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More Properties of Fourier Troms form The Porsson Siem Formule © For any hip with hy 2% How, for any we have = heen = Proof = pret LE Homuse pwher te SE old an impulee train Fe FIND Fs prrveclce fimchom with peried T. 1 Seen now =3t tT t vat ar “Te os meet £ satiny = 2 ane n= aoe 1 Ome? Th om Ind ama 1G, CE sue oF ole =i’ aim wet: A oka +i sabe dt = £\% swerdt=t # sdtmais® met neve T inte Now, let pot ch into a Lt system with Pmpulse response Lea, = suent hw = hun ee en oe Hey Jmwet H4$ZE Howse Jere e Wg Ane (Esme "ly Bee 1 eit co teres =e Seppore fio ma periedic. flrctim with peed Bee foe fw, Hed Fo O° td fw Fo, fo — Rey How to expres Fu in tome of Felt 7 fot Fou) 4 —— | , i + aadagta 1¢ Cla Fwy = oe S Fein Swann), oe fina Efourrm = F sums fw= Ty few te Sta Fotty = Anvtler preef We F Stwontn) Fou = ty F Frenne) Scw-nwey Potssen’s sum firmala Efe rer) FEL Feeney et LE reneay an Sune) = GE Femi Sunes elated renee cocfficienb of Fourier sevies taponsion of fio On =F eens. f= Lew Foy SOS ee —3) n= LF, oniy = SEED ee Tasen™ ie Theorem Suppose. xs xu tf we dencle then, . DES = Renny AT LR thw) Discussions 1 This thearen tells us that we may ford X00 firm the 2. given Xi) numerically by using DES For any Xu. Kay ts periodic wrth peried 7. a) + we | fart {| ff T * aa 6 & + Then Kenny is a periedic sepumnce, + mill) | a Fer any Xe, Kew i pariedce with pervod ot Then Rbkun ts a poriodie sequence This theore tells ws that these tuo por form a DFS pair, Pe sequences Proof of the Theeren Rw = = xan = EF Caw tsurrn) = ae E sac) “ jew. = xs E feilnt (m=) =) jeut = Etre : idee = A x clu tet *6 oe jew Kenny = FE xetwwye Cone Bre BH) 7 33 en = Bpradwe’*) Chef bm hem, kere Wl, meme) eal 7A ckeman = 2, EB tx cckimmuye ae VE kn 7B mun = EB Bt chur mua e t= SS <, a L ska = F(Z At xthwrmun)e kee @ ax ikSn rhb Romy PEE 4 Xchuny + Gohl, : bake mn 20.1%, a a pe -~- ~ te counts the groupe . k counts the pein in each grup Example Prove the ielen trty Solattm We know that ena j Efe = Se Lek Tal te0. then mam. Wwe gef = sow Seem Ss Se Brome aS. > Alvase Coxffterap PATE manok Lek Yor be a peviedlre Pmcbm with porred T than so. Tkak =a ab= Foe Loe Bits En Bey evel ths alice! cmafftcrnd, Erample Yous Zee Nao. Find Ex mn hems of en, Selrhim cp=o fr Int oro, Ee B_Crerw Foe Cyt cot Cy Gee Cat Sy GH cg ta + ey Goa Oa tee a ee Oy He Ce ty fa ots Be = Ce te By = Coy tee 1 Cotetga & A Discuss tom om “Phas” meted Pm AC Cire (© Exorgle tH R Yu L Given Vets = Vin Cor wt Fel tw, Soltion 1 CDiflereantoa! Equation Merheol) RWS Litt = Vin Cos cut We guess TO) = Acstwt—> Than de 5 = -AWSinlut-6) = — Aw Cs Cwt-b-90r) RA C25 wt 8) ~ LAW Cs (wh- 0-90) = Vin Cor wt et) Or just leave it as RA Cos tuk 6) ~ LAWSIn tat ~0) = Van Cox ot Applying tox formule A cmt +B sine a lst er Crca— tai! £5 We hane @ ia ~la Vn con wt = SRG Dara Cos cut —@— tun! AO SAL Rut L™ Cex uk —6 + four! Ht Vin= ALR ERE > {, “ os -0 + tai ot © = pants st Thereduwe , TH = ces tut — tact ee wt > Solution 2 2 C€ Phaser Method) Vs 00 = Vm Co wt = Ses pert gt ara Sera Lhe = Therepeve twa oot cos cut = tan! SE YR el The solstrm is comp [ele Eleckocal engineers veer ther method hoe ) mtbe mabe prog for many -yeor | Drrenstrm @ In ob, we with to cance! emt both stoler Bab, we cone. How con we cance! the Common Herm cosut from both sroles 2 Thetis a guertimn, Tf reload cases t, we have @%* then we can conceal Led ‘s try it. Tw R vert : . jut Riwre fiw =Vne! We guess 7 Het — 0) Tw= Ae hen a os . Sewt- em Aw & oft jut juwk-6) jut Rae + LA & = Vue Mou we are heppy to see thik we can comcel eo”* We get . je . 