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Correct the following sentences with the correct Word

1. He bought his passer-by a diamond ring.

2.There was a large crew demonstrating outside the
3. The rabbit slowly pursued from its hole.
4.We asked a crowd for directions.
5. The policeman emerged the thief until he was finally
6. A finace of construction workers was hired to restore
the old building.

Choose the best that explains the meaning of the

word in bold
1. Shopping on-line is a growing trend.
Alot of people do it.
lt's a great idea.
2. Elaine is always willing to help.
a. She always needs help.
'She is a helpful person.
3. The singer was an instant star.
a. He worked hard to reach the top.
He beca me a celebrity very quickly.
4. We drove straight to the theatre after work.
We didn't stop on the way.
. The road to the theatre had no turns

1 . Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to

the u nderl i ned words.
1. We had such a lavish l u nch that I was
afterwa rds .
a . h u n g ry
b . very fu l l
2. C ol i n was a spoilt ch i l d but, surpris i n g ly, he
g rew u p to be a ve ry . ...... man .
a . considerate
b. self-ce ntred
3. Pri nce C ha rles often m akes controve rsia l
statements that
a . please everyon e
b . ma ke s o m e people a n g ry
4. They' re asking a n outrageous price for t h is flat.
it's ..
a. very reasonable
b . fa r too h i g h
5. That politician is notorious for
a. h i s many love affa i rs
b . i m provi n g the economy
6. She used to be q u ite wea lthy, but she's lost
a lot of ......... recently.
a . money
b . wei g ht

the correct answer. Pay attention to

the underlined words.

1. We had such a lavish lunch that I was


a. hungry
b. very full
2. Colin was a spoilt child but, surprisingly, he
grew up to be a very man.
a. considerate
b. self-centred
3. Prince Charles often makes controversial
statements that .
a. please everyone
b. make some people angry
4. Theyre asking an outrageous price for this flat.
Its .
a. very reasonable
b. far too high
5. That politician is notorious for .
a. his many love affairs
b. improving the economy
6. She used to be quite wealthy, but shes lost
a lot of recently.
a. money
b. weight
2. Complete the puzzle using the clues below.

2. There are so many people here! How will we
find Jenny in this
4. If I were an , I would buy an enormous
5. I hope your
with Johnny Depp ends soon!
Im tired of hearing about him!
8. My sister met Bono, and got his
on a CD
9. I dont care about the latest fashion .
I wear what I like.
10. My fathers a scientist, and his
is Albert
1. There was a lot of
before the university
entrance exams.
2. Jake is part of the film
. Hes an assistant
3. The actor Christian Bale got some bad-----when a tape was released of him shouting at
someone on a film set.
6. Robert and his
finally decided on a date for
their wedding.
often print lies and rumours about

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