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KEK. Luthra Memorial Moot Court 2017 Pree iore STATEMENT OF FACTS (Camelot is« democratic country Jest in the Asi subcontinent, Hinked by Indi ‘al Geaiztan, Cameo ellowig its independence fom Polyphemus in 1947, has adopted Single House, the House of Chizens. ‘The 2 Paramentuy system of governance, wih 3 Constitution Act of Cameit isthe last word on subjects of la and govensanee, Carmelo i scion tad and bas id vic wil bal cular hiory. People of mokiple ideologies, luis, and religions lave been cotabig in the coun sin time immennorial, Caneot shares strong historical tes wid is neighbour; the Republic of Tlisker snd also shares vexy ‘otal velaons wiht. Camel like Taliskerfllows Common Lae, However, Camo has Iu ong standing acrimony wii oer nib, Genghis! his also cugage in to ars wth Camelot as alo adopied » federal structure with is governance consitaionally stb between ‘Sates and Pedera Tssitves on de oer hand, rehwon, «Federal Testor, dhe Capital of Camelot, Freon enjoys specie sttas under dhe Constion Act of Camels, and dhe the Federal Government on the one lad and dhe goverment of the omersharing mechanism wilh the Federal Goverment i denned separately by dhe Contintion Act of Caneot, red with the Satte of the Goverment of Eeehwon. The Federal Territory of Prelwoa hs elected Lagistave Council and a Executive Goveranent Fito whic has certain pore a ave cational ad aan determined, ts evi! (0 woke dat Jager, whic is Uae Capt of the Republic of Tals, exoys secil satus under dhe Consinton Aet of Talishe, a sinaton sini to tha of Exewhon ve. vis Camel ‘The assembly elertions of Erchwon were ld in Api, 2015 while dhe general elections ‘oF Camelot wer ld in Har, 2014. Both these elections evervew the respective incunbent sovernment and nslled a new pital payin power. The elections of Erion were wom bythe Crourhig Tige Paty while te elections of Camelot were won by de Vanity Fir Prey “The Hogwarts Png, a langly sudentdominated Pasty wider te ladership of Ms. labeth ene, ls nade 2 considerable mark on the minds othe people bu wnorauaely ould only win a few seats in bo dhe eto. Ms, Bennet was sacri the eetions of Calo and was lected Member of Partinent, The relatos betwen KK. Lathrn Memorial Moot Court 2017 PaeEzOrG by all accounts of the media of Camelot, were not cordial on ecount of peesonal sd Meola ferences. Ms. Bennet in Ani, 2016 staned & new campaign to suke @ rd wil dhe young zens of Camelot und the banner of Dan of Justice. This movement analyzed good lies of vais developing and developed counts, wid 2 ew to ii dase ain in the Camelot wy of Me, forthe beterment of is cinene, However, when certain good quali of Gonyhintan were publ listed by Ms. Beane ata press conference in Brewon it ‘ned politcal yproarin the couiny, Ms, Bennet, however, stuck to er sand and soon poste ‘see’ of here on Titer wi dhe Ma of Genghis in the background and a globe in er band, She alo tneted, (We have a vch and unique geopolitical history and our rips demand tht weet osher counties wi epeot and nonagresion,” “This photograph af Me, Benet caged some people in Camo aud began a debate ‘on the extent to whic sh atvies col be toler by public igure, Mr. KF Pt the (Chiet Minister of Eretwen, took excepion to these actions of Ms. Beane, and demanded a bic apology He ao erected in early May, 2015, “The enenated,acoiberal youth like Ms. Bennet and her ik from the Hogvarts Pary, of cur country have gone off on an academic ‘angen They have lest ouch wih ay and lve forgoten tbe loot aad bravery of our solr who ought bloody was wis Geng” Ms. Bennot ad he Hoyas Pray reared to tis by starting new cxmpign Mock ane Shae the Preto Nationait vernmen i lke May, 2015. A supposter of Ms. Benet called the curren sonernnens of Erciwon ae well as Camelot‘ bunch of useless warmongers seeking 1 cover np deine governance under cade of peadosainalion”, When Ms, Bennet was confronted with the stvement she sid that she supported the sentiment vaxenying de ear, Ms. Benet subssquenly called a public rly on 0 June 205 in the famous Grounds of Frelivon and