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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 22, 2017

What is essential for harmonious living in the nation and at home? Bhagawan lovingly
reminds us today.

Like the three blades of a fan which must be activated by the

current to rotate like one, the three - the cabinet (legislative), the
officers (executive) and the people must be activated by the spirit of
service, and work joyfully in unison, for the happiness of the
people. The three must not be disturbed by mutual envy, greed,
hate or malice; they must be activated by love and
sympathy. Sahana (forbearance) is the lubrication needed. There is
no love and sympathy even between the members of a
household. Kali yuga has become Kalaha yuga, the era of
wrangling and wars. Even while foes are surrounding this country,
there is wild hate between one state and another, claiming 'this bit
of land is mine', 'that bit of land cannot be yours', forgetting that
both are limbs of the same body. Similar is the fate of nations too.
Integration of hearts can come about only through the recognition
of the oneness of all, and the renunciation of sensory pursuits.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 3, 1966.

Be pure, be simple, be sincere and God will answer your every prayer. Baba

22 jnvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM, Awpxy Gr Aqy Awpxy dyS ivc iek`swr rihx leI , ikhVI gl zrUrI hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, ipAwr
nwl Xwd duAwauNdy hn[

au`qr: ijs qrHW p`Ky dy iq`n blyfW nUM,iek dUjy nwl iekswr clx leI, ibjlI zrUrI hY ausy qrHW, lokW dI KuSI leI,
kYbInt, APsrW Aqy lokW ,ieh iq`nW nUM,syvw dI Bwvnw nwl Aqy iekswr KuSI nwl, iek`Ty kMm krnw cwhIdw hY[ieh
iq`nW ivc ArQwq AwpsI eIrKw, lwlc, nPrq jW durBwvnw nwl, rukwvt nw pwau pr ienHW nUM ipAwr Aqy
sdBwvnw nwl bVHwvw dau[sihnSIlqw dI ienHW au`qy mrHm lgwau[iek Gr dy mYNbRW ivc, ipAwr Aqy hmdrdI nhIN
hY[kl-Xug, klHw Xug bx igAw hY[ie`QoN qweIN ik dyS nUM, duSmnW ny GyirAw hoieAw hy, iek rwjX Aqy dUjy rwjX
ivc, nPrq ho geI hY, koeI kihMdw hY, ieh myrI zmIn hY pr auh Bu`l gey hn ik dovyN,iek hI SrIr dy ih`sy hn[iehI
hwl, dUjy mulkW dw hY[idmwgI cyqnw dI mdd nwl, swirAW dy idlW ivc, iekswrqw AwauNdI hY[(03 A`gsq, 1966
dy idvX pRvcn)[
piv`qr bxo, swDwrx bxo, vPwdwr bxo[ieh guxW kwrx, Bgvwn quhwfI hr pRwrQnw suxx gy[(bwbw)[

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