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What is Ayahuasca SpiritQuest?

Ayahuasca SpiritQuest is a holistic healing and personal growth experiential retreat which
introduces you to the unique natural environment, healing practices, cultures, and people of
the Peruvian Amazon within a safe, sensitive, intellectual and spiritual framework.
SpiritQuest immerses you in the authentic grassroots shamanic culture of the western
Amazon, enabling a deeper understanding of self and the unique plant healing practices for
which the Amazon is renowned.
Our perspectives on life, death, nature, cosmos, plants, animals, people, culture, medicine,
healing, the spirit world, and their intrinsic interrelationship will be enriched and expanded
by the knowledge, wisdom, and sage practices we share with those who join our healing
Enrollment is open to anyone in the world with sincere and positive intentions for their life,
an open heart, an open mind, and a willingness to challenge ones paradygms and engage
alternative perspectives.
Everyone is welcome to our circle regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, race, nationality,
religion (or not), or sexual preference. The direct channel to the Source is for everyone who
wishes to open it. We serve those who hear a calling and wish to answer.
Our usual group size averages between 12-24 participants. Participation is screened for
safety, attitude and intention. Enrollment is selective to help assure positive group dynamic
and attention to individual needs.
You do not have to be part of a group in order to participate. Most people attend by
themselves or with a companion. Well provide detailed guidance for your travel planning
and retreat preparations to make it as easy as possible to join us at the SpiritQuest Shamanic
Sanctuary .
SpiritQuest shamanic healing and consciousness retreats are centered in the ancient
Amazonian-Andean principles of Reciprocity, Unity, and Creativity A global
confraternity of kindred spirits emerges from every SpiritQuest retreat and the Whole is
always greater than the sum of the parts

We are maestro curanderos of the first order,
dedicated to the healing of the Earth and all humanity
by helping others attain deep personal cleansing, holistic healing,
rebirth of the soul, and attainment of higher consciousness.
Our intention and mission is to be a dynamic and viable positive influence
in the collective healing of all humanity and the Earth.
One human spirit at a time.
Were serious about it and would expect you to be as well.
Ayahuasca SpiritQuest Listening to the Plants healing retreats are distinguished by our
mature, professional and competent style, deep knowledge and many decades of experience

in the principles and practice of the shamanic arts, impeccable integrity, responsible care
for your safety and well-being at all times, and sincere passion for healing and
transformation of consciousness as the central focus of our work.
We have conducted sacred plant healing and initiation retreats in Peru for over 21 years .
Our two elder maestros represent over 100 years combined experience in the traditional
archaic shamanic arts.
Our focus and motive is to facilitate deep holistic healing, powerful spiritual realization,
dynamic personal empowerment, and enduring positive life transformation. We are genuine
masters of the sacred medicines and our invitation is to those experiencing a calling to it.
All this doesnt come automatically just by drinking Ayahuasca. Theres deep soul work
involved, and you have to do your part to receive the fullest blessings of this medicine.
Serious work with Ayahuasca requires a work ethic. It is not easy. In fact, for most it is the
most challenging thing theyve every done. It is a succinct distllation of the human
experience ALL OF IT collective and personal the agony and ecstacy and
everything in between. The rewards and blessings for those who stay the course and pass
the personal tests are enormous indeed.
One must bring to it sincere focus and intention, commitment, perseverence, concentration,
will, courage, faith, and love and compassion for oneself and others. One should understand
that the medicine will not resolve our issues and needs solely by itself . Instead it teaches us
how to take charge of our own lives with the help of omnipresent spiritual consciousness
within and all around us.
Experienced and trusted guidance, compassionate support, and ethical insightful counsel is
a tremendous asset in moving through the challenging phases of this work. Trust and
security are also essential elements which contribute to quick immersion in this delicate
holistic work.
Genuine sacred plant shamanism is a spiritually-centered personal growth process in which
the medicines and maestros teach us how to make and sustain the deep spiritual connections
ourselves. Any time we want. The methods and technology we use are very old, proven
over millennia. and they produce predictably positive results.
We practice and teach real old-fashioned core Peruvian shamanism in its most powerful
and noblest traditional modalities.
We conduct our work from a base of extensive personal and applied experience measured
in decades of serious shamanic practice, not just a few months or a few years.
Our shamanic faculty manifests over 120 years combined experience in diligent practice of
the shamanic healing arts. We have safely and masterfully conducted sacred plant
initiations and advanced holistic shamanic healing work here in Per for thousands of
people since 1995. We are maestros ancianos and not new to the art and technology of
core shamanism.
Our retreats are not merely an opportunity to drink Ayahuasca as many others do, without
focus, experienced guidance, and cultivated intention. Such approach is not only amateurish
and irresponsible, but can be dangerous as well. It certainly does not demonstrate a true
knowledge and mastery of the medicine nor does it reflect a genuine commitment to

positive and enduring benefits from the medicine. True maestros know very well that with
Ayahuasca, its not all in the cup.
Instead we provide seriously motivated individuals the opportunity to WORK with the
medicine under the guidance and tutelage of seasoned practitioners in a properly structured
and focused traditional way. At SpiritQuest Sanctuary you will work directly with the
maestros and not apprentices. We provide guidance, compassionate support and wizened
counsel every step of the way.
Our work is not New Age shamanism. We are instead Archaic Age and are not reinventing anything. Instead we bring forward ancient shamanic knowledge and technology
refined thousands of years ago into this day and time when it is needed more than ever
before in the history of humanity.
Our work is good old-fashioned core traditional healing shamanism conducted at the
highest level of the art. Our work is not merely experience-oriented. All the medicine is
not just in the ceremonial experiences alone. Instead, in the true spirit of shamanism, our
work is primarily results-oriented.
We genuinely CARE whether you realize your personal intentions and goals for this work.
We are DEDICATED to helping you achieve that which you seek, and we will WORK with
you to those ends. We are servants to the medicine and to those who seek its healing and
enlightening power.
Contrary to contemporary misconception, Ayahuasca is NOT a drug, and this is evident for
many reasons. It is a true holistic medicine and that is the sole context in which we work.
Work with Ayahuasca can at times be very difficult and challenging. This shifts as one is
harmonized, cleansed, healed, and transformed. A new life awaits those who stay the
course, and its where you wind up from this work that really matters most. We know where
this can go if done properly, and well help you get there.
For the benefit of all, applicants for our retreats and pilgrimages are carefully screened. We
reserve the right to decline any application without prejudice if we feel we are not a good
match or if you have health or medication issues which might jeopardize your safety. Your
safety and personal welfare is our highest responsibility.
We wish to optimize this work for those attending and an important aspect of that process is
good group synergy. Therefore we are selective (but not elitist) in whom we accept for our
works. No one is excluded from participation in our work because of their gender, ethnicity,
race, nationality, sexual preference, or health status (providing it does not present a risk to
the participant).
Acceptance for participation in our shamanic works is not guaranteed until your application
has been approved. Our retreats are intensive and one must be well prepared with honest
intentions to realize the fullest possible benefits.
Retreat activities and programs are conducted in accordance with the laws and statutes of
the jurisdictions in which they occur.
We hold in great esteem the traditional vegetalista curanderos (native plant healers) of the
Peruvian Amazon, their vast knowledge of medicinal plants and spirit plant healing, and
their profoundly-rooted shamanic spiritual beliefs. We expect the same respectful attitude

of our fellow travelers. Our work is fully participatory and totally immersive. Be prepared
for something really personal and really special!

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