPIPL?

S.N Perception % of response

1 Excellent 8
2 Good 84
3 Average 8
4 Poor 0

% of response


From the above figure we conclude that the 84% of respondents say that present

performance appraisal policy in TPIPL is good.

5. Do you think Performance appraisal is beneficial for organization development and
individual development?

S.N Perception % of response

1 Strongly agree 20
2 Agree 80
3 Disagree 0
4 Neutral 0

% of response

% of response
r ee r ee r ee t ra
ag Ag g u
ly isa Ne
ng D
t ro

From the above figure we conclude that 80% of respondents agree that performance
appraisal system is beneficial for organization and individual development.

6. Performance appraisal should be evaluated every

S.No Perception % of response

1 Quarterly 12
2 Half yearly 76
3 Yearly 12

% of response

40 % of response
Quarterly Half yearly Yearly

From the above figure we conclude that the 76% of the respondents says that
performance appraisal should be evaluated every half yearly.

7. Do you think Performance appraisal covers all aspects?

S.No Perception % of response

1 Yes 76
2 No 24

% of response

40 % of response
Yes No

From the above figure we conclude that 76% of the respondents say that performance
appraisal in their organization covers their all aspects.

8. Do you feel this Performance appraisal system will provide an opportunity

to express your job related issues

S.No Perception % of response

1 Yes 92
2 No 8

% of response

% of response
Yes No

From the above figure we conclude that 92% of the respondents say that performance
appraisal system will provide a great opportunity to express their job related issues.

9. Whether you will get any guidance from your supervisors for your growth in
the organization

S.No Perception % of response

1 Yes 76
2 No 12
3 Can’t say 12

% of response

40 % of response
Yes No Can't say

From the above figure we conclude that the 76% of the respondents say that they will
get guidance from their supervisors for their growth in the organization.

10. Do you feel Performance appraisal system is effective for all categories of

S.No Perception % of response

1 Yes 52
2 No 36
3 Can’t say 12

% of response




30 % of response



Yes No Can’t say

From the above figure we conclude that the 52% of the respondents say that
performance appraisal is effective for all categories of employees.

11. What is the major criteria on which Performance appraisal has to be done?

S.No Perception % of response

1 Individual growth 44
2 Company growth 56
3 Any other 0

% of response

30 % of response

Individual Company Any other
growth growth

From the above figure we conclude that 56% of the respondents says that
performance appraisal has to be done regarding on the company’s growth.

12. Do you feel present Performance appraisal system is easy to understand (i.e.
process of evaluation)

S.No Perception % of response

1 Yes 96
2 No 4
3 Can’t say 0

% of response

60 % of response
Yes No Can’t say

From the above figure we conclude that 96% of the respondents say that present
performance appraisal system is easy to be understood.

13. Do you feel present Performance appraisal conducted by immediate boss is


S.No Perception % of response

1 Yes 84
2 No 8
3 Can’t say 8

% of response

% of response
Yes No Can’t say

From the above figure we conclude that 84% of the respondents say that performance
appraisal conducted by the immediate boss is effective.

14. Is 3600 technique an effective Performance appraisal system?

S.No Perception % of response

1 Yes 48
2 No 28
3 Can’t say 24

% of response




30 % of response



Yes No Can’t say

From the above figure we conclude that 48% of the respondents are aware of the 3600
performance appraisal process.

15. Is Trait based system effective?

S.No Perception % of response

1 Yes 56
2 No 12
3 Can’t say 32

% of response

Can’t say

From the above figure we conclude that the 56% of the respondents says that trait
based system is more effective to evaluate performance appraisal.

16. Is self appraisal technique of Performance appraisal system effective?

S.No Perception % of response

1 Yes 76
2 No 24

% of response
1 2 62
From the figure we conclude that 76% of the respondents say that self appraisal
technique is easier to evaluate performance assessment process.

17. Do you think Performance appraisal system will help in improving the
effectiveness of the employees

S.N Perception % of response

1 Strongly agree 32
2 Agree 60
3 Disagree 8
4 Neutral 0

% of response

Strongly agree

From the above figure we conclude that 60% of the respondents says that the
performance appraisal system will help them in improving their effectiveness


It was a wonderful experience for me to be a part of TPIPL for around two month and
working on a research project for the company was a tremendously excellent
experience that made me learn various aspects of an organization, areas of concern for
an organization, art of not just surviving but proving its potential and extra caliber at
time to time in the Indian corporate sector.
I hope the organization will be benefited from this survey and with the help of
the suggestions given the organization can improve its working further more and the
overall performance level in the organization might increase up to the excellent level.
The workers of the firm are more satisfied comparing to the staffs. Hence more
focus should be given in the performance level of the employees in the staffs
level. The study on performance appraisal at TPIPL is cased out with full co-
operation of the employees and management. As far as possible with in the given
limits the study is completed with the performance of many peoples. The data
collected are analyzed scientifically and the results obtained are free to nearly 80%. It
is assured that the company may get high boosted moral in the organization provided
some of the suggestions made in the report are carried out.