36 RAC +LAjwe = Vn => AcR+twl> = Vm OW Un LO. D> Aleut Lh ye => paw —% l 7 we Oe tect Therepure oe Flat — ta By VH= e when inpat os VA e cnut 3 the veal pak op elt Thus, the curred MW olue to emt input rs the veal pect of the currant elne #0 2 ing g Hare we sed tle Linearrty of L72 systins, Chapter 5 The Diserele — Time Fourrer Transform Bil Representohn of Apsriecloe _Siymals The Diserele ~Time Fauyter Tramvsgorne Be For any oliserele signal xem, ws -sen ee) = ES ame! Ps called te oliserete Fourier Tromeform of Xt, Denote wens a ace) Seay Example Sins a 7 ft. Salestows a 1 ace) = E rene es ae - he - = Esme" 2 BF sime"” = E sees =) xee™ Sten ial Bing — - w Questor + why do we difre the dmerele Fourier Proms for hak ray ? Lets recall the condrnuens Fourier proms form sy Step EL gets x= Basan FL Sane Bf we dane xu> by %tnI, then we have eS =Sun Aung a Exe xed hes 1 an explonatem of the hefrmiton of olarwete Fourlng transform Lnverse Furma la Example xeny = a”"utny o. 7 where Jol < | o =~ sun eae Sebtem eel) = FE aru” 2 £ ae? vee nee pe ae, Gee CY Formula © \thcl Met ew rd We see that ce") ia alin a periodic Porakin of w This fact con be seen frm the old clon jews = itereamon xce d= = xmpe cacttinm [oe = So Sxasmp le Eranple Salting ew, onto, Sinwewry ry (nea ue es 7 whee fared From page 78, we have Crna wend 0 (ae 5.6 Tables Fourier Tremsform doas eA Basie Fourier Trmmafirm Pairs Table 5.1 Propetios the Discvele-Time Fourier Tremefurn Time Domain Fregneney Pomacn Bxtny + bytnt xeo) + bryce) zan=ne) eer xe) 20 see xegite xen ace) Xena aeey Xtay a yond cel) yee) em Yong Hh ace! wee ole axing 3 ee una real ¢ ever =e) veal €-evey xing real & od 2co™) pave imaginary # odel etna Reface!s Xetnd pinixce zee axe) Relxce™ h=ReLxce >} were sataccel"s} = 24, txce™)} Ixce™) = faeces] [sis = [ree Peel Ebrost sf bacco! s|leo nies tue Dents Foe tin tn’ me Doman Fregumny Doman Sino 1 Sta-neg en —, oMurny latest fers ; ni cara” ueny | fale cers ute + E18 nan ee t Enea sinwem sD SInwwhd ane 1 ectut aaa Lem + sel perted 2 = Sev-anes an > = aye Fasen = ke * 2m = Ae 8 eon mE Seuesrey nn aE EScnerntyy Sesser} Sinan FE (senerntstuorare] Ge Table 5.3 Sears Contrmnsis dime img Poran _ fret oe tants, ee sures | eodmune tne | dae frpeeny \ peviedin im Hel aperiedic % fregumay |] parvodce tm time 1 payralre a frepuens roads ind Mat acnonfiwe +e phoma (ace ees ace y= E mune ae Conlenins tne | eodinarne prepay [diner tne 1 continues Fretnonsy spore. mime apeindis m frequtiy aprricdte in Hime portal cm frepmoa tr 10 The _2- Tromsforen 10.1 The _2~ Transform Def For a cleserele time signal mena | xen = Eee is Called thy 2-tromsfivm af NONI, where 27S a comple ver able Disenesions 1 Wri 2 in poler fom then we lame zuve™ Bm 2 a ao plane 2. when et, me have aera EB ame” . we realize Hot if is the Feurtey trans farm fo desevets tne furetrong Therefore 2 brome Lug B mere general than clescrete —time Fiurter transfam, In anotle wad, dliscrete lime Feurter Promsform i the specral case whey rss, Example Solutroy pera = sae) ee acy = 7 xeon Era 2 = 2 ar nany < jeomedne series aye 1 = ie bee Thee re trae only whe [Let fe Jeied Region of comvargence, for sherk, Roe 7 peo is Me eyden zero Bet A the syste pole “We sea Mot Roe is a SN, ger TY which choos nof Fo cortnm soln pele Nolo pe tom aa Pusey Ft R Pens EE, wy We see Hal rm thes case ei = xem] Go ad Exorp le int = AM uthy <= 20 = 7 Solateun Se nn a a= EF xe a Fate" 2 zy This om tue only when JZ1 lat veal endl posrtive In ganaral, 6 con be emypler Roc. Sele Fim the abone exemple, we have ¢) awe 2 2 tise Drecnsgion Recal) the discrete Fourier trensfirm in that Chapple we istiZ “a u0ny wilh jaye only , see pote re anny does ref have ths Finriey hinsfrn lecnuse oon awn Ey loos nat comuenge, So far we see the Plowing Prepoties ap ROC The ROC i @ Ting Cenbred ahont Lhe oxrgin The Roe does nab comtam any poles er EE— LO Lf the ROC cortams the rwwd crrele phen Example Xteqe-a®ucnny a= xO =7 Fras Soliton wes — Ea urna" er a Lan Sa Say aires F-E,@ = -3,@°"= -2 GQ) = (Re BS be) = - BOs