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Study Questions for Chapter 14


Describe each of Baumrinds parenting style classifications (indulgent, neglectful,

authoritative, and authoritarian) and tell which is most effective.
Authoritarian a restrictive, punitive style where parents exhort the child
to follow their directions and to respect their work and effort. Firm limits
are placed on the child and little verbal exchange is allowed.
Authoritative A style that encourages children to be independent but still
places limits and controls on childrens actions; extensive verbal give-andtake is allowed, and parents are warm and nurturant toward the child.
Neglectful A style where the parents is very involved in the childs life.
Indulgent A style where parents are very involved with their children but
few demands or controls on them.
- PG. 489


Describe the expected child outcomes of each of the parenting styles listed in question 1.
Authoritarian Children are often unhappy, fearful, and anxious about
comparing themselves to others, fail to initiate activity, and have weak
communication skills.
Authoritative Often cheerful, self-controlled, self-reliant, and
achievement-oriented, tend to maintain friendly relations with peers,
cooperate with adults, and cope well with stress.
Neglectful Tend to be socially incompetent, poor self-control and dont
handle independence well. Low self-esteem, immature, and may be
alienated from their family.
Indulgent Rarely learn respect for others and tend to have difficulty
controlling their behavior. Might be domineering, egocentric, and
noncompliant, and have difficulties with peer relations.
- PG. 489


Are there any difficulties associated with being single? If so, what are they?
Answer: Common challenges faced by single adults may include forming intimate
relationships with other adults, confronting loneliness, and finding a niche in a
society that is marriage-oriented.
- PG. 475


How do cohabiting relationships compare to married relationships? What percentage of

adults in the US cohabit? Is cohabitation more or less likely among low income couples?
Research indicates that the link between marital cohabitation and marital
instability in first marriages has weaken in recent cohorts. PG. 476
What %? 75% of couples cohabitate before marriage, or 7.5 million
cohabitating couples. Pg. 475
It is more common in lower educational and income individuals.


Describe each of the five levels on which social contexts can be discussed (according to
Bronfenbrenner). Which of these refers to connections between levels? Which refers to
historical influences?
Answer: He analyzes the social contexts of development in terms of five
environmental systems.
Microsystem or the setting where the individual lives, such as a family,
the world of peers, schools, work, and so on.
Mesosystem which consists of a link between microsystems, such as the
connection between family processes and peer relations.
Exosystem which consists of the influences from another system (such
as a parents work) that the individual does not experience directly.
Macrosystem or the culture where the individual lives, such as a ethnic
group or a nation
Chronosystem AKA sociohistorical circumstances, such as the increased
numbers od working mothers, divorced parents, stepparent families, gay
and lesbian parents, and multiethnic families in the US.
Which of these refers to connections between levels? Mesosystem
Which refers to historical influences? Chronosystem
- PG. 471


What outcomes have been linked to the use of physical punishment as a method of
discipline? Does physical punishment usually result in better behavioral control?
Answer: It DOES NOT.
When adults punish a child by yelling, screaming, or spanking they are
presenting children with out-of-control models for handling stressful
situations. Children may imitate this behavior.
It can instill fear, rage, or avoidance. For example, spanking the child may
cause the child to avoid being near the parent and to fear the parent.
Punishment tells children what NOT to do rather than what to do. Children
should be given feedback.
Parents might unintentionally become so emotionally aroused when they
are punishing the child that they become abusive.
- PG. 491


What are some of the negative outcomes (for children) that have been associated with
Answer: They show poorer adjustment, have academic problems, to show
externalized problems (such as acting out and delinquency) and internalized
problems (anxiety, depression, etc.), to be less socially responsible, to have less
competent intimate relationships, to drop out of school, to become sexually active
at an earlier age, to take drugs, to associate with antisocial peers, to have low selfesteem, and to be less securely attached as young adults.
- PG. 499 top of page


Compare and contrast homosexual relationships with heterosexual relationships. Do the

children of homosexual partners typically also end up being homosexual?
Answer: Homosexual relationships are similar in their satisfaction, loves, joys,
and conflicts. However, they place an especially high priority on equality in
relationships and are more flexible in their gender roles.
- Also end up homosexual? ???
- PG. 484


Is it good or bad to allow yourself to be influenced by your partner in marriage?

Answer: It is good, a willingness to share power and to respect other persons
point of view is a prereq to compromising.
- PG. 479


What factors are associated with an increased risk of divorce?

Both divorced men and women complain of loneliness, diminished selfesteem, anxiety about the unknowns in their lives, and difficulty forming
satisfactory new intimate relationships.
Youthful marriage, low educational level, low income, not having a
religious affiliation, having parents who are divorced, and having a baby
before marriage are factors that are associated with increased rates of
- PG. 481


What reasons to women most commonly cite in getting divorced? What reasons do men
usually cite?
- Verbal, physical, or emotional abuse (23%)
- Alcohol or drug abuse (18%)
- Cheating (17%)
- No obvious problems, just fell out of love (17%)
- Cheating (14%)
- Different values, lifestyles (14%)


PG. 482

To what extent do birth order effects exist?

Answer: Whether a child has older or younger siblings has been linked to
development of certain characteristics. For example some say, firstborns are the
most intelligent, achieving, and conscientious, while later borns are the most
rebellious, liberal, and agreeable.
However studies show that differences are often small
Proposed explanations usually point to variations in interactions with
parents and siblings associated with being in a specific position in the
Heredity, models of competency or incompetency that parents present on a
daily basis, peer influences, school influences, socioeconomic influences,
sociohistorical factors, and cultural variations can all have an effect.
PG. 506

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