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'US 2006007: cu») United States 976A 2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2006/0073976 A1 Pohiman (54) METHOD OF GRAVITY DISTORTION AND TIME DISPLACEMENT (76) Inventor: Marlin B, Pobl Tulsa, OK (US) Correspondence Address: STITES & HARBISON PLLC 1199 NORTH FAIRFAX STREET SUITE 900 ALENANDRIA, VA 22314 (US) (21) Appl. Nos 10984,767 (2) Filed Oct. 1, 2004 Publication Classiieation (1) Int, FI6C 3906 (2006.01) Gory 70 (2006.01) G09B 2306 (2006.01) FSB om (2006.01) MOIS. 09 (2006.01) (4s) Pub. Date: ‘Apr. 6, 2006 (62) US.CL 505/166; 505/180; 434/300; "73/382 G; SOSI164 on ABSTRACT A method for employing sinusoidal oseilations of electrical bbombardaent on the srface of one Kerr type singularity ia close proximity toa second Kerr type singularity in such @ amthodl to take advantage of the Lense-Thirring effect, to simulate the effect of two point masses on neatly radial orbits in # 241 dimensional anti-de Site space resulting ia ‘reaton ofeicular timelike geodesies conforming tothe van Stockum under the Van. Den Broock modification of the Aleubierre geometry (Van Den Broock 1999) permiting ‘opology change from one spacelike boundary tothe other in accordance with Geroch's theorem (Geroch 1967) which results in a method forthe formation of Godel-type geode- sically complete spacetime envelopes complete with closed timelike curves, Patent Application Publication Apr. 6, 2006 Sheet 1 of 2 US 2006/0073976 A1 Figure 1 Patent Application Publication Apr. 6, 2006 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2006/0073976 A1 Figure 2 US 2006/0073976 AI HOD OF GRAVITY DISTORTION AND TIME DISPLACEMENT, FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] The present invention relates tothe use of technical time displacement devices, which operate by the modifi tion of gravitational Gelds. These drive systems donot depesd On the emission of matter to create thrust to tke ‘advantage of ine dilation, but rather ereate a change in the ‘curvature of space-time, in accordance with general relativ= This allows travel aross topologies by warping space- ime, to produce a topology change from one spacelike boundary'o the other in accordance with Geroch’s theorem (Geroch 1967) THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] The concept of gravity should be examine in the Tight of quantum gravity and in tum as @ component of ‘quantum physics self, The fundamental misimal quantum ‘of energy in quantum physics is Planck's constant; Thus in aocondance withthe energy equivalence fomula Emme’, the fundamental minimum quantity of mass (m) ean there- Tore be derived, from known coastants by: ahve? (1). “Taking this minimal mass, itis possible to show that the formation of all matter, the forves of nature and indeed spacectime itself derive from ths single quintessential quan- ty [0003] Thus ifthe number ofquintessences ina system is, jemim,; then the total Energy of the system is more logically’ given by, the energy of single quintessence (h)s dlitectly multiplid by the number of quintessences (n) in that system, thus pe a [0004] Furthermore, this minimal mass, termed quintes- fence, can form the basi of the existence of a quantum ravitational field inthe form of a spacestime lates, from ‘which quantum gravity may be derived from first principles. unhermore the conglomeration of these quintessences also ‘accounts forthe formation ofthe elementary particles and the forces acting between them, as in superstring theory. ‘This concept explains the formation of matter and the forces ‘of nature on @ quantum mechanical basis and directly ‘explains the existence of wave particle duality. Thus as amlm,: the frequency of light and matter (f) is deter- mined, directly, from the number of constituent quintes- sences. This leads automatically to the fundamental equa tion, derived from (1), Fan,eE/b, where a, is the number of ‘quintesences, which leads drecly o the frequency of both Fight and matier. This in turn leads directly to a Universal fave equation for matter and light Z=clfiny=heiB (2). where fF is the relative directional velocity, We. As the momentum, pefixiie, then this equation also gives the Standard de-Broglie wave equation, bxhip in agveement with ‘current theory and experiments [0005] Using the Universal wave equation, the standard ‘equation for special relativity, m’=m,/(-f2)'*, derives from fist priniples, Also from these observation, a modi- fied Dirac wave equation may be derived, Eya(-jf-V+ Boj (2a, the reslls of which have been recently verified by a paper in which the orbitals of electrons were expec- mentally directly visualised". Moreover, a fundamental Apr. 6, 2006 for yeneral relativity can be formulated, where Gis the gnivitational constant and r, is the given radius of quintessence: G=9(e,)'ePE (3), such thatthe Universal ‘Wave equation sin direct agreement with general relativity’ ‘Thus special and geneeal relativity and qnantum mechanies can be unilied [0006] | From here itis possible to proceed in a number of ‘ways: the geometric