er Rie =a a es I aa fon Prue oly when (Ele 1 we i21t ancl pepo + —— 72-F 6242 thef must he riot (2-$aa-4y Roe _ We tee cyl eee. Be, Be G-Pen , jane a to system poles doped t.. Vad is pole- vere petlevn Ave see thaf He ROC cloes maf Corben Ong poles, Exemp! Solutio aeng= Cy Sinn utny ace = 7 ang = cbs" win Fn wens x et") ater oe ey wens ye Mens Applying the tromefam paix aur — 2, lara) alharnedely | —— 33 SF e"-e a2 sedi eee ~S Gra ely aoe sk = ae fer lan > 42 ® cat) Hohas one zythn tere 2-0, at Prde* Aste Example Sina == 7 Solwtrm EZ sure Bybee? = B sent = Stes = 1 with an ROC as the entine 2 plane, Example Srn-ty ee? = Ispott properly of Sing Solan FP gee iy rh L Zz sieae! a with an ROC as rhe entre 2 plane excest 2 vihere there Ds a pole Gamera! formule Example Streit} => 2 " Stn-my a 2 2 sens Re eT 2 smsiae = Re od wilh on Roe as the entire 2-plane excenf 2-0 whore Hare % a pole Srample xeny= bi Dample ‘nih two et _t wie b the typ aye =F Then a . Reng = Gq utny 42 ($ a eng Example Sxenple HDS Gata eset o Stage, Staciy exo han WAN ft} om 48 trey 4280n9 + BStn-17 @) Example C Long olrvision pre Phot > o awe —_ io dt ee 7! pit)” here to cancel thes J. - put get have bo cemee! $hrs - reba compare if with the olofrnrton Kew = Zz = Ss EA Re ONDE 4 EOD EEE G «tend We have xeny= Ch)" ueny Which 7s the same as obtamed by using Me sitemslinn peirs a" uty 2 _ lel>tat 10.5 Properties of the 2~Tranefwm Table 10.1 Prope tie: the 2— Trevsform Time Doman Frequency oman Ax tn] + bx, tn7 AX LB + bee? Xtn=Me1 me Secey cae xtny xe Pie 2) ai xen ack) a" xtny Xca'2) acs wor) wees za enya rn 2e0y 26508) a3 yeni arose) f xiky 1 ery nxtns ae Incdrad value Hheorans Uff xtngxo fn <0 then mtoy= Ino xeay 19.6 Some Commen 2 - Transtirm Par fm 20> Table (0.2 Some Common 2 - Trem: Pos Time Doman | Fregnency Doman Roe Stns \ ell = ans lata mueaery =) tact alls, except © ol Sto-ms oo af es a” urny ea 121>1d) ean (er! (simu. F Cstmeeny rons Recacoeaee | tae aoe = Crema aerate Tayenunserst| [e174 ; crema) crMStnweny ureg - ta>r Tayenun 7 b ocbet balan We know Hat the syshe x causal of onl ont, 7 hus rts delle respunse 12 a Causal finebin Inthe ence the syste Panctin Hizy= =, hee” has the allowing property « A discrele—dime £74 rystin 15 eansel of enol only of the ROG of Hts Sythe fonction 73 the eclecinr of A circle, mehneling Arfon: 107 a Stobiloby An ITE Syke shble of ond nly of te Roe oA ts sppham Lumchim HCY melades He unid corel, 7 3 Ltt Syskens Characlat ted by Lin Cometent= CoaffiermA Diffarace Conations Example Yen = bynes = rere beng Cay Fmd ts syste flnetrm Her. b> Fred tts ola reepumse hing assuming the sytem 7 causal, co Frnd ike delle vetponse hint assumay He syste 3 ante consal, Solution cay Ying 4 Ytn-19 = endef AEH-19 Taking 2—tromsfinm both sides, we Aave Yoo be Yay = ey + then hey = 2 = a 4 2 Noles Here the Roe i peed Ch af the Roc & Jzl>4_ fli we Aave hong = 2f He pa ey a te ey \ inverse 2otremsliom tna the Jacky 2!) \ = ues + $4 unas > cblameel by eblagng Tha 75 the causal inverse of Her, ng by Thes systim is stable because When nom hint 0. We can see chabert frm the Roe alo, because the oe PI >L tnehocls the unit circle Parka free expen Prscres ion Hea 2 aed Re k= Cby4F—2 nae eee MORE D +E the het e$ 38004 FL ung Chek if ot. 1 on 1h anh cansel | COD If the Roe ms [21< 4. then we have i np ae 2 hogs LHe} = 2 ey = neuen £ O ceng Thes 7 Ihe ant —cansal Irvere of Hay Lt not bounceel wher Ro, Therefore i113 testable , From the Roc also, Ob tameel bag Hloyiry ~Murem is byt We con see the jastabe Irby because the Roc, ict, does not melude the raed circle, 0.8 System Funct Algedria Ant Block Drasya, Represetotrons Payallel conrnecteon Hu y Hace li Heo eguivaled = Hor Hey Feedback Connectron T “ Yee FUR af psd fllk Preef Gta = XOD— Hus Yea) lay = He Eeay = Heer (ca —Haeas X02) Hm ea — HDHD Lory