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Daddy Made Them Do It

George Sussman
The case of the Weaver girls, their delinquent parents, their corrupters, rapists and lovers, roves the wide country of
sexual expression. Psychologically, although sensual indulgence of Carol and Winnie Jo is associated with guilt,
their abnormal sex life is causally linked to their rebellion against what they unconsciously regard as injustices done
them-their mother's desertion, their father's neglect, his drinking and his violent crimes.
In their nightly mutual. masturbation, aggression and masochism are strangely combined.
The father cares but can't resist the luscious bodies of his young daughters. Winnie Jo escapes but only because
Carol intervenes, yields herself to Daddy on the floor instead.
Mel and Miz Blossom are allowed to indulge themselves with the girls for a price. They disdain old-fashioned ways
in favor of such perversions as with a female servant in a bathtub. Mel likes to photograph Daddy in tricky genital
unions with Miz Blossom.
Carol lay beside her sister in the still of the evening and moved her hand to the sweet crotch. Winnie Jo responded
by cupping Carol's breast in her hand. The sheets rustled as they worked at each other, driving their desires higher
and their bodies closer.
Wild with need, Carol plunged her fingers inward and Winnie shrieked with delight and humped her hips upward.
The sisters clung together, writhing, as the pleasure began to-build.

Chapter 1
Months later a social worker was to prompt me, "So this man deflowered you and you told nobody but your
fourteen-year-old sister. Go on, Carol."
"Winnie Joe and I were very close," I told her. "And I guess nooky stuff was a favorite topic as we lay in bed
hugging together at night."
Seemed funny to hear it called deflowered. I was seventeen and a virgin when it happened, or at least up until then
I'd never had a man's finger poked into me. Mel Blossom got me down and screwed me, but I don't think there was
a flower other than weeds within a mile of the farm where we lived.
T. Melville Blossom was his full name, the assessor of Bindale County, and he owned the eighty-acre farm. We
Weavers, Daddy, Winnie Jo and myself, had a cottage on the south forty. Dad did most of the work on the farm,
although Winnie Jo and I rode the cultivator and got out there with a hoe once in a while, too.
My father was a fine-looking man, with powerful shoulders and a sort of proud walk. I used to love just to see him
stride across a room. But after our mother skipped out, he turned weak in other ways, lost his good principles. Like
he'd drink too much of his own moonshine and waste the little money we had hustling after women. He took naked
pictures of them, too, then sold the prints in a pool hall.
Winnie Jo and I never discussed our mother although I know we both often thought of her, wondering where she'd
gone, was she sick or something and if she'd forgotten us. I was only nine when she left with a man she'd been
writing to. He had sent her some money.
He drove up for her in a Buick with Texas license plates, off they went and we've never seen or heard from her

That day when Dad came home and found her gone was the first time I remember seeing him really drunk. Mother
had scrawled across his bureau mirror with lipstick, "Go fuck yourself, you crazy drunk." She had a craving for
smart clothes, going places with money to spend and I guess we never had enough. Winnie Jo and I didn't know at
that time what that expression meant except that we guessed it was pretty insulting to Dad.
This afternoon when my cunny took its first dinger Mel Blossom had sent Daddy over to Kansas City on business,
he said. That was not too unusual. Mel's wife Loretta-we always called her Miz Blossom-was supposed to be home
but wasn't. Winnie Jo stayed in town after school playing ping-pong with some other kids. I'd baked bread and was
eating a hot crust of it with butter when Mel's big Oldsmobile stopped by the cottage.
"Get in, Carol," he said. "Something I want you to do for me up at the house."
I was barefoot, wearing thin cotton hot pants, undies, a scarf tied around my apple-sized tits, that's all. As I got into
the car I caught Mel peeping at my tight crotch and down between my buddies. The way his eyes tried to eat up my
privates excited me, turned me angry with him, still I didn't tighten the scarf to hide the nipples or close my legs
The skin of my belly gleamed white and pretty compared with Mel Blossom's old hide which was a dried-up brown
like the adobe earth. He was in his early fifties, with black hair and a broad, fat face behind large-framed glasses.
When he was making a political speech his hazel eyes opened wide so he'd look like the voters' honest friend. Right
now when he had a hard-on for me his face wore a bullgut squint.
That slitted, gobbling gaze put the fear to me. My mouth worked to tell him 'Stop staring at the seat of my pants!'
But I didn't say it. We always had to think of how badly Daddy needed his job with the Blossoms. Miz Blossom
was always threatening to run us all out because of Dad's drinking.
Mel wore a pretty blue sport shirt open at the throat. He licked his lips and I had to forbid myself imagining how
that big tongue would feel sloshing up and down on my bare pussy.
Sure, I thought of kicks like that. Winnie Jo and I had done our share of playing and licking. When I'd bring my
sister out with a good one she'd tell me I had the tongue of an angel, but of course our tricks in bed weren't very
angelic. We'd only diddled each other's clitty with a finger at first, then I'd learned from an underground paper
called 'Go Down' of how swingers did it with their tongues.
I guess Winnie Jo and I had fun with our pussies because what else exciting was there to do that didn't cost good
money? Between Daddy and Miz Blossom's keeping constant tabs on us, and our being stranded out on the farm, I
hardly ever got a date with a boy and Win didn't even want one.
I've masturbated ever since I was old enough to explore the slit between my legs with my finger, and I guess Winnie
Jo has, too. You might call it our something in a nothing world.
Sleeping together, it didn't take us long to learn it was keener fun to do it double.
I didn't want Mel to screw me, I really didn't. If I'd though that's what he was up to, I'd never have gotten into the
car with him. Winnie Jo and I loved to cuddle together, each with a hand between the other's legs, but I was pretty
skittish of going into a clench with a boy, and Win fought like a young tiger if a boy even touched her.
Mel Blossom drove with his knees spread apart, to leave room for the big hunk under the fly of his pants. I could
see the bulge of his pecker there, trying to poke out straight, sort of hefting itself with rising throbs. I didn't peek at
it particularly. Up until then, I'd thought of a man's dickie as a pretty uppy front tail. Of course I didn't know yet
what it was like to feel one in me.
I'd felt other things, but more on the outside of my diddly than in. Sometimes Daddy had me run the tractor,
harrowing or cultivating a field. It was easy, monotonous work. I fixed a cushion out of an old piece of foam
rubber because I said the tractor seat was hot and hard on my tender bottom, the way the tractor jounced around.
But when nobody could see me, I bunched the cushion between my legs and it felt good when I pressed my nervous
crotch down on it.

When I told Winnie Jo about it, she hollered for her turn to drive the tractor. That kid had a lot of ideas. She'd take
a piece of thick weed stalk and skin the tough rind off, leaving a spongy but fairly hard small stick. She'd reach this
down inside her jeans and panties, fit it just so along the top of her slit and get really marvelous feelies when the
cushion pressed it hard to rub against her beanie.
A girl can make herself come with a little weed rod like that. I know because I've done it. I wouldn't have to stick it
into my vagina. I'd just fit it snug between the lips at the top of the slit and away I'd go. Win never wanted
anything poking inside her bush except maybe my finger and that not far. I like a teaser on the left side of my clit
but I understand other girls have other styles.
Besides Daddy, the only hired help on the farm was Graydon, Miz Blossom's chauffeur, and he'd- driven her to
Independence in the Pontiac. So there was nobody around the house except Mel Blossom and myself. My hand
was grabbed by his great brown paw. He led me into the house through the kitchen, down the hall and into the
"What's the big idea?" I said. I was getting pretty scared. All Mel had to do was unzip his pants and that big jock
would come stabbing out at me.
There were two beds in the room. Winnie Jo and I had wondered if Mel and Miz Blossom still screwed. Of course
it would be no sweat for him to mosey over to the other bed and climb onto her.
"I guess you kids know all about ladies' twat vibrators and such gadgets."
Still holding me tight by the hand, he pulled me over to Miz Blossom's vanity. Seeing in the mirror the scared, blueeyed, freckled-faced,, dark-ash blonde that was me didn't help my cool any. The full lips, the wide mouth. The top
curves of my bare bubbies, with the pink jutting nipples plain to see through the thin scarf. And you could call my
hot shorts my pussy pants, the center of attraction was so obvious.
Mel Blossom's greedy eyes didn't miss a thing and he wasn't the slow kind to keep his hands off. He had his arm
around me now, holding one of my tits, squeezing it.
"Shit, but you're built, Carol." His breath was coming gusty. I could smell the old cigar smoke on it. "You aren't
frightened of Mel, you pretty thing, you?"
"You'd better take your hands off me!"
"Aw, now, I haven't even had a good feel of you yet. Can't we skip the don't-you-dare-touch-me crap?" He stopped
tweaking the nipple of my tit for the moment but still had his arm tight around me and he held my hand. "I could
help, cutie. I could do big things for you."
"Oh, leave me alone! I know all about the big thing you'd like to shove up into me."
"You wised-up kids! But say, that's why I want your opinion of this doohicky of Loretta's."
With the hand that wasn't holding me, he pulled open a drawer. "Just feel what she's got hidden under her pants."
He was putting me on, what did Miz Blossom have hidden under her pants. But I still hoped I could get out of there
unfucked. So I reached beneath his wife's stack of fancy underwear: Then I let out a yelp. My hand came in contact
with what felt like a snake.
"Go on," Mel said. "Take it out and look at it."
I knew what it was then. I'd never held one in my hand before but I'd seen them advertised in the 'Go Down' paper.
It was an artificial eight-inch penis, made of red rubber, circumcised, with a long curved head, and a little lump on
the top to the rear end of it.
"Now, what do you suppose Loretta would want a thing like that for?" Mel said, pretending he didn't know. "Does
she sit and admire it when she's naked and horny? Do you suppose she sticks it up into her hot cunt?"

Still holding the red thing I was wordless. My eyes blinked misty with being mad and I didn't know what else. I
saw Mel gloating, thinking himself pretty smart because he'd made me redden. I think even my tits were burning,
and I had a tight, itchy feeling in my crotch.
"What's the world coming to that a respectable woman like Loretta would want to fuck herself with that rubber
pecker-whaddya call it?"
"Oh, for heaven's sake! It's a dong with a stimulator." I knew that much and so of course did Mel.
"Well, you don't say! Okay, so she goes ding-dong up her hot box. But why a piece of rubber when she could have
this?" He reached down to pat the dinger-bulge in his pants, and in spite of my being scared and not wanting him to
screw me, something made me take a quick look. Then I had to look again when he unzipped his pants, let that long
horny stick of meat leap out, pink and peckering.
I jerked my head away from the sight but I was all upset, because that dickie had fascinated me. I looked down and
saw my hand holding the rubber prick give it an involuntary squeeze.
I didn't peek any more but I knew Mel was stroking his dickie. "You'd think if Loretta wanted cock, she'd go for
this juiced-up one, now, wouldn't you? You'd go for it, too, wouldn't you cutie? Don't try to kid me. I saw you go
goggle-eyed admiring Mr. Peter.
Come on, see how it stands up and waggles. Yeah, Carol, why don't you take a feel, because it's ready to fuck you
good like a stiff cock should." All I could blurt out was, "I don't want any of that stuff. You turn me loose now so I
can go home." I tugged my hardest. We staggered around but I couldn't get away.
"Stop putting on an act, you're a hot little piece, we both know that, hah? Didn't we decide we weren't going to
waste time with any of that big scared crap?" I would have put the dong back in the drawer but he wouldn't let me.
He shoved it in through the clutch of my fingers, back and forth, as though my hand was a pussy and that thing was
screwing into it. "Tell me, what's this little tit on the rear of the rubber pecker for? Now I'll admit my own jock
doesn't have one of those little knobs."
"You know as well as I do it's the clit-teaser for when the dong's all the way in."
"In where, you little cock-teaser?"
"Ohhh, in the woman's cunt! Now that you've made me say that, will you please let me go, Mr. Blossom?"
"Well, scratch my balls, what won't they think of next?" Mel knew all about it, of course. He was just pushing it at
me. "Let's see you try it, Carol. Come on, chickie, show old Mel how you stick it in good?"
"Don't be silly! You leave me alone."
"So you won't let me see you poke it into your cunt? All right, then. Put it back in the drawer. Pull down Loretta's
panties and you'll find the place to put that rubber prick, won't you? Ha ha!"
I leaned over to lay the dong back under Miz Blossom's underwear, but then I did have to dance and holler. Mel
moved in right behind me. He goosed me with his fingers working like mad on my pussy through my cotton hot
pants and bikini.
His other arm held me hard around the waist. "Sure, squeal," he said, his voice thick. "I like what you've got for
me, chickie, and there's nobody else close enough to hear." He was stronger than I'd ever thought, with his hand
beneath my crotch, lifting me clear off my feet. And what his fingers were doing to my pussy!
I was all mixed up mad because I felt so mauled and helpless and the heat swirling up through my body put me in a
frantic rush, a shame-panic as though I were standing up in high school to recite and felt myself peeing my pants
and having a terrific orgasm at the same time.

I kicked and squirmed until he had to let go of me between my legs. "Got a good rise out of you, didn't I?" he
teased without mercy. He'd pulled my hot pants about half off me and the scarf around my tits had come loose,
leaving one standing completely nipple-buttoned bare and the other almost.
Mel yanked the scarf all the way off, dropped it on the floor, held me from behind, his rough hands cupping my tits,
fingers jiggling the nipples. "Yeah, yeah." He was breathing hard and I could have told him he was getting a big
rise out of it, too. "Yeah, chickie, I like those young apples. Say, you hold still now and I'll kiss 'em up for you,
make you buzz like a honeybee."
"No, you don't!" I yelled, but it was like he said, nobody was around to hear me.
He got a tight hold of my head, held it while he kissed me on the mouth. His chest moved deep against me taking in
air and I could see the sweat on the large frame glasses he wore. "Carol, no kidding, I'm mighty fond of you.
Young stuff." He bent my body into his stomach. "I'm tired of poking into Loretta's old twat, you understand me?"
"Stop it, or I'll tell my father. Miz Blossom, too."
"Go right ahead." The sound of his not-caring laugh made me choke and sob. He wasn't at all scared that Daddy
and his wife would find out he was raping me. And who else would ever care besides Winnie Jo and she was too
little to fight him off. I was proud of still being a virgin, a lot of the girls I knew at school weren't. Now this sweaty
man squinting through his big-eyed glasses would take me and I'd become one more loser.
He said, "Loretta knows the score. We made a deal. Your Dad, too. Why'd you suppose he's over in KC, if that's
where he's really at?"
I wrestled with him. I'd worked enough to have developed a little muscle, but he held me easily from behind so I
couldn't knee him in his balls. I could feel his bare pecker wagging as I twisted and turned, tried to pull loose. Tiny
dribbles off the head of it wet my leg.
He worked my hot pants loose enough so they slid down. My undies were not much bigger than a handkerchief.
When he reached his sweaty hand down my front, inside them, over my mound to the slit, I got my right arm free
and swatted my fist up into his face, making him stagger.
But that only made him more wrathy, didn't stop him. He yanked my bikini down over my fanny, let it drop, then
he cracked me several times there with his open palm so hard I yelped and cried. I couldn't help it. I felt so bad and
hurting. But I swore at him, too. "You fat-bellied old piss pot!"
That was no good, brought only more hard cracks. My eyes couldn't see for crying.
"Say now, Carol, how'd you like the feel of my stiff cock against your bare ass?" And when I wouldn't answer,
whack, whack! He held me while he pressed that meat stick against my rear, rubbed and rolled it, wetting me.
I had to say, "Yes, I feel it." I was gasping in pain. My hot pants and bikini were around my feet. "Please let me
get dressed now?"
As if he'd turn me loose until he'd screwed me! For answer, her swung me up so that I rose away from even those
clothes, was left bare-naked from head to feet. He shoved me over to one of the beds and back down on it.
"You're going to take cock, Carol. You've been asking for it, shaking your hot ass and tits in my face. Okay, are
you going to lie down quiet there on that bed or do I have to " beat the crap out of you, then fuck you while you're
I didn't answer. I just shut my eyes and lay still. I wasn't talking up for any more of his beating. A minute later the
bed jounced as he got on it with me. I opened my eyes to see him over me, on his hands and knees, with that big
whanger jiggling over my navel. It was stiff and throbbing to poke into me. He was all bare, too. I could see his fat
belly with the crease across it that his belt had made. He moved me so I was lying on my back, then he spread my
legs apart.

His cigar breath was so strong that I thought I was going to be sick. But when he kissed me, I didn't seem to smell it
any more. Why, I don't know, since his tongue was in my mouth, licking around. He lay on his side, kissing me,
one hand fooling with my tits and the other stroking up and down over my mound and pussy.
He nudged his pecker against my thigh but not bearing down because he didn't want to shoot off before he'd got it
into my cunt. I took hold of it as though it were my sweet candy stick, milked it. I was trying to bring out the juice
so it would go limp but he slapped my hand away. "Don't yank it so hard or I'll make you suck it."
"You can't force me to suck it," I goaded him. That might let me escape from being raped.
I felt sure I could make him squirt, then he'd be out of soup for a while and I'd still be a virgin.
He only said, "Shit, but you're a hot piece. I should have got onto you long ago." He took off his glasses and put
them on the bureau. I scrambled off the bed but stumbled, and he caught me. He threw me back down. "Pretty
crusty but that's okay." He kissed me some more, on my mouth and throat and boobs.
He had two fingers between the lips of my pussy, one of them crooking into the tender opening. I tried not to think
of his doing that, tried not to get hot for him. I closed my legs but he only spread them wide apart again and after
that I lay still. Except for a little bouncing as I took his fingers in my vagina and on my clit, I couldn't keep still
while that was going on.
I'd let Winnie Joe finger-fuck me so often that my body had pretty well made out to those thrills. I guess my sex
nerves hardly knew the difference between Win's sweet-loving pressures and this tacky man's. Still her finger was
little and gentle compared to Mel's.
"You've got a swell muff, cutie. I like a young girl's full beard. You know Loretta has lost almost all the hair off
her cunt?"
It hurt where his rough hand pinched and pulled the hair. I knew now that I'd never get away from him unfucked
and I wished he'd hurry and get it over with. My hands were on the bare skin of his back. I didn't know whether I
wanted him to kiss me any more or not, but my mouth opened for air, stayed open as his tongue slid in between my
jittery lips.
"You want it now, chickie?" Big Mel was panting like a dog. "You hot for cock?"
I didn't say anything. I thought so long as I had to take it in me, it would hurt less if I guided it. I reached down and
there was Mel's pecker fat and pulsing in my hand. With my other hand, I parted the lips of my pussy and nudged
the juicy head of it against the tiny opening.
I hunched up, was going to let it ease in, but Mel was impatient. He rammed it into me all the way. It hurt like fury.
I wanted to double up with the pain. He saw that and muttered a self-satisfied, "Yeah!" He felt himself the big
bullgut taking my virginity, socking it to me.
The burning pain was all I could think of at first. Was I torn apart and bleeding? But afterwards, I saw that I hadn't
bled at all.
Mel lay on me full length, jabbing me, planting his big dick to full depth, then not so deep, and at each push and
twist, it chafed my cunt. One of his hip bones dug into my side and bruised me, too, but I wasn't even thinking of
Even when the pain was sharpest, there were hot tingles that I'd never really felt right there before in my life. The
way little flashes shot through me surprised me with what I knew must be fucking pleasures, deeply different from
the way I'd get excited when Winnie Jo licked my pussy.
Mel was between my legs. He had me down and there was no getting away from his hard screwing. When he
pulled up my legs, I wound them over his and before I knew it, I was humping along with him, tightening and
relaxing the cheeks of my bottom to his plunges.

