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Donnelly 1

Ms. Donnellys
Fin-tastic First
Grade Classroom!

Brianna Donnelly
Curriculum and Pedagogy EDUC 122
Management Plan

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Table Of Contents

Classroom Organization


Record Keeping

New Students

Clean Classroom and Desks

Student Work

Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics

Classroom Clips


Sand Dollar Rewards

Student Disrespect

Playground Conflict


Lack of Motivation


Principal Involvement

Classroom Routines and Procedures


Room Helpers

Field Trips


Free Time

Handing in/ Passing Back Papers

Restrooms and Drinks


Challenged Learners

Gifted Learners

Parent Involvement

Open House

Day-to-Day Communication


Professional Ethics


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p. 13-14

p. 14-15
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p. 16

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p. 17

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Classroom Organization


When deciding how I would want my classroom to look I based it off of what I have
learned in other classes, what promotes a positive environment and also what I
have seen in my practicums. It is most important that students feel safe in the
classroom so that they can have the best chance to succeed. For me it is important to
have a classroom with desks set up into group because it fosters a sense of
community and allows students to work together and share ideas.

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I started my design by placing the
floor rug and meeting area because
in a first grade classroom a lot of
time is spent there. I wanted it to be
directly in front of the white board
and projection screen. I also placed
the maps there so students can see
them as well as come up and point
and talk about them. It was
important to keep the students
desks close to that area so they
could move there easily without a
lot of movement and distraction. I
put the desks in the middle of the
classroom so that the students are
able to go to any place in the
classroom without interrupting the
others. I also placed the teachers
desk in close proximity to the
students desks but in the back of
the room so there is a full view of
the classroom and it gives the ability
to see where are all students are at

any point in time.

I placed the students cubbies right next to the door so that is the first place they will
go in the morning and at the end of the day. It is also helpful for recess so they can
grab their things and wait in line. It is also next to the library and reading area so
that if students brought their own books they could easily get those and they can be
kept in the safe place.

Throughout the classroom I placed centers and a few work areas for students, which
are separated from each other so that the students can do their work without being
distracted. Most centers and areas are surrounded by bulletin boards, which will
have certain information, and helpful hints as well as show students work, if they
feel comfortable with that.

I utilized the two of the corners for the reading/ library area and the class pet
and/or plant area. The pet and plant area is near a window so that it can grow and is
also near the creativity center so that students can get some inspiration by the
surroundings. There is also a sink and trashcan next to that area so students can
wash their hands and throw away anything that might have also come into contact
with that area.

Overall I used up majority of the classroom and left some empty space for moving
around the classroom. It is necessary to have the key things but it is also very

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important to personalize the room towards the specific set of students. By putting in
bulletin boards as well as stations or centers there is something for every one


Record Keeping

Record keeping will be something I will focus on starting before the students enter
my classroom. I will follow any district-level and school wide record keeping
procedures. While I am grading I will write down the grades as well as put them into
the electronic grading system. To organize the students work and grades each
individual student will have a binder with two different sections. The first section
will be notes or observational information that I will collect throughout the year. I
will also put in assignments, tests, scores and other important things I want to keep
or remember when reviewing that particular students growth. In the second section
I will keep the handwritten grades for assignments, tests, quizzes as well as the
attendance and any other skills. With my record keeping I will keep a binder that
contains my lessons plans that I have used or plan to use along with any reflections
or changes I have made to them. I will organize them by subject matter and by unit
so that it is easy to find what I am looking for.

New students

Being a new student can be very scary and nerve-

racking so as the classroom teacher I will do
everything I can to make sure they feel welcome
and a part of our classroom community. If I am
told before hand I will make them a nametag, put
their name on our classroom door, and make
them a binder. If I do not have time prior I will do
all of these things as soon as I possibly can so the
transition can be as seamless as possible. There
will also be a student in my classroom that will be
designated to be a buddy if we receive a new
student. They will show them our classroom
procedures and help them through the first
couple weeks of school.

Clean Classroom and Desks

Keeping clean desks will be something students learn starting on the first day of
school. They will only be allowed to keep their schoolwork, pencil box, a book, and a
few other items in their desk drawer or seat pocket. Students may bring other items
to their desk during free time or special times throughout the day but they are to be
kept in their cubbies to minimize the mess as well as the possibility of distraction.
We will also spend a little bit of time once every month emptying out everything

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they have in their desks and cleaning it out so that we can avoid a big messy desk by
the end of the term or year.