C4 Hier Yer = HD Xa Yeu fey xe Is Mcrae) Example r ‘ Bscele An tr1, causal syslim 1 given by yen) ~ dye = end Draw the block lrepyam one fr Hoey Soltero aR porilive Leed baok Let's comelnae thr chapby hy obvrensng He ® Followmy example. ¢ Par your attention to thes type of problem t) Sxemple Ag kre syslen pe given by = Yen Zyen-y + yen-za= Xtnn13 + xEn-29, Find Hee, nel chaw the pole- vere pattern (b> Find stable inverse of Hees, hema L And frd the corespording Roe (0) Fine 2he ent prt ying of the strble system for the Inped xen = Ueny, Cie, fol slap response af stele syslany Solntro. CO Wewy 2 $2 ttt (eee eudesry ett © nana cb» we know thal the R0e cornat contam pales , Ard Im order to be stable, the Roe must melacle the unit errele Then she Roe mast by te _ Becanseed RI4 Lo (became of ise a ying = 2C43" ying ~4 uty ~ 202." Digit Simulation of Analog Sy stone & bream aoralog systing fu gu Hat i ' fo, LNs gen fuscia gen a oliservle syst to be olesignent Def Hew is colleel ce ofigrtal simalater of Hay of firt=form => gins= Jorn , “1 ju * ow sens 6. laf Drcsaci , : : The simaltrm conedctrn giver in C1) Connet be sabisfrecl for on arbitrary Ppa Qe must pl vesderchin erther on inpot of on Hater, Let rue prove ths | jeoek bet fw eo. Sot fu=e 7 Grav] Hey -}—— fae! Hee =e"y wT Tn tna = Heel) @ MAT Thier 9o07 = Hatonre’ ' Qemy = Gen) => Hee) Halon + fe, Hem shold be chorren sroh td Hee) tigen). af we Lah fen et th ase comelnele Had Heny thal be choven suck Hal Hee o Hit), En general, we Awe to have . Heel) = Haws fr all ws, Bak Heel) te eg parrinelre fret of C Headey He whle Hai 1s not parioclie general Simulate Theorem 2h for fs berellimchel, Mt, Fur= 0, fy wine, ard Hey is chosen suck tal Fer, Hee) = Ha fe wee ther the simaladion condition 1 1S sala Prat fur— fT erly = a= Fu tne’ ole © 9am = LI Fah on des ohio FuoHatw eo des £6 boned lime bof = ner “0 jan i”! Param fey m Lf ease olay <> gent =aSE Few Heel eI eles = ef Force) ely = gem af Hee a Hau forltl <> oft) 35 bana lincle y Hae poke frre aw gw= dle FroHaie tales Sundeg(Povitne Ue = equal of Hee! 7) = Hai fe Wi p ca gen = Aft Footie? 5b, ’ fenrmfem a Fn Hate Delle Respons op Simulator Sa hoy /-— Claim, WENY = Theenr) Sites} impele response gf BS the truncaled expla Hoty aa awhere het Is the Pepto Het he ht. v © Pro Hee) ro pared finch oP 19 with parted av tm easy to see thet from Heel For, Hee) Taw nether wag to see ths re a dollowe Ho@= Zhe" => Hee; aahiehe : fe & Fourier serias expansion of the periodic fimelin Hee | with coefPierank hing, Thus henge (% Hoe <3nwt p= Zhme 3 ely = ab Hae) Totes =k ST Hee ey HEI Howe ey Fe IT Hee OY, = Ebetgy Them | Chephr 9 The Laplace Trincsfuon Ql the lace Troms Bd seo= JP awe ole is called He Lephace tremsform of Xt) where s=esiy Bs a coryplee verrable Noteteon x Es xe) Example tum? Kuo. Solution aos Smo = (eA so Hoh = SPeneroty tale ' = sr ff Risto lke Rs eH) Discus we brew tat the Frnuriey tonsfurm af eb unas eae We may guess that Risa 25/.o, Z Fourier temsfom > Laplace trom sfurm We have to port ot Hak ths a not alveys hue, The uth oe Hak ne Seesple tun =? When the ROG Conforms Jorma the Fourter transfer je : exh ancl en re lag Solty a wey = ST xe oh =" cfm oy ae ee alg eet = sar Ris pol ne Resa] = Ree saplane Discussion © Dil we oles the Fourter trenefom of efuw Aafore 1 WO. On hla booke page rym Table Re fora a we have tha — Lh ane only The Fourier tremsfr. af ebues cles nof exit / That me jt oo y-sut buna ob = JP el ob = 00 From ths exangle, we see Hat tha laplee tomafym Con clean! with more functors, Crample ayy a 7 Chere a con he positive o negative y Selb 8 $2 tan Fok = fect, wher Res > ~ Cm thes figure, we elo 7 rol shrew jun anne) wad Example XW =~” we <7 Solatom ze = Moe ucire tole = ott yy 0 of Retsasco Roc cor thes figuce we lool rok low furan y yi fe ms >-a ‘ 4 et fe Res ana x= 32 uw —2et uy 297 etue a= bf Reso i e Ube sh fy Beso pe “ Syslen rere clots not Affet the Roc i t s+! coe Spe = am Gras. Berple x4) oth teXessduwm <= 7 Soletio, x= S8uws CH CoM EM uw sagt cen) meta be 4 pe IPE, at Resa ( : nr Gin fool. the par om lest page UD ae t SrA holdls for compler a ako fer Res >- Rea oo tp — tg foo eros ac se ESR tT am ~ oO ~f2iu = get StL Lasts ~~ Sesto ~ CSTAICS eas + 10), a Ng thes ples» a 2. 