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whereas : ~

Special or Restricted L/C

variation : ,

subsequent : ,

take delivery of : ~

subsequent carrier :

quarterly settlement :

reference : ,

amount to : ~

freight :

total up to : ~

thereof :

examine :

defective :

bear = incorporate :

revert to : ,

advance = advance funds :

proceed with :

pending ~ :

correspondent :

subject to : ~

progressive payment :

value : n.

assess : (, )

outstanding :

due on : ~

take up the matter with :

fall due on :

covering : as regards : ~

insolvency :

an overdue balance :

Open account :

= amount in arrear

Remitting Bank :

= deliquent account

Collecting Bank :

address = surrender :

Advising Bank :

honor = protect :

debit note(D/N) :( )

forward :

credit note(C/N) :( )

validity :

in exchange for : ~

mere : , ~

for account of A : A

owing to~ : ~

document draft :

meet : ,

d/s : (after sight)

recognition : ,

d/d : (after date)

combined with : ~

specifically :

effect payment :

endeavor = devote oneself in

presentation of the required

: ,

documents :

courtesy : ,

fixed or determinable date :

amendment : ,

workable price :

nominate :

client :

refer A to B :A B

induce : ,

render :

Document L/C :

engage to :

Clean L/C :

come up to : ~

Negotiation L/C :

stock :

Straight L/C : ()

be quaranteed :

Back to Back L/C :

open an account with

Escrow L/C :

= enter into business relations with

Thomas L/C :

: ,

Stand-by L/C :

settlement :

General or Open L/C :

agent :

conditions :

bidding :

quotation : , ,

particular :

in return : ,

have no objection to : ~

principal = party :

brench : ,

be liable for : ~

mitigate :

lapse :

award :

so long as : ~

jurisdiction :

liability :

without loss of time

allowance = discount = deduction

=without delay = promptly

= abatement :

=as soon as possible

rebate : , ,

=immediately = urgently

in reference to = for = for as to

: , ,

=as for=concering=with regard to

unqualified = unconditional

=as regards : ~

: ,

be about to : ~

at the lastest :

firm :

at the earliest :

leading and old established :

specify : ,

=stipulate = provide =state

consignition = lot = article


=merchandise :

the following = as follows

vendor : = seller

: ~ ,

frachise : ,

somewhat : ,

at once :

duly : ,

avail oneself of : ~

refrain : ,

backlog :

cumulative : ,

hereof :

Revolving L/C :

irresponsible :

cumulative method :

book an order :

non-cumulative method

make = effect delivery :

take delivery :

refuse delivery :

Authorized Bank :

in favor of you :

=Nominated Bank :

: , ,

grant :

Straight B/L :

every = complete : ,

Order B/L :

arrage : ~

Stale B/L :

cover : ,


clear for : sail for : ~

tab :

note = pay attention to

Preferential tariff :

=keep in mind :

drawback :

Korean Commercial Arnitration

detour :

Board :

deviate :

case by case contract :

fail to : ~

master contract :

make out to : ~

exclusive contract :

null and void :

deck :

conference system :

sustain : ,

fundamentally revised :

approches :

quay : berth :

by reference :

vis-a-vis : , ~

any one but~ : ~

convey : ,

relinquish :

forwarding agents :

prima facie evidence :

forming the subject-matter of

carrier :

different export transactions

chaterer :

shipowner :

represent the goods :

shipper :

Seaworthiness :

made out to order :

as requested :

stuffing = vanning :

make up for = to compensate for

tort :

on the verge of shipment

P/O :

bound for : ~

reserve the right of disposal

regardless of~ : ~

Liner :

quality certificate :

Tramper :

quarantin certificate :

whilst : ~

suffice :

in consequence :

customs law :

take over :

an allowance made by the

be to : ~

goverment :

bear :

a return of import duty

demote :

discharge : = unload

kindly be advised :

laydays :

at the case maybe :

upon~ : ~

prevail : ,

acknowledgement : ,

agreed unloading point :

unloading costs :

lighterage :

cargo is in the custody of the

wharfage charges :

ship :

berth term :

in respect of : ~

place :

in the custody of ~ : ~

at the disposal of : ~

aboard subject vessel

premises : (, ,

release of goods held under

warrant :

not cleared for export :

Authority :

export formalities :

be granted to : ~

alongside the ship :

subject to ~ : ~

anchored in the stream :

whereby :

render : ,

cargo insurance :

premature passing of the risks

adventure :

suppression :

contemplate :

communicate :

effect insurance

material fact :

=place an insurance

particular average loss

=conclude an insurance

general average loss

recover : ,

indemnify : ,

sufferer :

declare : ,

climant :

conquent to : ~ ,

waiver of acceptance of

ordinary leakage :

abandonment :

ordinary loss in weight, or

volume : ,

losses sustained or expenses

ordinary wear and tear :

incurred :

latent defect :

adjust :

pro rata contribution :

adjustment :

preserving : ,

subject-matter insured

terminate :

loss settlement: ()

waiver :

cover note :

hull :

underwriter :

mutiny :

placing of insurance

undertaking contract :

assured :

rate and security obtained

up to the extent of

: ~ ()

provide :

against : ~

a document forwarded

undertake :

incidental to : ~

claims :

the voyage contemplated by the

casualty insurance policy


be discharged from

deliberately :

: ~

open policy :

unvalued policy :

