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Professional Issue Advocacy Campaign

Strategic Plan and Engagement Activity

1. Title of Campaign Plan

Digital Citizenship In Our School

2. Description of the Plan
The plan for my campaign is for there to be an increased emphasis on teaching digital
citizenship to our students. My plan hopes to increase the level of consistency when it
comes to Internet safety and our students. Whether smartphones or tablets or video
games or laptops: students are surrounded by technology. They have access at home
and at school. Students need to understand what it means to be responsible digital
The librarian can be a leader in teaching students to be responsible digital citizens,
but students need to experience the same leadership and expectations from other
teachers throughout the building. In my school, I have never received any PD training
specific to Internet safety. As technology is increasingly involved in our students
lives and as quickly as that technology changes, it seems to me that responsible use
should be a large priority.
To most effectively influence our students development as digital citizens we need to
be on the same page as a staff. To help achieve this, I plan to collaborate with the
Library Media Specialist and the building technologist to lead a session on Internet
Safety and responsible use at a professional development in the near future. I have
received permission from my principal to do this and she is very good about
encouraging and supporting staff.
Following the session, the hope is that our teachers throughout our building will be on
the same page when it comes to Internet safety and responsible use of technology for
our students. If the session goes well enough, maybe it could become an integral part
of our yearly professional development. I believe that this would be appropriate
considering the rapid pace at which technology changes and advances.
Following the PD, I would also like to attempt to extend the invitation for parents to
attend an Internet safety and Responsible Use class at our school one night toward the
beginning of next school year. This will be an opportunity for parents to learn about
Internet safety and encourage continuity from school to the home. The class will be
similar to the PD session, but more pointed at home use.
3. Descriptive summary of Brainstorming Activities and Literature Review using 5
or more authoritative sources Related to the Plan

My process of brainstorming began when deciding a topic. I considered budgeting,

scheduling, but decided on Digital Citizenship. While working in my other graduate
class the semester (LME 501) I noticed that this seemed to be an area that could be
improved upon in my building, but also in many of the other students districts as
I made great use of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
toolkit in my plan. I explored a PDF about how to organize and hold a meeting
helpful when considering bringing my plan to my colleagues. I found a PDF
discussing a Student Technology Showcase at the State Capitol as an inspiration for
the importance of digital learning and its impact on on present day education.
I also found great ideas on concerning a
digital citizenship week. This included a link for parents at home with helpful tips as
to how parents should address Internet safety at home with their children, even going
as far as to specify how to deal with older and younger children specifically.
After considering the research I had done, I decided to focus on two Primary
promotions for my campaign. First, I would like to provide a PD opportunity for my
colleagues concerning Internet safety and Responsible use. This will help to get staff
on the same page. Second, I would like to provide an Internet safety class to parents
concerning Digital Citizenship and how them can help their child develop good and
safe habits.
The primary goal for my plan was to bring a greater awareness and consistency to
teachers and parents concerning developing responsible Digital Citizens.
4. Description of the Professional Toolkit Used and how it was be Used to
Implement the Plan
I made great use of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
toolkit in my plan. I explored a PDF about how to organize and hold a meeting
helpful when considering bringing my plan to my colleagues. I found a PDF
discussing a Student Technology Showcase at the State Capitol as an inspiration for
the importance of digital learning and its impact on on present day education.
5. The Projected Outcomes Resulting from Implementing the Plan
Staff will receive profession development devoted to Internet safety and
developing Responsible Digital Citizens, resulting in greater continuity for our
students when dealing with various teachers throughout the building.
Parents will receive an opportunity to attend a class devoted to Internet safety and
developing Responsible Digital Citizens, resulting in the child being more likely
to continue responsible practices inside the home.
Students will see becoming Responsible Digital Citizens as an important aspect of
life rather than a requirement or set of rules to be used only at school. The
improved consistency between staff as well as parent involvement at home will

result in a clearer picture for the student as to what being a responsible digital
citizen means.
6. Step by Step Description of the Implementation of the Plan
a. Brainstorm Ideas and develop rough drafts of plans.
b. Consult with the LMS and technology specialist at my school to gain advice
and ideas about implementing plan.
c. Approach administration and request permission to lead session during PD for
staff and gain permission for leading class for parents.
d. Reserve building for designated Parent Class time.
e. Lead PD session with staff
f. At the end of the PD session, hand out information for students to take home
to parents inviting them to attend the parent Internet Safety Class.
g. Present class to parents
h. Follow up with administration to see if this is something that we would like to
continue to do every year.
i. If we decide to make this an annual thing, reflect and refine practices and
possibly implement new promotions (Digital Citizenship Week, etc.)
7. Summary of Results of Implementation of the Plan and its Impact
The results are in progress. Because our district has made use of non-traditional
instructional days to make up for snow this year, the end of the year schedule is fairly
packed and hectic. Since this plan was developed in the Spring semester, and
considering the end of year schedule, we have decided that the implementation of the
PD session and the Parent class would be better suited for Fall of this coming year. I
also believe that it makes much more sense to begin the year with an emphasis on
Digital Citizenship than to end it that way.
I was able to collaborate with my LMS and technology specialist and develop my
ideas. I also have approval and support from my principal to pursue this in the fall. So
my results are positive in that the wheels are turning and that I have support, but the
results are inconclusive as of yet because of timing.
8. Reflections on Areas of Improvements to the Plan
Before even fully implementing the plan, I can already see that this will work better
in the fall or beginning of school. Timing and setting the tone for students, as well as
projecting turn out for the parent class seems to suggest that fall would be best. By
the time spring rolls around kids are involved in more and more sports and other
I also believe that waiting until the beginning of next school year to implement the
plan will allow for the LMS, Technologist, and I to better prepare a more effective
and dynamic presentation for our colleagues and parents.
9. Reflections on Knowledge Gained Related to the Issue

I gained knowledge of strategies for implementing an advocacy campaign, like how

to run an effective meeting as well as how to get your point across in a concise and
effective way. I learned more about Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety as I am
preparing to teach their importance to my colleagues and to parents.

Digital Citizenship and

Internet Safety
Presented by: Joe Gupton

10. References Cited using APA citation style:

Advocacy toolkit. (n.d.). Retrieved from
ISTE Advocacy Platform. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Wiltse, R. (2012). Holding a Student Technology Showcase at the State Capital.
Retrieved from
Digital Citizenship Week 2015 | Common Sense Media. (n.d.). Retrieved from
How to Organize and Hold a Meeting with a Policymaker or a Staffer. (n.d.). Retrieved

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