17a Example SW! Roc. Unde S—plane Exanple Stay = oes onde sophne Verify thee hee hy yourselves 9.2 The Regror of Convergence foe lca From aflerm. Foe the Lepluce trensfom, the ROC ches nat carton a. af xt) of fince clnrdr thon the Roe 13 tHe entme sy lone 7 Tf xa) right sibel he the Roc Res>a, fr some vo HE xu 3 kefbsrtdl, Han the ROC (Resa ty. fev some To "two eked then +e Roe ap Xt is a ship « Ro bso Hen Rsnb have no common region Therefore eH has no Laplace tomsfum fer b <0. 9% The Inverse Laplare Fromsfirm Inverse baploee Tromafirmn vie, ww sh fo meee | where oi contanedl sm Roe Legg lace tee sfom table Exarple t oe — TaD” t + xepe te _ . wa Pevbiad frsshion CHGS GH ce, From page ros, we have etn | tommsfom of i Tee ese Cempeend a Ss wae tue tua iene Erarle 092 esc e, Ealch meee, e From pege 105, ve howe ‘ ek a= be es cua ~etuet a Ay mse) ils % eabrafieel if we Aue Therefore the Prvese Laplace ee ee tronshem of -\ pesena. Eremple kine Ge es <4 Soltis xeuye tg =! Fron page 105, we heave ~ tue ee Lo he mes Yum 2 fe mesa l Therefwre the mvese Laplace trmsfrm d aoa - Fr eRe A xy 9.4 Grometrie Gvalratrn ef the Fourier @® Trimsform From the Pole-2*ro Plok af RES >-\_ then jummwe o2 corfaned Example / by the ROC, thon Heian _ ' eek, = => xcjuy= —L aa rae B59 = Jn thes exanple we wih to forol ont Lee geome fre meaning of the Fourier tromsformn qtr tha pole~ sere pleh And we wk to cbray the aay |nbuole frequency response ol phe Frejuensy respon fron te pole~ lew pil, Seloteos es From the lef frgure we see hat tha frequency resperve Ba rade of ved A to vechor B. The anyleducten frequency response w the phos Preyueg respmse Bf =A From hes €xplonntoor we can bran [Peer | ant L355 os follows ao at30 ar a ow = 8 Example x = jo [001 A Le Simslartg, we can clo the same thay Mm oliverete & 2. Ie] > os, then unit ervele 5 case ttn EU ete wal ele of contamed by the ie 4 ROC tron Exenple = xu = Bern exes Solafron HE coe) -2.03¢ ral 1b) a1 Gite) TABLE 9.1 PROPERTIES OFTHE LAPLACE TRANSFORM aioe ses Property Seal Tamar noe Pr mm Ye wy | zo [fn | 28 |e ai” tay sys | ays an | to Sb | tte a? | ey | 8 353 | Butoginterdomie | Seach |) | Sita ein 0 954 | Time scaling at) pa(? ‘Sealed ROC Ge. + is inthe rls) |suaaes cease ass. | oxen wo | oro |e 959 | Ditwenaton a te Sao XG) At teast R aan | vaccine toe dan |e ‘Sm 20 | tng ne Tne au | art a>) 9.410 Hx =Ofere ae <0 aeth>0 acto >a aah <0 au» 0 a <-« 0 (oxoun acsh>0 2 views acs>0 > tere ae >-« w [einai Bei -a “ n= £80 au eto gos aast>0 Spechun © Dep Kin = Ve SP af a real system ts called the enargy spe Theorem, The gpaknm Ain of w finite ~ ovr syshm is a nomnagebion radronal fomctim of cover. Py 4 Hew= SotbiZ'+- +bae™ Mateo tan Aver = JHMM Hee Hel = Hee He = HeoHeb| ier q Le mage ts a Suppore Be i a rook of the w Shae Camm ¥ nunerstur or of the aaiiis chnominaty of His, Thad ts Heer contams the ack zz contens the factr Zhe, Hee fact They HL) =HOet> The procluct HemHedy comfurns Ce 2G -2y) = 1 Bet ote? Then Hee) Hee) condense the factor ace) eat = pez eur + zp Example Hs Zo a= 7 Salutim Aun = He@Hc| == or = sezcetehy re = Sater g- sete 41 ne 10 ~ beso Questo + How to find He from given Auuy= |uce™ >)" Proceclure 1 Wri Caw as wo we got Vows. 2. Find all rook wy of the numerator auel clenominatay of vows, Ds Form Hee equation tes baw Ger ench a; Thos eguntim has too rook, 2) ond L ef He, KY Wy is a zero of Views. then the corresponclog) 2 