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Individual Education Plan


School: Cowichan Secondary Open



H: Mental Health or Severe Behaviour



School Year:
Postal Code:


Mel Burgess
First Progress Update (Term 2/Sem.
Second Progress Update (Term
3/Sem. 2):
Date of next annual review:

Modified Program*



* a Modified Program will have learning outcomes that are substantially different from the provincially prescribed curriculum in order to meet the needs of the student. A Modified
Program does not meet the
standards required for a Dogwood Diploma, but will lead to a BC School Completion Certificate (Evergreen Certificate).
** Students receiving adaptations are working on the prescribed learning outcomes of the regular provincial curriculum.

Student is receiving special education services on a regular basis in the grade or subject or course such as: School-Based Resource Support, Skill

Development Program, District Special Education Program, Itinerant Support, or EA/Youth Worker Support. The following services are not
sufficient to meet this condition: learning assistance, speech and language therapy, occupational /physiotherapy, counselling or psychology.
Student is being offered learning activities in accordance with this IEP in the grade or subject or course
The IEP outlines methods for measuring progress in relation to IEP goals in the grade or subject or course
Parent(s)/guardian(s) was offered the opportunity to be meaningfully consulted in the preparation of the IEP

IEP Review Meeting Participants



Mel Burgess

Case Manager
Principal / Vice Principal
Outside Agency
Classroom Teacher (s)

Mel Burgess


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IEP SD79 2016

A Parent/Guardian was offered the opportunity to be meaningfully consulted in the preparation

of this IEP.
Case Manager Signature


Individual Education Plan Student Profile

Brief History of School Experience
XXX has attended XX Elementry Schools and XX Secondary schools over the past XX years in the following school districts. XXX was first placed in the XXXXX Program in grade XX with the
support of an EA / YCC. Etc..
Challenging family dynamics, traumatic events, bullying in grade X, mood dysregulation, sleep, eating and hygiene difficulties and a lack of healthy coping mechanisms and have all contributed to
social, emotional and school challenges.

Students Strengths
- has a good memory
- enjoys English
- likes history
- accomplished at spelling
- reading and comprehending at or above grade level
- organizing thoughts into cohesive sentences
- organizing thoughts into a cohesive paragraph
- organizing thoughts into a cohesive essay
- critical thinking skills ~ improve ability to self-edit assignments
~ higher level interpretation of literature
- schedule planning breaking down assignments & projects
- setting realistic time lines for assignment completion not too long/short
- test preparation and managing test anxiety
- asking for help in a timely fashion not too soon, not too late
- completing course work as an independent learner
- maintaining a healthy sense of self-esteem and confidence in tackling assignments
- observant and engaged
- receptive to prompting, guidance, and assistance from staff
- desire to succeed
- strives to do their best, a very conscientious student
- completing homework and bringing it back the next day

Student Needs Support With

- remembering what they have learned
- spelling
- reading and comprehending at grade level
-organizing thoughts into cohesive sentences
- organizing thoughts into a cohesive paragraph
- organizing thoughts into a cohesive essay
- critical thinking skills ~ increase ability to self-edit assignments
~ higher level interpretation of literature
- schedule planning breaking down assignments & projects
- setting realistic time lines for assignment completion not too long/short
-asking for help in a timely fashion not too soon, not too late
- test preparation and managing test anxiety
- completing course work as an independent learner
- implementation of positive self-talk and esteem building strategies
- identifying and maintaining a healthy sense of self-esteem and confidence in tackling
- accepting prompting, guidance, and assistance from staff
- completing homework and bringing it back the next day
- being more observant and engaged
- remaining focused on an assignment for reasonable lengths of time ~ 10+ minutes
- remaining awake and alert during morning classes
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- remaining focused on an assignment for reasonable lengths of time~ 10+ minutes

- demonstrates good understanding when called upon in class or counselling sessions
- feeling comfortable in the classroom amongst other students
- good at socialising with peers and staff
- good computer/internet skills
- has good computer/internet management skills
- healthy communicating with friends on line- facebook/twitter/texting/email
- communicating with school peers
- interacting with peers in the community
- communicating with parent/caregiver
- communicating with staff
- initiate/reciprocate conversation with ease, spontaneity and accuracy
- is engaging during counselling sessions
- able to make a request of a stranger bus driver, waitress
- expressing assertive communication with strangers/authority figures
Social/Emotional Functioning
- socially and emotionally aware of environment
- has satisfactory peer relationships and is passively social in program settings
- has good peer relationships, is outgoing and engaging
- has the ability to be a positive leader with his/her peers
- demonstrates compassion towards peers
- likes to be an individual
- inquisitive
- kind and friendly to others
- is empathetic towards classmates
- very polite
- has a good sense of humour
- very cooperative and helpful
- gets along well with adults in program settings
- gets along well with parent/caregiver
- observant and engaged during program time
- informing staff when experiencing stressors
- is good at verbally articulating thoughts, feelings, emotions
- informing parents when experiencing stressors
- learning to identify stressors and use coping strategies to manage them
- demonstrates understanding when called upon during counselling

overcoming debilitating weariness

- feeling more comfortable in the classroom amongst peers & staff
- reducing unwarranted socialisation or distracting/disruptive behaviours in class
- computer/internet skills