Having a clean classroom is also something that will begin to work on the first day of
school. Students will be taught what things should go in the garbage and what things
can go into the recycling. Students desks will not be considered clean until the floor
around it is also clean of any other objects. Finally there will be a few minutes set
aside every Friday where students will help clean up the room by completing three
things, that could include picking up three pieces of garbage, putting things away,

Displaying student

Displaying both students

academic work as well as
artwork or projects will be
something that is done
often in my classroom. I
will have a bulletin board
that will display the students work all year long. When students see their work up
there it helps them to feel more confident and gives them a sense of pride as well as
success. It will be important that the student is able to decide what they want to be
shared, so choice will play a role here. I will also change the theme of the board and
the work displayed every three to four weeks or as units and more work comes.

Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics

Classroom Clips

In my classroom I will be using a classroom clip chart to keep track of students

behaviors throughout the day. At the beginning of everyday students clips will be
placed on the green, ready to learn space. This behavior chart is related directly to
our rules and expectations in our classroom. At the beginning of the year we will go
over this chart several times as well as the rules and expectations. The first week or
two will be a trial period so the students can become aware of what things will or
will not move the clips. The more severe the infraction the lower the clip will move.


As a teacher I will handle infractions in private conversation away from the rest of
the class. I will never publicly shame, embarrasses, or reprimand a student in front
of his or her peers. As a teacher I will be consistent and make sure that
consequences are fair and that I stick to what I told the students from the beginning
of the year

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Minor Infractions
For students who commit minor infractions I will follow
the logical consequences that were listed in Setting Limits
in the Classroom (Mackenzie & Stanzione). This means
that students will be moved down one clip from where
they are at when the infraction takes place. Students will
lose the privilege of using materials when they have
decided to abuse them. Students may be separated from
their peers when there seems to be continuing distraction
or disrespect to others. Finally students may complete
work alone or move their desk as to be isolated for a
short time period. In this category I think that it is
important to give the student a choice to make the right
decision before automatically reprimanding them. But if
this continues they must be given the consequence.

Mid-Level Infractions
For mid-level infractions students will automatically be
moved down into the teachers choice or the parent
contact depending on where their clip was. Students who
continue to get infractions will take a letter home
explaining that they have had several misbehaviors and if
that continues, I, the teacher am going to schedule a
meeting with the principal so that we can talk about what
needs to be done. With these types of infractions it is
important to give the students a minute or two to settle
down and collect themselves so they can make the correct
decision. Logical consequences will continue to be used. If
a student needs to be removed from my classroom I will
send them into another teachers room so that they can
still be in an academic environment instead of enjoying
the office.

Extreme Infractions
For extreme infractions, which are ones that are threating or dangerous to myself as
well as my students I will immediately follow the guidelines provided by my school
as well as following the steps outlined in Setting Limits in the Classroom. The first
responsibility I have is to separate the class from the danger, so moving them
outside of the room or removing the other child, if possible I will talk to the child but
if not I will call the office or the designated person in charge of backup support. The
students parents would be contacted and asked to come to the school to have a
meeting with both myself as well as an administrator. Finally after the situation has
been handled I will make sure to talk to my students, explain to them what

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happened, ask if they have any questions and make sure to address any concerns
that they might have.

Sand Dollar Rewards
In my classroom I will have a reward system for the students. They will earn these
Sand Dollars by staying on task, helping others, doing well on tests and assignments,
cleaning up their space as well as others, and other good things around the
classroom. This system will be used to encourage good behavior inside the
classroom. I will determine the amount to give to the student, there are different
rewards depending on the number of dollars, students can spend them right away
or keep them until they reach the highest prize.
Sand dollars will not be given out every day or
for every good action but it will be used to
recognize those who are doing the good
behaviors an encourage others to do the same
10= fun bookmark
15= special pencil
20= use a cushion day
25= treat from the treat jar
30= pick from the chest
35= cut in line day
40= ocean king or queen for the day
45= computer time for morning work
50= sit by a friend for the day
55= read with a stuffed animal day
60= use the teachers chair day

Student Disrespect

Student disrespect to another student, teacher, administrator, or myself will not be

tolerated and will be addresses immediately. I will cover appropriate language that
is to be used in the classroom as well as in the school. I will also cover appropriate
behaviors for in the classroom, hallway, lunchroom, and on the playground. If
disrespect happens I will use it as a mini lesson to share with students what was
inappropriate about the situation, what could be done differently, and what they
should do if they see something similar happening somewhere. I will have an open
dialogue with my students and allow them to ask question and foster a safe and
welcoming community for my students.

