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No to Drugs Yes to Education

Drogang mapang-akit, dala sa bayan ay pasakit, sagipin ang kabataan sa

patibong ng kamatayan, was the theme during the Drug Awareness Symposium
which was successfully participated by ABLNHS and RSHS students held on August
1,2014 at ABLNHS campus.
Mrs.Maximina G. Abal the master of ceremony started the program and
followed by the giving of rationale by the School Head Hadja myrna B. Lidasan Ed.D.
The Brgy. Chairman of Landasan Mr. Rogelio D. Baluya Sr. gave the opening
After the first program done, 1Lt. Darwin C. Cajada started the second part
of the program by asking the students about their impressions of the AFP. Then he
gave some of overview of it. After the lecture of 1 st. lt. Cajada, the selected students
of ABLNHS present an intermission with regards to the theme, Agent Laurice Joy
Amar of PDEA ARMM was the second lecturer of the cause and effect of abusing
drugs, common signs of drug abuse, and contents of shabu and commonly abuse
drugs were the topic discuss by Agent Amar. Say No to Drugs, Yes to Education was
the trademark left of Agent Amar as she finished her lecture. R.A. 9165 The
Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002 was the topic discussed by another
PDEA ARMM Agent Jasmine Paragele. Agent Paragele taught the students about the
relevant provision of Article lll: Unlawful Act and Penalties. She also discussed about
the different section and penalties of R.A. 9165 like the section 15 use of Dangerous
Drug. The first offense would be 6 months rehabilitation in a government centers.
Second offense would be penalty of 6 years and one day imprisonment.
The last part of the program was the closing remarks given by Municipal
Mayor of Parang, Mayor Imbrahim P. Ibay, MD. The event was successfully
accomplished by the guidance of our Almighty God with the cooperation and
participation of both students of ABLNHS and RSHS together with the teachers.

Lorraine Mae Dela Pena

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