- self-regulation of electronics devices/internet use
- communicating with friends on line facebook/twitter/texting/email
- communicating with school peers accurately
- interacting with peers in the community
- communicating with parent/caregiver
- communicating with staff
- speaking clearly
- being engaged during counselling sessions
- requesting information from a stranger bus driver, waitress
- expressing assertive communication with strangers/authority figures

Social/Emotional Functioning
- awareness of environment
- becoming more observant and engaged during program time
- improving motivation
- accurately comprehending and reacting to social cues of peers
- developing satisfactory peer relationships within program settings
- improving age appropriate emotional/social skills
- developing individuality
- improving self-confidence
- improving eye contact when in conversation
- developing satisfactory relationships with adults within the school setting
- developing satisfactory relationships with parent/caregiver
- developing & practicing coping skills to manage stressors - feelings of anxiety, depression
- verbally communicating feelings with parent/caregiver when having difficulties self-regulating
/ experiencing stressors
- verbally communicating feelings with staff when having difficulties self-regulating /
experiencing stressors
- able/willing to internalize and apply Cognitive Behaviour Therapy concepts
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- able/willing to internalize and apply Cognitive Behaviour Therapy concepts

- is good at participating in group settings or activities that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable to

Self Determination/Independence
- attend the program on time with good attendance
- getting to school independently
- competent to navigate their community and beyond
- comfortable being out in public
- developing and maintaining contact with community resources including such activities as:
Clubhouse Without Walls, Child & Youth Mental Health, Recreation Centre, Community Sport
- participate in family/group-home activities/outings meals, recreational activities etc.
- advocate for self in everyday situations
- be decisive regarding every day decisions such as what to wear, eat etc.
- engaging during counselling sessions
- engaging during ICM meetings
- learning to use coping strategies to manage stressors
- manage medication regime
- manage time spent on the electronics/internet

Recreational Interests
- enjoys physical activity ___going to the gym, ___cylcling, ___Yoga, ___running,
___hiking/walking, ___swimming, ___horse-back riding
- enjoys team sports___basket ball, ___soccer, ___hockey, ___road hockey, ___dance
- enjoys games, ___cards, ___board games, ___video games, ___ surfing the web / facebook


- participating in group activities that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable to them

- responding to staff requests in a timely fashion
- using perfectionism as a dysfunctional coping mechanism

Self Determination/Independence
- getting to school on time independently, driven
- attending school full time
- remain at school the whole day
- remaining awake and alert during program time
- use public transit safely and confidently
- planning & navigating forms of public transit independently
- managing worries/fears about being in the community
- making basic everyday decisions when to wash, what to wear, eat etc.
- managing medication regime
- self-advocacy in everyday situations
- engaging during counselling sessions
- transitioning between activities
- overcoming frequent debilitating weariness during program time
- completing homework
- participating in family activities/outings meals, recreational activities etc.
- managing time spent on video games/surfing the web/facebook
- developing and maintaining contact with community resources including such activities as:
Clubhouse With-out Walls, Child & Youth Mental Health, Recreation Centre, a Community
Recreational Interests
- engaging in physical activity ___going to the gym, ___cycling ___Yoga, ___running,
___hiking/walking, ___swimming,
___horse-back riding
- engaging in team sports ___basket ball, ___soccer, ___hockey, ___road hockey, ___dance
- engaging in playing, ___card games, ___board games, ___video games ___ surfing the
web / face book
- developing eye-hand co-ordination

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Student Learns Best With

- a morning check-in to share where they are at emotionally and to initiate recovery strategies / self-regulation if needed
- extra or frequent physical activity opportunities on a daily basis
- a small sized class with a quiet relaxed atmosphere
- specific seating close to door / near EA / window / secluded spot etc.
- allowed to depart from the class to complete the assignment / test in a more secluded environment
- encouragement to use a computer for research, word processing
- voice to text software/technical support
- being able to give answers orally for assignments and or tests
- scribe
- read aloud
- reader/books on CD
- have a reader
- peer tutor
- calculator/time table
- proof reader
- use reading materials with high interest and low vocabulary
- extended timeline
- extra time/practice for fine-motor tasks
- reduced amount of questions in (math, reading, written assignments)
- oral/written step by step instructions
- ask student to repeat instructions
- concrete materials when possible
- small group instruction
- do not penalize for spelling
- copying from charts/boards adapted
- photocopied notes
- alternate assignments that are visual/imagery as opposed to written
- oral presentation as opposed to research paper or essay
- additional support from the teacher and EA
- clear written and verbal instructions/explanations in step form
- guided practice after completing instructions
- lesson/assignment set out in short simple clear chunks
- given clear prescriptive choices on what assignments to work on