Playground Conflict
Conflicts that happen on the playground will be addressed on the playground and a
resolution will be reached, if a resolution can not be reached on the playground it
will be addressed as soon as possible once back inside from recess. If students abuse
or misuse the playground equipment they will not be able to use those for the rest of
the week. If students are unable to agree on the rules, scores, or any other aspect of

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a game they will be told to find a different game to play. Students may spend part of
their recess on the bench. These situation should be handled by the monitor outside.


Tardiness will be addressed on the first day of school. I will explain that I expect
students to be in on time otherwise they will be counted tardy. Often times students
from different countries and cultures have different values on time so it will be
important to explain that on time means in the classroom when the school day
begins. If tardiness counties to happen I will call the home and talk to the parents
about the importance of being at school on time and make sure they are aware of
the exact time school begins. As a last resort I will contact the office and tell them to
the situation but that is only after several attempts have been made to solve the

Lack of Motivation
Lack of motivation is a serious issue and something that I will address as soon as I
notice it. By keeping student portfolios and having a sincere relationship with my
students I believe it will be easier to identify and hopefully to address. The first
thing I will do would be to have a one on one interview with this student. I will ask
them what I could do for them, tell them what I am worried about, and reinforce the
positive expectations I have as well as the confidence I have in them. If this does not
work I may want to contact the parents to see if the student seems unmotivated at
home as well. I may see what they can tell me and then try to find some more books,
information, activities, etc. about topics that are interesting or would be more
appealing to this child so that they can become engaged in the classroom again.

Cheating will not be tolerated in my classroom. At the beginning of the year I will tell
my students that individual tests, quizzes, and assignments are to be completed by
ones self. I will inform them when it is okay to work with other students. If a student
has been caught cheating they will receive a zero for that assignment, or test/quiz. If
it happens more than once both the office and the students parents will be notified
and a meeting will be set up to discuss why the student continues to cheat and what
could be done to properly fix the problem.

Principal Involvement
As a teacher I think it is important that a principal is always welcomed and
encouraged to visit the classroom. I think bringing the principal in to create a
relationship with the students can help bring together the school. When it comes to
disciplinary areas and sending my students to the office or calling the principal that
will be a last resort for me. It is important that I try to handle the situation with the
student before calling the office because the office can be a place of entertainment
and often times the principal does not know exactly what happened or what has
already been done in the classroom. As a teacher I have a responsibility to protect

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my student so if there is ever aggression or physical violence, extreme cases, I will

immediately call the office for backup assistance.

Classroom Routines and Procedures


Expectations and rules are something that I plan to

have created and posted around the room before
the students come into the classroom. The first
couple of weeks will be spent going over the rules,
expectations, routines, and procedures. There will
be a lot of practicing, especially with first grade,
things are going to take multiple attempts but it is
very important that we keep practicing. I plan to
have positive expectations for my students. Wong
2009 said, your expectations of your students will
greatly influence their achievement in your class, in
their lives, and ultimately in the world. I as the
teacher can and will have a huge impact on my
students and I plan to make my expectations known,
tell them that I believe and know that they can
achieve, and make sure to set goals that are realistic.

Room Helpers
In my classroom students will be given a job and
they will be rotated every week. I think that it is

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important to give students a little bit of purpose and responsibility in the classroom.
Students are allowed to opt out of the job if they wish to but they are strongly
encouraged to keep their job for the whole week.
*Substitute This person will fill in for anyone who is absent or unable to complete
his or her job.
*Librarian Picks up and returns all books to the classroom library. As well as
making sure that the books are where they are supposed to be.
*Lunch and Attendance Counter - This student will check to make sure that
everyone has moved their name to what they are having for lunch on our chart.
They will tally up each section as well as write down anyone who may be absent.
*Runner This students job will be to take information to the office or to other
teachers classrooms so that I do not need to leave the classroom.
*Line Leader This student will be the first in line to lead the class around when
outside of the classroom.
*Line Caboose This student will be at the end of the line; their responsibility will
be to hold the door open when leaving the classroom.
*Paper Passer This student will help me to return already graded papers as well
as to pass out any new sheets the students will be using.
*Lights This student is responsible for turning off the lights when we leave the
classroom as well as turning the lights back on when we return.
*Calendar Keeper Everyday this child will change the date on the white board as
well as tell us the date during our calendar time.

