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The main purposes of the study job analysis process and to create a right fit between job and

employees of Saisun, also to assess the performance of an employee, to determine the worth
of a particular task and to analyze training and development needs of an employee of Saisun
delivering that specific job.
Job analysis involves collecting and recording job-related data such as knowledge and skills
required to perform a job, duties and responsibilities involved, education qualifications and
experience required and physical and emotional characteristics required to perform a job in
a desired manner.
Job Analysis plays an important role in recruitment and selection, job evaluation, job
designing, deciding compensation and benefits packages, performance appraisal, analyzing
training and development needs, assessing the worth of a job and increasing personnel as
well as organizational productivity.
One of the main purposes of conducting the study on job analysis is to prepare job
descriptions and job specifications of Saisun employees which in turn helps to hire the right
quality of workforce into an organization. The general purpose of the study was to
document the requirements of a job and the work performed. Job.
Saisun is one of India's largest Consultancy agency firm. It is the perfect place to learn
about the Management of the Manpower Resources. The knowledge gained here is going to
be very helpful in making a successful professional career.


Job analysis was also conceptualized by two of the founders of I-O psychology, Frederick
Winslow Taylor and Lillian Moller Gilbreth in the early 20th century. Since then, experts
have presented many different systems to accomplish job analysis that have become
increasingly detailed over the decades. However, evidence shows that the root purpose of
job analysis, understanding the behavioral requirements of work, has not changed in over 85

Job analysis makes sure training and development activities are focused and effective. In the
fields of human resources (HR) and industrial psychology, job analysis is often used to
gather information for use in personnel selection, training, classification, and/or
Job analysis is to determine the physical requirements of a job to determine whether an
individual who has suffered some diminished capacity is capable of performing the job
with, or without, some accommodation
Job analysis methods have evolved using both task-oriented and worker-oriented
approaches. Since the end result of both approaches is a statement of KSAOs, neither can be
considered the "correct" way to conduct job analysis. Because worker-oriented job analyses

tend to provide more generalized human behavior and behavior patterns and are less tied to
the technological parts of a job, they produce data more useful for developing training
programs and giving feed back to employees in the form of performance appraisal


SaiSun,a fastest growing ISO 9001 : 2008 certified , multi-process human resource
outsourcing consulting group havin g Global Presence.
Mr. ShaleshRaj pal is the Managing Director of SaiSun Group of company& also
the member of Executive Board of Global Group of Institutions.

An MBA from a premier Institute &certificate course in Management from University of

Australia. He started his own company in 2006, after having vast experiencein Human
Resource Management area. Under his guidance, SaiSun Group has become a dynamic
business reality . An astute businessman, his keenness for perfection& an eye for minute
detail added with his firm belief in his vision has taken SaiSun Group to reach unbelievable
success in such a short span of time.
The problem of unemployment is not actually poor demand of people by the industry ,
but rather the unavailability of well trained and oriented candidates who can perform in
their jobs.
SAISUN, a fastest growing Multi Process Human Resource Outsourcing Company in India.
With a vision to make SAISUN a leader in MPHRO and largest staffing Solution Provider
Globally.SAISUN seek to achieve clients delight through excellence in providing services ,
based on Transparency & Loyalty. SAISUN is focused on providing end to end solutions for
all types of Staffing and Employee related functions.We manage HR Consultancy and a
range of Temporary and permanent services for leading global organizations. Company
deploys a cogent mix of best experts, strong methodologies, process and domain specific
knowledge and technological expertise to execute the out sourced Business processes to
near perfection Domain Expertise IT & Non IT
1. Recruitments (Domestic PAN India & International)
2. Staffing Solutions through Third Party Payroll
3. Payroll Outsourcing
4. Campus Recruitments
5. Mass Scale Human Resource Provider in Government Sector through Tenders.
6. Customized House Keeping Services in Government Sector.

To emerge as the best HR service provider in the world and be the most respected and
sought after consulting firm for clients and employees.
To make SaiSun a pioneer in the MPHRO and largest staffing solution provider globally.
SaiSun seeks to achieve clients delight through excellence in providing services based on
creative combination of transparency, hard work and loyalty.
SiaSun is focused on providing end to end solution for all types of staffing and employee
related problem.
At SaiSun , we believe that our success is best reflected through your success.