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- frequent positive reinforcement

- having short breaks, (walk, drink, sketching, snack), especially when intrusive thoughts are impeding work
- close monitoring of individualised self-paced materials
- end of the daily check-out; review and acknowledgement of successes
- opportunity to meet with a counsellor on a needs be basis
- use of casual humor and informal spontaneous class discussions
- daily review and acknowledge of accomplishments
- a daily reminder about taking homework home

Present Level of Functioning

XXX presents as a disengaged / engaged learner who is an un/ motivated hard working youth. His/her quality of life however has been negatively impacted by; worrying thoughts and feelings of
worthlessness/anxiety/sadness/social challenges/family dynamics/hardship etc. XXX is struggling to maintain a healthy sleep regime / eating patterns, and attending school,(missing XX out of
XX days at their last school XXXX, 2015 and currently..). When XXX is not here he/she is often - in bed with debilitating weariness / at risk in the community / spending inordinate amounts of
time on the internet further impacted with disruptive negative sad feelings of isolation further exacerbating general functioning and attendance. As a result, XXX misses out on the benefits of
XXXXX Programs social milieu. He/She also misses out on the necessary support for his/her educational recovery plan and social goals. To assist XXX with attending, he/she is driven to the
program in the morning and picked up in the afternoon by XXX.

Individual Education Plan Student Assessment





Speech and
Therapy /


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Vision / Hearing


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IEP SD79 2016

Individual Education Plan Student Profile

The purpose of all IEP Goals and Objectives is to increase and promote INDEPENDENCE for all learners.
Areas of Independent Skills
Parallel Play
Use agenda daily

Areas of Developing Independence / Needs

Cooperative play

Learning Strengths / Style

Responsive to visual supports
Kinesthetic learner

Student Interests
Music & drama
Auto mechanics


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Additional Information
Emergency Plan

Safety issues

Medical Alert

Required School /

Work Experience



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IEP SD79 2016

Individual Education Plan Student Goals

Domain Area:
Goal 1 Statement:


Behaviours / Emotional Functioning

Instructional Strategy

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Assessment Methods

IEP SD79 2016

Individual Education Plan Student Goals

Domain Area:
Goal 2 Statement:



Instructional Strategy

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Assessment Methods

IEP SD79 2016

Individual Education Plan Student Goals

Domain Area:
Goal 3 Statement:


Self Determination / Independence

Instructional Strategy

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Assessment Methods

IEP SD79 2016

Individual Education Plan Student Goals

Domain Area:
Goal 4 Statement:


Academic / Intellectual

Instructional Strategy

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Assessment Methods

IEP SD79 2016

Transition Goal, Objectives, Strategies

GOAL #1:
XXX will successfully transition from XXX Program to XXXX school, community based resources and to a recreational & fitness support systems.

By ____2016 XXX will have commenced transition to her/his new school and will be attending regularly by _____ 2016.

STRATEGIES considered:
- With the assistance of a district level school board personnel and program staff, XXX will initiate contact with and set up a sequence of meetings with the receiving schools personnel.
- participate in all transition support services to prepare for the transition from XXX Program to their educational placement, community based resources and recreation/leisure/vocational
services. Preparation will include ICM meetings and school exposure visits.
- XXX, her/his Program staff and Parents/Guardian will meet with community supports, district education staff and the new schools staff to discuss the his/her treatment progress, academic
progress, establish a student time table, share the IEP and Treatment Plan, support strategies, and other important information.
- complete a series of visits to the receiving school becoming familiar with the staff and setting.
- demonstrate self-advocacy skills by conducting his/her final Transition Meeting / ICM Meeting and will have the opportunity to share the details of their current Goals, Educational Recovery
Plan and Transition Support Plan.

XXX has advanced well enough through his/her Educational Recovery Plan and therefore has initiated his/her Transition Support Plan
XXX continues to benefit from gaining skills and strategies required to support their Educational Recovery Plan and Transition to her/his next school setting and remains at XXX Program for the
near future. Transition will commence when XXX has advanced far enough for a successful transition.
XXX disengaged from the XXX Program on ______________2016 prior to achieving the recommended Goals of the Educational Recovery Plan and Transition Support Plan outcomes.

**** Transitions can be:



Back to regular
Cross enrolled with regular
Work readiness program
Post secondary
Dual credit program
ACE IT program
Independent living

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IEP SD79 2016

Individual Education Plan Updates


Term 2/Semester 1

Domain Area:


Term 3/Semester 2 Update

Choose an item.

Long Term Goal:

Term 2/Semester 1 Update

Domain Area:

Choose an item.

Long Term Goal:

Term 2/Semester 1 Update

Domain Area:

Term 3/Semester 2

Term 3/Semester 2 Update

Choose an item.

Long Term Goal:

Term 2/Semester 1 Update

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Term 3/Semester 2 Update

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IEP SD79 2016

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