Field Trips

Field trips are wonderful opportunities for students to leave the classroom and gain
new experiences, see artifacts, and get more information than would be possible
within the walls of a school. Of course when planning a field trip all district
guidelines will be followed. All trips will be based upon the standards student are to
be meeting. Prior to the field trip parents will receive an information sheet about
where we are going, why we are going, how we are getting there, and when this will
be taking place. Parents must return a signed slip giving their permission. Parents
will also be encouraged to volunteer as chaperones or drivers and will always be
welcomed to accompany us. Before we leave for the trip a conversation will be
facilitated discussing the appropriate behaviors for the location that we are going to,
also reminding them that classroom rules apply and there will be consequences for

Homework will be given to students as a way to practice and when it is turned in I
will correct it for them. Students can always ask for extra materials on certain topics
or subjects if they want to learn more or need some more practice. Most of the
assignments will be completed in class. All students will have available materials to

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complete the assignments and modifications can be made to suit all of the children.
In first grade we will place a large emphasis on reading. Having students reading or
being read to at home would be a part of the homework that students will be
expected to complete outside of the classroom.

Free Time

The rules during free time

are the same as they always
are. Voices are to be kept at
the inside level and time
should be spent doing
productive things, such as
educational board games or
internet games, reading,
working on creative
writing, or investigating a
topic that the student might
want to learn more about.
Free time can be earned
several different ways. One
way is through the behavior chart, if students can stay on green or higher for a
whole week they will earn free time, there will also be free time built into the
schedule so that everyone will get at least a small portion of time. Students may also
request, as a whole class, a special activity or thing they want to do with their free
time and I will try to have that for them.

Handing in/ Passing Back Papers

One of the students will be the passer, their job is to return any papers that I have
graded or to hand out any materials that I have stacked up for them on my desk.
Handing in papers will be done in two ways. When students walk into the classroom
in the morning there is always a tub by their cubbies labeled work. Students can put
any of their completed homework, assignments, or anything that they want to turn
in from the day before. The classroom is set up with table groups. In the middle of
their groups will be a bin that has their table number on it. This is where the
students will place any completed, corrected, or even late work that is to be turned
in to me. If a student was absent for a day or just missed part of the day there are
always extra copies of the assignments and handouts from the previous day in the
tub by the door.

Since students go to special everyday we will practice leaving and entering our
classroom many times. Routines are helpful so that students always know what to
do and are able to do things effectively. Students will continue working or doing
whatever they expected to be doing until I play a song. The song will be
approximately 2 minutes long and during this time students are to clean up and put

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away material and grab whatever they need for specials that day. Students are to
line up behind the line leader and in front of the caboose. When students are in line
they are to be in single file and have their quiet voices on. Once we leave the
classroom they are to be silent and continue to walk in a straight line.

Restrooms and Drinks

During the day we will take several bathroom

breaks together as a class. Students will be
encouraged to go to the bathroom before
school, before snack time, and then before or
after lunch and/or recess. Students will also be
allowed to go to restroom during class time.
The students may signal me by crossing their
pointer finger with their middle finger and
holding it in the air. Once I have given them the
okay they will take the octopus and place it on
their desk. When they return they will put the
octopus back on the hook by the door. Students
will practice leaving and coming the classroom

quietly so as not to disrupt the rest of the class.

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Our classroom has a drinking fountain, which helps to eliminate most issues.
Students are always allowed to get a drink during independent work time, centers,
and free time. If a student needs a drink during large group instruction they can ask
by holding up their hand with just the pointer finger. Students are also allowed to
bring in water bottles, these must be kept at their desks at all times throughout the
day, besides lunch.


All students should receive an education that is academically challenging as well as

interesting. It is my job as an educator that all the students in my class are given the
assistance and tools to reach their highest potential. As a teacher our goals and
expectations of our students have a very big impact on them. I will make sure to
hold all of my students to high standards and to show how fun and interesting
learning is.