I asked myself what's the matter with me that I'm putting up to this awful man? But there it was. I knew I'd be
disappointed now if he were suddenly to stop fucking me. After all my fighting him, I wanted Mel to bring me out
with release from this itchy burning.
Not that I'd give in and tell him. Anyhow, right now I didn't have enough breath to speak.
But every so often when he eased up and lay quietly on me, I couldn't help but hug his chest to my tits. It seemed to
touch my nipples with a mystic fire.
He would ease off, then come on strong again, to make it last longer, so he wouldn't be shooting his gism before he
knocked me off. I didn't ease my ass movements. I couldn't lie still any more. I had my eyes shut but I knew I was
naked and hot and being fucked. I stopped thinking of Mel's doing it. He didn't count any more. He was just a
body making these wonderful sensations come alive in me.
I felt a come, a big one stirring. It rose up out of my heat and happened, and it was pleasure-pain to beat them all, a
deep shuddering that I had to go for, no matter what. I humped up hard and wriggled to take him. Then it was up
and over all of me, zipping every nerve in my body, just about the time I felt Mel's dinger squirting semen inside
He got off. "How do you like being laid, Carol?"
At once then my mind switched back to Mel's having got me down and I didn't love him. I loathed him. "So that's
all the size of you?" I said to hurt. "Any girl that wants your hot dog in her can have it, but spare me. You turdy
old potbelly!"
He was shocked that I'd talk like that right when he kidded himself he'd won me. "The hell of a thing to say to a
man in the prime of his life!" I'd got to him, smacked him in his pride.
Still another part of him was crowing away because he knew he'd made me come to him. I scrambled off the bed
before he clouted me, ran into the bathroom. There I washed his slicky come off my body hair and underneath. He
followed me, came up behind me as I bent over with a washcloth in my hand, gave me pats and feels. He asked me,
worrying, "You won't get knocked up, will you?"
I shook my head. I was just two days past my period.
"Will you start taking the pill if I give you some for your own protection? You don't want to get big with my baby
growing in you?"
"Please, hell, no!" He took some pills from a cabinet, handed them to me. There were several cards with pills
strung along for different dates, a big supply. I accepted them without saying anything; he was paying for them.
"One card is for Winnie Jo." He leered at me. "She needs a little hot rod, too, huh, cutie?"
"You!" The cards of pills dropped from my hand to the tiled floor of the bathroom. I was so mad. "If you ever lay
your dirty hands on my sister, I'll kill you!"
"Shit!" He got that true word, all right, backed off scared. "Okay, okay, hold your fire."
I clamped my lips, saying nothing. When he tried to pat me, I slapped him across the stomach.
"Ummm, look, "Carol. If I promise not to touch Winnie Jo, will you put it up for me when I want it, without any
snot and that pretending you're scared shitless crap?"
I glared at him. But Winnie Jo was just a kid. He could manhandle her rough, throw her down and put it to her.
Keenly sensitive as she was to any man's even touching her it would practically kill my sister, destroy any chance of
her having normal relationship with boys. "All right, maybe I'll screw with you once in a while under that

"Hey, only once in a while? You'd better get bigger-hearted, cutie." He led me back into the bedroom, rummaged
in his pants pocket and wallet, handed me a twenty-dollar bill.
"You like your nooky when it earns you one of these?" I allowed him a nod, took the money. Mel was rich, not
from farm crops I'd heard, But from his crooked deals as county assessor.
"You're hot stuff, Carol." He kissed me on the lips, then on my bare nipples, made them pucker out again. "I don't
mind saying you're the slicket piece of tail I've had in I don't know when. Didn't my old jock get to you as good as
any of those young bucks?"
"I couldn't say, you bastard." I couldn't call him Mr. Blossom to be polite. "Yours is the first cock I've ever felt in
me." The enormity of what had happened hit me like a rush of sickness. "I was a virgin and you raped me!"

Chapter 2
Winnie Jo cried bitterly when I told her in bed that night of how Mel Blossom had gotten me down and screwed me.
She took it for granted that he'd hurt me horribly and I didn't tell her I'd felt deep new pleasures, too. I warned her
never to go to the Blossom house with Mel, never let him into our cottage when she was alone, even though he'd
promised me he wouldn't touch her.
"I'd crown him with an iron skillet! I'd die rather than let him do it to me," Win said. "I know you don't mind when
a boy holds you close but I don't like it one bit." The kid was peculiar that way.
With me, though, she'd do anything. She was soon down in the beg hugging my legs, kissing my mound and licking
inside the lips of my ravished pussy. Between licks and sucks she'd tell me, "I'm kissing your wound to make it
I got a bang out of her forbidden tricks but not so much as I pretended. After we'd cuddled a while, Winnie fell
asleep. I lay awake even though I was awfully tired. At one minute I dreamed of getting married to a nice man,
settling down. But the next, visions of more screwing and Frenching occupied my mind.
I despised Mel, sure. But for a while his big cock in me had felt extra good. Fear and excitement came over me as I
lay thinking of it. I wondered whether I was like other girls or was I possessed by an abnormal craving for sex?
Daddy returned but was bad-natured, had a hangover and directly went back to drinking heavily. He hardly talked
to me, and he scared Winnie Jo until she hid away from his sight.
It was as though he really had gone away to let Mel put it to me. But right then I wouldn't let myself believe Daddy
had been bullied into trading me out to the Blossoms.
Miz Blossom returned, too, and Saturday afternoon when Mel had left to attend a political dinner and Daddy was up
in the field, she had Graydon come over and fetch me. She wanted to talk to me. "Miz Blossom is in the
bedroom," Graydon said. The chauffeur was a pretty good guy but a simple sort and Miz Blossom took advantage
of his not talking back.
She'd holler orders at him as though she were driving a horse.
I found her lying on her back on one of the beds, stark naked. The first place I looked was at her mound and sure
enough as Mel had bragged, she had scarcely any hair there. The few remaining curly black wisps looked like cat's
whiskers. She'd laid aside her wig with its explosion of red curls, leaving the thin hair underneath show up black
and gray. She was forty-seven and self-greedy, her green eyes glinted with a catty snarling stare.
She had good legs and big, handsome tits. I could see girdle marks on her upper thighs as her butt mashed down on
the bed. She lay on her back with one knee flexed, spreading her hips to show the sort of sexy curves that I guess
ass-man stare at on the street and drool over.

"Come here, honey. Between the two beds."

"What is all this, Miz Blossom?" I wanted to tell her to go soak her head. But there was that old restraint, we must
never do anything to make Miz Blossom angry or she might fire Daddy from his job. With his drinking record he'd
have a hard time finding other employment.
I went where she directed and she sat up on the bed. "Don't be cross, Carol, or I'll stop loving you as much as I do.
You're a good-looking hotsy and I've been longing to hug your sweet baby behind." She put her arms around my
seat. "But why must you kids wear, such hard rough clothes?"
I had on jeans of some coarse material and a cotton pullover shirt, no bra, my ash brown hair hanging straight and
loose. "And plain old white muslin underwear that you've made yourself. I know because I've seen it on the
clothesline. Legs like yours need a showcase, a presentation, with skirts and lace panties that glorify your thighs
and little round ass and belly. You ought to dress up your crotch with transparent silky pretties." She stuck her
hand inside the waistband of my jeans, pulled out my shirt tail.
"Miz Blossom, will you please keep your mitts out of my pants?"
"And speaking of underwear," she went right on, paying no attention, "I understand you've been rooting underneath
mine so you could play diddly with a certain intimate article? If you've masturbated with the dildo I hope you had
the decency to wash it off afterwards?"
"You're asking me, Miz Blossom, when Em sure you know all about what happened." I was fairly boiling. "Your
husband told me to look for something underneath your panties and I was fool enough to trust him. As for that red
rubber pecker thing I certainly didn't use it on myself and I'd never want to."
"It's a pity. You're merely showing your ignorance about diddling devices but you'll learn.
For .instance, there's a little string of Oriental balls to stick up either your vagina or anus, and do they give the most
marvelous rolling sensations. I was wondering if it wouldn't be fun to see you spiked, but never mind, dear, as long
as you feel too kiddish to try it, hmmm?"
"I think I'd better go now." But her arms tightened around me.
"All the same, don't expect me to overlook the way you seduced my husband."
"I did not. He forced me."
"Oh, yes, you stripped naked for him, spread your little ass out on the bed for him. You took his bare prick in your
"Stop it!" So Mel had blatted it all to his wife. I felt exposed, my privates pawed. The Blossoms were a pair of
leching liars. Well, they weren't pushing me around. "Your husband raped me, Miz Blossom, as you must know
very well. He got me down on that bed-"
"Dammit, child, spare the hysterics. I saw Mel's dried semen on the bedspread, the towel in the bathroom you used
to wipe your sweet young cunny-do."
"Yes, and if I were to report to the sheriff what Mel did to me-"
"You'd get nowhere. Mel happens to outrank Sheriff Thompson in the county machine, so chances are you'd be
asked to leave Bindale because you're a prostitute trying to corrupt decent citizens." She lowered her voice to a
whisper. "Of course if I were to support your story to certain enemies of my husband, picturing myself as the
wronged wife who had heard you screaming and caught Mel in the act, but I don't care to ditch Mel. Not yet."
I could only stare in amazement. "So that's the heartless way you do things, Miz Blossom." I tried to wriggle loose
but she held me with both arms under my shirt on my bare skin. I was afraid to fight my father's boss by punching
her in the face. She was strictly for number one, all right, talking of dumping her husband as though he were a

bucket of weeds. I wondered if she had any love in her at all.

I was to find out she had love, sure enough, for me.
She pulled up my shirt and I felt her tits against me, a nipple poking into my navel. "You think I'm mean and hard,
don't you, Carol?"
"I guess I do all right." I wasn't going to puff her up with syrupy lies.
"Well, aren't we frank enough!" She brought her head to mine and kissed me on the lips.
"Is that bad?"
It was a nice affectionate kiss. "Noooo. Tender, I guess, if you really meant it." Since I wouldn't lie to her, I told
her that. The kiss had softened me to her.
One of her hands left off holding my bottom to move down over her own belly and her practically hairless mound.
Two of her fingers splayed to part the lips of her slit.
"Well, lookee there at my cunt, honey."
Her pink private flesh was moist and glistening in the afternoon sunlight that streamed hotly through the window.
"Tell me, honestly, does that cunny hole look mean and hard?"
"No, I guess any man would call that a pretty charming pussy," I had to admit.
"Looks sort of warm and friendly, bare like that with the crinkly lips curling around." Her hug of my fanny brought
me a bit closer. "I guess that red rubber pecker thing doesn't chafe your tush when you poke it in?"
"Feels ticklier than a candle, and candles crumble when you jazz hard. Want to try it, dear?"
"No, I don't think I'd better." I slid out of her grasp and she didn't attempt to stop me. My shirt fell back down and I
let it hang outside my jeans.
"You wouldn't like to earn another twenty dollars, you sweet hot piece?" So Mel had blatted that, too. I thought of
wished-for things I could buy with twenty more bucks. I saw from her smile that she knew I was weakening. But
she wasn't stingy. "Forty if you're loving when you bring me out with a good one?"
I didn't say anything but went to her vanity drawer and got out the dildo. "You mean you just want me to fuck you
with this dong?"
"Stop rushing. I'll show you what I want when I want it. For shit's sake, take off those horrid canvas pants. Mel
admired your muff, so show it to me. Light brown like the rest of your hair, isn't it?"
"Maybe a shade darker." I took down my pants and bikini. "See?"
"Mmm, say, that is a beautiful snatch. Sweet as a dish of honey. Come closer."
I sidled in between the two beds again and. she stroked my mound, gave my clitty a couple of taps. I pretended not
to notice what she was up to, that she'd peeled off my shirt, too. "Let me sit down, Miz Blossom, and I'll take off
my shoes."
"Get at it, then." She gave my bare seat a spank. "Then you can get on the bed with me.
Did the nobby pattern of the cotton bedspread make little dents in your ass when Mel fucked you hard?"
"Well, yes, and I was pretty red but it healed right over. Just what do you want me to do with you on the bed, Miz

"Look, for the love of heaven, when we're having fun like this, don't keep calling me Miz Blossom, call me dear
names, sugar it up for me. If you call me a sweet dazzler I wouldn't mind."
"All right, dazzler. But you're really not so much of one." She pinched one of my tits as I bent over taking off my
shoes. All right, I thought, you have a soft spot the way you seem to like me, so if you hurt me I'm going to hurt
you right back.
"Talk snotty to me, Carol, and I'll kick you right out the door."
"Sure, go ahead." I'd service her. I wanted that forty bucks, but I'd hold my advantage since I was young and pretty,
compared to her anyhow. I deliberately sassed her. "Without your wig your hair looks like something out of the
dustbin." .
I expected with that she'd come out swearing and clouting at me. I didn't care. If she wanted me to go down on her,
I wasn't taking her abuse and bossing while I was doing it, I'd be butch. But I'd hardly anticipated she'd get as upset
as the way she did. She turned over, plunked her head down in the pillow, pounded the bed, and started to bawl. I
was afraid then maybe I'd gone too far and I still wanted that money. I guessed it had hit her right where she aged,
saying her straggly hair looked like something out of the dustbin. I got on the bed and stroked her buttocks and legs
as she lay there on her stomach.
No reactions at first except that she stopped crying. Then her legs slowly loosened and spread. I pushed them wider
apart and goosed her, being gentle as I stuck the tip of my finger in between the lips, into the hole, then on her
beans. Criminy, opening her up was like getting into a baked potato right out of the oven, she was so hot. A baked
potato with plenty of butter.
She moaned and the next thing she was. up grabbing me, hugging and kissing. "I'll be good. I'll be good," she
wailed, as though she were a baby and I'd spanked her. I couldn't get over it, after how hard and selfish Miz
Blossom was most of the time, he way she kissed and loved up to me now that I'd talked back to her.
She held her mouth puckering against mine, opened her lips and when I jabbed with my tongue it sent her about
loony. "Put your hand on me! Put your hand here!"
I reached down, pressed over her mound, jiggled it. She was arching her middle with everything she had. I got my
hand into her hot pussy and I'll swear those lips folded around and tried to gobble up two of my fingers. I tapped
away at her clitty.
She was bumping, slithering her whole lower body, panting so hard she had to stop kissing, but she held me tight
down on her tits. She cried out, lurched and wiggled, then fell back exhausted, spent a moment catching her breath.
"Honey, sweet, ohhhhhh! You sent me to heaven with only your finger. Hell, where'll you send me, loving me
with your tongue?""
"Yes, yes, of course, I want it. You dumb little brat, don't you know that much? And stop rushing me, ease it
along." She put her arms around me and as we lay on our sides face to face, she caught me around the ass, mashed
my leg in between her fat thighs.
"Hey, where'd you think you're going in such a hurry, sweetie?"
"I wasn't figuring on doing much this afternoon except put a frying chicken on for my father's dinner."
"Aw, with that forty bucks you can feed him steak. You know something? You're the one who's cold and cruel.
Telling me I'm old and trashy. I'm not!"
I'd only remarked on her hair without the wig. Thinking of the forty dollars I told her, "You're okay, dazzler," and
patted her fat ass. She brought my head down, wanting me to kiss her, so I did. It surprised me again how cool and
sensitive her lips were, her pussy by contrast being absolutely broiling.
"I love kisses, Carol. Your kisses. Then I know you're not so cold as you pretend. You go for me, don't you, dear?"

"I guess I'm not so cold." I gave her another, with my tongue flicking against the tip of hers. "You like my kisses
better than your husband's?"
"Yes! But stop making comparisons or I'll beat you with a stick."
"You know your own kisses are sugar-cookie. Cool." I kidded her along as I stroked her big boobs.
It wasn't as though I hadn't had experience bringing out another woman, or a girl, anyhow.
Winnie Jo and I slept naked most of the time and we knew every inch of each other's body. I'd even given Win
enemas when she was little. There'd never been much love in our family otherwise so we two made up for it
between ourselves. We'd tell our secrets, hold nothing back. We trusted each other with whatever we possessed.
I asked Miz Blossom, "Doesn't Mel screw you any more? Or as much as you desire it?"
"Questions, questions! Mind your own damn business, you brat! Uh, but yes, he puts it to me about three times a
week. Although that's not as often as some others like to fuck me.
I've never denied my husband. It's not his fault. It's hard for him to bring me out. He's really a highballing
cocksman. Tell the truth, dear. I realize you were angry with him at first the other day when he laid you, but at the
end didn't you heat up to him?"
"Maybe, but that doesn't say-"
"Of course not. I know just what you mean, his fat belly and rough hands. Hell, it makes me think of my own age
to see his leathery wrinkles. But he's well-hung, raises a manly prick. Here's the thing. You're so young and pretty
he'll want you more and more. And I feel sure, you hard-as-nails screwy young bitch, you're just the one to snoot
him. You'll be taking his cock only to take his money, now, won't you?"
"Ha! Fine talk from a faithless wife," I replied right back. "You hard-as-nails, fat-assed whore. You said not as
often as some others like to fuck you. So who's the big strong stud you've been cheating with?"
"Stop asking or I'll whale you a good one. Kiss me, dear." The smooch I gave her lasted a long minute and she
went hot for my tongue all right. And somehow I found myself sharing the pleasure she gave, beginning to sizzle,
too. She called me pet names, gave me huge and writhing bumps with her middle.
"Go fetch the dong," she whispered, and I put it there handy. "But before you shove it into me, slick my cunny-do
with your pretty little mouth." I went down on her. "Mmm, that's it, lover. How that sends me! Hey, lift me by my
bottom for a hard close-up. Make me howl."
I was between her parted, jiggling legs, my face buried in her cunt, my arms under her hams, holding up her juicy
hot flesh like a big wedge of watermelon to eat and I was eating it, sloshing up and down the crack with my tongue.
She wriggled and panted so hot I figured she was ready, so I picked up the dildo. I nosed the head of it against the
opening of her fuck hole.
There was quite a bit of play to that rubber prick. I asked her, "Do I screw you slow or ram it right in?"
"Oh, for heaven's sake, put it! Ummmm, better screw it into me slowly. That's what I like."
I shoved the thing a little at a time until it penetrated Miz Blossom's cunt all the way. I held it there a few seconds
while I diddled the nub stimulator up against her clit. That got a roasting reaction out of her. She was moaning and
thrusting. She whispered, "Put it tenderly, don't stop. But rub it on the right side of my berry, not hard on the top."
I knew exactly how to do that. Winnie Jo liked it on her right side, too, and for a little girl going on fifteen she had a
big button.
Miz Blossom moaned, snarled, shouted, "Fuck me!" as loud as though dinner was ready and to come and get it.