ave the allowing speeds "Te government scone to poor is got drunk refund power, Kas akon pon self « wreak vengeance on ayy who hols an option ait, We fave no choice but see a the very roo of Use el and effersate 2 fundamental vested, Yes, I prised Gain! So what, bers and se? Is i ot eae dat Uy ane snore Bard-vorkig dha un? Is ol rae Ua hee universes ane beter dha ou? inet dat dsr children are beter wouned han? Te i not ue Ua they ive K.K. Luthra Memorial Moot Court 2017 Paaeore longer and healer dha os? Bu the goverment does ot wat to ta abou “Today the yoveraent yas oad euro pret Uine of thought where they live dered wo sit tenmches from the world a ony kak fawards ad ood over fur shortcoming, The sarrowness is symptomatic of elect exness and heaps a precess new eas td arguments is cannot be erie! We mus rise in ebellion apis these diy leeches on our nin and is hiking process. These corrupt people who have sold our county now ‘rao pws sind, This wil not happen, bothers and snes! Tage ne wil vero di government Trek the yovenment to pieses, st noel be, to uphokl the ideas contied mn our beloved consitaion. We wil be te divine destruction, whic shal wapoize de deep seated ro and ensure our Beloved county ine ae releshing start Tam ready oy down my if oe you my heloved eral Are ot realy 1007" The rally ws tended by 90,000 people inca about 2000 party meaner ofthe Hogans Pury. Soon thelr the members of the Hearts Party mobil dhe public to proce apa the oulock ae demeanor of the current goverment sone shout slogans td atucking and busing public repeaty. Alpes! 200,000 people sathered near the Parent of Camelot aud near the ionie Camelot Gate and continue o be stationed there From 02 fune 3015 03 ne 2015. Thousand of peopl, inching members of Une Hogs any, vied de officials 3 Une government by waking goverment qusters ih Erelwon nd ‘pied them ely bear toys and asked. tm to play wilh them in view of ti nave aad thilish support oe de caren goverment of Ere. ‘A complaint under Sections ABL-A’ / B5L-A' J and 2108" of the Penal Code of ‘Camelot came 10 be fi against MS. Bennet sa other wakown persons, and a Fist SABLA, Saion| ‘Whoeres, by words citer poe or tenor by Sigs oy ile epresnttion or athe, 1) Urge ora bang to ated oe emer, eR ao ease decom ‘eve Gaerne esa by by nace, 9 ertoshow lt the Goverment as been ied oreo in ay of mses, (0 ewes ay psn temp to pce ith ery of k,n cris than by If ea of ae ater by Ee eat sSallbe pnie vd deo lxpwsounet oe i, thi ne maybe as * S51. Promoting enmity bemeen diferent groups on grounds of reli, ree, pce of bith, resdecelnguge, cl abl ding teal tenance of harmony (0) Where 1 by wai ites ken or wien, o by ss or by vile repeeseatons or eke, |yomies oF alengs To promote, on gree of rlgon, ric, ple of tit, fades, Fenn, cst or commiy oF ay er oud whatsoever, dsm or lela of soni lated orth beeen de gs aia lang o ead poupe or cater K.K. Luthra Memorial Moot Court 2017 Pac ore Information Rept, lxaing mune Crime Number AB-1831-2015 was egjtered on 5 une 015, Under the Penal Code of Camelot the So posible pi seaiion are (the death sernene; ad Ge im psom dnents for the crime off 1 he whole of remaining natal without power of exashe reduction) Mr, Paley Jai the Prime Miser of Camelot, sued 4 statement wo the ess on (04.06.2015 and called fr vest wn skod bea Ms, Bennet well as Me, KL. Pan onl raise tensions inthe country and assured ll hat the dplomey of Camelot was not ited to ght. Homeves, Me, K.P, Pad, in a press conference held on 05 June 2015 sad te windy when the lower ofthe armed forces sd det Fie sso mercies rendered ponds, and when "When the unity a imity ofthe counny so carelessly down 10 the intrational policy reduced to slavish pandering, me camo sit and wa idly y-We so alinaative soa! We nec justice! We eed to reo our si in sro aon! 1 ring tothe noc of al at with cespect to Crime Number AB-L831-2015, apron as been (0) commie ay at ic ie plications of ams been dire religous, ca Inge nepal ups eats come sel ck dato is hy tot he pie magic (0) ones my exercise, movement, dill or ther sir ct intending tht he Dit ne city hl ue re