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Select the most appropriate statement from the following:

A. Unions and management always eventually work out differences between themselves without
having to resort to conciliation and arbitration.
B. Australia follows the trend of the United States in its workplace relations.
C. The degree of intervention by the state in the Australian workplace never happens as workers
are clearly protected.
D. The degree of intervention by the state in the Australian workplace has always been a highly
contentious mater, no less now than at the time of the adoption of the peculiarly Australian
system of conciliation and arbitration.
2. The Australian Constitution:
A. was the first federal constitution in the world.
B. was NOT the first federal constitution in the world.
C. is the same as the United States.
D. None of the answers are correct.
3. Select the most appropriate statement from the following:
A. WorkChoices replaced the Fair Work Act 2009.
B. The Fair Work Act 2009 replaced WorkChoices.
C. Australia does not currently have legislation that governs workplaces.
D. None of the answers are correct.
4. The guiding principle governing the unfair dismissal laws is:
A. stated to be a 'fair go all round', which is Australian vernacular for the fact that both employers
and employees have rights that must be protected in these matters.
B. that employers have rights that must be protected in these matters.
C. that employees have rights that must be protected in these matters.
D. None of the answers are correct.

5. No one should be terminated on discriminatory grounds under:

A. s 210 of the Fair Work Act 2009.
B. s 772 of the Fair Work Act 2009.
C. s 27 of the Fair Work Act 2009.
D. None of the answers are correct.
6. Select the most appropriate statement from the following:
A. Compensation for injured workers was historically developed by means of the common law,
but by the 1870s in the United Kingdom it was clear that the courts were going to devote a lot
of creativity developing ways to deny injured workers compensation at all.
B. Compensation for injured workers has historically always favoured the injured worker.
C. Access to fair compensation for injured workers has always been available.
D. None of the statements are correct.
7. In the case of employee theft, a prudent employer would:
A. put the employee on paid leave until a proper investigation can occur.
B. always have to give the employee the benefit of the doubt.
C. always summarily dismiss the employee.
D. None of the answers are correct.
8. The employment contract:
A. is a critical tool for employees to help them open the opportunities for their poaching by an
employer's competitors.
B. is a critical tool for employers to use in preventing damage to the business when a staff
member is poached.
C. serves no real assistance for employers to prevent damage to business when a staff member
is poached
D. None of the answers are correct.

9. An employer:
A. is unable to protect itself from the release of confidential information from former employees.
B. is able to protect itself from the release of confidential information from former employees.
C. has to pay a former employee a special fee not to release confidential information on the
former employer.
D. is able to protect itself from the release of confidential information from former employees and
has to pay a former employee a special fee not to release confidential information on the
former employer.
10. Select the most appropriate statement from the following:
A. Having a non-compete clause in an employment contract will always prevent an ex-employee
working for a competitor.
B. Having a non-compete clause in an employment contract will stop any type of employment
whatsoever of an ex-employee for a period of two to three years.
C. An employer can never request a non-compete clause in an employment contract under any
D. None of the statements are correct.
11. Asking female job candidates how they will juggle work and family commitments is:
A. discrimination.
B. a reasonable question for HR to ask a potential employee.
C. harassment.
D. an important part of the interview process.

12. In order for an employer to 'protect their patch', which of the following is NOT recommended?
A. Check employment contracts to ensure that there is an adequate notice clause.
B. Having a non-compete clause in an employment contract will stop any type of employment
whatsoever of an ex-employee for a period of 2 to 3 years.
C. Rely solely on legal remedies.
D. None of the statements are correct.

13. The classical definition of a 'trade union' comes from:

A. Beatrix Potter, who defined it as: 'a continuous association of wage-earners for maintaining or
improving the conditions of their employment'.
B. Beatrice and Spyder, who defined it as: 'a continuous association of wage-earners for
maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment'.
C. Beatrice and Sidney Webb, who defined it as: 'a continuous association of wage-earners for
maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment'.
D. None of the statements are correct.
14. Select the most appropriate statement from the following:
A. The employment relationship, according to many pluralist and radical analysts, is an 'open and
uncertain' arrangement, in the sense that the employee can only promise to supply labour
effort, and the employer accepts this promise on faith.
B. The employment relationship, according to many unitarist analysts is an 'open and uncertain'
arrangement, in the sense that the employee can only promise to supply labour effort, and the
employer accepts this promise on faith.
C. Both of the answers are correct.
D. Neither of the answers are correct.

15. The Rudd/Gillard Government's ten National Employment Standards included (among other
A. maximum weekly hours; requests for flexible working arrangements.
B. parental leave and related entitlements; also annual leave.
C. maximum weekly hours; requests for flexible working arrangements.
D. All of the statements are correct.
16. Select the most appropriate statement from the following:
A. The threat of a more effective union movement and the demands of the new unfair dismissal
provision, in particular, mean that the HR manager will no longer need to consult employees
more effectively and develop fair decision-making procedures that can survive the scrutiny of
B. The threat of a more effective union movement and the demands of the new unfair dismissal
provision, in particular, mean that the HR manager will need to consult employees more
effectively and develop fair decision-making procedures that can survive the scrutiny of
C. The threat of a less effective union movement and the removal of unfair dismissal laws mean
that HR managers will no longer need to consult employees.
D. None of the statements are correct.
17. The cumulative effect of the Fair Work regime:
A. increases the capacity of managers to make decisions unilaterally, compared to the situation
under WorkChoices.
B. undoubtedly increases the capacity of managers to make decisions unilaterallyat least
compared to the situation under WorkChoices.
C. undoubtedly reduces the capacity of managers to make decisions unilaterallyat least
compared to the situation under WorkChoices.
D. None of the answers are correct.