"Put it, put it, fuck me!"

I hosed her like mad with that rubber prick. I had one arm beneath her ass and she liked to have broken it the way
she bounced up and down. I had to hang on tight to keep my head against her mound where it had to be so I could
dab with the tip of my tongue along the right side of her clit.
It really got to Miz Blossom, scared me the way she just about freaked out of her mind.
Then she settled down a bit, had the back of her own hand hard at her mouth, kissing it and nibbling at it with bared
She shuddered and broke loose with deep-throated mutterings. The way she shook up, you'd think she was being
burned alive. I got gathered into it, too. I was kissing her in a loving way, patting her. I had to share. I was
moaning in quite a tizzy, knowing she was in the big thrill of one of those wild bouncing orgasms that keep coming
on. It embarrassed me when I heard myself call her, 'Dear dazzler,' but that's how it hit me.
I would have pulled the dildo out of her slot but she pressed my hand, wanted it there a minute longer even though
she had come big and was resting. I held the dildo deep in her cunt while I laid my cheek against her belly.
She lazed back then in a state of contentment, her green eyes looking softer than I'd ever seen them, but still like a
cat's. She had her arm around me with her hand beneath my tit.
"It was your getting excited, too, that made it so sweet. Mel said the same, you talk hateful but then your real
lovingness comes through. Want me to do you now, Carol?"
She looked pretty eased-off and lazy, one hand loosely holding me, the other lying motionless on her mound that
was wet from my tongue and her own juices. "That's all right," I said. "I'll get dressed now." I scrambled down off
the bed.
"You could at least call me darling, you brat."
"Mmm" darling, darling, darling." I bent down and kissed her. "You're a dazzler." She hadn't paid me yet.
"Aw, sweetie. What in hell do you get out of it?"
"Hot licks. And forty bucks, if you don't mind."
"Ha! I ought to beat you with a strap, poke you up your cunny-do with a mud hook. One of these days, I'll kick you
and your father out on your ass. I'm the boss around here." But she got up, found her purse on the night stand, took
a couple of twenties from her wallet and gave them to me. "There, you little hooker. I'm not cheap."
"Mmmm, you're a dazzler." I gave her a hug and kiss, feeling really grateful for that money. Although according to
the rates they pay in the cities I've since learned she was getting by pretty cheap.
"You're a hot teaser, Carol, but I resent your not wanting me to bring you out. What's so exclusive about your
damned pussy? I could make you dance. Yes, dammit. I resent that deeply."
"Maybe next time."
"Next time? So you think you have me hooked? Hell, though, I want that juicy pleasure again. I know I haven't the
will power to deny myself. But maybe, say, how much money would you want to bring Winnie Jo in on it, too?"
"You keep my sister out of it! Just you lay a hand on Winnie Jo and I'll-" I was so mad I couldn't think and speak
the words and the way Miz Blossom mocked me, cringing and putting up her arms to guard her face, made me
madder yet.
She dug at me, pretending I was a policeman. "Don't shoot, officer, I'm coming!"

Her antics brought me back to common sense, and made me take a closer look at myself, too. I was still determined
I'd not put up Winnie Jo to pleasure Miz Blossom, not for any amount of money. Right then I considered it quite
out of the question. But I'd gone naked with this rich bitch on the bed and I'd butched her. She'd bought all that of
And I might as well resign myself to the fact that she'd buy more. There'd be a next time.
I'd practically promised I'd spread for her and let her bring me out. Let's face it, I'd also promised her husband I'd
screw with him once in a while. For money, of course. I had a funny wish right then, that my mother was still with
us and she'd make me stop doing all this.
I was getting back into my jeans when Miz Blossom came up behind me, wound one arm around my neck. "You've
hurt me, Carol, and now I'm going to hurt you."
I thought she meant she'd try to beat up on me. She was huskier. I wondered if I could scream loud enough for
Graydon to hear me.
She held me tight around the neck, but didn't choke me. She was still naked and I felt the heave of her tits and belly
as she breathed in hot gusts against my neck. "So Carol, you think you're too good to bring your little sister next
time? Then how about bringing your daddy?"
"My Dad?" The idea of including him in on this cunny-diving and bull-balling simply astonished me. I knew my
father was weak, money slipped through his fingers. He couldn't stop drinking his homemade whisky. I. knew in a
general way he was very horny, but that he'd been fucking Miz Blossom never occurred to me.
"Todd Weaver is a husky man with a big prick. Don't kid me that you haven't eyed that bulge?"
I hadn't, not consciously, but the instant Miz Blossom mentioned it, images bobbed up from some urpy place in my
mind, only for an instant, but I could just see that thing in the tight crotch of my father's pants.
I wanted to throw up, run from the room but Miz Blossom held me by the neck. I told her to turn me loose but she
paid no attention.
"You hotsy young piece! So your Pa's dick shocks you more than Mel's rod did the other day? What would you say
if I told you Todd Weaver's the man who's been screwing me oftener than Mel? And even when he's liquored, he
can raise a stick that I doubt any amorous girl could resist?"
"Stop talking dirt about him!" I'd got my breath. "Just because my father's poor doesn't mean he'd fall for your
"Oh, wouldn't he, though!" The way Miz Blossom's stomach heaved and rippled with mirth jiggled my body, too.
"What I told you is true. Oh, you poor thing, you. I've made you cry, haven't I? Mmm, see Carol's tears. Pretty,
pretty." She went on mocking me like that.
"You leave me alone!"
"All right, sweetie." She eased her grip around my neck. "So you thought your old man was up in Kansas City the
other day, you poor innocent? He was in bed with me at an Independence Motel. I bought him a bottle of whisky
and let him screw me and love me all night long."
"You're just saying that. Talk's cheap." I still wouldn't let myself believe it. Except though if Miz Blossom had
bought him whisky...
I recalled incidents at the cottage I'd tried to forget. Winnie Jo shying away from Daddy, never wanting him to
touch her, but then Win was pretty hostile. toward the whole male sex, young or old. I'd tried to forget scenes like
only a few nights ago when Daddy had staggered drunkenly into our bedroom when we were undressing and leered
at our revealed privates, until Winnie Jo had screamed him out of there.

"You really want to know for sure, dear?" Miz Blossom grabbed me with hugs and she pressed lingering kisses on
my lips. I shook away from her. She was one loving hot shot but she wanted to torture me. "I have pictures of
Todd Weaver having his fun with me, right in this bedroom. Go on back to the cottage, Carol, if you're afraid to
"You think I'm afraid to look?" I'd call her bluff. "I'm not afraid of you or anybody else."
"Aw, honey child." She softened to me then, kissed the top of my head. "I wanted to hurt you but now I don't.
Let's be lovers and forget it."
"You said you had. pictures of you and my Dad humping together, so if you weren't lying, where are they?"
"Okay, kid, you asked for it." She went to her vanity bureau, unlocked a little chest where she kept her jewelry,
took out a packet, tossed it over to me. Then from another cabinet she brought out a tape recorder and started to
fiddle with it.
My fingers shook as I flipped open the envelop, let the glossy pictures spill out. Could that naked man on the bed
with Miz Blossom be my father? Criminy, yes! That curly sand-colored head of hair, those big shoulders, that sad,
hungry look about the mouth, the upper part of his body so browned with the sun, the lower part so white. And
there was no denying the bigness of his erection!
The shot where it showed so large was when he and Miz Blossom lay hunched up on the bed, kissing and feeling
each other. There were other pictures of him as he screwed her, Miz Blossom sitting astride, facing the camera,
with my father's pecker up into her a foot, it looked like. A scene where he mounted her as if they were a couple of
dogs. Yes, and the raunchy one where he spread her buttocks apart and licked her from behind.
I was the one swearing and crying then. I dropped the packet of pictures on the floor. I couldn't look at them any
"I told you so, but you wouldn't listen." Miz Blossom wagged her head, taking a simpery tone. "I bought your Dad
a camera and he's taken plenty of pictures himself, crotch shots of me and other women he's screwed. Pretty hard to
identify a woman by just a picture of her cunt. He sells the pictures in a pool hall."
She turned on the tape recorder and the talking sounds came, mumblings at first until she reached the point she
wanted, which was of her own voice ordering, "Damn you, Todd, say it!" And Daddy's low, but clear, "I love you,
Loretta. You're so beautiful. I love you."
Meanwhile, he was putting it to her. I could hear his body smacking down on hers. Miz Blossom hollering at him
again, "Fuck me, you bastard! Fuck me"
"Stop it!" I was so weak and upset I had to sit down on the floor. Miz Blossom turned off the recorder, rushed over
and picked me up, tried to console me. I pushed her away, leaned against a bureau. "You forced Daddy to do that.
You must have threatened him." I knew Daddy was just about scared to death of Miz Blossom.
"Sure, I've put on the pressure," she admitted. "In this world, if you just sit on your ass and wait for the goodies to
come to you, they never do. I wanted Todd a lot more than he ever wanted me. I'd hand him a twenty now and then
so he could keep his old car running. And the sweaters he bought a while back for you and Winnie Jo-he earned the
money to buy them by bouncing the bed with me for hours and telling me how he loved me and how beautiful I
"It's cost me money and a lot of coaxing but now I've got him broken in. Whenever I send word, 'I'm hot for a little
nooky, dear,' he comes running.
"And sweetie, you can't pretend you weren't impressed by the picture of your Dad's cock standing up like a fucking
"All right, I saw it."

"So does that prove that he wanted to shove it into me? There's no way I know a man can force a cock to get hard
like that if it takes a notion not to."
I let out a loud laugh that was like a scream, pointed to Miz Blossom's nearly hairless cunt.
"The old mudhole!" I said it just to talk back to her.
She bit her lip, blinked at me with an injured look. "Okay, okay." She picked up the pictures where I'd thrown them
on the floor. "I don't mind. Yell and get it out of your system."
I was dressed again and I wanted to run out of there. I'd taken my clouts, one humiliation after another. I'd called
Miz Blossom's gash the old mudhole but I'd better not forget I'd patted it with my fingers, licked into it with my
tongue. And there was one more question I had to have answered. "When you and Daddy were jazzing it up on the
bed, who took the pictures?"
"Why, my husband, of course. Mel stands there with the camera in one hand, his pecker in the other, getting a
terrific drive out of seeing his wife abandon herself to a hard fucking.
Whenever I get tossed for a big one, I can hear him moaning, too."
"Hell, and my Dad's a part of all that urpy stuff." I ran out of the Blossoms' bawdy house and all the way home.

Chapter 3
I found nobody home and felt glad of that. Winnie Jo had ridden off on some errand on her bicycle and Daddy was
in the field, working, or maybe just squatting between the corn rows drinking from his jug. The way I felt, I wished
I could take my sister, leave the farm and my father and never come back. Of course, that was impossible
practically for lack of money.
Up until that time I'd earned only piddling amounts at odd jobs. Winnie Jo and I worked around the house and on
the farm but nobody ever thought of paying us for it. Now the Blossoms had paid me sixty dollars for nookying
with them and I wondered whether I could ever put by enough from that source to run away with Winnie Jo so we
could live by ourselves. Prospects looked dismal from any angle. I didn't want to fall into the habit of loving up
any woman's pussy besides my sister's.
When she came home, I told her all that happened, whereupon her small face pinched in a fighting glare that was
mostly fright. "You're right, Carol. We've got to get out of here before the sky caves in on us. Mel as good as
raping you, and I don't even want to think about Dad's wallowing in sex with Miz Blossom-yes and the crazy way
he's stared at me sometimes! If Mel or Daddy tries it with me; I'll fight 'em off with rocks as big as pumpkins."
She grabbed a handful of my right tit as though it were a rock.
"Hey, you nut, but don't worry. I won't let them touch my little sweetie."
"Mmm, big Sis. But where can we ever find the money to live on in Bindale or some city?
Of course, that sixty bucks is a starter, huh? Would Miz Blossom pay you extra if I went with you next time? I'd
never in the world lay it for Mel, but maybe I wouldn't mind so much fooling around naked with you and Miz
"You little sexenheimer!"
"So are you!"
We wrestled and pushed each other around in the kitchen but didn't really meant it. Daddy came in for supper but
could hardly eat the chicken I'd fried. He had a good talking-to coming from me but when he was so glazed with

moonshine his conscience was beyond my reach.

Monday, I came home from school early and we had it out. I was in my senior year and would graduate in a few
weeks. "If you haven't thought of the future," I told Daddy, "I have.
I'm going to get a job, and as soon as I can earn enough money, I'm going to live in town and take Winnie Jo with
me. It isn't safe for Win so near the Blossoms' bawdy house."
Daddy was sullen. "You'll have to get along with what we have, Carol. You can't leave the farm. I won't allow it.
Also, do you have to talk raw like that, dear?" We were in our tiny living room, sitting on the edges of oak chairs, I
trying to get him to look at him, and Daddy staring down at the worn carpet.
"Daddy, while you were supposed to be in Kansas City the other day, you were really at an Independence motel,
weren't you? Putting the prod to Miz Blossom?"
There was an instant's meeting of our eyes and he winced at the shock of my knowing all about his weakness. He
turned away from me and the legs of the chair scraped the floor.
He half-rose, would have gone for a drink if I hadn't told him, "No, you just sit right there and listen to me." He sat
down again, held his head in his hands. It was as though I were the parent and he the child.
He'd been working, wore an old pair of pants, and as it was hot his tanned chest bulged out big. I still had on the
mini outfit and pantyhose I'd worn to school. Miz Blossom found Daddy very good-looking at forty-two, she'd said,
and for all his hangups, I wanted him to be strong and manly He had sandy hair and blue eyes, was clean-shaven
with a round, smooth face, heavy in the jowls from drinking so much.
"While you were gone that day," I said, "Mel Blossom tricked, me into the house and got me down in the bedroom.
He gave me my choice of laying it for him or he'd knock me unconscious and then rape me anyhow. So I had to let
My father sprang up blustering. "I'll horsewhip the rotten bugger!"
Physically he could slap down Mel Blossom all right, but he lacked the will. I didn't say anything but I had to bite
my lip not to burst out crying, Daddy was just trying to bluff it out.
We both knew he'd gone off on that date with Miz Blossom, leaving the way clear for Mel to take me.
Then he stopped pretending. "N-n-n-" he was stammering. "Nothing happened to Winnie Jo, did it?"
"No, and I won't let it, for you or the Blossoms or anybody else. Daddy, what's the hold they have over you? Did
they catch you stealing or something?"
"Worse." He bolted for his own room and his liquor jug. I heard him downing a snort but he came right back.
"You think I'm a bad man, Carol, not fit to be a father?"
"We'll work it out." I mashed my lips together.
"You don't know the half of it. Sure I get drunk, but that's because I don't care any more whether I live or die. I
ought to be taken out and hanged."
"It's sex stuff, isn't it? You'll just have to get over it like a sickness." I came over and sat on his lap and he held me
tight. "What is it you do that's so frightful?"
At first he wouldn't tell me. Then his hand was patting the inside of my leg. It got too far up my panthose and I
whacked it away.
"Daddy, for heaven's sake!"

