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Engineering Management

Group 13: Cesar P. Malenab Jr

Mark Rainier Montes
Keanu Jason Reyes

Quiz 2

1. Research an actual Gantt Chart of a construction project. Indicate the source.


2. Pick a particular activity that has at least 8 sub-activities. Develop a PERT Network of
that activity and determine the critical path.Write a short description of the chosen
activity and sub-activities .

Preparing Forms and Pouring Concrete

The strength and reliability of the structure relies on how the structure is
designed and built. Preparing the forms and pouring the concrete properly are some of
the most critical parts in constructing a building. It involves properly placing rebars,
forms and other in-floor utilities. Improper placing of the forms, rebar and other in-floor
utilities may cause loss in the structures nominal strength making it prone to failure.
That is why proper preparation, installation and pouring are highly recommended.
To ensure that the process is properly executed, there are steps to be followed.
First, the electrical wirings and the plumbing system which includes piping and drainage
are put into place. These are usually placed underground or inside the walls for the
sake of protection. Then, rebars are placed to provide reinforcements. These are
usually in grids or mesh. When all the electrical, plumbing and reinforcement systems
are already placed properly, forms which are plywood are placed as molds before the
concrete is poured. This ensures that the concrete gets the section that it is design for.
When the concrete are poured, they are left to cure for 7 days. Curing is the process of

letting the concrete harden to reach its maximum strength. After the allotted curing
period, the forms are then removed to expose the hardened concrete.
This is basically the process repeated until all the structural members of a super
structure are finished. It is simple yet it requires proper execution to achieve the
structures maximum potential and to serve its purpose properly.
*See attached PERT Network in the next page

3. Estimate the manpower requirement for the activity picked. Justify.

Lets assume that the project requires 500 man-hours to build. The contract should be
done in 16 days
Formula: Total man-hours actual working days 8 hours/day
500 hours 16 days 8 hours/day = 3.91 laborers (call it 4)
We have to keep in mind that we havent included that time lost for productivity.The
4,000 hours is only a figure from your extended takeoff and is strictly based on what it
will take to build the job. Youll be lucky to get six fully productive labor hours per day,
per laborer, so you need to factor for the lost time
New Formula: Total man-hours actual working days 6 hours/day
500hours 16 days 6 hours/day = 5.2 or 6 laborers
4. Team structure involves groups of people who work as teams to achieve a common
goal of the overall organization. From our chosen activity which deals with the form
works and pouring of concrete, different groups function based on their designated roles
and responsibilities.

The man whos in charge of the overall responsibility for the planning, design,
execution, monitoring and controlling is the Project Manager (PM). PMs are the first
point of contact for any issues regarding the ongoing project. Below the PM lies the
Consultant and Contractor. The difference between them is that the former evaluates
the clients needs and provide expert advice on what needs to be done while the latter
also evaluates the clients needs but at the same time , performs the actual work. Based
from my experience as an Intern in a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project, the
contractor provides the labor who are task to do the dirty works such as form works,
installation of rebars and pouring of concrete. Additionally they supply the equipments
that are needed for the project. But often times the Contractor hires a Sub-contractor to
make its work easier. One example for this is the Ready-Mixed concrete used in
buildings , the sub-contractor can be a source of this kind of service. On the other hand,
the Lead Consultant comprises of the other Consultant and the Design team. The
Design team is responsible for the drawings or plans of form works, plumbing, electrical
system etc. The team ensures that everything in the plan is according to standards.
They also make sure that the contractor does its job by doing inspection in the site.

5. Say there was a 1-week interruption at the middle of the activity. Develop a
detailed mitigation plan on how to minimize the delay. (15 pts)
Delay could be defined as the time beyond completion date specified in a
contract or beyond the date parties agree upon the delivery of a project. It is going
over the planned schedule and a common problem in most construction projects. It
results to a multitude of negative effects on the project and the concerned parties.
Delays can be caused by a lot of factors including inappropriate design and
insufficient inspectors and design changes. To be able to reduce the damages
caused by the delay the following mitigation plan is proposed:

1. Identify the delay as soon as possible.

Since the delay has already happened, it should recognized as soon as possible
in order to plan the necessary recovery actions to minimize damages and further
delays. Avoidance of blame is a must for it would not produce positive effects in the
long term of the project. Responsibility to take action and good leadership is needed
to hasten the schedule. In this phase, evaluation of the impact is calculated to
properly set out next actions to be laid out.
2. Re-sequence project activities with minimum amount of disruption.

After the delay, the original schedule for the specified time frame can no longer
be followed. Thus, re-sequencing of activities is done to address the current problem
of delay. Though there would a new schedule, it is still confined with the requirements
of the original base program namely, time frame, budget allocated and manpower
inclusion. The goal of this phase is to set out a new plan without deviating from the
original plan.

3. Alternative and resources evaluation.

The alternatives laid out in the previous phase are evaluated from which the most
efficient revision is followed. The delay should be explained to the stakeholders
including the reason, necessary action taken and alternatives that were planned. It is
necessary to regain the trust of the stakeholders for the project to continue taking
also into consideration the reputation of the company. Minimizing the deviation from
the original plan is needed to avoid confusion between workers and foreman.

4. Communication and information dissemination to the workers.

The revision in the plan should be informed to the workers as to prevent another
delay in the project. The goal of this phase is to reduce project duration systematically
through information dissemination and project expediting. Strict adherence to the new
schedule should be implemented to avoid another unnecessary cost and construction
method inefficiencies.

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