In a demanding business with high expectations and standards, we honestly
represent our clients to candidates and our candidates to clients. We do not promise
what we cannot deliver.
We accord the highest respect to information that we have been entrusted.
Temporary staffing : The Temporary Staffing business division of SaiSun
offers flexible and cost effective solutions and address the headcount needs
and limitations of a client squarely.
Recruitment Solutions : The Recruitment Solutions that is offered by Saisun
helps recruiters with the non core processes in recruitment
Payroll Process Outsourcing :The Payroll Outsourcing business of Saisun
offers error fre payroll processing to our clients through a fully customized
payroll engine that helps to process multiple clients with varied complexity.

Campus Hiring : The Campus Hiring is a cutting edge portal where colleges
and companies come together for the common purpose of recruitment of
High End Solutions : This business vertical takes care of the COO / CEO /

CXO / CFO level hiring. We have an exclusive& experienced team dedicated

for the top


takes care of outsourcing the housekeeping/facility management services as

per the need of the Corporate Sector or Public Sector.
Outsourcing business of SaiSun offers knowledge and insights that are
imperative to getting the business statutorily and legally compliant.

Job Analysis is one of the most important functions of Human Resource Manager.
Performance Appraisal , Job Designing, Personnnel selection, employee training, career
development and planning are among the many activities that depends upon the information
gathered in the job analysis.
Job and Analysis are two different words. Job means combination of all types
of works, Duties and responsibilities assigned to an employee relating to his employment.
Analysis means a process of deep examination. When job and Analysis are merged together,
it gives birth to a new word, JOB ANALYSIS The term, Job Analysis is also known as
Job Review, or Job Study.


Bayers and Rue
Job Analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the
operations and responsibilities of a specific job.
Edwin B. Flippo
A job analysis is an accurate study of the various components of a job. It is concerned not
only with an analysis of the duties and conditions of work, but also with the individual
qualifications of the worker.
Purpose of Job Analysis
The main purposes of conducting a job analysis process is to use this particular information
to create a right fit between job and employee, to assess the performance of an employee, to
determine the bworth of a particular task and to analyze training and development needs of
an employee delivering that specific job.

Recruitment and Selection: Job Analysis helps in determining what kind of person is
required to perform a particular job. It points out the educational qualifications, level
of experience and technical, physical, emotional and personal skills required to carry
out a job in desired fashion. The objective is to fit a right person at a right place.

Performance Analysis: Job analysis is done to check if goals and objectives of a

particular job are met or not. It helps in deciding the performance standards,
evaluation criteria and individuals output. On this basis, the overall performance of
an employee is measured and he or she is appraised accordingly.

Training and Development: Job Analysis can be used to assess the training and
development needs of employees. The difference between the expected and actual
output determines the level of training that need to be imparted to employees. It also
helps in deciding the training content, tools and equipments to be used to conduct
training and methods of training.

Compensation Management: Of course, job analysis plays a vital role in deciding

the pay packages and extra perks and benefits and fixed and variable incentives of
employees. After all, the pay package depends on the position, job title and duties
and responsibilities involved in a job. The process guides HR managers in deciding
the worth of an employee for a particular job opening

Uses Of Job Analysis


P la n n in g

In fo r m

a t io n

H e a lt h

a n d

o f

D u t ie s

S a fe t y

P la n n in g

In fo rm

a t io n

H e a lt h

a n d

o f

D u t ie s

S a fe t y

Job analysis helps to prepare sound human resource practice and policies. Because job
analysis provides a deeper understanding of the behavioral requirements of the job, it plays
a vital role in the defense of employment practices. Following are the main importance and
uses of job analysis:
1. HR Planning
Job analysis provides useful information for human resource planning. It is the foundation
for forecasting demand for and supply of human resources in an organization. It is also
necessary for preparing HR inventory and HR information system in the organization.