"So you see?" he shouted. "I can't leave any woman alone. I'm a fucking rapist!"
His voice was hoarse, and he broke down, crying. My heart went out to him but he made me plenty exasperated,
too, especially as he couldn't hold me on his lap without his hands itching to take feels of my tits and bottom. I got
off his knees when beneath my thigh I felt his virile member rising hard enough to poke into me.
I touched his cheek so he'd have to look at me. "If you could only stop drinking you wouldn't have those notions
any more, would you?"
"Damn the drinking! Carol, you don't understand." He shook his head, bowed it. "It's the thinking of what I've
done that makes me drink. But it's no use. I keep wanting a woman.
When Miz Blossom gives me whisky and we tear off a hot one and then some more, I forget my troubles for a
while. But after a bit, the old craving comes over me again."
I remembered the two Blossom kids, Curtis and Dee, both very lazy and spoiled. They had fooled around as they
pleased, much too good to do farm work. Curtis had moved out to Los Angeles and Dee to Kansas City. The girl's
departure had been sudden, I recalled, and I asked Daddy, "Was Dee the one you raped? She was no virgin. I'll bet
there'd been a dozen ahead of you."
"Dee, yes. I caught her alone in the woodshed one afternoon and piled onto her. She fought me like a mountain lion
the first time, but later she couldn't get her fill of it. She'd even drop her pants for me out in the field. Then Miz
Blossom caught us, made me sign a confession that she still holds, could use against me with the sheriff at any time.
Shipped out Dee, but whenever I'm in KC, Dee still takes me on if she can possibly work it.
"She and her husband live in a beautiful four-bedroom house and she's usually dolled up like a pink poodle. I come
in my old clothes so she makes me pretend I'm a serviceman, but our clothes are soon off and we got to it, maybe
even while she has guests in another room of the house."
The pride and color went out of me. I felt as cold as leftover coffee. Daddy and that snip, Dee Blossom. She'd
treated Winnie Jo and me like dirt. We were the poor cottage folks of course, but she was no bargain. "You sure
don't need to go out and hang yourself over that twist, Daddy." But then I realized there must have been others.
"How many more girls have you raped?"
"I don't rightly know, Carol." His acts of violence were nothing he wanted to remember, but from the way he told it
there must have been twenty or so incidents. In our old Rambler car, he'd pick up a girl hitchhiker at the edge of
some town. You'd think she'd have better sense but she'd get right in. One time he gave a lift to three co-eds and
diddled them all.
"Don't they fight and scream?"
"Not so much. They've all put out before. They don't want to get hurt. That's how they excuse it, thinking it would
take only one crack of my big fist to knock them out. There've been times-true, of course. Then in some out-of-theway spot I take them, either in the car or out on the grass. I don't break any bones. Sometimes I've torn their pants
off; and a girdle is a nuisance when a man is in a hurry to have it, but otherwise the women get by all right."
I hated to believe what he was saying, but I had to. "What happens afterwards? Don't the girls report you?"
"Mostly they don't report me, so far as I know. We just get back in the car and go on our way. In KC about a month
ago I got reported, not by name, only a vague description. I'd climbed in through a window of a ground floor flat.
There was this middle-aged woman and her daughter. Then a man came home, caught us at it. I'd had the girl and
was taking on the older woman, had her spread out on the floor with her clothes all up, not really crying because I
screwed her, just sort of moaning. I left off long enough to sock this man a couple. The woman didn't say a word,
just lay there exposed with her legs sort of jiggling. I got back down on her, pounded it into her till she got it good.
As soon as I'd finished her off, I got up and ran, but later the man reported me, it was in the KC paper."
"Daddy, you've just got to stop all that!" So powerful with his big fits, yet so weak in his self-control. 'Taking girls
in the car that way, climbing through people's windows-it's a wonder you aren't in jail right now "

"I know that right well, honey. They'll get me. Somebody will kill me."
"How long have you been this way?"
"For years. Lately it's been much worse than ever before. I catted around even while your mother was home and it
made her pretty mad. I reckon the wanting a woman has been in my blood ever since I was grown enough to raise
Yes and he could raise it like a ball bat. I recalled the pictures of him .Miz Blossom had shown me, with that
towering erection. I could see the form of his penis right now, as though a kitten were stretching itself inside the
crotch of his pants, arching its back.
"That wicked old rod jerks up, Daddy, and then you just have to go?"
"Yeah, there's that. But mostly-I don't know what triggers the action but the lust comes over me so bad that I
absolutely have to have the woman. And when I go so hot for her, she feels it, too. She knows it has to be, like it's
nature's way. Some have offered to go down on me, then they'd stay faithful to their husbands or lovers. That's how
they figure it, but a blow job wouldn't do for me. I have to put that old rod into the crotch pocket where it belongs."
"I guess Miz Blossoms has sucked you off?" I shut my eyes, imagining the urpy scene.
"Well, yeah, but that's different. She pays me so we do everything." He frowned. "I don't want to think about it.
And that's pretty raw talk from my daughter."
"Is it? You should have thought of that before you let Mel Blossom screw me." I stood up, hugging my tits. I
thought of Winnie Jo's warning the other night, "We've got to get out of here before the sky caves in on us." But I
had to help Daddy if I possibly could. For sure, nobody else was going to.
"You've got to see a doctor, Daddy. Don't admit to him you've gone around raping women.
He might snitch to the sheriff. Tell him only that you have desires that you can't resist, then maybe he can give you
medicine or gland treatments that will cool you down. If he can't fix you any other way, you'll have to let them
operate, you can see that."
"You're right, Carol. I must see the doctor." But from the way he said it, I doubted he'd get the nerve to go. He was
afraid he'd be castrated.
"Daddy, you've got to. If I make an appointment for you with Dr. Johnson, will you keep it?"
"Well, no, leave it to me. I'll handle it."
Whatever his good intentions, Daddy was weak, scared that a medical examination would lead to the cutting out of
his testicles. I guess no man wants that. But women didn't want to be raped, either. Or maybe some of them did
want it? According to him they'd put up only dilly-dallying resistance. But whether they wanted his big tool in
them or not, he could be sent to prison for criminal assault.
I was scolding him when I saw through the window Winnie Jo coming on her bicycle. We'd have to knock it off.
I'd tell Win the bad news later. It was shock enough for Daddy that I'd seen him break down crying, without Win
gaping at him, too.
He took me by the shoulders and his eyes were pleading. "Don't let me do it, Carol."
"I'll try." But physically how could I ever stop him? He could knock me cold with one swat.
"If you'll only go to Dr. Johnson?"
"Uh, I reckon. Been worrying about the little one. Don't ever let me put it to Winnie Jo."

I stared at him, shuddering, as I recalled his doggie looks at the kid. "Daddy, if you can't even control your hot nuts
for Win, she and I are moving out."
"No, please, don't leave me. I need you here. Just help me, don't let me do it. I've tried my hardest to keep off her
but sometimes it's been a near thing."

Chapter 4
"Hell, I wish I was young as you. What do you call me, Carol, baby?"
"Dazzler. Your naked body looks prettier when you leave your wig on. Your face still looks pretty, too, when you
don't screw it up like a cat fight. You're pretty selfish and greedy, but I'll bet you get the hots a lot more than most
of the other women in the Ladies Aid?"
"Yes, dammit. I'm burning about all the time now because I'm on the change of life barbecue."
I got behind her, pulled her ass cheeks apart, goosed her, made her squeal. "If you're so lewd, let's see you
masturbate while I diddle you with my finger?"
"Where'd you get such idea, you hot cunt, young demon?" She ruffled and blustered as though she were full of
angel tears instead of horse piss. "Are you trying to violate me?"
"Yeah, and I'll paddle your fat whore's ass." I knew she wanted me to talk rough to her, earn my twenty bucks or
whatever she'd pay me this time. I kissed her even while I called her names, patted her bare shoulder, worked my
mouth hot with hers, let her take a feel at the crotch of my pantyhose.
When I wriggled, she said, "I'm like Mel, sweetie. I adore the feel of your young meat."
"So, mmm, just shut up and let me see your finger go patty-waggle at your hotbox. You like to play with your clitty
on the right side, don't you?"
"Ahh, yes. Honey, you do it while I press your hand there."
We sprawled down on the floor together, played games of kiss-kiss and tit-titty. I didn't tell her I knew the score
from playing with Winnie Jo. My hands and hers had loosened the rest of my clothes and pulled them off. I asked
Miz Blossom "Do you want me to fuck you with the dildo?"
"That's a fine way to talk to your boss. You'd better learn respect or I'll slam a coat hanger up yours." She turned
me over and before I could stop her she was spanking my bare bottom.
I've since heard of women who gloried in a good, hard spanking, but I've never been one of them. I squirmed loose,
got Miz Blossom down and spanked her just as hard and longer. Her seat made a wider target and to tease her after
each swat, I'd feather my fingers over the springy curves of her skin.
That was fun and I'd have gone right on but she started yelling and I was afraid Graydon would hear her. I had
humbled her for once and she turned very loving. "Kiss me, Carol, baby. Be good to me." She wanted to cuddle
and hug.
I kissed and petted with her. "But behave yourself or I'll paddle you harder." I nuzzled her belly, then went down
on her, got my arms around her thick thighs, pressed my mouth and nose between them, into the lips of her warm,
moist pussy.
I'd licked Winnie Jo's lots of times but Miz Blossom's cunt was bigger, the lips had stretched when she'd given birth
to her two kids. It was three or four inches from her vagina past her pee-hole to her clitoris and I licked up and
down the whole length of it while Miz Blossom kicked, yowled and just about tore herself apart getting her sweet

cookies. She came through real loud like the drums and cymbals at the end of a band concert.
We lay huddled together, resting. "Did I talk lovey to you, Carol?"
"Some. When you weren't calling me a hot cunt bitch."
"Right. I didn't mean a word of it except when I cussed you out. You're as no-good as your father, but you're a hot
piece of screw. It comes natural to you to bounce my ass and give me glorious hots. You could make good money
as a professional. You've got the knack."
I'd often wondered about professionals. I guess all girls do now and then, but I'd seriously considered prostitution. I
didn't think I'd mind so much putting out for money, but I wouldn't for any pimp. I'd keep stashing a pile of jack in
a bank for a few years, then quit, get married and live rich.
The Blossoms' daughter Dee hadn't put out for money so far as I knew but she'd screwed her way up to a super
marriage to a Kansas City politician, lived it up in a fine house with two cars and all the clothes she wanted. Of
course she still screwed around, my father being her favorite according to him, which didn't speak well for her future
happiness. A girl had to know when to quit, that's all.
Miz Blossom told me that when she and Mel were visiting in Los Angeles they'd hired a call girl to come and
service them both. "Vivian would do anything we paid her to do. She put a lot of pep and energy into her act. but it
was only an act. She made Mel and me come through more or less and she pretended to crack her own nuts but I
know very well she didn't. At heart, she was cold as a pump handle.
"But you're different, sweetie, and I'm going to bring you out right now. Don't try to fake it or I'll whack off your
tits with a dull knife.' "I won't fake it. I'm pretty responsive." I was scared. It was my turn to take it. Miz Blossom
was going to ride me down and work on me. I didn't know how but expected the worst.
At least she didn't bring out the rubber dildo and that's what I'd been dreading. She'd go poking around in my cunny
with that stick. We lay on the bed kissing and looking at some raw pictures. They were of the Blossoms together
with Gertrude, a fat blonde servant girl they'd had up until a few months ago. Shots of Gert being screwed by Mel,
doing a blow-job on him, licking Miz Blossom from behind. And a raunchy one of Gert squatting in the bathtub
with her knees, up while Miz Blossom peed on her belly.
"Too bad we had to fire Gertrude," Miz Blossom said. "She lost her temper and bit Mel, on the belly until he bled,
mind you, and we had to beat up on her a bit and let her go."
I remembered Gertrude had come running out of our cottage one day carrying some clothes under her arm and with
her stockings hanging down. It hit me now that Daddy must have raped her and what she carried was her girdle and
panties. She was chubbily built. I blanked my mind to the cruelty to her. It was nothing I could help now I lay half
on, half-off the bed, with my seat resting on the very edge. Miz Blossom knelt on the floor between my legs. By
that time, prospects of a good cunny-licking seethed in my mind.
I told her what she wanted to hear, "I'm hot, darling." I only hoped she didn't revenge herself for the names I'd
called her by sinking her teeth into my tenderest part!
Miz Blossom nibbled at the hair that curled in a thick brown mop on my mound but she didn't pull hard at them. It
was only a tease. All I could see was the red curls of her wig but I knew she was down there in the slot kissing and
sucking. When her hot tongue hit my clitty the grandest tingles started all through me. My middle was jiggling and
bouncing up at her.
But Miz Blossom had to be poky. Up bobbed that redhead. She ran her drooling tongue over her lips and asked,
"You getting it good, Carol, baby?"
"Mmmm, come on, come on!"
"Are you sure you're getting it good?" The tip of her tongue made a teasing tour around my beanie.

"Yes. And what's the matter with you, dumb whore? Come on or I'm going to lose it."
"You ornery, ungrateful brat!" But I forced her head down on me again. She went on licking my cunny and it was
marvelous again. Delicious tingles made the muscles of my ass work like mad.
My hands reached down to stroke her cheeks, which were ballooning in and out with her licking and sucking. I told
her endearments: 'Dazzler. Good, good, darling. Diddle me, diddle me!"
Her hands fondled my ass as her tongue licked faster and faster. The orgasms gathered hot in me and came, a whole
string of blissful thrills. As Miz Blossom went on licking and pressing my clit with her tongue, she really sent me
up into the wide blue yonder. Life was wonderful!
For moments I stopped worrying about Daddy's going around raping women and the sky about to fall in. Miz
Blossom and I lay on the bed kissing and rubbing against each other. I imagined myself loving her. I had a lot of
love in me. Although I never did love her, really.
I lay with my back to the door of the room. Miz Blossom took a strong grip on me, holding me so I couldn't move,
and said, "Well, what do you know? We never know when the devil's right behind us, do we?"

Chapter 5
I was wondering drowsily what Miz Blossom meant when I felt something fleshy moving up and down my spine. I
craned my neck around and saw Mel Blossom, bare naked, his dick out hard and looking as big as a sausage of
salami. He used that thing to stroke up and down the crack between my buttocks! I felt the wet off the head of it.
I should have anticipated he'd be hiding nearby, peeking at us. He'd taken pictures of my Dad screwing Miz
Blossom, hadn't he? Arid husband and wife had made a threesome with their servant Gertrude. Also the call girl,
Now they both grabbed me, turned me over on my back and Mel climbed on. I mean, he sat over my belly with his
pecker whacking up between my bubbies. It just about knocked the wind out of me. He was so heavy, even though
he rested more or less on his knees as he crouched over me.
"Don't it look good?" He was pretty proud of his stiff cock. He took my hand and wound my fingers around the
head, then ran them up and down the stalk. "Like a candy cane, huh?
Go on, give it a suck."
I'd been pushing at him. "You get off me!" I could see his balls, not hanging low but drawn up fairly tight with his
hard-on. I guessed if he got down and screwed me with that big tool I'd have to let him do it and it wouldn't be too
bad, but I didn't want to suck him off. I just didn't want to do that, something inside me cringed in panic at the
thought of it.
He slithered that meat across my nose and my cheeks. I turned my face down and he touched my lips with it. I
shivered at the tiny drops that came from the head of his dick but I wouldn't open my mouth. He raised up a
moment, laughed when he saw me lick the stuff off my lips. "Come on, you broad, gobble the big one." He wagged
that hot prick across my mouth.
Miz Blossom had scooted off the bed -to fetch the red rubber dildo from her vanity drawer.
She came close by the bed, holding it up so I could see it. "Okay, little apple-ass, are you going to take Mel's
joystick in your mouth or must I play rough?"
""Let me go! I don't want to do it any more!"
"Ha! You'd rather I gave you eight inches of this?" She poked me in the navel with the rubber prick. "And I don't

mean in your sweet cunny-do. I'd ram it right up your puckered little asshole. Yeah, I had it done to me so hard
once it was like a red-hot poker. I swore my whole ass was on fire."
I shook my head, clenched my legs together, but Miz Blossom reached under my seat.
Mel did, too-pulled the cheeks apart while she pressed the head of that thing into my brown spot, not caring how it
hurt, and I let out a yell. It burned like fire, all right! I arched up and kicked around so we were all in a big tangle
on the bed. I caught a horrible view of myself in the mirror with that thing stuck in my rear opening.
"Scream away," Mel said. "I sent Graydon into town, nobody can hear you." He turned me over, lifting me up by
my stomach so my face was hard down in the bed and my butt end raised high for the target. "Stick it into her all
the way, Loretta. Then give it a quick hard twist and hear her yell."
"No, no!" I was panting, crying. I gave up. "I'll-I'll suck it." Shit, Mel's meat in my mouth wouldn't kill me. I'd
offered to go down on him the other day, rather than take my virgin screwing. And I'd sure do it now rather than
have my brownie-hole torn apart with that stick.
"All right, then, you sweet little apple-ass." Miz Blossom bestowed a kiss somewhere on my behind, followed by a
stinging swat. "So suck Mel's cock!"
She was the boss of the bedroom games, I could see that. She took hold of Mel's pecker, which had wilted while we
were wrestling, pressed her lips to the head, brought it up rigid .with a couple of long, tongue-licks. "Tastes good.
Try it, Carol. I left a kiss on it for you."
They fixed me so I lay on my back again and Mel crouched over me. He wagged that prick at me, drew it across my
face and this time I accepted it in my hand. The sloping head looked blue, red and shiny with wet from Miz
Blossom's mouthings and from the tiny oozing drops.
I touched the swollen, pulsing flesh with my lips, made it good and hard. Mel was trembling with heat for me. I
parted my lips wide enough to lick them and that's when Mel shoved his cock into my mouth.
"Careful, you cheating fat slob!" Miz Blossom had no respect for the assessor of Bindale County, didn't care what
names she called him. "Don't stick it in so far, you'll choke the kid, make her throw up all over the bed."
Mel still would have screwed me hard in the mouth, except that I held the base of his pecker in my fist. It pressed
against my tongue as I moved my lips up and down on it but it didn't poke deep enough to choke me. There wasn't
much taste to his meat really, after the first suck, and meanwhile it made me groovy just realizing how I lay there
naked with Mel Blossom's pecker in my mouth. I was growing up!
Miz Blossom shouted, "I'll fix you, you pretty-dimpled cocksucker!" She was down there between my legs and the
way she was fooling around, I knew penetration was coming next. "You think you're so apple-assed smart, seducing
my husband, going down on him.
So you're going to take this dingdong prick up your smarty little cunny-do."
I couldn't stop her. Better take it there than have her- burn me up the rear. I knew Mel was never going to get off
me before I'd sucked him through to take his juice.
Down below I felt Miz Blossom licking me again. I couldn't see her, the way Mel crouched over me. All I could
see was his belly, hair and balls and the stalk of his dick that was protruding from between my lips. But I felt her
work the dildo into me all right. A thrust and sidewide twist gave me a lurch.
"Hey; you got to her, dear," Mel said. He was fooling with my tits as he made rhythmic fuckings down inside my
mouth. "She goes for it. I can tell by her nipples. Shit, yes, and from the way she sucks."
Miz Blossom kept screwing me with the dildo, making smooth plunges deep into my cunny. "You getting it good,
Carol, baby? Oh, pardon me, you can't talk, you poor thing, with your mouth full of Mel's joy prong."