is a aero | inside of odstde nck ertele wenel are Te | : | owe a pole gf Views then the cornagpaneling | 2y te & pele of Hes, Pr The constant flacty neces! to cumplete Hees Hele =vew) with wo Before our example foc xha above procedlure, les give the obfmtim of minimnn phase syiten ( eos af rweonly nee 2 not te then Hay Te minimum ase sipslem. as Boh rf Hew has all the eevee anol poles merle of the ref circle, then Hes) is caller! o minimum plese siplen , Lel’s discnss analog syshm to imcbslonel the penny gf minimum phase”, anal Bed af Heer has all its e0r0s onel poles om the left half role of the s-plane, Hen His x calleet a minimum phere syition, = = ita. frequen & Hw= ST Ho= S7 CThewr Omple vey Fesporess ore the sane Ss prnin phe — nonin phere Listing is then on page sy Now (els find ot Zrhow 7 Suns =3400 id) = [oer = J AS = 180° ~Gei' + Joatea) awe see thud ite spor ss bigger tan that of Jim , Example C of the ‘procecline”) Find Hee such Hat | Hee” pry szdenwr zl 19-6 eT Solatem ). 2. s-4wa0 SAF Core PD, wn bw mo => wind Cpole ge ven) | 3. dete E> aed $ so kes ae 4Otbha Fo at Pod etferi oD aad gaa 5 HOH = vow, with we dearly Lek 221 then w thes HuHen= Vero TA ers mol Charecleri rate Ari Systems wary the leplace Troms fvm bra xu hw yay mes) ed vs CARER bromafr fle bron ae system Poke ANU tym hte of mAonky of Ha ROE of th syshn fowchomy ery trelwoles fener A causal system with Hoy rs slable of ont oly of all off poles Hes bre m the Mnf h- half. of #-plone - ne, all poles have negative reed park. Example Hos aS Find the stable taverse. a ay ye eres SEE partial ft emperern gctuw 2h cousel eA Lua ie alee) Vanctoble ‘mh eden cansal ~Gehtet yuck © Cosffircint Differmtel Squaboms Example Frodo Hes anel hay dyw = +3yw = mH), Ge tye uy Eeladeos S¥a + BY = xe? >. a — S72, han et muy Xo oe ot Race Mo =e et RT Exoryly Relating Syston Behawiwr to the Sysh~ Fimetrn Example, bre Hey >> yas cet eet Fd Hos, ext ots Roe Solatran t xo = sey Lome ' ! Yom SG sen) ste 7 Gnes ~ Goan) Yon ses Hey = Nig = ceryisry - Res >! — Roe 98 Sysher Fimclron Algebra ancl Block Diagram Represontobron Parntlel comnectioe he Kay ‘h + yw xoD Yay m | oO es ery He» | = 7 * equralck Serres connectouy ne mo x yy Hien men = Heo Feedback Connect, xw 4 yey Hun ben yen Heo Xs een ray Preed Ges) — Hun Yess) Hye = LED Xe Mees = Kem Cor Hees Heer > Mey _ Huts Xb Hen He 29 The Unilatral Leplnce Frvvsfirm BE dey = J awe tol Pe colleel #Le rencletorl Lyle tomsfrm xe Hain tn the prececlry cect of Phos chaplen we Ane a ee a commorty collec the bilateral Legplace tromsfrm The rmrledera] 1x more rusefnd a ambray causal systes Wk none mmrted conolrtrms. Cleo ol ue Axe SS sx - m0) dy “ 4, Mt) a SX 5 xe0 — Xt“ oo Example Pas 248 390 =xw ae rrihral corclrbrns Yoon A. Yiorar , ail Find Ys wher xe = hUMy Solnteny Taking near lokenl Lignlnce tmosfirn we Anee SY - As - 9 + 3SYeu - 36 +2Yo= o Aes = Csr sere BFP Otsestel sti cere), Srey Tf kt Analy Yeo = ieee YO = Gane ym= Cnet ese ues TABLE 9.3 PROPERTIES OF THE UNILATERAL LAPLAGE TRANSFORM ewer Seat Uap Tmt me x %, Eo 2. Ba tie Sec5 sin Siteginte rane | ain Baap ae mn oe Caan ma [wo Sayin Geaine | aaa) | min A oe Dieesvininte ime | fon | vena iteninte | ad | Sn tmepaonintere | fxoer | Boy 1 x) comin ops ihn single a = hen 0° = ms) Lipa Bye @ This sechom 1 a make rp for EE wo4. Boole Diagrams ta thes section ve chal dncovr a paved metadl off ob banning an gpprimete pichre of he anggliback wef Phra veietom J an given rmmifor Poms bom og Porchims The approxima Peyrmse Corre Wwe const is calaf on aynp tte plot. or a Bok POb, or x Bak obragran, Both 24. magnrtaole oA phase Curves are showy 2040 a logarithnrie Peper secle Lee £Le abscinn 2, Phe magni hell ix alo shim a (ent calle hecrble CdB> Aug = 2eleg [Hess] SS common legeriHe , Chase 10) [nei Has ! 