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can integrate with your Apache or Nginx web server to automatically optimize your site. --NGINX vs Apache ---- NGINX vs
APACHE comparison --- High total cost of ownership
Lighttpd, Nginx, LiteSpeedand Zeus
Failed no file while downloading a file from Instalocker in the intermittent screen. What is the
hyperlink for?
Filter under RM account My dashboard not working properly.
To date limit upto 2006 in MY dashboard in RM
The RM can edit every field in a ticket.
Templates tab in RM account not working
How to select the instalocker packages- basic, standard, advanced?
In Instalocker when uploading document without selecting any kind of services it uploads 0 doc
in spite of given an error.
Other category in the locker system not present
Asking for different login in multiple tabs?

Keep a track of number of failed payments and make sure the payment gateway error is

Using Python based frameworks which are more fast and scalable
Use Query Optimization Hints, Performance tuning in queries
AngularJS Vs ReactJS --- ReactJS better
Report card link not useful
Highlight customer reviews * rating
FAQ blank in credit card complaints
Two different tabs should use one single session
Add a video on the landing page- catchier than the words
Implement flat or material design -- website performance

What we benchmark
Our benchmark database monitors common practice across over 100 elements of websites including:

look and feel eg amount of free space on the screen, font style used for the body text

navigation eg number of menu groups, if it has a search feature

content eg readability score, presence of diagrams, flow charts

functionality eg password protected section, email subscription

multimedia eg music, animation

marketing eg pop-up ads, Google ranking

e-commerce eg shopping cart, secure function

usability eg how easy is to find information

Users expect your website to behave like and look like all the other websites they visit: remember what Jakob
Nielsen says, Users spend most of their time in other websites.
By measuring common practice in each of the elements we can tell you what users expect of your website ie
what they commonly experience elsewhere.

Qualitative and quantitative elements

Most elements in the database do not require the editor to make a judgement or cast an opinion. They are
quantitative elements. The editor, for the most part, observes whether a feature is present and if so, how it is
presented eg does it have a search feature, if yes, where is it placed?
However, as the quality of a website cannot be measured entirely in facts and figures, it is vital to gain the
editors opinion of elements of the website that cannot be quantified but that impact on the quality of the site.
The editors judgment of such things as a sites look and feel and appropriateness of the contents, is recorded
in the database. This is done both at the very beginning of the review to get the editors first impression (just as
every user will have a first impression) and at the end of the review. We separate opinion from fact when
reporting on a website.
Weighting the elements

The database produces percentages for each element showing how the majority of websites treat that element.
But not all elements are equal. Each element is weighted according to a formula we have devised using the
results of a pilot study. We wont reveal the formula but we can say that its based on the idea that it is very
important to conform to any element that the vast majority of websites treat in one particular way.
For example, currently the database shows that for all websites that have a search function, 84% place the
feature in the top right of the screen. Because the vast majority place it in the top right, users will have become
very used to seeing it there and will expect it to be there. Place it somewhere else and you risk confusing them
or risk users not even seeing the feature.
However, having a site map or not on a website is not as critical as having a search feature. Currently, the
database shows that 46% of all websites have a site map and 54% dont. So users have not become
particularly used to seeing a site map and are quite used to using websites without one. Consequently, it is less
critical to conform to this element than to conform to placing the search function in the top right of the screen.
Conforming to all elements of all websites is not necessarily valid for some websites. For some, conforming to
the relevant industry sector and to companies of the same size may be more valid. Therefore, we have multiple
weighting regimes: the whole database, the industry sector, the company size.
Democracy of the data
Our approach to the formula for the weightings is very democratic and objective. While we set the parameters
for the weightings, it is the percentages in the database that dictate the weighting category for each element.
As new websites are reviewed and added to the database the percentages alter slightly and eventually some
may change sufficiently for that element to be automatically re-categorised as being more or less important. So
we let common practice dictate the rankings and weightings.
Trends in website content and features
The findings for each element in the database will change as we add more websites. What was important to
conform to three months ago may not be so important now. These changes actually mark new trends in
website functions, content, look and feel etc. We will be reporting quarterly on the trends in website practice
that emerge from the statistics in our database.

Pagespeed Module
Pagespeed is a module that have been developed on the Google developer console. This module
helps a website in gaining an optimum amount of speed. Initially this module was developed for
Apache and nginx installed on NIX boxes. But now some other websites have developed a
version that is compatible with windows. This tool can be used with Googles PAGESPEED
Pagespeed Insights analyses your website and gives feedback regarding what can be done to
optimize your website. The issues reported by this tool can be automatically resolved by the
Pagespeed module. The analysis for Instaremedy website is given below:

Apache vs NGINX
Apache HTTP server is a solid platform for almost any web technology
developed over the last 20 years. The Apache web server has been the most
popular server on the internet since 1996. Because of this popularity, Apache
benefits from great documentation and integrated support from other
software projects. Apache is often chosen by administrators for its flexibility,

power, and widespread support. It is extensible through a dynamically

loadable module system and can process a large number of interpreted
languages without connecting out to separate software. Because the opensource Apache web server has been available for so many years, and has so
many users, lots of modules have been written to expand its functionality most of these are open-source as well.
But Apache slows down under heavy load, because of the need to spawn
new processes, thus consuming more computer memory. It also creates new
threads that must compete with others for access to memory and CPU.
Apache will also refuse new connections when traffic reaches the limit of
processes configured by the administrator.
Apache uses a process-per-connection model, which did not scale well in the
face of high traffic volume and heavy pages (more embedded resources
requiring more HTTP requests).

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