18. The relationship between HRM and Employment Relations (ER) has been hotly contested in
Australia at the levels of:
A. public policy, organisational practice and theory.
B. public policy, funds management and political science theory.
C. public policy, hospitality industry practices and cause-effect theory.
D. None of the answers are correct.
19. Select the most appropriate statement from the following:
A. The scholarly comparison between HRM and industrial relations (IR) is an arcane academic
exercise. It provides a strong justification for students of HRM to study and learn from IR.
B. The scholarly comparison between HRM and industrial relations (IR) is not an arcane
academic exercise. It provides a strong justification for students of HRM to study and learn
from IR.
C. The scholarly comparison between HRM and industrial relations (IR) is not an arcane
academic exercise. There is, however, little justification for students of HRM to study and learn
D. None of the statements are correct.
20. Select the most appropriate statement from the following:
A. Australia has moved from a centralised wage system to a decentralised system in the 1980s
and 1990s.
B. Australia has moved from a decentralised wage system to a centralised system in the 1980s
and 1990s.
C. Australia has had no movement away from a centralised wage system to a decentralised
system in the 1980s and 1990s.
D. Australia has neither a centralised nor a decentralised wage system.

21. Select the most appropriate statement from the following:

A. One of the possible reasons for the decline in union membership relates to growth industries
and having jobs with little traditional union involvement.
B. One of the possible reasons for the decline in union membership is that management became
increasingly intolerant of union membership in their enterprise and were more likely than in
previous decades to mount anti-union strategies.
C. One of the possible reasons for the decline in union membership is that the structures and
polices of the unions themselves failed to recognise and accommodate to changing times.
D. All of the statements are correct.
22. The aim of both award rationalisation and award modernisation was to:
A. remove awards entirely.
B. increase the number of awards.
C. reduce the number of awards and complexity of the award system.
D. neither reduce nor increase the number of awards but to make it less complex.
23. The cumulative effect of the Fair Work Regime upon managers was:
A. to reduce the capacity of managers to make decisions unilaterally.
B. to weaken the safety net for both employees and employers.
C. to increase the difficulty in terminating employees.
D. to make it easier for small business owners to sack employees.
24. The intention behind the new unfair dismissal provisions was:
A. to make it more difficult for businesses to employ contractors.
B. to force employers to introduce decision-making procedures that ensured fairness to
C. to boost productivity.
D. to improve employee morale and motivation.

25. Which definition listed below best describes the process of conciliation?
A. It is a process by which a third party hears evidence in connection with a dispute and makes a
binding determination.
B. It is a process by which a third party conciliator attempts to resolve a dispute through
discussion and negotiation.
C. It is a type of arbitration process.
D. None of the answers are correct.
26. Which of the following is NOT one of the 10 National Employment Standards introduced by the
Rudd/Gillard government?
A. Requests for flexible work arrangements
B. Six weeks annual leave
C. Maximum weekly hours
D. Long service leave

27. When developing a work-unit activity analysis, which step is NOT part of the process?
A. Raw inputs
B. Human resources
C. Activity
D. Human performance processing
28. In developing a work-unit activity analysis:
A. raw inputs, equipment and human resources lead into 'activity' which leads into 'output'.
B. raw inputs, marketing and production resources lead into 'activity' which leads into 'output'.
C. raw inputs, finance and human resources lead into 'activity' which leads into 'output'.
D. raw inputs, production, marketing and human resources lead into 'activity' which leads into

29. Regarding centralisation as a critical dimension of organisational structure, which of the following
statements is most correct?
A. Centralisation is the degree to which decision-making authority resides at the top of the
organisational chart.
B. Centralisation refers to the distribution of decision-making responsibility throughout the
C. Centralisation is electronic communication between organisational levels.
D. None of the answers are correct.
30. Whereas workflow design provides a longitudinal overview of the dynamic relationships by which
inputs are converted into outputs, organisation structure provides a cross-sectional overview of:
A. the static relationships between individuals and units that create the outputs.
B. the staff relationships.
C. the static relationships between individuals and units that create the inputs.
D. All of the answers are correct.
31. Departmentation:
A. refers to how offices are designed in the Sydney CBD
B. is the degree to which decision-making authority resides at the top of the organisational chart.
C. is the degree to which decision-making authority resides at the bottom of the organisational
D. is the degree to which work units are grouped, based on functional similarity or similarity of
32. Select the most appropriate statement from the following:
A. A functional style structure is always best.
B. A divisional structure, such as product structure is always best.
C. A divisional structure based on the geographic structure is always best.
D. None of the answers are correct.

33. An example of a family-friendly work environment:

A. is to allow children to come to work each day with one of their parents.
B. would be to provide child-care facilities at the workplace.
C. would be not to recruit people who have children.
D. All the answers are correct.

34. Performance management deals with getting information about how well each employee is
performing his or her job in order to:
A. reward those who are effective.
B. reward those who are effective, improve the performance of those who are ineffective.
C. reward those who are effective, or provide a written justification for why the poor performer
should be disciplined.
D. All of the answers are correct.
35. A job description is:
A. a brief description of what the job entails.
B. a very detailed description of some part of what the job involves.
C. a list of key performance indicators.
D. a list of the tasks, duties and responsibilities that a job entails.

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