2. Recruitment And Selection

Job analysis provides necessary information for conducting recruitment and selection of
employees in the organization. Recruitment generates a pool of candidates who are willing
to perform in the organization, whereas selection selects the best suited candidate out of the
available candidates who are supposed to perform well in the organization.
3. Training And Development
Up-to-date description and specification statements help to ensure the requirement of
training and development needs in the organization. By comparing knowledge and skill of
current employees with the expected level of performance, the need of training and
development requirement can be assessed.
4. Compensation Management
Job analysis provides necessary information for managing compensation of employees. It
helps to rank the job in order to determine pay surveys. Hence, it helps in compensation
5. Performance Appraisal
Job analysis helps to appraise the performance of employees by providing clear cut
standards of performance for each job. It compares each employee's actual performance
with the predetermined standards.
6. Information Of Duties
Job analysis provides valuable information regarding the duties and responsibilities of an
incumbent through job description statement. It also provides the content and skill
requirement of each job.
7. Health And Safety
In course of job analysis, certain unsafe environmental and operational conditions or
personal habits are discovered and thus, that may lead to safety improvements.

What Does Job Analysis Involve ?

The process of job analysis involves in-depth investigation in order to control the output,
i.e., get the job performed successfully. The process helps in finding out what a particular
department requires and what a prospective worker needs to deliver. It also helps in
determining particulars about a job including job title, job location, job summary, duties
involved, working conditions, possible hazards and machines, tools, equipments and
materials to be used by the existing or potential employee.
However, the process is not limited to determination of these factors only. It also extends to
finding out the necessary human qualifications to perform the job. These include
establishing the levels of education, experience, judgment, training, initiative, leadership
skills, physical skills, communication skills, responsibility, accountability, emotional
characteristics and unusual sensory demands. These factors change according to the type,
seniority level, industry and risk involved in a particular job.

Importance of Job Analysis

The details collected by conducting job analysis play an important role in controlling
the output of the particular job. Determining the success of job depends on the unbiased,
proper and thorough job analysis. It also helps in recruiting the right people for a particular
job. The main purpose of conducting this whole process is to create and establish a perfect
fit between the job and the employee.
Job analysis also helps HR managers in deciding the compensation package and additional
perks and incentives for a particular job position. It effectively contributes in assessing the
training needs and performance of the existing employees. The process forms the basis to
design and establish the strategies and policies to fulfill organizational goals and objectives.
However, analysis of a particular job does not guarantee that the managers or organization
would get the desired output. Actually collecting and recording information for a specific
job involves several complications. If the job information is not accurate and checked from
time to time, an employee will not be able to perform his duty well. Until and unless he is
not aware of what he is supposed to do or what is expected of him, chances are that the time

and energy spent on a particular job analysis is a sheer wastage of human resources.
Therefore, proper care should be taken while conducting job analysis.
A thorough and unbiased investigation or study of a specific job is good for both the
managers and the employees. The managers get to know whom to hire and why. They can
fill a place with the right person. On the other hand, existing or potential employee gets to
know what and how he is supposed to perform the job and what is the desired output. Job
analysis creates a right fit between the job and the employee.
Where to place the employees in order to best utilize their skills and talent? How to
determine the need of new employees in the organization? How to eliminate unneeded jobs?
How to set realistic performance measurement standards? How to identify the jobs and
prepare a plan to fill them?
Well, all this can be effectively done by a proper and thorough job analysis. Managers deal
such kinds of challenges in day-to-day company operations where they need to fulfill
effectively and efficiently fulfill the organizations requirements related to human resource
recruitment, selection, performance, satisfaction and cutting down and adding extra
responsibilities and duties. And there is no scope where they can avert the risk of being
An effective and right process of analyzing a particular job is a great relief for them. It helps
them maintain the right quality of employees, measure their performance on realistic
standards, assess their training and development needs and increase their productivity. Lets
discuss the job analysis process and find out how it serves the purpose.
Job Analysis Methods
Though there are several methods of collecting job analysis information yet choosing the
one or a combination of more than one method depends upon the needs and requirements of
organization and the objectives of the job analysis process. Typically, all the methods focus
on collecting the basic job-related information but when used in combination may bring out
the hidden or overlooked information and prove to be great tools for creating a perfect jobcandidate fit.