trained toe mit oe olen knowing {Cob ely atthe prods nue aryl we be eae owe emia force ieee picts st ett ned ous o be wine ote eal Fre oF Violence or tng to be ily a he pepe a uh city il seo be ined Se rial fore iene, pit clo ari Ip Feral ou o ae {comunity for any reason was cases os hel fo eae ar lomo etn rusty mngp mors ste cg ral lags ord fHoup ocisteareannaniy, ibe pe wi npn wis mayen Loe yes, ins, hbo ‘eee commited in pace of worship, ex: Whoever consis an fence ses in su seon {)inany poe f worst in wy sey eng inthe petormane of regions wip o ‘signe creme, sl pine wih penment tm exe ove year al sho be abet ne {Whoever is pany © crn eonstinay to eonnit an offence punishable wih dea, icone or Heo ioc inprisonnent for ta of vo yas or aed, we 0 ‘press provsion fy male is Cae or He pst of sc a constr, be pied i he ‘ane se he a seal ur lence 2) Whoever is party emia conspiracy ter tua rin conspiney to comm an lfrce Iwmable as noresti sll te pis wi imprisonment of either design for x km et ‘Swings mono ws ne rie a K.K. Luthra Memorial Moot Coust 2017 Paces sven under Seton 196' of Use Canclot Criminal Procedure Staute by the Government of elon in the name of te Lute Governor to presente Ms Benet forthe offence of selon cr Seton A2L-A al S51 of de Peal Cade” Me, Paddy Jody aking Fart note of dhe sination,isved mosber statement to the rst 0 6 June 2015 stung, “The ernment of Camelot as well as the Vanity Fai Paty condemn the waa an ileal atone Dragon Warrior ary and Me, K.P, Pain ‘he ong! eens pose also not, ike Jalal Nei, former Prime Miser of Yi, hat Scton (2A of the ini Penal Cae i objectionable and obuoxious and the sooner we ssid of Seton 124A the bots it wl be, Needles o sy, I hope Dat eoastinuioual and Jaman right stall tbe ramped upon an that aw takes due couse.” Ms, Beasot ected othe slement of Me. Jeli and Mr. K.P, Panda by elinga pres ‘conference nl stating, “Mah Gaui leader revered in or neighbouring county Inia, In calle Seton 124A ofthe Taian Peal Coe devine anong poll sections ofthe {a sa day for Camelot hat history cepeatng tel agin. Homeves the Hgts Pty wil enti i see ul Indian Penal Cone dese to syppesthe Hherty of te zens! Camelot was up to a beter dav "The inal Repo was ied against Ms. Bennet, Mr. Fun Toosh, and Mr. Rebello Consives, snl Ube Magtrate took cognizance an issued surmons to all the accused. The ‘va os suboquely exacted, ad al the accused were hell ily for dhe ofences under Seaton 42LA / 851 2108 ofthe Penal Cade of Camelot. Ms, Bennet was amared the death sentence under Seon A2L-A of the Penal Code of Cael Ms. Benet peed ya the sai judgment before tbe High Court of Erebwon, and ws acquit ol changes "16, Prose of puis 10) Wh yr wh i pe i ote i lfc ey re he tuto ofthe Goverment is cee fy ce alleged Yo lve been emia by hi while edn ox ponting wo at he dc of is lib day, ao Cou shal he azn of ich “ence acen wih he reson ow ‘inthe cae of person vo rnp on te eye, wa a tine of emesis the Megalo cpl comet wi theirs of ie Union, ote Coal Goverment [inthe ene a pct vo mye of the cnc my be, ma a a eof ermine ‘Men enon, const wi te ls of Seo he Sate Gaerne Kk, Lsthrn Memorial Moot Court 2017 PaaeoOre ‘The State of Brebwon prefered an appeal before the Supreme Coust of Camelot by nay ofa Petition by Spec Leave, seeking reveal ofthe seit ane mposion othe dah sentence. Leave was gato in the Petion by Special Lenve. Te counsel fr he Se was lowed to advance subossions cn bel of dhe Covina, ae ease of Goverment Belin . Elizboth Bent is no lel before the Supreme Court of Camelot fr final hearing ‘he issues that have bee dented on which the respertve counsels or ba the sides ae expected o submit their onside anuents are a8 Fallows a) Whether the deal sentence as sought by the Government of Erwan i an appropriate pouthment forthe offence of seion a made ont by the fs of the presentease? 1). Withou prejudice to the above, whet dhe offences under Sections 421-4 / 5A / 21048 of de Pes! Coe of Camcot ie been made ont aginst Ms, Hlzabeth Benne The pates may rise any ter sue on they fes ose ms upon.

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