I had spread my legs wide so my cunny wouldn't grip that dildo hurtfully tight, but now I was working them
together because I wanted to feel stuffed with it. Oh, Miz Blossom had called it right! I was a hot piece. I couldn't
deny it one bit, getting the nooky all through me.
My middle was bumping for cock. Breaths coming fast from my nostrils made Mel's pubic hair flutter in a little
breeze as I sucked his live limber cock as hard as I could.
Miz Blossom pushed the rubber pecker in and out of me faster than a man could screw It tickled nerves deep in my
vagina I hadn't even known I had, sending me wild.
I guess being diddled that way primed me to suck hotter. Mel caught the excitement, too.
All at once he let out a hoarse growl, and then his meat was jerking against my tongue. It was fantastic! When a
man shoots off inside a girl's mouth, she feels all the details that aren't so distinct in a pussy fucking. I mean, all the
throbbing and acting up of his dicky.
The squirts came and I swallowed his semen as fast as I could get it down because I didn't want to accumulate such
a mouthful of it that some might trickle down my windpipe.
Miz Blossom looked up to see what was going on. She stopped screwing me with the dildo but left it sticking halfin, half-out of my pussy, while she came up on the bed with me. "Why you suck-off little hustler! Give me some of
my husband's gism or I'll stick my foot through your stomach."
Mel had pulled out, drew his limping pecker back over my chin, scrambled off me. Miz Blossom pounced on me,
fastened her mouth on mine, licked some of the semen from my tongue to hers.
Mel found a place down over my legs, started screwing me again with the dildo. I was so hot that I couldn't last
much more of that. I thrust and moaned, went over the rapids, hung onto Miz Blossom as I shuddered with my big
moment. We kissed hard, while Mel had the rubber cock in me all the way, jiggling the little lump on the rear of it
against my clitty I was about up the wall and out of my mind with that spasm of hot pleasure.
Then the inward struggle caught up with me again as I came to my senses enough to be aware that Mel and Miz
Blossom had used me, taken advantage of my abnormally primed sensual nature.
After we had straightened up I got up, dried my face and then my crotch with a towel placed handy. But Miz
Blossom told me, "You sit right there on the other bed and watch for - a bit, honey. You don't need to go yet."
That was the big truth. I wasn't going yet, since they had still to pay me. I sat on the bed and watched Mel go down
on his wife.
Miz Blossom spread her legs wide while he licked her pussy. She kept silent now except to give him orders. "More
on my button. Tease my skin with your whiskers. Put your nose."
Seeing them that way sort of chilled it for me, lowered me with distaste for the whole Blossom scene, even though I
still manufactured a grin for them. I'd been thoroughly liberalized, for shit's sake, having done about everything. I'd
been fucked-up every which way, but they looked old now with their flab, wrinkles and dry skin.
Also, how could they be happy when they couldn't stop chasing like mad after more and more of what stimulated
but never satisfied? A happy couple would take it fairly easy I should think.
As Miz Blossom shuddered and moaned, the hag in her showed in the twist of her neck.
She had good legs and a plump seater but her feet looked scrawny, veiny. Mel's hide was parched rusty above his
white paunchy middle. He had supple strength though, the way he lifted his wife up by her fat ass, licked her slit
until she came. And she really did score one, her lusty meowing wasn't faked.
They dropped back on the bed, exhausted, lying there quietly without a word to each other or to me. I got up and
dressed. It seemed dismal that although husband and wife had kissed and fondled each other between the legs, they

didn't bother to kiss face to face. No romance left in their marriage, that was obvious. I recalled her saying, "I don't
care to ditch Mel. Not yet."
I went over to the bed and gave her a loving kiss because I wanted her to pay me some money. "How about it,
"So you've got your hand out, you little pro?" But she let me help her up off the bed. "Is that all your kisses mean?"
Calling me an ungrateful brat, she drew two twenties and a ten from her purse and handed them to me.
She led me out to the kitchen with her arm around me. She was still naked and sex-scented but didn't care. Nobody
else was in the house. "I understand you've had a talk with your father, know he could be sent to prison for the rest
of his life?"
"You wouldn't ever snitch!"
"Maybe not. I'm pretty fond of the damned cocksman even though he did rape my daughter."
"Dee had been putting out before that."
"All right, all right. You've sure got a quick temper, Carol. Hell, though, I like the way you talk up to me. Maybe I
like you a lot more than is discreet." She held me a moment, kissed me and patted my shoulder. "Damn me for
melting soft, but what the hell else is there in life? Am I approaching middle age? The only way to drag in the
blessings of this world is to stay hard and selfish, you know what I mean? But I want you for my pet to hug and
"Please don't be so crusty, Miz Blossom," I said. "And what in the world can I ever do about my father?"
"Cut his nuts out!" was her vicious advice. "Shit, but I don't suppose he'd ever let you do that. So you and Winnie
Jo must scoot off the farm, move into town. You can ride out on your bike once in a while to have a look at the
cottage and garden. Then stop by for a wingding with me. That'll provide you enough cash to keep going.
"Because, very seriously, child, if you stay out here sooner or later that heavy-hung wildman is going to get you and
Winnie Jo down and stuff your little twats with eight inches of rape. I'm not kidding, baby. I know of terrible
things your Dad has done. And incest leaves its mark on a young girl, especially the Dad-rapes-daughter sort. It
can damage your personality structure, as the shrinks say."

Chapter 6
I walked on up to the cottage but before going in, I laid down my schoolbooks and had a look at our little garden.
Winnie Jo and my father were home. I heard their voices inside, and I had planted lettuce, carrots, beans and
potatoes in neat rows, all of which were coming up nicely. I pulled up a carrot that looked grown enough, wiped the
dirt off-it and bit into it. The long, knobby jigger reminded me of Miz Blossom's dildo and I thought the first
chance I got, I was going to buy one of those for Win and I to fool around with.
All at once, the screen door of the cottage slammed and Winnie Jo came racing out, bare above the waist and
holding up her pants with one hand as she ran. A couple of strides behind her came my father. He, too, was bare
above the waist, but he went that way most of the time. What made me gasp and holler was to see his fly open and
his penis out and up like a flagpole.
He was fixing to rape Win! Miz Blossom's warning rang in my ears, 'I'm not kidding you, baby. I know of terrible
things your Dad has done.' I threw what was left of the carrot in his face. That was no good at stopping him-just my
angry reaction. Winnie Jo saw me and her big blue eyes pleaded with me to do something to rescue her. She was
running and panting so hard she couldn't speak.
She changed direction, toward me, but in doing so, her blue denim jeans slipped down, her foot caught and she
pitched forward on her face in the weedy adobe soil of our backyard.

The big man chasing her, red-faced, lips parted and wet with saliva, eyes crazy-wild, was not the father I'd loved.
At that moment, I realized he wasn't sane. If he was aware of what he was doing, he couldn't help himself any more
than an animal that obeys only raw instinct. But in his eyes I caught a flicker of pleading, that I must stop him
before he raped Winnie Jo!
I didn't say anything to him. It wouldn't have penetrated his head. All I could do was fling myself between him and
Win, allow her a chance to scramble up, tugging at her loose pants. I told her, "Lock yourself in the bathroom!"
and she dashed back into the house.
Daddy and I were rolling around on the ground. I tried to get to my feet and run, too, but his powerful arms wound
around my waist and there was no fighting loose from that clutch. I talked to him now, begged him not to hurt me,
but I might as well have tried to reason with the big walnut tree or Magnussen's bull. He pushed up my mini and
ripped the pantyhose off my legs. It was down to his screwing me then. I tried to escape, squirming around, the
hard ground chafing my bare skin.
He turned me over to get at me, lifted me by one arm and one leg. I was kicking the other and bawling. He hugged
me up against him to keep me still. I pushed at him with my free hand but didn't strike my father.
Somehow, his holding me that way confused me with sudden weakness.
But there was no fatherly comfort in his knocking me off. He took aim at my crotch and brought me down on his
spike! How he managed to hit my vaginal entrance that way I'll never know, but he did. Bull's-eye, and I was being
raped by my own father!
I felt that crowbar-jock ram up into me until it nudged the very core of my womanhood. I was being disemboweled
by a bayonet!
Not really tearing anything, though. Daddy had that knack. He didn't break a woman's bones or hurt her badly. I
was still hot and open from all the screwing with Mel and Miz Blossom.
If he'd raped virginal Winnie Jo, the poor kid really would have been bleeding!
He crushed down upon me and I took him lying on my back on the hard ground. Daddy was bigger built than Mel
Blossom, I could tell that right away. And so monster-strong I hadn't a chance of throwing him off. My ass slapped
whack-whack on the ground as my genitals took the fuck-fuck-fuck fast and hard of his long pecker.
The same rod that had spit the seed of me into my mother! So what was happening to me right at that moment was
The thought flashed through my panicky mind: if ever some boy wants to marry me, shall I tell him about this? But
the thought quickly slipped away. Daddy had told me that when he raped a woman, she seemed to catch his heat,
share it and for her to submit was a necessity of nature.
The big truth! I stopped fighting. My hands clutched Daddy's bare back. My thighs and middle began to work,
taking him.
Turning my head to face the side, I saw Winnie Jo staring down at me, shocked and bewildered. She was still
topless and holding up her denim pants. "Stop it right now, both of you. Don't you let him screw you, Carol. I
mean it!"
I didn't waste breath answering that silly order. Couldn't she see he was already screwing me and doing hell's own
job of it? My father's big dick was a swinger, a dancer in my cunt.
Plop, plop, plop. And the heat it stirred was also in me, mounting in quivery waves.
I knew Daddy would never let up thumping my hindy into the ground until he'd shot off in me. So wasn't my
fucked-up fate already written in the stars? Or do they have dirty toilet walls up there in starry space to write stuff

like, 'Carol is being raped by her own father!' By this time, any stars looking down could see that I was taking it,
humping, screwing him back. And wasn't that double incest? I couldn't help it. I went on putting up to my father.
Winnie Jo didn't say any more but she squatted down by me, took my hand off Daddy's back and kissed it. She
never tired of kissing me different places. Then she stuffed my hand inside her loose pants, right down between her
legs, patted it on her mound and slit.
That's the way she had to get into the act, not be ignored. But she shunned any skin contact with Daddy She skewed
around so she could kiss me on the lips without touching Daddy, at the same time fondling my hand over her little
pussy. I couldn't do much with her. Daddy was heavy on me, putting it so hard and fast now my body was moving
and bending in unison with his.
Winnie Jo stopped fooling with me, and sprang up. "Jiggers! Here comes Graydon!"
Hardly anyone ever took the private road to our cottage, but at this worst of all times, he had to. Daddy was
oblivious to it all. I turned my head and saw Miz Blossom's chauffeur drive up alone in the Oldsmobile.
My sister whispered, "Shall I ask him to help us?" I managed to shake my head negatively.
A lot of help Graydon could give me at this late inning of the ballgame!
Anyhow the chauffeur simply turned the Olds around and drove back to the Blossoms' house. I'd always thought of
Graydon as a nice guy but he must be a weirdo. He could plainly see that Daddy had me down there in the backyard
behaving like a madman, maybe going to murder me after the rape. He also couldn't have failed to notice Winnie
Jo fussing around, bare above the waist, yet he didn't bother to come and pull Daddy off me or anything.
I guess, though, right at that moment, I didn't want anyone to pull Daddy off and break the charm. Winnie Jo started
raging at him, pinching his behind, but he paid no attention. He was lost in lust.
Criminy, if the stars were looking down, they were viewing a hot scene. Low on the ground, I was high. I pressed
and shuddered against Daddy in an orgasm that made Winnie Jo scream at the sight of my wriggling and pressing. I
pocketed his dick as deep as I could work my flesh up on it. A moment later, I felt the throb and squirt as he
sprayed his semen deep within my cunt.
For a moment he fell on me, exhausted. Then he sprang up, stared at me, blinking, really seeing me for the first
time. He mumbled, "You're not Winnie Jo. Worse if I'd done it to the young 'un." He rolled over, struck his head
down against the ground, groaned loudly, looked at his rapist's rod, hastily stuffed it into his pants. "I'll- have
myself castrated!"
Yet I knew that some inward man devil would never let that happen. No matter how ashamed he was of the terrible
things he did with that balls and pecker combo. It remained his manhood and he'd never willingly part with it.
He scrambled up, didn't even notice Winnie Jo who had run and hidden her slim form behind the walnut tree. He
straightened his clothes, ran into the house, came right out again carrying his bootleg jug, got into our old Rambler
and drove off. I knew he wouldn't be back until late that night.
Win helped me up. "Well, for pete's sake, look at you. Your hindy is all scratched and your pantyhose torn. Did he
hurt you?"
I shook my head, dazed, drugged with sex my mind trying to catch up with itself. "You take a jock raping on the
hard ground sometime and see how you like it!"
"Yes, but you got a big drive out of it. You know you did. You think I'm blind? I saw you churning your
bombosity until you came like a house afire. I was never so humiliated-"
"Oh, stop it!" Ordinarily I'd have given her a poke. She'd have whacked me right back.
We'd have tussled, laughed and made up. But right then I had no heart for it. I was cut off from Win, carried away

to a new world.
I snatched my torn clothes, the books where I'd set them down and went into the house. I recalled Miz Blossom's
grim prediction: 'And incest leaves its mark on a young girl,- especially the Dad-rapes-daughter sort.' She didn't
know of course, of the nooky games Win and I had played. So I'd never be the same again.
Daddy had come upon Winnie Jo in our bedroom, she related. She'd been changing her clothes. He'd feasted his
eyes on her privates, gone for her. She'd dodged and run, but he'd nearly caught her in the house. "Lucky, I'm little
and can move quickly, that's all."
Miz Blossom drove over. She wore little more than a flaming red robe but she didn't care, rushed into the cottage.
"I heard what happened! I warned you, Carol, but you wouldn't listen. Did he hurt you bad?"
So Graydon had snitched. He was a spy for Miz Blossom, after all, probably hep to everything that went on. I
could just see him reporting to Miz Blossom and she wouldn't have even her robe on. I didn't bother to reply.
Winnie Jo and I were in the kitchen at supper, Win supplementing the rice and meatballs with toast spread thick
with peanut butter. Nothing spoiled her appetite.
"You want me to report it to the police?" There was no telephone at the cottage.
"Criminy no! Win and I aren't going to turn in our father. I'm hoping he'll take medical treatment, but if the cops do
arrest him one of these days, I can't stop them."
"Mel and I could turn him in. We have evidence, with Graydon to back us up "
"Look, Miz Blossom, I told you no."
"Ha! So that's your attitude. You nympho little hotsy. I'll bet you wallowed in that bull-fucking. He wasn't too big
for you. Did you lie there humping, begging for more?"
"She did not!" Winnie Jo deafened me. "Just you try getting raped on that hard ground, Miz Blossom, and see how
your bombosity takes it even if you are bigger and fatter. Show her your poor scratched hindy Carol."
I didn't want to show them anything but they got my pants down and had a look. "Aw, ahh, you poor sweetie." Miz
Blossom kissed here it hurt, so of course, Winnie Jo had to shove in and kiss it, too.
Miz Blossom offered to stay with us and protect us, she said, but Win told her rudely, "A lot of protection you'd be.
You just want to sleep with Daddy when he staggers in, then I guess Mel would come catting over and Carol and I
would have to run for it. Nah, we don't care to have that immoral stuff in our house, thanks, kindly " Miz Blossom
took a whack at Win but Win was tot) quick for her. "You're fine ones to talk of immorality with your father
galloping around like a stud horse. For two cents I'd evict the whole lot of you Weavers." She left in a huff.
"Now you've made her hopping mad," I said. "She was at least good for a little money and where else are we going
to earn any? I'm a fucked-up hotsy like she says, but I did make fifty bucks after school today."
Win had to preach at me, too. "I don't want you taking any more of their lousy handouts. I don't want you going
over there with Mel and Miz Blossom. Maybe Miz Blossom alone would be okay, but how'd you know when he's
going to bust in? And if you want pussy treats, hon, I'm right here, aren't I? If you hadn't dilly-dallied at the
Blossoms' this afternoon, left me alone with Daddy-" She came bounding over to where I stood by the cupboard,
putting things away. She wrapped herself around me, kissed me fiercely. "You came and stopped, Daddy from
doing it to me. Don't think I'm ever forgetting that. You took his horse-dinger yourself to protect me, and I love
you for it, Carol. You're still my sweetheart. It's only that I can't stand your liking to have him screw you-there you
were churning your middle like a house afire."
"Yeah, and you dancing around with your pants half off your hindy." We scuffled around, kissed and made up. "If
you're so strong against it, Win, " I said after a while, "I won't go over nookying with Mel and Miz Blossom

"Mmm, it's about time you got some sense. Suppose they had that spy Graydon taking pictures?"
"I doubt that. And look, idiot girl, where are we going to raise the money to live on in town if we go? It isn't safe
for you to live out here any longer. I go along with that. Daddy is liable to take one of his King-King spells at any
time and you'd find yourself on your back being knocked off."
"I know. Sure gives you the skeeries."
"Besides, Mel and Miz Blossom are drooling for a dig at the seat of your little panties.
They figure they own us Weavers and don't give a shit what happens to us afterwards, so long as they can use us for
their little games."
We puzzled over what we could do. Who in town would take us in for free, or just about?
With food prices so high nowadays and without our farm produce, it would cost good money to feed us, especially
Winnie Jo with her appetite.
It was she, though, who came up with an idea, even if it was one of her wildest. "You know the English teacher,
Miss Pauline Barlow? She lives alone now in a flat in Bindale. She's invited me to come up and see her and I'll bet
she'd take us both in."
"Why should she board us when we haven't any money?"
"We have a hundred and ten dollars." I had the one ten, having earned it on my back, but Win took it for granted
that whatever I owned was hers, too. "And Miss Barlow likes me. I think that girl's a gay one."
"For the love of six tits!" It astounded me the things my kid sister came out with. "Whatever gives you that
"She's put her arm around me patting right close to my boobs, sort of nervous-like, and gives you the feelie looks,
you know what I mean?"
"So you've been swishing your tail, you little hot pants."
We talked it over some more, decided we'd see Miss Barlow after school the next day, and if she told us no, we'd
just have to look around for something else. Because we had to get off the farm, right away.