 The suggestion to set up will defintly increased the performance Attempts can
be made to conduct need-based training programs in order to evaluate the
opinion towards the effectiveness of the performance appraisal system from a
moderate level to a high level. .
Further from this survey I hope the organization will be benefited and with the
help of the suggestions given the organization can improve its functioning and the
overall performance level in the organization and its performance will increase.
. TPLPL through its highly ethical values not only climbing the ladder of growth year
by year but also fulfilling its responsibilities towards its employees and society.



 68% of the employee’s are working in the organization since last 15 years and
it is found that all the employees are aware of performance appraisal system.

 96% of the respondents say that the performance appraisal in their

organization is conducted by their organization it self.

 84% of respondents say that present performance appraisal system in their

organization is good.

 80% of respondents agree that performance appraisal system is beneficial for

organization and individual development.

 76% of the respondents say that performance appraisal should be evaluated

every half yearly.

 76% of the respondents say that performance appraisal in their organization
cover their all aspects.

 92% of the respondents say that performance appraisal system will provide a
great opportunity to express their job related issues.

 76% of the respondents say that they will get guidance from their supervisors
for their growth in the organization.

 52% of the respondents say that performance appraisal is effective for all
categories of employees.

 56% of the respondents say that performance appraisal has to be done

regarding on the company’s growth.

 96% of the respondents say that present performance appraisal system is easy
to understand.

 84% of the respondents say that performance appraisal conducted by the

immediate boss is effective.

 56% of the respondents says that trait based system is more effective to
evaluate performance appraisal.

 76% of the respondents say that self appraisal technique is easier to evaluate
performance assessment process.

 48% of the respondents are not aware of the 3600 performance appraisal

 60% of the respondents say that the performance appraisal system will help
them in improving their effectiveness.

 Most of the respondents opinion is that their must be post appraisal interviews.

 During my personal interaction in the organization, I have noticed that all the
employees have good knowledge about their job and are concerned about the
success of the organization.

 The employees maintain cordial relationship with superiors.

 Discipline maintenance in the organization is good.

Suggestions :

 Appraisal should be done by the immediate boss.

 The interpersonal relationship between the appraiser and the appraisee

should be enhanced.

 Appraisal of an employee should be done based on his/her actual


 Outsiders or HR consultants and assessment centers for appraisal should be


 Clearly identified individual goals based on the performance should be

framed and appraisal should be based on those individual goals.

 Adequate and periodical feed back of employee’s performance should be
given to him/her.

 Focus should be laid on the living standards and the cost of living of the
appraisee while finalizing increment or incentive based on the employee’s

 Parameters of the appraisal system should be quantitatively measurable

giving accurate scores on the employee’s performance.

 Measurement of variables like employee’s knowledge over his/her job,

leadership qualities, responsibilities and actual performance should be done.

 Emphasis on revenue/cost savings should be avoided.

 Interdepartmental rivalries should be shunned.

 Pervious year’s appraisal benefits should not be considered.

 New skills and their implementation should be given adequate weightage.

Researcher Suggestions:

 Attempts can be made to conduct need-based training programs in order to

evaluate the opinion towards the effectiveness of the performance appraisal
system from a moderate level to a high level.

 Awareness and knowledge could be enhanced among the employees about

3600 appraisal technique to increase the level of opinion from moderate to

 Weightage to personality traits in the trait-based system of appraisal can be
minimized in order to avoid subjectivity and increase the opinion level from
moderate to high.


Please tick answers for the following questions:

1. How long you are working in this organization?

a) Less than 5years

b) 5-10 yrs
c) 10-15 yrs
d) 15yrs and above

2 .Is performance appraisal system in practice in organization?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say

3. Who conducts performance appraisal in your organization?

a) Organization
b) Out source
c) Both

4. How do you feel about present appraisal policy in TPIPL?

a) Excellent
b) Average
c) Poor
d) Good

5. Do you think Performance appraisal is beneficial for organization

development and individual development?

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Neutral

6. Performance appraisal should be evaluated every?

a) Quarterly
b) Half quarterly
c) Yearly

7. Do you think Performance appraisal covers all aspects?

a) Yes
b) No

8. Do you feel this Performance appraisal system will provide an opportunity

to express your job related issues?

a) Yes
b) No

9. Whether you will get any guidance from your supervisors for your growth in the

a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say

10. Do you feel Performance appraisal system is effective for all categories of

a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say

11. What is the major criteria on which Performance appraisal has to be done?

a) Individual growth
b) Company growth
c) Any other

12. Do you feel present Performance appraisal system is easy to understand (i.e.

Process of evaluation)?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say

13. Do you feel present Performance appraisal conducted by immediate boss is


a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say

14. Is 3600 technique an effective Performance appraisal system?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say

15. Is Trait based system effective?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say
16. Is self appraisal technique of Performance appraisal system effective?

a) Yes
b) No

17. Do you think Performance appraisal system will help in improving the
effectiveness of the employees?

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Neutral


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