Selecting an appropriate job analysis method depends on the structure of the organization,
hierarchical levels, nature of job and responsibilities and duties involved in it. So, before
executing any method, all advantages and disadvantages should be analyzed because the
data collected through this process serves a great deal and helps organizations cope with
current market trends, organizational changes, high attrition rate and many other day-to-day
Job Description and Job Specification
Job Analysis is a primary tool to collect job-related data. The process results in collecting
and recording two data sets including job description and job specification. Any job vacancy
can not be filled until and unless HR manager has these two sets of data. It is necessary to
define them accurately in order to fit the right person at the right place and at the right time.
This helps both employer and employee understand what exactly needs to be delivered and

Both job description and job specification are essential parts of job analysis information.
Writing them clearly and accurately helps organization and workers cope with many
challenges while onboard.

Job design follows job analysis i.e. it is the next step after job analysis. It aims at outlining
and organising tasks, duties and responsibilities into a single unit of work for the
achievement of certain objectives. It also outlines the methods and relationships that are
essential for the success of a certain job. In simpler terms it refers to the what, how much,
how many and the order of the tasks for a job/s.
Job design essentially involves integrating job responsibilities or content and certain
qualifications that are required to perform the same. It outlines the job responsibilities very
clearly and also helps in attracting the right candidates to the right job. Further it also makes
the job look interesting and specialised.
There are various steps involved in job design that follow a logical sequence, those that
were mentioned earlier on. The sequence is as follows:
1. What tasks are required to e done or what tasks is part of the job?
2. How are the tasks performed?
3. What amount are tasks are required to be done?
4. What is the sequence of performing these tasks?
All these questions are aimed at arriving upon a clear definition of a specific job and
thereby make it less risky for the one performing the same. A well defined job encourages
feeling of achievement among the employees and a sense of high self esteem.
The whole process of job design is aimed to address various problems within the
organisational setup, those that pertain to ones description of a job and the associated
relationships. More specifically the following areas are fine tuned:

Checking the work overload.

Checking upon the work under load.

Ensuring tasks are not repetitive in nature.

Ensuring that employees don not remain isolated.

Defining working hours clearly.

Defining the work processes clearly.

The above mentioned are factors that if not taken care of result into building stress within
the employees.

Benefits of Job Design

The following are the benefits of a good job design:
1. Employee Input: A good job design enables a good job feedback. Employees have
the option to vary tasks as per their personal and social needs, habits and
circumstances in the workplace.
2. Employee Training: Training is an integral part of job design. Contrary to the
philosophy of leave them alone job design lays due emphasis on training people so
that are well aware of what their job demands and how it is to be done.
3. Work / Rest Schedules: Job design offers good work and rest schedule by clearly
defining the number of hours an individual has to spend in his/her job.
4. Adjustments: A good job designs allows for adjustments for physically demanding
jobs by minimising the energy spent doing the job and by aligning the manpower
requirements for the same.
Job design is a continuous and ever evolving process that is aimed at helping employees
make adjustments with the changes in the workplace. The end goal is reducing
dissatisfaction, enhancing motivation and employee engagement at the workplace.




One of the main end products of a job analysis is Job Description. Job Description is
a broad, general and written statement of a specific job based on the findings of a
job analysis. It generally includes duties, purpose, responsibilities, scope and
working conditions of a job along with he jobs tittle and the name or designation of
the person to whom the employee reports. Job description usually forms the basis of
Job Specification . It is generally regards as a legal documents. It is an outline of
what the job consists of.
Definition : A job description is a word picture (in writing ) of the organizational
relationship, responsibilities and specific duties that constitute a given job or
Paul Pigors and Charles Myers











Job Title:
Tells about the job title, code number and the department where it is to done.
Job Summary :
A brief write up-about what the job is all about.
Job activities :
A description of the tasks done, facilities used, extent of supervisory help, etc.
Working conditions :
The physical environment of job in terms of heat, light , noise and other hazards.
Social Environment
Size of work group and interpersonal interactions required to do the job.

General Purpose of Job Description

General purpose job description are used by organization to find the very basic information
about a particular job opening. Though data includes workers duties but does not contain
sub tasks, performance standards and basis for evaluating jobs and establishing right
compensation packages.
Specific Purpose of Job Description
Specific purpose job description includes detailed information about job responsibilities of
an employee. It also ccovers sub tasks, essential functions and detailed job duties. It
involves huge amount of details such as what an employee needs to do, how it is to be done
and what are the performance standards, etc.