Chapter 7
I had never heard a word of gossip at school that Miss Barlow was a lesbian, but so she turned out to be. I soon had
marks of her nibbling teeth on my belly to prove it. She told us later that when she got so lonesome she couldn't
stand it. She'd go up to Kansas City and mingle with the gay crowd at a club. She was afraid to let us come and live
with her, she said, as much as she wanted us, especially Winnie Jo. She didn't dare let anybody else discover her
secret. She'd be scandalized out of her local reputation and she might lose her job.
Nonetheless, Winnie Jo was an irresistible temptation and Pauline did take us to board with her. "Adopting the two
of you is safer than just one. And school will soon be out anyhow. You'll be looking for a job elsewhere when you
graduate, Carol?"
"I'll try to find office or sales work." Pickings were lean in Bindale and I'd probably have to try my luck in a larger
city. Pauline took it for granted I'd go alone and leave Winnie Jo with her but Win and I hadn't the slightest
intention of parting. We'd slept together and enjoyed mutual masturbation and cunnilingus ever since our fingers
and tongues had learned those forbidden tricks.
Pauline was in her early thirties, plain-looking with straight black hair, a long-boned, hundred-and-sixty pounds

which looked just too solid in the dark gray and mud-colored pantsuits she wore at school. "But Pauline's big brown
eyes are soft and pretty," Win said and I guess she was right. Win could spot subtle beauty features in another
Win herself was as gay as they came. She even made her blue eyes shine for Miz Blossom, accepted pats on her
small tits as a matter of course. She had no use for boys, but was like a kitten that had to be cuddled and sweettalked by another woman. I thought at first I had lost her to Pauline.
We got into a row the first night Win and I moved in at the flat. Pauline had the larger bedroom, of course and we
unpacked our things in the other. Graydon had moved us in from the faun.
I'd talked it over with Daddy and he'd agreed our going was for the best. He avoided mention of his having gotten
me down and screwed me. He pretended he was concerned about what Mel and Miz Blossom had done to me. His
mind was so lost it kept hiding out in a make-believe world.
While we were unpacking, Pauline came into the room bringing welcome-home presents, a pair of lace panties for
Winnie Joe and a book of poems for me. We thanked her and kissed her on the lips. Pauline gave me a pat on the
behind but she hugged Win, drew hard up between her legs.
Winnie Jo ate it right up. We'd discussed beforehand how we'd better behave so Pauline would want to keep us.
Obviously Win was the sweetie Pauline yearned for, not I. "I'll pet and let her get to me," my hotsy sister said.
"With another woman it's okay, huh?"
"I suppose so, if that's what you want." I didn't feel very jealous. I was glad to let the kid have a bit of fun on her
own, so long as the affair didn't reach the infatuation stage. I saw little danger that Win would fall for this pro,
Pauline was the serious one who could get hooked. "Go to bed with her and tear one off, just so you remember your
home bed is with me.
Winnie Jo nodded solemnly. "My home bed is with my sister Carol. I honestly and truly never want it any other
Pauline took Win into her room to try on the new panties. "You'll excuse us, Carol, I'm sure."
"Go to it. I'll read a poem."
I was interested enough, though, to listen outside the closed door. Winnie Jo could skin out of her clothes in
seconds but even that wasn't fast enough for Pauline who was sighing and murmuring endearments. I heard their
feet shuffling on the floor as they mixed Pauline was the butch but a sort of pleading, fearfully love-hungry butch.
"Just a tick till I get naked for you dear," Win said.
"I could eat you alive, precious." I heard Pauline's smacking kisses on Win's mouth and body "Your little tits are
like bonbons."
"Gobble 'em dear. I love you to do it," my demon sister said.
More kissing and then Pauline's saying, "Ohhhhh!" several times. "Your little hand can get into the tightest places."
Sure, inside Pauline's panties at the crotch, into the slit. She wore a plain close-fitting pair.
More murmurs of nervous mirth. From the sound of the bed creaking they must be on it and naked by this time.
Pauline called Winnie Jo's pussy her mons, her wound, the portals to her soul, poetic stuff like that. "We must lick
our wounds, mustn't we, precious?"
"Ummm lick my wound some more, dear. I adore it," Win said. "Get to me until my hindy churns like a house
Presently Pauline found her place on top of my sister. I heard them getting fixed so their clits pressed together, then
the bedsprings sang a rhythmic song as they diddled up and down like a man and women screwing. The sobbing

cries were mostly from Pauline but Win was moaning, too. It made me hungry for her and a little jealous of this
older woman.
I returned to the other bedroom. After a while, Pauline and Win came in, both naked, arm in arm. "Your sweetie
sister decrees that there must be no secrets," Pauline said, with a sly smile and quirked eyebrow "So you've bared it
all, I can see that." Pauline operated on a broad front, her tits were fairly flat but covered a large part of her chest,
her pussy was surrounded by black hair wet now from where she and Win had showered, and the lips of her slit
showed up dark pink down the crinkly middle of that nest.
"I love Winnie Jo, isn't that nice?" Pauline said. "You, too, Carol." She bounded over, kissed me, gave my tits a
squeeze, hen fondled my seat. "So pretty."
I responded, that was all right, took a feel of her bubs, moved my hand down to her pussy, crooked a finger in
through the lips while she stood trembling. Win poked her head around from in back of the teacher, grinning at me
as she rubbed her body to make Pauline's chubby buttocks wobble.
"Oh, heavenly!" Pauline said. But then she had the nerve to ask me, "You don't mind, do you, darling, if Winnie Jo
moves in with me because I simply must have the sweetie all night long? You can come and visit us, too of course,
whenever you're hungry for our kisses. No secrets you know. Ha ha!"
"Sure, no secrets," I said. "But let's get one thing straight. My sister is going to live in the room she shares with me,
not in yours. She can go and visit you whenever the two of you so desire. We'll leave it that way."
Pauline was a hot lesbian but she had other passions, including a quick temper, and she got pretty wrathy with me,
reminding me that my sister and I were guests not likely to pay her much board money. "Okay," I said, "Winnie Jo
and I'll go back to the farm, if that's the way you want it."
I saw Win, still in back of Pauline, grin and wink at me. She knew the teacher couldn't give her up even on a divvy
basis. Pauline broke down in tears. "I've never in my life had what I wanted. Never!" She came and threw her
arms around me. "Please, Carol, at least let her go with me on my next trip to Kansas City? Just one night together
with my precious?"
I caught Win's vigorous nod and agreed to that. "She seldom gets to the city. Show her the sights, take her to an
underground movie. She's only fourteen but she has a red demon's curiosity about sex "
"Oh, I'll really show her the town. I know a small place where they show only lesbian movies. Crudely acted but
the girls do everything."
We had a steak dinner that evening with candles on the table and a bottle of Burgundy wine. Pauline smiled at the
way Win cleaned her plate. She had the appetite of a wolf. Of course, any steak that graced the Weaver table at
home had been pounded out of shape and was still tough, not like the broiled filet mignons Pauline provided.
I wondered what poor Daddy was eating at home alone. He'd probably opened a can of beans. I felt homesick,
almost returned to the farm where I'd take my chances of being raped. I'd taken Daddy's dinger before without its
hurting me much. Winnie Jo could stay and sleep with the teacher every night. Pauline would love that. But if
Daddy wouldn't go to the doctor, take treatments. There was nothing I could do to reform him.
One thing we enjoyed at Pauline's was the luxury of a telephone. We hadn't had one at the cottage. Also with my
being handy in town, a couple of boys called me for dates and I infuriated Win by going with them. She refused to
double-date, was afraid to answer the telephone, so Pauline would answer it for her and if any boy asked for Win,
Pauline would say, 'Sorry, she isn't home now even though Win stood right there.
I had to answer the phone with that negative, too, the weekend Pauline took Win to Kansas City on the bus. I was
jolted with surprise at how low and lonesome I felt without the little monkey. They had a grand time in the city but
Win told me, "I got tired of her being so jealous. All she wanted was nooky alone with me at the hotel. I wanted to
go, go, go, and at the Lez club she took me to, those dames ganged up on me, kissing and taking feels every which
way, until Pauline was fit to shimmy up a skyrocket."

I liked the boys, all right. I had no gay hangups, but the two I went with to shows and dances seemed tame after my
having been screwed by Mel Blossom and Daddy. It was pleasant, though, fooling around with kids my own age,
holding hands, kissing good night.
When they tried to take feels, I simply held them off without screaming at them.
"I don't go in for heavy petting," I'd say, with a straight face, and putting out of memory, like as not, that I'd licked
my sister's pussy and done a sixty-nine with teacher Barlow only that morning when the three of us fooled around
on Pauline's bed. Strangely enough I held a nice-girl reputation at school.
When Win and I rode out on our bicycle to do some work at the cottage and Daddy was off somewhere, Miz
Blossom demanded that we come to the house for a little loving. Win refused as long as Mel Blossom was
anywhere around, locked herself in the bathroom, and I finally went over alone.
"You're my favorite, anyhow " Miz Blossom said, "even if Win is so young and cute." She kissed with me for a
while before we undressed all the way, but she loosened my jeans until they dropped The way her hand inside my
panties on my bare pussy teased and petted, she had me staggering.
Sometimes we sweet-talked, more often called each other dirty names. I went down on Miz Blossom first, then she
brought me out the same way. When I made her come with a big one, I embraced her bare fat ass with loving arms.
She worked on me until she sent me flying. I lurched and moaned in ecstasy, gripping her head in my hands, and
Miz Blossom was so wrought up, too, she sobbed with her face buried in my cunt.
"Sweetie, sweetie, have you missed me?"
I told her yes and it was the truth You couldn't experience such intense nookying with another woman and not miss
her on lonely nights. We lay dreamy and peaceful for a while with my head on her tits. Then, of course, Mel, who
had been hiding in the closet watching us, came out holding his big prick wagging it.
I saw him, heard him greet me, "Yeah, you hot screwball. I'm going to put it to you now " I lay still, pretending
total disinterest. "Come on, Carol, open up your young twat. Twenty bucks extra if you kneel down and suck it the
way I want you to, not a juice job. Just make it hot and ready for me to give you a long, hard, fucking."
I'd have died rather than admit it to him but I felt the heat gathering in me. I couldn't blot from memory the
incomparable thrill of lying naked with a man on top of me, joined to me cock and cunt, humping and pumping to
bring me to a glorious come. Without looking at him, I said, "I might for fifty."
He swore at me. Who did I think I was, a movie star? But Miz Blossom swore back at him.
She was liberal and on my side. "Don't be so cheap. We have plenty of money and these kids really need it. In LA,
we paid Vivian two hundred and what did we get? Carol is better than any movie star, with her sweet young loving
ass. She doesn't fake her orgasm."
Mel waved his arms around. "Okay, okay. You win as always. But look at what you've done, left me with a
"I'll take care of it, bozo," I heard myself offer. I got down on the floor in front of him, and his just seeing me naked
there with my hand on his hairy leg restored his erection. I stroked his dick, fluttering my fingers along it, held it
against my skin, between my tits, beneath my chin, and finally laid my cheek upon it. As I moved my head
sidewise, my parted lips kissed its lengths, from his balls to the bluish-red head.
"You sweet little cocksucker!" Miz Blossom screamed. She got right down there with me, stroked my belly, kissed
my shoulder. "Well, suck it. Go on and I'll kiss you while you've got a mouthful."
I covered the head of Mel's big cock with my lips. I gave it smacking kisses and I sucked it.
He groaned and shimmied, held the side of my head and ear with his rough hand. I drew my lips tight around his
pecker just below the head, then kissed and sucked again. Miz Blossom was right there, nuzzling in Mel's pubic

hair, and her darting tongue found the tip of mine, touching also the quivering stalk of Mel's meat.
"Dammit!" Mel yelled. It was too much for him. "Leggo! Or I can't hold it." I slicked my lips back off his dicky
and he still almost lost his gism. He stood there red in the face, lips clamped together like somebody who had to go
to the toilet.
I knew he wanted to screw me right away and well, what we'd all done had put me in the notion, too. I lay on my
back on one of the beds. "Well, say something then!" he shouted at me. "Make it inviting."
Inviting Mel to fuck me hurt me much more than a bit of sweet talk with Miz Blossom. I did a slow shimmy, parted
the lips of my pussy, flexed my knees.
"Good, good. Just say it now."
"Fuck me, Mel. Dear. Give me a good fucking."
He was peeled naked and he rushed at me, but Miz Blossom got in his way, threw him back. "Don't you dare put it
to my sweetie." It was just a mock battle, of course. Mel gave her a spank that sounded loud but probably didn't
hurt her. She stumbled, pretended to weep. "All right, Mel, dear. Make this cunt take cock and take it big!"
He hadn't waited, already he was doing it to me. He mounted me and I gasped at the weight of him on my belly. He
was still nervous, trying to fit his prick into the slot and I guided it through the lips for him, or he might poke it up
my pee-hole, and I gasped again.
I couldn't resist the burst of raw pleasure, so sweet and compelling, of the feel of a big pecker up in me. I hugged
his brawny bare chest and put up to him.
Mel gave me a good orgasm yet he spilled over so quickly in his heat that he left me wishing I could take him or
some other jazzbo, for one more round. But Miz Blossom got right down and frenched me, so that did it. I'd never
seen her kiss Mel on the lips but she seemed to like the taste of his semen when offered up in the cup of my pussy.
Mel hurried to dress then, said he had business in town. I was glad he left it to Miz Blossom to pay me as she was
more generous, made it an even hundred dollars. For that she expected and received from me a long cuddle and
tongue kiss. "Mmm hurry back, baby. You're stony sometimes but I go for a thing that's hard, ha, ha!"
I had to make my peace with Win who chewed me out for whoring. But she couldn't stay angry with me for long.
"I know you didn't want to cheat on me. They forced you huh? And just think, hon, a hundred bucks!"
"Sure, for you and me." But I hadn't been forced. I had spread my legs for the Blossoms after only the minimum of
protest. The more I gave my body, the easier the welcome of caresses on my tits, mouth and pussy. The more the
perverse lechery in the giving, the more my body glowed. At least, I told myself, I'd never felt more healthy.
But another date with Mel alone soon after that scared me out of my whoring. He took me to a motel where he
made me go down on him, and then he screwed me for half an hour. Although he paid me fifty dollars. I'd never in
my life felt so cheapened. Miz Blossom, for all her lack of morals, had acted as a sort of hostess when she'd eased
me out of my pants and onto a bed.
No more of that straight prostitution. I told Mel I'd never meet him like that again.
He wouldn't give up, of course, and soon called me, wanting to know if he could put me in the way of earning fifty
dollars after school. I was tempted as Win and I needed the money to help Pauline with her rent and food bill, but I
refused. I changed the subject, inquired how my father was getting along, and Mel let out a blast.
"I can't tell you over the phone. I'll give you a lift in the Olds after school."
I met him that afternoon, and when he began taking feels I made him stop it by threatening to holler, scandalize his
political career. "I only came to ask about my Dad."

Pretty disgruntled, he told me bluntly "You and Winnie Jo must have your father certified put away in a mental
institution. I'm not going to stand for his wild tantrums any longer."
It seemed Daddy had threatened Miz Blossom, and Mel, too, demanded that she bring her daughter Dee home for a
while. Dee had been quite willing. She'd visited, but Daddy had kept her at the cottage, screwing her almost
without letup day and night for three days until even nympho Dee couldn't take any more.
"And I'm not taking any more, either," Mel said. "The man veers off into those insane frenzies. I know it. You
know it. So you daughters will have to certify him and I'll bear witness."
"I don't see what Daddy can do that you need be afraid of. Dee's gone back to Kansas City, hasn't she?"
"Yes, but with a rapist like Todd on the loose, nobody's safe."
"Come on. He can't do anything to Miz Blossom that he hasn't done already. I've tried my best to get Daddy to see
a doctor, take treatments, but so far he's put it off. I'm not going to snitch on him to the sheriff, tell of his raping
those women. They'd send him to prison."
"Best place for a fiend." But Mel promised he'd hold off for a while. "We'll expect a little more cooperation from
you, though, Carol. Maybe from Winnie Jo, too, and you know what I mean. It wouldn't hurt you to come to the
house and be nice to Loretta and me. She misses you, dear."
I could still take Miz Blossom alone, but knew if I visited her house old Mel would show up, too, horning in on our
romp. She kept calling me with her scoldings and threats, until I got good and tired of it. The next time I picked up
the phone and heard her say, "This is Miz Blossom."
"Sure," I told her, and hung up.
The next afternoon, after school, Win and I earned a little money cutting roses and other flowers for a parade. When
we returned home to the flat we found Mel Blossom sitting in the living room smoking a cigar, and Pauline crying
in her bedroom.
"It's all over!" she wailed. "You two will have to clear out. I've never had what I wanted in my life, never! I
thought surely this once I could be happy, but no. Why must I be excluded. I don't harm anybody. Why can't
people be broadminded? Why? Why?"
I could guess right away what had happened-Mel's showing up. But Win shouted "What's that urpy man sniping
and griping about this time? We didn't do anything."
"Our innocence doesn't count in the least." Pauline sniffed. "They don't care about proof, any more than did the
witch-burners of old."
"That witch-burner stuff figures," I said "When the accuser is one of the big political crooks of Bindale County."
Mel Blossom walked into the bedroom without knocking, moved his hand to give Win a feelie on the seat of her
pants, but she wheeled and would have kicked him in the stomach if I hadn't stopped her.
"Knock it off, girls," Mel said. "I haven't all night. You two Weaver girls pack your clothes and I'll move you back
to the farm. Otherwise, it's my painful duty to go before the School Board and report Miss Barlow for corrupting
this minor Winnie Jo, with unnatural acts and perversions."
"You have the unmitigated gall-" Pauline started to cry again.
Win shouted at Mel, "Where'd you pick such lies, off the walnut tree? Fat stinker!"
"Why, you poor corrupted little girl," Mel told her with a leer. "My wife will console you."
And when we were slow to mind him, "Come on, either you move back with me to the farm right now or Miss

Barlow gets busted. It's that simple."

My eyes questioned those of Pauline and she nodded. "The local politicians in a place like Bindale wield Hitler
power. That's what's so obscene."

Chapter 8
So we packed up and rode back to Daddy's cottage with Mel. Win and I sat in the rear of the car where he couldn't
be pawing us. "Todd probably has nothing to eat in the place," Mel said when he dumped us out with our suitcase
and boxes. "You'd better let us fix you hamburgers down at the house, then we'll all spend a pleasant evening."
Sure, get down and kiss Miz Blossom's hairless cunny while Mel worked on us with a dildo or his own diddler from
"Shove it," I told him, and Win said slyly, "If I reported to the editor of the "Bindale Journal" that the county
assessor was trying to corrupt my minor morals you'd lay off that stuff, I betcha."
We found Daddy in one of his better moods. He was overjoyed to have his daughters home again. I cooked up
some staples he still had in the larder. We ate a simple but pleasant home meal and that night Win and I felt hopeful
that everything was going to be all right after all. Daddy even had the cottage clean and neat.
I broke the peace with, "Have you raped any more girls since you got me down?"
It upset him for me to ask him that straight out, especially with Winnie Jo listening, but finally he confessed
"There've been two, but they mostly wanted it."
"Don't give us that, Daddy," Winnie Jo spoke up in her spunky small voice. "You know very well when you were
prancing like Magnussen's bull, you'd have done it to them anyhow, whether they wanted it or not."
Daddy turned red and angry but he didn't contradict Win or punish her. He never whacked us anymore. Maybe in
the long run it would have been better if he had disciplined us.
Since Mom had died we'd done just about as we pleased.
"I believe I'm not as keyed up as I was," Daddy said hopefully "When Dee Blossom was here, those three days it
took a lot out of me.
"I'll bet that pot of mush would take it out of Magnussen's bull," Win said and Dad nearly did slap her. She gripped
my hand as we sat close together on the bench in the kitchen and I knew she was talking big to cover up her being
pretty scared. Daddy ignored her smarty talk with only, "Keep that up, young lady, and you're going to be
When we were in our old bed together, Win clung to me and whispered, "He didn't fool me a bit that he isn't all
keyed up any more. Don't let him knock me off, please, Carol?"
"Sure, you nut. But how can I stop him unless I let him rape me instead?"
"Run fast. And anyhow, you've already been screwed and I never, not by a man. Besides, you really liked it when
he did it to you. You were humping like a house afire."
Right away the ones we had to fight off were Mel and Miz Blossom Winnie Jo and I stuck close, going to school
and coming home together. I let her blister away at Mel when he propositioned us. For all the insults she pelted
him with, that big politician ached to get at the seat of Win's pants so bad, he offered her a hundred dollars if she'd
just let him bring her out with his finger. She only swore at him.
"Once he had me with his finger," she said, "he'd never stop until he punched old Mr.