2B = od5 | cou ede 10 206 s fede | 8-12 ~ 20-heu tit ds Fes soe | aot 28 ay sds T= =3 ofp | G25! —> ~ 20a [reo | 40 de 1c nee 8 1s ob out ~20 da Example p Hey = K Comstrt) @) Brew ch aaypletedle mA ghee Beck olcagrans Sola Hyg = 20leg|Hero| = 20 [ey /k} Jem = LK ape. Kee Keo Has. ze ley IK] aft ikea nt Ba woctey) Gar ere ars poleg iki, of Iklro fet = lt sep aor Tove ie Lh k | aH Dray A42 Bode plot of 2m. abd Ens 204026 = 20014 7) , zr Soleqae + 20leyfis@F de a] dpa te wtley) Example [79 ~ww—|} Tk sone Ms ads QD ge te Praw the Boole plot of Hey =e? py te Brehs ots Vout x toed Ly te weve Vin boo + toh fos seeot 5 frm to thes chrivatem, Hey = = 8x mas Os Ber Ba) a (otis ! Pag atterdeun 49 ° Ans to obra Boole “lob for thos i ewlleg> , Moy Hae “ e 7 2 | wlleg) eZ yet 1a sd] re” NOT trodes 29) axe? Wile an? ao Execs (BUBB Corskucl 2 Book magnitacle. plk for Hoy end te 50 cy AS ee SPE pe. Free 7 ae > we Solan. C8) Hoy = 2 Stise Hew Bale ~ais [oy a2tasf —\— ne ey dm cu 5 tend, bode c= cer fo~» a0dB eallegy Ths sect B the opploentoon of Bode plots m BEING Li note, not lB [Te] Tima Baily aes a (They are egni valet clefinctams became Te» dB) daw, ts calle th. bord width, of whe arplifrr Tes) 3 Ae tromsfor fimetam of te Jiofoer, 2. “vas > Laplace noe uP é MO —» Leplave tromsfim of Vs Ts) = Tem i He freprency rexprmse of Phe anplifior @ Iren[ ts the megnitede Frepuoeg repose of the anplifrer Lip 7s the phase fragneneg responce of th age/ifirar Single = Tine — Qnelad Networks CSTE nefrwks) 2 : fl ‘ 3) ce Ly aH co) lows pase filler (um ob high-pass filler CAPD Table nav Froguensy Baspunse gf STC Netiweks Low= Pass CLP) High = Pose CHP2 K Tronafer finetom Tes ees Trenafor PomaFim Cor aienl Pregnancies) Te Tsay ra [Magn tool Resporce ItGuy| Phase Rsponee LT] ton! cu/orey teor tse Fon) Transmission a K ° wars Trememiscion al o 7 B-dB Frequencs wo Ey TS time constent cm Re or We Boole Plot in Fig. 1.23 in Fig. t. 2 6b comaspunds to the fache 4. the alype ~bltfactn () means that of 1 horblec i value, 264 magnitude. Hs Aalved. To wndorstoncl more cee Page FHP m Ha book, 6 dBfoctave “ 0 a fepaoney os malls aie) ee | pf 6 y? SS bg 10 fal (log scale) t - 2 tog seat) notte | ast -#5° correspunds 10, dg: iy t 1 ' I = 45° decade ns ® Fig. #22 (a) Magnitude and (b) phase response of STC networks of the low-pass type Edo sete) police Hut 45° corrasponals Vi fry 49 jdecade Slog seal) © Fig. ¥2M (a) Magnitude and (b) phase response of STC networks of the high-pass type. le vollge ap 60> Find the trensfer fmehin Wy. And firel the ole gor ond Aha ade frequency. cb) Calenlnte the value of the cle gam, He 3-oe frequency, ave tle freyueney at whah the gam becomes ool che. matty) for the core Re=20ka, Rp = veoh c= $0 PF. Ha 144 Yip, Ro= 200%, anol R= tha, Solation re ca) ite = RiCRVCESI) +Ry wee ——* yp A 2 Baksenee Cake Rr Re FEE % Ret Ry parm 03 = a The ole gi .A4GE TE rhe 3-08 Preyong Wy a fry 7 = CrCR Rey ch =144—1 ___ _ > KSI Tie anim IO vo 40.45 ce ere ce . = FopExcaokn Teekay = 10% rede Unity gam fregmngy = 10" y. 2oleg ¥] on wy Clog Exsnple © _ DB Draw Boole ple. Tes) = +100 J. 3s’ o 1092, 000 Solapon Thee 1s a coseacl of HP ome Lp Tes) mv000 LP ds hw pevove ds oo o Loe gk tw? oat HTK sod /elacae aod iad = te $0 1000 —» tools , “—" —> -1#0°, Therefore Be 4 roleg [Tem] 1 Dreenssioms yd = 100 andl 1000,000 ahh. The mid= band frequency is 10% red/g Ant tha mila bowel gam is Gok [7 Think wey net dos. The gain exceeds 57 ols betoveen (00 rade onel 108 radbf,, The gam exceeds 0 ds between 01 rhe and 10? rele, 138° anol ~225° correspurd to r-la freguancies. Thee ts a bad pass filler, at a seeunet-oveler syste, This a caseme of tuo STC systems, Refer $9 EEN tod books pM reveelackonic Cents. Problem 41+ anol one ue) LAL Assume a cosende of two STC syehns, ene HP aolylTerl 4 de. ‘s sodas = reds /ole ale or tlejoci.