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Procedure Plan

1. Explain: Today we will learn what to do when you are missing work including
a. By learning how/what to do, they will not have to ask, what did I miss?
b. Steps:
When absent:
1. Check Syllabus for the handouts and homework assigned for that
2. Go to the While you were outtable and collect handouts and
homework handouts
3. Put away handouts to take home for completion by the end of the
4. After class, ask for help if needed
When not absent:
1. Fill out missing work slip to tell why you do not have the
2. Turn in work before the end of the time permitted
a. If handout is lost, retrieve a new one from the while you
were out area
2. Rehearsal Activity #1
a. Have students physically walk through where to find handouts and putting them
3. Feedback
a. You visited the while you were out area and collected your handouts, that is
exactly what I expect of you.
4. Rehearsal Activity #2
a. Ask students questions related to the process of retrieving missing work in what
if scenarios
5. Reinforce
a. All of you have checked the while you were out area for missing work, collected
what you needed, and put it away to start on todays lesson. This was in a timely
and quiet manner and gets us on track for the lesson today.
6. Reminders
a. Absent work: Turned in by the end of the week. Every day after loses grade
b. Missing work: Every day late loses grade points.

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