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1. kolokvij se sastoji od etiri zadatka:

1) Postavljanje pitanja
2) Predikati
3) Nepravilna mnoina
4) Present simple active/passiv

1) Postavljanje pitanja
Handout 3 - 1
1 ABB provides its customers with advanced power and automation
What does ABB provide its customers with?
2 ABB operates all over the world.
Where does ABB operate?
3 It employs around 124 000 people.
How many people does it employ?
4 ABB created the first commercial HVDC link 60 years ago.
When did ABB create the first commercial HVDC link?
5 The Phoenix solar power plant will be connected to the grid to avoid the
generation of CO2 emmissions.
Why will the Phoenix solar power plant be connected to the grid?
6 ABB has been commissioned by Phoenix Renewables.
Who has ABB been commissioned by?
7 ABB will be responsible for both teh design and construction of the plant.
What will ABB be responsible for?
8 It is trying to win a $300m contract with China?
Who is it trying to win a $300m contract with?
Handout 4 - 3
1 The Solar Power Pack is a personal solar power utility.
What kind of solar power utility is the Solar Power Pack?
2 It weighs only 24 pounds.
How much does it weigh?
3 It provides users with 120 watt-hours of power a day.
What does it provide users with?

4 It is used in recreational vechiles as well as for field research and

disaster relief.
Where is it used
5 Toby Kindkaid, founder od Solardyne Corporation, developed it a few
years ago.
When did Toby Kindkaid develop it?
6 Solardyne Corporation has sold four dozen solar backpacks to date.
How many solar backpacks has Solardyne Corporation sold to date?
7 The U.S. Army is testing one at its South Pole Station at the moment.
Where is the U.S. Army testing one at the moment?

Handout 5, task 4: Ask questions.

1 Mechanical engineering deals with the design and manufacture of tools and
What does mechanical engineering deal with?
2 Engineers develop complex scientific equipment to explore the space.
Who develops complex scientific equipment to explore the space?
3 Mechanical engineers are involved in every phase in the development of a
What are mechanical engineers involved in?
4 Hydrogen fuel tanks have to be amde of numerous layers of fibreglass and
What has to be made of numerous...?
5 Roger Billings modified a Model A Ford to use hydrogen in the 1970s.
a) Who modified a Model A Ford to use .....?
b) What did R. Billings modify to use.....?

2) Predikati -> na predavanjima nismo radili onakav zadatak kao to e biti

u kolokviju (razvrstavanje predikata u tablice)
3) Nepravilna mnoina
Handout 3 2
axis -> axes, phenomenon -> phenomena, vortex -> vortices, radius ->
Vortices are a major component of turbulent flow.
If a robot has a three degrees of freedom, it can move in three axes.
If you place two radii end-to-end in a circle, you will have the same length
as one diameter.

A number of experimental investigations on thermal phenomena have

been reported.
4) Present simple active/passiv
Handout 5, task 3: Fill in the corresponding tense of the verbs given in
Static electricity enables a photocopier to produce almost instant copies of
documents. At the heart of the machine is a metal drum which is given a
negative charge at the beginning of the copying cycle. The optical system then
projects an image of the document on the drum. The electric charge
disappears where light strikes the metal surface, so only dark parts of the
image remain charged. Positively charged particles of toner powder are applied
then to the drum. The charged parts of the drum attract the dark powder, which
is transferred to a piece of paper. A heater seals the powder to the paper, and
a warm copy of the document emerges from the photocopier.

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