| orb da Jockave sede | [ 5 \ — op 4 + - ° Me = teste SIN tag cele bu i o Mn 4° I 98 = | | | 7 | 13 - wd = —|— L a =e is log seal Te = -20 = Stems) 14 Srss0ox™ Fogg nto He ond Svoktte midband gan = relegra = 2b de The gam exceeds 23 oe belween 50 He and cookHe | The gam exceeds 0B bulween apie anf Inte, Doubling Poe capacitor veleas yesull On Fotyip 25H Poly yp 2M, Chaplee 1 Senphry CEE3054 D @) Gusrhion + How 40 recover a signal its Stmpples 7 rg Cin our beak 2th) tn ie fe wm fay one few One wag to recomend He = eof) Onaley shgnl from the sanples La Ck as follous » ~ Holl the rr olescrete value consdod rnfo/ te comes.” The csice that dows Hos work 73 nek valine anal collet tha 2ereOnbor Hold ) Fed) = ~~ + fer Given) + fen vie -va-anye -- = & fare Van ~vek-omtnr7) noe fiw Rae 2 x rT] ve = 2 fo fy btn) [ 4 ‘ noe rE CH rs causal rectangulor prlie, 1 2 = Another wag to reemshuat the analog signal fim sample is > vice Hat does fear fie (fhe teas tek 4 ) toe fort-order hele es Thus, diy = + fe G+ fo 9 uo oo Gha S fen 9, Un) ron eansal) In ganersl, we con yecenshued the analog signal Pm hy seples by forming the. Sim s feu = ZB then kee~ nt oo The Pimetam ky shoulol be nck tad Senn = for Thus ku» Aas to bo such Hot Theo) ene kensy for n#0 Cyen con chesk both So frmeel Lye lrpolales fw, Ty FO ond Lau) setrsfy tase comoli bre y teh us make some clrenssions on 60) Fe = Zyrforn kimory = © rfenn Cs usm ken) = CE rh samt kay oy Denele feu = ZF rhe samy, whee ° calle Me Mpa modulate! signal because Cin eur book 1,0) 40= Ether Suny = LS rhusa-ny = Thy B34) = fu, Tow a Vmpolee train rvlbeplrendion Lin one howk penny ) pew At the A wiw , ae = Efe Fawet e Sat = hes Z Sunny = rh 2 +e” dad ae Zl Fwrneey Chere we applrent the rheflog propaty ) Thus, frm err we have Fw = CE Furnes dKuy where fly me Fu onl key <= Kew fw tat fos Kw thw Oler geastim row, % Hal what Ke mast be so thad f= fin. éw mw @ Z| = PANS tll 5 Hn ee | i a Or, ur guection rs Hat whet wa shoolel obo om Frwy to «© 7 make i+ back to Fin. i\ siet Theorem CThe Sanpliry Thewen) Fig) mak Che Fane IwI>$, then ED eat shee Fane, fn This remarkable result shows that a banc Irmchel signaf Fs cemeguely olelvmineel in terms fife samples, previcled Hod the sampling rate to eguals cor exceed) phe Ny gerd Tale FF, Che. He carping freprorey shonlel be at beat twice as muck aa the kiphact Frequency om the Srgnal. 9 Pref a -@ 2 i nT 2 siavt © fio 8 2 Pe , arn sa FE, Fem Senn & Sy ood "8 sinc = (S Fw 2 su-mn)s ace fe Fw Es urns Se oy = (4 F402 yy inet ax neve +E Cue Hy 2S Ante . HOFF Efe) we sinet Crecalt Sst feet pew ) a AEE, Fewtnny Rw fee Hf we chee T so taf wear, -F Oo ickenl low- pres thes LE =, ond Now we see thet 2 Foss nun Poly = Foy Thus 2 sine nny = for SE = fe meal TUAT) The progf % completed. Busshon : How to recover He original firclin by epehry the sanplong theeram ? se Fron F948 on PEWS we see that ~ Bio Zsuwn» Bg Start (fn (7 50) ) 7 Sis = fw fat : fw i a fu) Tew Bet thes nok what we mean, We necol fo recover fur from for, nok fim fo. Letts consioler Fy. 4 on pape 5 142, inet a TE sepsucmn «228 2 pws Thee segpete the fallowrg procedure « ann = foo Sus son S ee ge FP Gog / a fom | feo | £0 6 rr ae Stor cre or wow er fom faa ; fu & thorn $a—n7y The above com be dle only in principle. tr practice (46) a sequence gf impulses con nol be formecl guel on rela! low poss feller is Mmpossibte to be reclined. re replace fyi by a coprerce DP pultes oP aren Theat». And we choose higher senypling rete Lb such tat 4 Thee ylelds a fimetim Fain where comtponarhy Fiunnue) are no longer adjacent, Tuy Neen We replace the itobml lowpass felby Fron with the filly t lupce Tuy = | aubibery » es lwl wee @ Then Fig ti Jeu = Fen Therefore the orctpat of te frlly Tuy eguals fin, vith Hes medbifircetin the veenltey fille Sou ¥s searcher bo vealire,

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