stricture ofthe electron andthe forces ‘of Nature may’ be derived fom is principles and in turn the structure of the quarks, including the top and bottom, ‘otherwise known as rth and beauty can be seen. Moreover, the presence of a space-time lattice revls in an understand ing of quantum EPR effects. By allowing a theoretical flow ‘of energy through the space-time atice it can be shown that: [0007] Energy is not bound by space-time [0008] Thus logically accounting for phenomena sue as fenlanglement and quantum tunnelling. Quintessence can also be use to explain, logically, she inner physics of a black bole, the missing mass of the Galaxy, the comtinsing expan- sion ofthe Universe, inth'sitlationary theory and the Big Bang. Hence, i s now possible to understand the Universe, including space-time, matter and the forees of nature fro the radius, mass and vibration of a single quantity, quintos- [0009] With this understanding of space-time, matter and the forces of Nature, and in particular gravity, itis possible to demonstrate thatthe modification of gravitational feds, and in turn the warping of space-time, ean be technically readily achieved. [0010] Using, standard equations for special relativity, smfomy/(I-P*)"?, it can be demonstrated that by deren silly increasing the velocity of electrons, by applying. @ iferntil current, their mass ean be increased in a specific ‘way. In tum by increasing the mass of electrons, by general relativity, the numberof gravitons emitted from these elee- ‘rons ean be modulated. By multiplying tis effet using an ulleoentrifugational device the dlferetial grviton ex sion ean be manifestly amplified. This in tur, in accordance ‘with general relativity, will eanse a change inthe curvature fof space-time [0011] This effective warping of space-time does not, of necessity, imply superluminal Velocities, but does allow the creation of warp drive systems, which do not depend on the freation of thrust by the ejection of material as used ia current space technologies, Part 1--Fundameatal Laws of Physies [0012] Quintessential Mass [0013] ‘Tae quantum physical, minimum component of nergy is Planck's constant h To define the minimal com ponent of mass, using the standard energy equivalence ormuls: Enme’, such & minimal mass (m,) Would. be required to ave the value equivalent fo; mle" (1). The total mass ofa system (a) Would then be; tienen, where {a,) isthe numberof these minimal unis. Thence, te wh {nora ofa system ean be derived from te minim ener bemlplied by the namber of these energy nits (o,). Ths a, Ene the also Bama! and substituting move? the hong equivalence forme asthe more logical formalae tion; Eshn,(la). Thus the energy of a system is equiva US 2006/0073976 AI [0014] Taking this minimal masslonergy, itis possible ro show that all matter, the foroes of nature and space time ean be constricted from this single quintessential quantity. Morcover, using this quantity the laws of physies can be ‘derived from fist priniples. Thus, a prior, ll components ‘of the physical universe, including space-time, ean be structed from this minimal mass component, termed quin- [0015] Wave Particle Duality [0016] If the presence of quintessence accounts for the trocture of mater and if muller itself forms from the ‘umber of quintessences, then the frequeney of matter and thus wave particle duality directly arses from fist prin- ciples, Specifically the wavelength of matter derives fom, the vibration of quintessence from which itis constitute. Thos the frequency (f) and! in turn the wavelength of light and mater is directly equivalent to the number of quintes- Senees contained within it. We find that he actual frequency ‘of light can he directly derive from fist principles fom the ‘ellective mass ofthe photon (mand thus by the number of ‘quintesenees(a,) it contains, [0017] Thus for Hight conventionally fee [0018] and if Peme%, and hem,e% then. meng? foo, fm « [0019] Thus the formula forthe frequeney of light Babs now realy explained by the observation thatthe frequency js determined quite directly from the number of quintes- ences n, within the photon [0020] The wavelength is thus also given by decom nhie [0021] We ean now show thatthe frequency of matter also has the same derivation from quintessence, as has the frequency of light. The frequency of matter is again equiva Jeat to the number of guintessences it contains. Thus the ‘wave particle duality of matter itself can be explained by is ‘composition fom quintessence. The amount of quintes- ences contained within a electron sphere wll depend on the ‘umber of quitessences constituting the electra and those passing through it as result of ils relative velocity 6 (where vie): effectively its relativistic momentum (p),The frequency will then be related to the total number of quin- tessenees, Thus for matter, Ae, “ [0022] Thus itis possible to derive the conventional de [Broglie wave equation for matter from fst principles. Thus, as havi, we ave: en 6 0023} thus as noth Indo ® Apr. 6, 2006 [0024] and as conventionally Blew ake [0028] Provided that