There are 4 key benefits to effective job descriptions:
1) Better Recruitment

Well-written job descriptions serve as communication tools that allow both employees and
candidates to clearly understand the expectations of the role, its essential duties, and the
required competences, educational credentials, and experience for the role. By doing this
well, it can improve both internal and external recruitment, and can retain and motivate the
best talent by ensuring that employee expectations are aligned with business expectations of
what the role entails.
2) Better Compensation Data
While the direct compensation probably shouldnt be on the job description, the job
description should allow you to do research to determine the market value of that role. It
should also allow HR to assess the internal value too to see how it fits within your
compensation structure as compared to other jobs.
If done well, the job description will help HR assess where the job falls within any existing
pay structures so that you dont create inequity or compression issues when filling the role.

3) Legal Compliance

While maintaining job descriptions is not required by law, doing so can help your
organization stay in compliance with many existing employment laws. Here are some

Fair Labor Standards Act. Your job description can help to ensure proper
classification of roles as exempt vs. non-exempt, which will then affect the overtime
eligibility of the person filling the role.

Equal Pay Act of 1963. This law is aimed at abolishing disparity based on gender.
Obviously, your job description should not indicate that there are gender pay
differences or bias.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This prohibits unlawful discrimination
against any individual with respect to hiring, compensation or other terms,
conditions and privileges of employment based on race, color, religion, sex or
national origin. By matching up the best candidates based on factors that are relevant
as noted in the job description youll be able to better prove that employment
decisions were taken based on the ability to perform the job, not based on illegal

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). By describing the working conditions
in your job description, you also set out how to safely perform the job. This is also
an opportunity to note whether the employee will need to be able to perform
hazardous activities.

Equal Employment Opportunity. Be sure your job description allows you to conduct
a fair interviewing and hiring process without leaving out any groups of potential

Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Job descriptions should not discriminate on

the basis of age unless there is a valid reason for doing so.

Americans with Disabilities Act. The job description can be an essential component
in determining the essential functions of the job when working out reasonable
accommodations for disabled individuals. The job description should directly

specify the essential and non-essential job functions, and should be periodically
reviewed for accuracy on this point.

4) People Planning
People planning is critical to the companys business plan. In order to execute and measure
success of the goals and objectives for the organization the following people components
are vital:

Headcount both current and gaps. A full list of job descriptions across the
organization shows all of the roles for the organization, and thus can show what
roles are not filled and help with future planning.

Succession planning. Job descriptions can note the role of the position within the
organization and the future career path so that recruitment is forward-looking to
future roles. Hiring managers can then consider candidate fit for not just the current
vacancy, but also consider the fit of the individual for future advancement.

Training, development, and performance. Job descriptions can be matched up with

the performance evaluation system to identify areas where additional training is

Job Specification
Job specification specifies information about the skills or qualities requiredfor doing the
job. Job specification is also called as Man or Employee Specification.
Job Specification is a statement which tell us minimum acceptable human qualities which
helps to perform a job. Job specification translates the job description into human
qualifications so that a job can be performed in a better manner. Job Specification helps in
hiring an appropriate person for an appropriate position.
Job specification is also known as employee specifications, a job specification is a written
statement of educational qualifications, specific qualities, level of experience, physical,
emotional, technical and communication skills required to perform a job, responsibilities

involved in a job and other unusual sensory demands. It also includes general health, mental
health, intelligence, aptitude, memory, judgment, leadership skills, emotional ability.

The Disadvantages of Job Analysis


Subjective matters: it is a challenging job for a job analyst to avoid personal biasness
when observing a target employee. The feelings of likes and dislikes may interfere with the


job analyst when collecting genuine and accurate data.

Lengthy projects: the most frustrating part when a job analyst doing his job is this


requires lots of time: this is time consuming to collect the data needed.
Require lots of human efforts: with so many people involved, theres no wonder that


doing job analysis is quite troublesome. The process involves lots of human efforts.
Source of Data is Extremely Small: Because of small sample size, the source of
collecting data is extremely small. Therefore, information collected from few individuals


needs to be standardized.
Unqualified Job Analyst: the skilled and qualified job analyst is a must. He/she needs to
master the appropriate skills to conduct the process. Training for a job analyst has to be


completed in order to get authentic data.

