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Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma

Author(s): A. O. Weese
Review by: A. O. Weese
Source: Books Abroad, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Autumn, 1938), p. 470
Published by: Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma
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Accessed: 21-12-2015 15:22 UTC

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470 GermanLinguistics



be more inclined to credit the astonishing

results of experiments attempting the sohi'
tion of the problem of the origin of life as
reportedin this publication if the author had
not described as a new organism one long
known to science. His photomicrographsof
this organism,although inferior to the draw
ings of the Dutch janitor and lens maker,
Leeuwenhoek, published more than two
centuries ago, are recognizableas representing
Vorticella, the first one'celled animal to be
and described.After naively admitting
Deutsch fur Ausldnder.
his entire ignoranceof fundamentalbiological
Lehrbuchder deutschenSprachefur Aus'
the ap'
Under. 10th edition. 1937. 136 pages. 2.81 facts and methods, Reich describes
and other animals
and 3.94 marks. Kurze Erzdhlungenzum
from hay infusions, and then proceeds to the
Wiedererzdhlen im Deutschunterrkht mit
discussion of more complicated experiments.
Ausldndern. 1. Teil: 50 Erzdhlungenin Ver'
A laboratory with apparatuscosting 60,000
crowns (proudly cited by its
Wort- und Satzform. 1937. 100 pages. 1.50
of 2000
and 2.25 marks;2. Teil: 200 Erzdhlungenin founder) and a monthly budget
leichter und leichteSterFassung. 1937- 100
results.- A. O. Weese. University of Okla*
pages. 1.50 and 2.25 marks. Wolfenbuttel. homa.
Heckners Verlag. Walter Weber, for years
teacherin Germanschools in foreigncountries Max Picard. Die Grenzender
and since 1922 professor of German in the
mi\. Mit dreissig Bildtafeln. Erlenbach'
"Deutsche Institut fur Auslander" in connect Zurich
und Leipzig.EugenRentsch. 191 pages.
tion with the University of Berlin, is well
7-50 and 9.50 Swiss francs.- The previously
qualifiedthrough his long and varied experi' published works of this author share with
ence to speak with authority about methods the one under consideration the
of teaching Germanto foreign students. The
that their intrinsic value is embodied
"Deutsche Institut fur Auslander"has always in the illustrative materialrather than in the
been in favor of the direct method, and Prc
text. The readerwho has succeededin reach'
fessor Weber's books are arrangedin keeping
the final chapter will be gratifiedto learn
with this method, which is probablythe most the
quintessence of the bombasticand mysta^
effectiveunder the circumstancesunder which
that leads up to the
the foreign student works in Berlin, having climax:"Wortgestriipp"
"Der Mensch kann so sein, wie er
constant contact with the spoken language.
aussieht, er braucht es aber nicht, er hat
The main aim of the method is to help the
die Freiheit, anders zu.sein als sein Gesicht. . .
student acquireconversationalfluencyrapidly.
Tier muss so sein, wie es aussieht, es ist
The vocabulary has been made up with this
aim in view. The textbooks bring interesting vor keineWahl gestellt." In other words, man,
and to a largepart new material;specialatten* owing to his power of free determination,is
tion has been given in the grammaras well as not only to a certain extent the masterof his
in the exercises of the first part of the tales to destiny but the creator of his physiognomy
the use of the tenses and to the enlargement as well. The physiognomicalinterpretations
of the vocabulary by the use of synonyms, which supposedly serve to bear out the verity
some 1400 groups of 3 to 5 synonyms being of this important thought are unconvincing
offered.The second volume of the tales offers and for the most part arbitrary and highly
only the material, without exercises, to be subjective. The high praise with which this
retold along the line demonstratedin Volume volume has been greeted in several quarters
One. The books do not contain vocabularies is only understandableand possible in an age
and are not intended for self instruction.that is conspicuously marked by its flight
/. Malthaner. University of Oklahoma.
from reason into the nebulous spheres of
Wilhelm Reich. Die Bione.Oslo. "Sexpol doubtful intuitions and inspirations.- Kurt
Verlag." 1938. 205 pages.- One would F. Reinhardt.StanfordUniversity.
mann." Students and teachers of the German
languagewill receive valuable hints from the
book on such questions as: What is the dif'
ference between "besitzen"and "haben,"be'
tween "halbstiindig" and "halbstiindlich,"
between "scheinbar" and "anscheinend"?
Which is correct: "Das Gesicht des heutigen
Deutschlands" or "des heutigen Deutsch'
land"?Why is it wrong to say: Ich versichere
Sie, dass. . ."?- /. TAalthaner.University of

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