Peckeroo up into me a mile."

Saturday when both Mel and Daddy were out in the. field and Win inside doing the, washing I busied myself with
work in our garden, weeding and thinning the vegetables. I heard voices but thought at first it was the radio playing
in the kitchen. Then I heard Win cry out, and I dashed inside the cottage.
There in the kitchen with the kid I found Miz Blossom who's walked down from the house and sneaked in through
the other door. Win lay on the floor with her head up against the bench, her tiny panties down and dangling from
one foot, her legs wide apart and her eyes shut. Miz Blossom in bikini and halter as though she were going
swimming, knelt down over Win's crotch, holding Win's pussy open with her fingers, licking away in the pink gash,
making the kid quiver and bounce.
I tried to pull Miz Blossom off but she kicked, twisted and fought it. Shit, I thought, as if Daddy weren't menace
enough so now we have a female rapist knocking off my sister!
Win was no help at all. She held Miz Blossom's head down on herself, opened her eyes a blink, grinned and told me
in a voice soggy with lust, "You came too late." Her cute little hindy pumped and wiggled, 'Too late."
"You loopy little sexenheimer!" I felt put out and depressed, even as the nooky spectacle excited me, seeing Win
take Miz Blossom's greedy tongue on her clit, hearing those moans and body smackings.
I felt left out, with fears and resentments, a new ache in that tired place in my back, and with garden earth on my
jeans. I'd never seen a prettier girl, believe it or not, than young Win in her flushed state even as she lay there bareass on the kitchen floor. And that my sister would pervert her charms that way yielding to any other woman at the
tickle of a tit, was enough to make me take a very gloomy view of our future.
When it came to sexual misbehavior as the old folks would see it, I could call myself a jazz baby, too. I'd been
screwed by Mel Blossom and raped by my father. I'd diddled with Win since before we'd developed our tits, and I'd
gone down on Miz Blossom a number of times. So what I did now marked up little more on my rap sheet. It
seemed necessary to divert Miz Blossom from my sister.
Mad at myself for giving in to those urges, I yet bent down and goosed Miz Blossom, slipped my finger up inside
her bikini pants and into her moist, hot cunny. She loved it! Her hand left Win's straining white thigh to teach
around and pat me.
She lifted her face a moment from Winnie Jo's seething pussy. Saliva droplets fell from her tongue and lips. "Take
down my pants, Carol, baby. And take down yours."
"Hey, come on!" Win scolded, thrusting her cute little rump. Miz Blossom went back down on her again.
I unsnapped Miz Blossom's bikini and pulled it off, also the halter, leaving her naked except for sandals on her feet.
I held her big-Mama tits in my hands, stroked her broad bottom, angry with myself for obeying her commands.
Nevertheless, I yielded, joined in my sister's games with this lover-woman's voluptuous body, from her tits to her
She brought my sister through to Winnie Jo heaven. Then as I hugged Miz Blossom around her thighs and licked
faster and faster up her gash and clitty, Win twisted around until she got into me with her finger. Oh, we abandoned
ourselves to nooky anything to bring those luscious lusty tingles. First one would pop and then another, curses,
cries and moans.
All three of us had it. We sprawled lewdly on the kitchen floor, catching our breath. The air was heavy with the
smell of sexual juices like a whore's bedroom.
Miz Blossom stood up then, flung her arms around me, kissed me on the lips, jabbed with her tongue. "I forgive
you for being so mean to me. You know why? Because you're my favorite. Sure I'm out of my mind. I ought to
have my ass kicked. I ought to toss you Weavers out in that weedy lane, yet that's the way it stacks up, sweetie."

"So that's how your fat ass stacks up."

"Aw, Carol, baby. I love you so much I could kiss your dirty feet."
It's awfully hard for me to refuse anyone who butters me up like that. In a matter of minutes, we were all in Win's
and my room, naked on the bed. "She wants to see you satisfy your shameless lust with me," Win said, and spread
"So that's what's been going on," Miz Blossom said nastily. "Little-sister incest." She watched a moment, muttering
complaints, while I got into my sister's diddly with my tongue. Then she squatted over Win's head and Win's
artistic, hungry mouth took a tingling taste of our sex-mad neighbor's hot pot. We all went to town and back again.
Win was exhausted, nervous from so many intense sensations, wanted to lie back on the bed and drowse, but Miz
Blossom shoved her off. "Get dressed, honey, and watch to see that your father doesn't come back from the field
and catch us."
"But what are you up to now?"
"I'm going to bring Carol-baby's cunny do out with kisses. I've missed her so."
I was filled with wild laughter at all this, but the sound was lost somewhere inside me, and I lay there on the bed
letting Miz Blossom fondle my body. This nookying with her again was traveling the wrong road. I was headed at
high speed toward the jumping off place. I'd kicked the Miz Blossom habit once but now it had caught up with me
She had a terrific crush on me because in spite of my trying to avoid her, I did care a little.
I could kiss the crotch lips and mean it with a wanton kind of caring. She had sensed this weakness in me. Maybe
my strange urges were outbreaks of my lust inheritance.
That's why I suppose she preferred me to my sister. Win let her pussy be played with but aside from the physical
pleasure, she'd never let anyone seduce her away from me.
Miz Blossom snuggled up to me, her tits against mine. I felt the tip of her tongue between my lips, her hand
soothing my bottom. She took breath to whisper. "I love you, Carol, baby. I'll do anything. Just name it."
"How about your husband?"
"Piss on him. But don't be so hard on Mel. And who are you to be prying? But if it came to you or him I'd ditch
him " She was impatient to make love to me. She put her mouth to mine for a bit, then held her head back, smiling,
her green eyes wanton-sad. I kissed her back the way she liked to be kissed, joined my open mouth and tongue with
hers. My hand was down between her legs and I parted my own legs so she could pat my mound and get inside my
slit with her finger.
But even as we made love, another part of my mind looked to the future of Win and myself. I drew a deep breath
and announced, "I'm graduating from high school Tuesday Then I must find a job. If I take Win to Kansas City rent
a place there while I find work at something, will you lend me a thousand dollars to get started?"
"Why, I can't think of that now!"
She was shaking, too hungry for my loving treats to keep up her usual self-centered attitude. I kissed her body while
she encouraged me with her hands. I sucked her taut nipples. She murmured, "Tell me you've missed me, darling.
Make me happy."
Everybody wanted to be made happy. It crossed my mind that I had some quality in me that especially pleased
others, if I offered only the least token of loving them. "I've missed you, too, dear." I hugged her upper body, her
waist, her hips, and went on kissing her as she wanted me to.
The muscles of Miz Blossom's chubby buttocks worked and the open moist heart of her pressed up to my mouth. I

licked her pussy and in seconds had her crying and thrashing about with such a commotion that Win came running
in from the kitchen.
"Jiggers!" she whispered. "I see Daddy walking back down the hill from the field."
Miz Blossom sobbed and cursed because we couldn't go on with our sexing, even though I'd just given her the
delight of a star-bright orgasm. "Why do we always want more?" she asked of nobody in particular. But she had to
get back into her bikini and halter and duck out the front door.
Before she left, she told me, "I'll think over what you asked, Carol, although a thousand isn't so easy for me to come
by unless I sell one of my investments. Mel signs the checks, you see. Oh, he'll damn well do what I tell him, but
it's not so simple. Hey, though, this I can do-rent a place right in Bindale for you girls, and I'm sure Mel can wangle
you a job at his assessor's office or City Hall somewhere."
"I don't want that kind of a job."
"Oh, stop being a dope! Gyp the taxpayers. Everybody else does. And why should I support you in Kansas City,
you ungrateful brat? I want you right in town handy for me to come and visit."
"No dice," I said. "Mel would be poking his big jock in on the deal. He has the hots for Winnie Jo and I'll kill him
before I let him get her down. Or if we kept him out, he'd bust it up the way he' spoiled our living with the English
"Why, you innocent babe!" Miz Blossom fairly snorted. "Don't you realize yet how cruel it was for you to cut me
out for Pauline Barlow? I was so miserable I couldn't sleep. Even your Daddy couldn't satisfy me. So I had Mel
bust it up. Can you blame me?"
"You meddling old whore!"
"Fickle twat!"
Win whispered fiercely, "I tell you. Daddy's coming!"
I heard him too. We had to stop calling each other names. Miz Blossom scooted out.
Later, when we were alone, Win said, "I think we'd better take Miz Blossom up on her offer of renting a place for us
in Bindale. I'm getting pretty scared of Daddy. Did you notice a while ago the way he looked right at me?"
"So he looked at you. You're his daughter and maybe he was wondering whether he hadn't ought to paddle your
bottom for being so snotty. Long overdue."
"You know what I mean. He stared like he was a toothy tiger instead of Daddy. He was greedy-eyed and lump in
the pants as though his dinger was fixing to climb right out. I don't want that hoe handle screwing into me. I think
I'd die if he made me take it."
"If Miz Blossom pays our rent, she'll be screwing us plenty.".
"With another woman, it doesn't count. You taught me that. Mel threatened to charge Miss Barlow with corrupting
me because I'm a minor, but you'd corrupted me all over the place years ago."
"I'm sure you corrupted me first, you twilight daisy."
"Piddle. Anyhow, after you and Pauline, I think I could get along with Miz Blossom. And you can make her keep
Mel away from us. She's so mushy for your kisses she'll do anything you say, Carol. And that's another thing that
worries me like super crud."
She mosied over to me. I slipped an arm around her, patted her trim seat. "What's so super crud?"

"Miz Blossom's loving you and your mushing up to her right back. You scold me because I don't love boys and
only kind of pretend to love other women like Pauline and Miz Blossom, and that's a pretty snippy thing for you to
say considering our relationship. If we get into trouble, it's all your fault." She laid her small head on my shoulder.
I was mother-father-sister-lover to her. She had no one else she'd trust.
"You're my sweetheart, Carol. So don't you ever try to ditch or I'll stick a red-hot poker up yours."

Chapter 9
I was salutatorian in the graduation exercises of our class of thirty-four. The president of the Bindale Chamber of
Commerce said he'd never seen such a fine group of young people, but of course, he made the same speech every
I knew at least three of the girls had had abortions. Several of the boys had stolen cars, cheated on their exams,
experimented with drugs and so on. And I had sexed it up with my sister, been raped by my father, let Mel and Miz
Blossom screw me for money, and I'd done sixty-nines with the English teacher, Miss Barlow, who now smiled up
at me from the fifth row.
I fooled around with my classmates, laughed and sang at the party afterwards, pretty proud of myself. I'd gone to
school for twelve years, and now it was time for me to carve out a future for Win and myself. I'd always felt the
man of our family, because of Daddy's heavy drinking and his being so unreliable.
Win congratulated me with a kiss smack on the lips so that head of the school, Dr.
Brigham, observed curiously. Then she slipped off to keep a date with Pauline while I went to the party. Pauline
was leaving for Joplin and had begged for a farewell hour.
At about eleven, I picked up Win in our Rambler and drove her out to farm. Daddy hadn't attended the exercises.
He didn't have a good suit, he said. He wasn't anywhere in sight when we reached the cottage. Miz Blossom
stopped by and gave me a pretty wristwatch for my graduation and eighteenth birthday. It was the only gift I
received, except eighteen smacks and one more on my bare ass from Winnie Joe.
I kissed Miz Blossom and fingered her-she'd left off her pants so I could-and walked back a ways with her, halfway
to her house. I would be going to work the next day not in the assessor's office where Mel had offered to employ
me, but at a lesser paying job with the telephone company that I'd secured on my own. Miz Blossom knew of a
dandy little apartment where we could stay, she said, including pussy privileges for herself of course. I promised I'd
talk it over with Win.
Back in the bedroom of our cottage, I found Win standing naked in front of our bureau mirror, patting her tawny
mound and admiring herself. I asked, "How did you get along with Pauline Barlow you nut?"
"Scrumptious. I brought her out three times and she did me the same, twice, with her tongue and once lying on me."
I put my hand over Win's small hand over her small pussy. "She likes to butch you best, I guess?"
"Sure. So I let her make me happy. The only thing she misses when she's licking my honey pot with her greedy big
tongue is she can't talk to me and she loves to mush it up, gets pretty miffed when I don't call her my wonderful
loved one."
"She wants me to visit her in Joplin, promised to send me the bus fare, but I don't know.
Just one of those things."
Win talked it up that way, but in the midst of a languid gesture, she suddenly broke it off and let out a shriek, ducked
back the other side of the bed.

Turning my head to see what frightened her, I saw my father coming through the doorway and I let out a yell, too.
He looked as Win had described him, like a toothy tiger instead of Daddy, greedy-eyed with no recognition of his
daughters, not caring, with nothing in him but raw lust. Win and I were only two females to be mounted.
He was practically naked, and his dicky stuck up bare, throbbing. He had seen Winnie's luscious pussy and he
wasn't going to let anything stop him from spiking into that tender flesh.
I was at a disadvantage, being undressed down to my underpants which I'd bent over to take down. They were hung
around my lower legs, half off, half on, hobbling me. I took quick, short steps to head off Daddy from going
around the bed to reach Win. He swung his arm to bat me aside but as I fell over, I tackled him around the knees
and we tumbled down on the bedroom floor together.
Daddy was squirming about but I held on. I got my foot out of one leg of the panties quickly. His big penis was
whacking me in the face as we moved. It stuck out like a rifle. I took hold of it, milked it up and down with my
hand. I thought maybe I could make him come that way. But Daddy didn't want that and wrenched loose.
Like a quick monkey, Win had scrambled away from the bed, dodged behind him. She gave Daddy a push with all
her strength and he crashed down on top of me. I was clear out for a second. The next thing I knew he was fitting
that great prick between the lips of my pussy, and wham, it was in me all the way!
He didn't recognize me, hardly even glanced at me. I might have been a great movie star, a Railroad Street hooker,
or the chambermaid at the Swift House, instead of his daughter.
He didn't know or care a dribble. I was a naked woman and he was screwing me.
I barely heard Win scolding in my ear. "You don't have to hump him back. Just lie still and take it. Stop that
humping him back."
Clever advice from little sister who'd pushed him on top of me!
I shut my eyes and paid no attention. I don't think any girl could merely lie still while Daddy was fucking her. I felt
his cock deep in my vitals, arousing urgent tremors all through me.
My arms clung to his bare back and my middle arched to take him in greedy undulations that came as naturally to
my body as dancing. I'd never taken dancing lessons, much less attended a fucking school, but I knew how to do
both. Mel Blossom's dinger and Daddy's even bigger tool had probed far into my womanhood, opening up a new
world of sensual fulfillment.
Daddy's legs were in between mine, the elbow of one arm on the floor supporting his upper body as he posed me,
the hand beneath my back. His other hand gripped my left buttock. My legs wound around him at first, then
dropped back, because by digging with my heels, I could thrust up harder, writhe my middle with Daddy's pecker
jiggling inside me.
I had no thought at all of not humping back. Daddy's magic dick! I wanted the incest as I'd never in my life wanted
anything before. This was my graduation night! I said nothing to him. I panted with each spasm of lust. My
demands, "Fuck me! Make me come!" were spoken only in my mind.
Vaguely, I could hear Win anguishing. She'd dived into the bed, under the covers, but was staring owl-eyed back in
our direction.
Daddy didn't say a word. He didn't know at all that I was his daughter, having graduated high school on her
eighteenth birthday. I was only another cunt. The only communication he knew was by means of his big jock. That
message came through to me and then some!
I refused to see myself for the pussy-jiggler at that moment living only for the fucking my father was giving me. As
he socked it to me, he'd no more be telling me, 'I love you' than he'd recite a poem. Giving me a delirious orgasm
never occurred to him either, I'm sure, but nature took care of that. He simply bounced and hosed me, drove to a
magic destiny that included me coupled hot-ass with him.

The ecstatic shudders came, sweeping me up in mindless arches of my body as I gloried in them. Nothing mattered,
nothing at all, as I zoomed off.
I knew my father was finished. I heard Win plead, whimpering, "You get off her now, Daddy!" Still, I clung
stubbornly to him, not wanting any other reality except the throbbing I'd felt in my vagina as he'd delivered his
sperm. Now his tortured mind descended from its black cloud He recognized me, and I should have had the tact not
to keep hugging him down on my naked tits with one arm, stroking his sinewy thigh with the other hand.
With a grunt and then a loud cry, he sprang off me, shielding his wet member and testicles with his hands. "Carol,
stop it right now! You oughnt't, why did you let me do it?"
"Daddy, how could I- "Don't you pretend. Carol could have stopped you." Win screamed at him. "Prancing in here
like a snorting bull, getting my sister down, trying to rape me, too."
My father wept, punched his big fist into the wall. "I've done that unforgivable thing. They ought to take me out
and hang me." He grabbed up the nearest thing handy, which happened to be my panties. He avoided looking at me
as I lay naked on the floor, my pubic hair sticky with dribbles of his semen. Win was in bed with the covers pulled
modestly up to her chin.
Daddy ran out of the room, paused at the door to fling my panties back in. They, too, were moist now, from wiping
against his dick "Don't you come near me," Win said. "You're unclean. Humping right up to Daddy. I never in my
life saw anything so bad bananas."
But after I'd come back from the bathroom and got into bed with her, she fussed over me, kissed my lips and down
below where she was sure my flesh must be mangled. "He rammed his whanger into you like a bayonet, huh?
Didn't it give you a stomach ache?"
"Don't ask me, I hardly know " My mind was still mired in a sensuous puddle. "When I wake up I'll probably want
to throw up-or throw myself away-but right now I guess I'm just letting it go dreaming."
"Well, stop dreaming of it. All pretty urpy in my opinion." Win burrowed her small head between my tits. "Thanks
for saving me from him He'd have bayoneted the thing up in me a mile if you hadn't tackled him."
"Yes, and you sure gave him a strong push on top of me."
Daddy's second rape of me settled it, Win said We'd have to take Miz Blossom up on her offer to rent a place for us
in Bindale, but I felt absolutely helpless. I didn't know just how I loved my father, as a parent or for his magic cock,
but I loved him. He longed to have us girls with him, so I'd have to dangle that for bait. "We're staying away until
you cure yourself," I'd tell him. "Whenever you start going to the doctor and taking treatments, Win and I will come
back, but not before."
I thought of being eighteen and having graduated of how the people in the auditorium had clapped and smiled up at
me after I'd delivered my salutatorian's address and taken my bow the president of the Chamber of Commerce
saying he'd never seen such a fine group of young people. He always said that; still, it was nice.
I had received a lot of loving and kissing, good wishes. Miz Blossom had given me a wristwatch. All I got from
Daddy was his big prick-but heaven help me, that's the very thing that had thrilled me most of all!

