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Running Head: JOURNAL #1

Journal #1
Thalia Rivas
EDT 3371
Wednesday 8:30-11:20am
University of Texas at El Paso

My name is Thalia Lizveth Rivas. I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. I
graduated from El Paso Community College with and Associates degree in Arts in
teaching. I am currently a junior in University of Texas at El Paso, pursuing a career in
Elementary Education. My goal is to be able to become a bilingual teacher. Teaching is
my passion and I hope that I can achieve my goal in becoming a bilingual teacher.

Learning Expectations
My expectations for education technology class are learning how to integrate
technology in my future class. Also, acquiring knowledge of how technology works and
the different types of ways technology can help. In addition, learning and acquiring
knowledge in how technology can help and how we can use it has a tool in teaching.

Technology Integration
Education technology occupies a major role in education. Technology is a tool that
contributes in education and it can help teachers and students because it is an easier
way for finding educational information. In fact, because technology is advancing more
and more, we should integrate and motivated parents and students that technology is a
great way to teach students.
Technology has impacted my learning as a student in many ways. For example, it
has been a form of communication with professors and classmates. In fact, it has
helped me acquire more knowledge, because of so many useful websites. Not to

mention, it has been an advantage has a student because the information we seek and
need is so close to us.
I plan to use technology with kindergarten students. The content area that I will like
to teach them is language arts. The way I plan to use technology in my teaching is by
having a computer working station. The computer working station will have an online
program for students to learn language arts. For example, this online program can help
students learn letters and phonics. In addition, having a computer working station will
help every student learn how to use a computer and learn language arts using

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