Mental Abilities Cannot be Directly Observed: Last but not the least, mental abilities
such as intellect, emotional characteristics, knowledge, aptitude, psychic and endurance are
intangible things that cannot be observed or measured directly. People act differently in
different situations. Therefore, general standards cannot be set for mental abilities.
Though job analysis also has disadvantages, the advantages prove to be superior to the
advantages. It is also a fact that job analysis is beneficial to the success of an organization.

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These specifications include physical features like, weight, health, age, height, vision,
hearing capacity to use and operate machines, tools, equipments,etc. Physical
specifications vary from job to job.
Mental specifications consist of decision making ability, creativity , analytical ability,
judgements, memory, data interpretationability, etc.
Emotional and social specifications comprises stability , flexibility, adaptability,
personal appearance, drive, initiative to lead a team, to maintain interpersonal
relationships, etc.
Other personal specifications include education, family, backgrounf, job experience,
extra curricular activities , sex, hobbies, etc.
Purpose of Job Specification

Described on the basis of job description, job specification helps candidates analyze
whether are eligible to apply for a particular job vacancy or not.

It helps recruiting team of an organization understand what level of qualifications,

qualities and set of characteristics should be present in a candidate to make him or
her eligible for the job opening.

Job Specification gives detailed information about any job including job
responsibilities, desired technical and physical skills, conversational ability and
much more.

It helps in selecting the most appropriate candidate for a particular job.

Job description and job specification are two integral parts of job analysis. They

define a job fully and guide both employer and employee on how to go about the whole
process of recruitment and selection. Both data sets are extremely relevant for creating a
right fit between job and talent, evaluate performance and analyze training needs and
measuring the worth of a particular job.

Different jobs have different requirements. Therefore, the process needs to be

performed every time when there is a requirement to fill the job opening. This is a
basis for developing questionnaires, devising interview questions and setting
selection test papers. The information in the form of scores or grades can then be
used for hiring process.

Setting Selection Standards:

Job Analysis also helps managers in setting certain standards for selection process
in terms of educational qualifications, work experience, expertise, special skill sets,
unusual sensory abilities, specific career track, certifications and licenses and other
legal requirements. This helps in identifying the basic requirements that make a
candidate eligible for a particular post.

Identifying KSAs:
The process also helps managers in determining Key Success Areas or Key
Performance Areas. These are performance measurement tools that are used by
companies around the world to measure those aspects that determine success of a
job such as organizational goals, individual goals and the actions required to achieve
these goals. This is about comparing the actual results delivered by an individual
with pre-set success factors and analyzing the performance. Once through, the whole
process may require few changes if achieved results are around the set standards.
They may require a complete change if there is a huge gap between the expected and
delivered results.

Therefore, a thorough and unbiased job analysis process can help organizations source right
candidates, hire the most suitable individual and set appropriate selection standards.

A major change has been observed in the world of work since 1980s. The era of structured
jobs, packed or fixed work schedules, male-dominated working culture and no family
intruding started diminishing gradually.
Companies and employees around the world faced dramatic effects of modernization,
flexibility in work schedules, job sharing, work from home options and employeesupportive policies, etc. All thanks to the then managers who analyzed the importance of
fitting an individual at a job he or she excelled at to increase the company turnover,
employee satisfaction and achieve a professional-personal life balance. And all this was
possible by analyzing the worth of a specific job and collecting genuine job-related data.
A proper job analysis, hence, may prove to be a turning point for an organization. It
not only creates the right job-candidate fit but also enhance the success of management
practices, which in turn, lays the foundation for a strong organization.
A step-by-step process of discovering the different aspects of a job results in a proper
regulation of incoming and outgoing of the talent or human resource. Job Analysis thus,
started gaining popularity in early 1990s in order to create competitive advantage and has
been considered as the basis for other HRM practices since then.
The data collected during the process helps managers in identifying the risks and challenges
involved in a specific job and kind of person suitable for delivering the desired duties
perfectly. An employers recruitment and selection process purely depends on job analysis.
Until the recruiting managers do not know about job to be performed, expectations from
prospective candidate and the right individual profile required for performing a specific job,
it is almost impossible to source or target talent or human resource in order to fill the
Job analysis process helps in establishing effective hiring practices and guides
managers in identifying the selection criteria required to deliver the expected output.
Lets discuss how.