in the de Broglie equation, the ‘momentum of the object i caleuated using che relativistic ‘mass, thus accounting for the total numberof quintessences 2, in an objec, this gives an accurate Value forthe wave- Iength of mater [0026] Thus the wavelength of mater follows direetly from its constituents, quintessence. As matter is made of «quintessence, similarly to light, its frequency depends on the ‘numberof quintessencesn, within it, traveling relative to the speed of light. Moreover, Ahe/BE, underpins a fundamental ‘lationship between wavelength and energy. Furthermore, mathematically tbe same as the term 2=bv/f"E, giving ivistic expression for the wavelength of matter, from the relativistic equations may be directly derived [0027] Wave Equations [0028] The derivation of wave particle duality from frst Principles also now allows the derivation of a modified wave equation for mate, [0029] To derive his wave equation Shrodinger com- ‘enced withthe de Broglie equation using momentum (p). For lower energies the momentum ofan electron is conven: sionally derived from the kinetic energy of the elotron and the mass ofthe electton m,, Thus conventionally: then for matter Taw =P pena [0030] and conventionally, the de Broglie equation can also be writen as inhi tEIAS [0031] In tum the Shrodinger wave equation directly erives fom the square of the above classical non relativ= istic tem for kinetic energy: 1/6 2m # MEnEsY [0032] | However, the Shrodinger equation, may’ be refined by taking into aeeount relativity. Thus the tee values forthe energy are given by the relativistic momentum (p). [0033] A fundamental relativistic wave equation for y. ‘nd its logical derivation may now be developed through the feoncept of quintessence as a fundamental constituent of nate US 2006/0073976 AI [0024] The amount of quintessences in the electron is determined by the number of quintessences forming the ‘elecicon at rest, plus the amount of quitessenees passing through it due io is relativistic velocity, which wil deter imine the relativistic momentum (p) of a patiele [0085] The frequency of matter can now be realy cal ‘ulate from fist principles to give a more accurate result ‘Thus as matter is made of quintessence, similarly to light its frequency is equal to the number of quintessences 2, Wi it. The wavelength will depend on its velocity travelling relative 10 the speed of light and thus multiplied by dhe relative velocity compared to e(f=vle); [0036] Hence for matter as previously shown: Tea gehoRe ° [0097] And conventionally Bayieamie! 0038] Using these equations, we can now, also, refor fete Shrodinger wave equation that relativity can be treated in a quantum mechanical way. “Thue ifthe wave encrgy of matter is defined as VPI Po [0099] whict in complex space generalises to By iBTy oy [0040] As the tem also represents the ground state ratio of the velocity of the ‘electron to e, Thus e=fievie=1/137. [0041] Thus, aso Eyets Pony [0042] This is thus the standard relativistic equation that Dirge was able 10 construct fram the Shrodinger wave ‘equation. This elativistc equation can be derived from the ‘modified wave equation. This takes into account the relative mass energy which the quintessential wave equation con- [0043] Where importantly the term fim is the mass m, nutiplid by the ratio ofthe relative velocity to light vie, tnd the tema is also essentially the relative velocity of the ‘electron [0044] The Dime equation was an empirical formula ‘which worked mathematically, nevertheless even Dime ‘admitted it was nt logically understood. The importance of these equations is that they show that the existence of ‘quintessence allows the wavepartcle duality of matter to Be ‘explained and mathematically derived from first principles, Apr. 6, 2006 Thus the Frequency of matter or even light is simply deter- sind by the number of quintessences it contains [0045] Indeed, recent publication in Nature has sug- ested that the direct visualisation ofthe orbitals of electrons shows that these are in very close agreement with theory. However, there is a significant departure fom theory, in the interstitial molecular regions, sUggesting that the higher Velocities ofthe electrons obey the modified Dirae equation Thus these orbitals were in Keeping with the modified Dirac elf may be derived from the wave equa hel [0046] The Shrodinger wave equation will approximate to the comet values until v approaches c. Indeed the Shrod- inger equation will give similar answers a that derived fro ‘euation, under most experimental conditions, [0047] However, equation 2 and its derivative may have advantages over standard Shrodinger theory with eatvisic speeds. Furthermore, equation 2, conceptually shows that the wave particle duality of matter derives from the principle that the Fequency of matter is directly equal to the number of quintessences it contains. Importantly i also mathenati- cally allows relativity and quantum mechanics to be united [0048] With vac, the modifed Dirac equation will yield ‘more securateresuits, particularly compared with the Sehro-