Challenged Learners

Challenged learners are a growing issue in schools and they need assistance and
help starting in early grades. Getting to know the students will be very helpful as
they may be able to tell you what they need or the areas they feel they struggle the
most. It will be important to make sure that students are able to focus and pay

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attention during whole group and testing, allowing students a quitter more isolated
spot might be just what they need. Allowing student to use manipulatives and other
accommodations to help them will help them succeed and feel more confident. As
the classroom teacher it will be very important to work with any specialized or
resource teachers that my students work with so we can be in sync and help he

Gifted Learners

In most classrooms there are gifted learners and they deserve the independence and
chances to explore content in depth. In my classroom I will make it a priority to give
my students extensions, allowing them to research and dive deeper into the content
they are interested in or want to learn more about. I also think that it is key to get to
know gifted students on a personal level, some of them may be excelling in certain
areas but struggling in others, giving the students someone they can feel
comfortable talking to may help relieve some of the stress and pressure they feel. In
the classroom I will make sure that it is a positive environment where they do not
feel separated from their peers. Finally I will make sure to be careful when grouping
and pairing gifted students, making sure they do not feel like they are constantly
helping or teaching someone else the content instead of learning more.

Parent Involvement

Open House

Either before the school year begins or at some point during the first few weeks I
will have an open house for my classroom. I will encourage all of the students and
parents to come see the classroom and to meet me. During this open house I will
share my expectations and goals for the year as well as give out my contact
information and collect the parents preferred way to be reached. It will be a relaxed
time and a way for the parents to feel a little more comfortable making the big jump
from kindergarten to first grade.

Day-to-Day Communication

Having an open communication policy with the parents will be a core focus in my
classroom. One way parents can stay up to date is by looking at my classroom
website. On my website I will have pictures of the classroom as well as some of the
assignments the students have done (with permission). I will also post the I Can
statements so parents know exactly what they are doing. There will be a place for
parents to comment or leave me notes on there. I will send home monthly
newsletters letting the parents know about the month ahead and any big plans or
events that will be happening in the school, this way if they do not look at my
website they at least have some idea what is happening. I will also regularly call or
email (whatever is preferred) the parents at least every two weeks just to check in
and to tell them something positive that their child has done in school.

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Parent teacher conferences are an important time for the parents to come in and see
and hear what their children do everyday with me. I will keep individual binders
with the students information in them, this will include formal and informal
assessments, activities or other things they seemed to excel in as well as maybe
some art or music pieces that show some of the less academic aspects. I will also
have their behavior charts and information on their interaction with other students.
During these conferences I will make sure to have it be an open conversation where
I encourage the parents to share or ask anything they want to know or want to see
so that they can know exactly what is going on. It is very important that all families
come in to conferences so having extra times in the morning or during my free
period for the parents who may work during regular times is something I plan on
doing. I will also make sure to have translators and to welcome in all family
members would like to come. Finally I will make sure to discuss the positive things
and the students strengths and then any concerns the parents or I may have. I

Professional Ethics

As an educator, professionalism is something that is very
important to me and something I hope to embody and
portray myself in such a way.
I will collaborate with my other teachers and educators in
a professional manner, while having an open mind and
being respectful when sharing my opinions and beliefs.
I will present myself in a professional manner by the way I
speak, dress, and act both inside and outside of the school.
If I come to have a disagreement or feel that I do not agree
with something one of my colleges or administrators has
said I will find a time and place to meet with them and
share my opinions. I will have an open mind and always
keep the best interests of my students in mind. I know that
I will not always see eye to eye with everyone and must
accept that everyones experiences and backgrounds
shape them. I will do my best stay positive and to always
think of my students.
I will spend time in the lounge getting to know my fellow educators but I will not
participate in gossip. If gossip occurs I will leave or remove myself from the
conversation. I will also respectfully tell my colleagues I do not wish to participate in
gossip and share that I believe is harmful to the work environment.

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Information & Pictures

Dr. Beissers packet

Mackenzie, R. J. & Stanzione, L. (2010). Setting limits in the classroom: A complete
guide to effective classroom management with a school-wide discipline plan. New
York: Three Rivers Press

Tomlinson, C. A. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability
classrooms. (2nd Ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Wong, Harry K., and Rosemary T. Wong. The First Days of School: How to Be an
Teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, 2009. Print.

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