Over the past years, the concept of job analysis has been changing dramatically. The
modern world is on the verge of another huge leap in creativity and productivity, but the job
is not going to be part of tomorrow's economic reality. There still is and will always be an
enormous amount of work to do, but it is not going to be contained in the familiar envelopes
we call jobs analysis.

Challenges of Automation, Outsourcing and Off-shoring to Job Analysis

This trend which started at the dawn of the industrial revolution is continuing till date, albeit
at a higher pace which brings us to the problem faced by HR managers during job analysis.
As already discussed, Job Analysis which consists of Job Description and Job Specification
involves determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who
should be hired for it.

With unskilled jobs gone to the unthinking machines, HR managers now have to analyze
jobs that are suitable for the thinking human beings. Moreover, the increased emphasis of
the respective governments to enhance the education and skill of its people means that the
jobs now created should be rewarding not just in terms of money but also in terms of job
As far as Outsourcing and Off-shoring are concerned, the challenges are of two types
1. Regarding the types of jobs that should be outsourced by the outsourcer company and,
2. The job description of the outsourced job to be performed by the service provider.

New job analysis methods include techniques for describing the work that will be done in
the future. Fogli, Researchers have described a method for learning about future work by
understanding planned changes to jobs, working with the people planning the change, and
working with people performing similar tasks now in order to identify the critical tasks and
requisite of the future.
Job analysis (or work analysis) is helping to provides information that informs
organizational change and work effectiveness. Job analysis is useful in a work world that
does not include jobs, because the information it provides may enable more effective design
and management of work processes. Job analysis information is the raw material that is
building new work processes and create efficiencies that cannot emerge any other way. This
much-maligned tool holds great promise for the future of organizations if we seize the
opportunity that presents itself.
We are also seeing new tools, such as flowcharting, utilized in the collection of work
information. Flowcharting enables analysts to connect the work performed by multiple
people, rather than limiting their scope to within the boundaries of a single job.


1. Job analysis will be used to plan a workforce, strategize future needs of the company
and will help fill key roles that can lead the company to success.

2. A job analysis will continue play important to ensure company's selection process in
order to choose applicants are valid and defensible.

3. It will improve knowledge, skills, abilities and personal characteristics in the

selection process and only qualifications needed for the job should be considered.

4. It will also assist human resources in identifying experience levels in new and
current employees enabling necessary training.

5. Job analysis will provides detailed information regarding tasks and activities
performed in a specific job.

6. Job descriptions and job specifications used to inform human resource functions
such as selection and performance management.
7. Job analysis may captures the content of jobs as they are described at one point in
8. Job analysis in future will create usefulness of technique for required content and
job changes.
The reality is, jobs can change rapidly and organizations need maximum flexibility. The
more jobs change, the less value there is to gathering data that will need to be collected
again in the near future. The shelf-life of job analysis results is only as long as the duration
of the current job configurations. Thus, traditional job analysis practices are found lacking
in light of changes in the nature of work, such as decreased specialization and shifting or
shared work assignments.

There should be a review of job analysis, job design and work environment based on
the performance appraisal
Job analysis should not be perceived just as a regular activity but its importance should
be recognized and communicated down the line to all the employees.
It should bring more clarity to the goal and vision of the organization.
It should provide empowerment to the employee
New methods of appraisal should be adopted so that both appraisal and appraiser and the
appraise take interest in the appraisal process.
The employees who have excellent performance should be used as a mentor for other
employees which would motivate others to perform better.
Employees should be given feedback regarding their job analysis. This will help them to
improve on their week areas.
Financial and non financial incentives should be linked to the annual appraisal system so
that employees would be motivated to perform better.



Human resource management prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Dehli.
Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology, Wishwa Prakashan, India.

Kotler, Philip, Marketing Management, Prentice hall India.

K.Aswathappa., H.R and P.M Third Edition

Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company .ltd.



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