Theft Pilferage and Non-delivery

insurable value :

: , ,

anticipated (expected) profit

commencement : ,

transit :

the measure of indemnity

exceptionally low rate

where ~ : ~


effected for a round sum

: ,

embargo :

in deemed to be : ~

reasonable and customary

policy :


insurable interest :

lot : ,

established tribunals of justice

barratry :

indemnity : ()

taking and abiding by

indemnity allowed

=insurable value :

with a view to ~ing

make a claims on A for B

: ~

: A B

save your inconvenience and

file(lodge, enter, put in)

considerable cost of a legal

a claims with A for(on) B



bring an action against~

: ~

check for this balance

take a legal proceeding against~

: ~

shall be compelled to ~

take legal steps for ~

: ~

: ~

collection : ,

resort to litigation

be up to ~ : ~

place the matter to the hand of

inferior :

our attorney

cuttings : ,

upon v + ing : ~

insert : ( )

unpack :

oversight : ,

missing : ,

look into : ~

replace A with B

put the matter right

: A B

prefer A to B:A B

apologize A to B

substitute B for A

: A B

: A B

by return mail :

quality ordered :

settle : (, )

make an investigation :

regard A with disfavor


: A

dispatch : ( , )

recourse :

shipping section :

to such an extent that: ~

=dispatching department

in compensation for

refer to :

: ~

preliminary loss advice

be as per : ~

trace :

captioned claims :

have no choice but to ~

=subject claims

: ~ .

advice A of B : A B

arrange for~ : ~

orders :

be attributable to : ~

second to none

legal action :

proceedings :

letting us known:

court of law :

be held up :

enforce :

representation :

remedy :

a par value :

in blank :

curtail :

special delivery :

be not in request :

correspondent agreement

owe A to B : A B

be ready to buy A

tolerance :

=be in the market for A

engage in : ~

: A

reputable :

be held up :

franchise :

discretion :

floor price :

good for :

ceiling price :

stiff :

ruling price :

subcontractor :

future price :

meagre : ,

spot price :

appropriation :

sluggish = bearish = dull

be consistent with : ~

=inactive :

as it stands :

bullish =brisk = strong =firm

entrust you with the bulk of our

=active :


be up to :

be as per :

=be identical to

favor A with B : A B

with our compliments

make a discount of 5%

: ,

=give you a 5% discount

with me value specified

=give you an allowance of 5%

=offer a discount of 5% off

concluded :

=allow a discount of 5%

revised price :

: 5%

riots :

and over = or more

civil commotion :

through the courtesy of A

ordinances :

we have learnde that

insurrection :

=we are indebted your name to A

contingencies :

=your name has been

amicably : ,

recommended to us by A

del credere :

=we have received your name

result from : ~

from A

resulting in : ~

=your name was given to us by A

infringement clause

good sellers :

: ( )

at competitive prices

inquire for +(some goods)

inquire about +(a person)

meet with a ready sale :

place an order with A for B

act for :

: A B

bookable price =acceptable price

circular letter =invitation to offer

: ()

=proforma invoice :

warkable price :

distributorship : ,

go into effect :

distributor :

beyond reach :

ad valorem :

refer A to B : A B

offset : ,

to be of service to you

initial samples :

- Voyage charter :

compete in ~ : ~

feeler sample = test sample

- Trip charter :

the nearest substitute

- Lumsum charter()

upon mutual agreement

- Daily charter()

: 1

be considered as :~

- Bareboat charter()

running from :~

vary :

be valid = be effective =be open

- Berth terms : ,

=be available = be in force

- FIO : ,

assure A of B

- FI : ,

: A B

bill of exchange drawn on us at

- FO : ,

30days after sight

Demurrage :


Dispatch money :

confirm having ~ed

S/R (Sipping Request)

: ~

replying to = in reply to

- M/F (Manifest) :

=answering = in response to


bear in mind that : ~

- A/N (Arrival Notice):


- D/O (Delivery Order)

- bilateral contract :


- informal contract :

-> M/F

- consensual contract :

, ->D/O()

- remunerative contract :


FAQ() :


USQ() : ,

MTD( Multimodal Transport


Document) :

: , ,

L/I (Letter of Indemnity)

(sight credit, sight paymeny L/C)


(usance, tenor credit)

-> L/I

- (d/s)

B/L ->

- (d/d)


- (installment L/C)

: ,

- Time charter ()

(Shipping invoice)

(Pro-forma invoice)

(Consular invoice)

(Customs invoice)

Incoterms 2000

L/G(Letter of Guarrantee)

-EXW(Ex Works) :

: L/G

-FCA(Free Carrier) :

. L/G

-FAS(Free Alongside Ship) :

. B/L

-FOB(Free On Board) :

-CFR(Cost and Freight):

T/R(Trust Receipt):

-CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)

: D/P

: ,

-CPT(Carrier Paid To)

-CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid to

: ,

(Lumsum charter)

-DDF(Delivered At Frontier)

: ,

-DES(Delivered Ex Ship) :

-DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay) :

-DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid)

dead freight ()

-DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)

M/R(mate's receipt)

- F

, - C



Clean B/L

: Insurer, Assurer

: Insured, Assured

, B/L

Optional B/L :
, Optional charge

special or full endorsement
: ()
cosignee to order of
A endorser
shipper A deliver to xx

Stoppage in transit

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