Chapter 10
Win and I thought the furnished apartment Miz Blossom rented for us in town very nice, large fixed-up rooms in an
old mansion. Winnie Jo was a talented cook and busied herself trying our new recipes on the electric stove which
was a new thing to us. We had no telephone but the landlady let us use hers in an emergency. Mostly it served to
bring us a message from Miz Blossom that we must stay home that evening because she would be paying us a visit.

"I won't bother with crackers but I'll bring the bean dip," was her code for: "I'll leave off my girdle and panties and
I'll bring the rubber penis."
To earn Miz Blossom's financial assistance Win and I had to submit as her captive hotsies. She expected us to get
naked with her on the bed whenever she called, and that was several times a week. I had to love her up and eat her
at least once at each visit, she made it clear that she wanted attentions from me rather than Win. She seldom went
down on me, except for preliminary kisses before she screwed me with the dildo.
"I like to watch your sweet apple-ass in the throes."
It worried me that I was getting to like to lie naked kissing with her while she worked that dong in and out of my
cunny, especially when she'd rub the little tit stimulator against my beanie. She was an artist at nudging it along the
side where I liked it.
Winnie Jo delighted in having her honeypot licked, that was her dish, but she'd kiss Miz Blossom, suck her nipples,
make over her and tongue her right down the line, over the hill and to what Miz Blossom bragged was "the best
eating." But if ever Miz Blossom tried to get into the kid with the dildo Winnie Jo would push the woman off her.
Win said she couldn't bear to have anything bigger than my finger in her tender slot.
I had to face the fact that my sister was abnormal; that I was at least partly responsible.
Win hardly cared a button for what the old folks called a young girl's wholesome principles.
She was enthusiastic over the new arrangement, her electric stove, her television, some new clothes I'd bought her,
and the excitement of the streets of the town after the dull sameness day after day on the farm. That she wouldn't
mind living like this permanently infuriated me, I was restless, I wanted to make something of myself. I wanted
dates with boys. I loved my sister but she couldn't marry me, give me children, I felt enslaved and bedeviled.
Miz Blossom had so far made good her promise to keep Mel away from us. "But it's causing awful frictions at
home," she complained. "I make these terrific sacrifices for you, Carol, and what do you give me in return?
Nothing but the old McGunk and you know it.
All right then, tell me you love me."
I offered a few affectionate words to soothe the rent-payer.
"One thing sure, I'm not letting you go balling it up with any of these young bucks. I have ways of knowing what
goes on and the minute you start cheating on me I'll bring my husband, he'll knock you out if you try to stop him,
then I'll hold Winnie Jo down while he screws her till she bleeds."
Would she dare pull a trick like that at the apartment house, even if he knocked out Win too? I hoped political
shyster J. Melville Blossom would be afraid to try anything like that, knowing for sure that Win and I would scream
to his enemies. It scared us though especially when Win and I rode out to the cottage on our bicycles to do a little
gardening and housekeeping for Daddy, we wondered if Mel and Miz Blossom would jump us out there.
Miz Blossom had it so bad for me I felt sorry for her, but partnering in her perversions began to disgust me - I mean
I'd feel disgusted with myself as well as with her. She had developed a drinking problem and sometimes she'd
arrive pretty well squished and scream vile names at me so loudly I'd be afraid the landlady would put us out of that
nice apartment. More often than that though she'd whimper and cry with dog-like humility, grateful for any kind
word and pit-pat of affection.
She'd crawl naked on her hands and knees and want me to spank her. "And hear you yelling?" I said. "The
landlady has complained already about the noise you make."
But she promised she'd hold it in, utter only groans. Finally I got down and hugged her around her upper body,
ready to gag her if she cut loose, and let Winnie Jo spank her. Miz Blossom liked the intimate contact with me
while she shed tears from her cheek to mine. "I wanted you to hurt me," she said, "but it's all right, I'll pretend it's
you doing the whacking."

I have a temper and I've done my share of scrapping but I never could see hitting someone for no reason at all, I'm
too ready to feel the pain myself.
But Winnie Jo had no such hangup; she'd lay it on Miz Blossom's bare quivering fat ass with a piece of shingle we'd
brought from the farm, make her yelp and cry. Then the victim would push back up those broad redding cheeks for
more whacks ... The quick blows stung without breaking the skin. Win spanked her with one hand the other hand
reaching under the bawdy woman's belly to finger her clit. The loudest outcries we heard from Miz Blossom
sounded in ruttish moans when we'd bring her out, then she'd collapse on the floor, hugging me with hungry arms.
If we'd flatter her real big, pretend she was Miss America, she'd tip us extra money. "Yes, you little whores, I'm the
most beautiful sweet virgin in the world so don't you forget it."
Win could hardly keep from laughing but we'd applaud her singing and so on, then rub her skin all over with a
special lotion. She'd lie on her back on the bed with me on top of her, kissing her mouth to-mouth while Winnie Jo
screwed her with the dildo.
For a hundred dollars we were coaxed into doing something downright raunchy. Never again! Miz Blossom
stretched out in the bathtub with flexed knees and head up just enough so she could see what went on, then Winnie
Jo and I took turns squatting over her, facing her, and peeing on her stomach.
"It affords the most exciting view of your spread," she gushed, after we had gushed. "I think Mel would give his
right nut if you'd let him just stand by the tub watching!"
Win, who breaks out at unexpected moments, got down on the floor, beating it with her small fists and crying. I told
Miz Blossom, "I don't think you'd better come around here any more. You talk about Daddy's crazy spells, you're
crazier yet."
She swore and threatened, but promised to stop drinking so much. The next time she came she brought Win and me
new dresses that were so pretty we couldn't refuse them.
Winnie Jo had always claimed she possessed strange powers like ESP. I told her, "Sure you nut, the ESP you've got
is Eating Sister's Pussy."
She had nightmares, mostly about bloodthirsty wild animals. Then if something bad happened the next day she'd
insist it was what she'd visioned only in a different form.
One afternoon she called me at the telephone office where I was working. "I just saw a great black bird swooping
down. You'd better come right home, Carol, I know something absolutely terrible is in the air."
"Lay off that stuff will you?" I told her. "I can't be interrupting my work for your black crows.
You stick with your bird-watching and I'll be home as soon as I can." I hung up and went on with my work. The
thing worried me though my sister never called for help unless she was pretty scared.
I hurried home right after work, found her sitting stiffly in a chair, her hands clasped together, pretty blue eyes
staring sorrowfully at nothing. The apartment was silent, no television program on, no smell of supper cooking. I
pulled her up by her arm, she swatted me in the stomach, then clung to me while I kissed her.
"So where's your great black bird speedo? I don't smell him roasting for dinner."
"You'd better cut out the smarty jokes, Carol. Suppose our cottage has burned down with Daddy in it, too drunk to
move? I happen to know that black bird means the clouds of smoke as our tar roof burned. Can't you see the smoke
and flame shooting up to the sky, Carol?"
"No, and that's a horrible thing to say You haven't heard anything from home have you?"
"I phoned but Mel answered and I hung up he's always trying to make out with me."

"So you don't know anything at all, and that wraps your black bird up for mailing." But I caught signals of my
sister's inner distress and I had to share it with her. Anyhow I knew we'd never have peace until I'd checked the
thing out. "All right, get ready whatever you were going to cook for supper while I change into my old denims and
we'll ride out on our bikes."
Win sprang right up and ran into the kitchen. "I have it all packed ready to go so if you'll stop dragging your feet
we'll be out there in a few minutes and I only hope we'll be in time to do something."
We rode out to the farm but when we reached the cottage we found it unchanged and empty, everything tidy.
Magnussen's dog sniffed us, wagged his tail. "We might as well cook supper and eat it here," I said It was the
middle of July and would stay light until eight at night, enough for us to ride back.
We had just about finished our meal of pounded steaks, potatoes, salad and apple pie when we heard a couple of
motorcycles and a car chugging down the private road A deep voice said, "I see a light, the poor kids must be
Winnie Jo breathed an anguished, "Ohhhh! I knew it!" We both rushed out the door. Two policemen got off
motorcycles. Mel and Miz Blossom came up behind them in the Oldsmobile.
The forward officer stopped in front of me, stared a moment, then looked away. His booted foot scuffed around in
the adobe earth. "Bad news, Miss Weaver. I'll give it to you straight. Your daddy got killed on the highway.
Drunk driver. Body's at Olson's mortuary."
Winnie Jo held her stomach, gasping in a sick way but she didn't throw up, scream or anything. We slipped an arm
around each other. Miz Blossom was hovering close by wanting to love us up but was afraid to do much with the
policemen watching.
"You mean Daddy was in the Rambler and he smashed up?" The sense of loss and aloneness came over me in
heightening waves. I had to grit my teeth to keep them from chattering.
My father had driven the car more times drunk than sober I guessed. But the irony of his death was that he'd been
hit by another drunk driver.
"Your dad was not in his car at the time of the accident," the officer said. "He'd left it on the shoulder of the
highway, for what reason we don't know One witness made vague mention of a girl with him but if so we can find
no trace of her. On the other hand it was a woman driver who hit him, Bonnie Ringgold, the screen and TV actress
they tell me. She's incoherent about the circumstances but admits she'd been drinking."
"Could hardly deny it," the other policeman said. "There was enough alcohol on her breath you could use it for a
"Bonnie Ringgold is going to pay for this," Mel Blossom declared, being the boodling politician. "These bigshots
needn't think they can go killing people in their fast cars, not in Bindale County, we don't stand for that."
The police never did learn for sure why Daddy had left the car on the road. Miz Blossom's theory, told smugly to
Win and me, was that Daddy probably had picked up some girl, a hitchhiker as he'd done before a lot of times."
"How he'd get around them I don't know, but he evidently took this one into the bushes for a quick roll, see? Left
her there feeling dazed but pretty good, hot-fucked you know, and he walked back toward his car. She went her
own way and you can bet she'll never squeal on him. Meanwhile that California alcoholic came barreling along and
swerved into your father, probably so blind drunk she never even saw him." Miz Blossom clamped her mouth in a
guilty grimace since as it happened she was ginned up herself right then.
She and Mel drove us back to Bindale with our bikes stacked in the rear. We went to the mortuary but Mr. Olson
wouldn't let us look at Daddy until the body had been properly laid out. He and Mel whispered together, about who
was going to pay the funeral expenses.

"I let him know you girls will collect plenty of loot in the settlement," Mel told me when he let us out at the
apartment house. "You'd better see a lawyer in the morning, Morison is as good as any. Have him sue that Bonnie
Ringgold bitch for half a million. Sure, chances are you'll compromise for a lot less but ask for half a million. Want
me to handle it for you on a percentage deal?"
"I don't think so. Win and I will talk it over, but I don't want to make a court case of it and I'm sure Win doesn't
"The thunderbird swooped down," Winnie Jo said. "That was the terrible accident."
"Thunderbird? She was driving a Corvette."
"I mean the thunderbird from heaven," Win returned primly.
Mel Blossom fumed at our lack of interest in the loot, he smelled big money from the Ringgold rich star of show
business, but he had to let us stack our bikes and lock them in the courtyard go on up to our apartment.

Chapter 11
The next morning Winnie Jo and I called on Bonnie Ringgold at the hotel. She was fairly sober but shaky with a
hangover, taking pills. I'd seen her in the movies but couldn't remember her very well. Win had seen her on TV and
whispered, "She's aged fifty years since last Wednesday " We both felt sorry for her.
According to Win, the Ringgold voice had come over soft and sweet on TV but there in the shabby room of the
Bindale Commercial Hotel it sounded furry, rasping.
"I'll never get over this, kids," she told us. "Never. I keep feeling sorry and sorrier until I'm cold in my bones,
believe me. Between us, while there are no shysters around, I'll admit frankly I was plastered, really zonked. But I
believe I was driving all right, I felt sure of it then and I do now. Tell me something honestly - Carol is it? Say, I'd
give a hundred thousand bucks to look as young and pretty as you. Tell me honestly, did your father ever had
strange notions, like maybe of suicide?"
"Of course not!" Winnie Jo defended our family name. "Daddy was one of the finest men in Bindale County."
The big star tactfully refrained from disputing that, but her large brown eyes momentarily raised ceilingward. She
must have discussed my father's reputation with local people already and heard that he had been a heavy drinker and
subject to what were vaguely called "dizzy spells."
Bonnie was a perfectly figured, handsome woman, with smiling charm, I could see that. With the proper make-up
she could look young and full of life, even though she must be forty or older. Her real hair was streaked with gray
but she'd set two beautiful wigs out on stands, one a long platinum and the other a shorter lustrous black. She was
an actress, she'd deliberately let us see her at her worst because she intended us to sympathize with her.
And she succeeded. Win and I wanted to let her know we didn't hate her for what had happened and we weren't
money-mad like Mel Blossom.
"You did see my father on the highway?" I asked.
"Yes I saw him plainly, Carol. And listen carefully kids, because this is the absolute truth, I swear on my own
father's grave. Unless I was absolutely blind he deliberately walked front of my car so I couldn't miss him at the
speed I was traveling, it took all my strength and skill at the wheel to keep from smashing up entirely."
"I don't feel well!" Win said, and I pulled her head down into my lap.
"I know, I know," Bonnie Ringgold soothed her. "I've had grief in my own life, the most savage disappointments."
Her voice had actually turned soft and tender. "My lawyer flew in to Kansas City he'll be here before long. I wish

to hell somebody had witnessed the tragedy but apparently nobody did and there's no evidence except that I was
driving under the influence. The terrible thing happened just as I told you, I only hope you believe me, Carol?"
"Sounds like the truth."
"So we don't want to drag the horror through the courts for months and years do we? Lay ourselves out for the
hungry lawyers to pick our bones?"
Winnie Jo was tugging at my arm but I agreed with the star. "No we don't want to go to court. You won't find us
hard to get along with. One thing, I've been notified some of this must go through the juvenile court."
"Mmm trust the legal boys to smell any money in the air. And speaking of money -" She rose, took the few steps to
her bureau to get her purse, and she was not quite steady on her feet. "Oh shit, look at me! I'll never drink another
snort! How often have I said that?"
She counted out some bills, handed them to me. I saw there were twenty hundreds.
"Here's an advance, dear, so you can pay for the funeral and other things, not be dependent on those neighbors
who've been more or less nosing into your affairs, they tell me. What's their name?"
"The county assessor, J. Melville Blossom and his wife."
"Blossom? What a name! Pardon me kids if I seem presumptuous but I don't like the sound of that pair, and I'm an
old hand at the game, I've been beset by leeches, phonies, schmos, operators and sexies most of my life."
Winnie Jo raised her head to give the star a curious inspection. "How would Mel and Miz Blossom fit in?"
"Offhand I'd slug the county assessor as a slick operator and his wife as a bulldozing sexy. I could be wrong?"
"But you're not!" Winnie Jo warned to her. "That's the old Blossoms all right. And how would Carol and I fit?"
She put her arm around me as we sat on the edge of the star's bed.
"A sister act for a natural. You're a pretty pair. You've learned about life the hard way perhaps, been touched by
adverse experience?"
"Carol's been touched. I'm still a virgin "
"My Lord, I should hope so. You can't be over fifteen." She stopped to answer the telephone. Her lawyer had
arrived. "Excuse me but I must make myself presentable to come before the official eye. Stay friends with me kids,
please? I'll help you with your future plans, you'll need a change after this is over. Why don't you come to San
Francisco, be my guests?"
After we'd left Win said, "I like her lots, but in the hotel room she sure looked different from on TV, not nearly so
"As usual, sex is about all you think of."
"No, I'm beginning to think of money. You and I could do exciting things in the city, huh Carol? I'm darned tired
of Bindale and the Blossoms. Oh I'll let you handle the cash hon, but you'd better mark everything down that you
spend or I'll paddle you with a bed slat."
We were surprised at the large number of people who came to Daddy's funeral. Strange women that nobody knew
filed by the coffin then quietly departed. "Must be rape victims," Miz Blossom guessed. "They can't forget Todd
Weaver's big prick. Jeez, I can't forget it either, a whanger like that. I'll bet they wish they could reach down inside
the coffin and give it a feel, I get itchy fingers just envisioning it. The saddest part of all is that it lies flat now. If it
were sticking up the way I've seen it they could never have closed down the lid of the coffin " Winnie Jo and I cried
when they lowered Daddy's body into the ground forever. We saw Bonnie Ringgold openly shedding tears too.

Bonnie drove to Kansas City that same day in her rented Corvette. Before she left I went alone to her hotel room
and helped her pack as she and I had become quite friendly in just a day or so.
I was feeling low-blue about Daddy and wanted to unburden my mind. Win loved me but she was so young, giggly
with no mind for the future, I yearned to spill it all to Bonnie Ringgold who'd had experience with all kinds of
people and was pretty wise I thought.
"I'm sure my father did walk right in front of your car, Bonnie. I'd heard Daddy say a number of times, 'They ought
to take me out and hang me.' He was the best man in the world at his natural self, but he drank heavily as you must
have heard. He went off on drunks only after he'd started getting these crazy urges, to rape women you see and then
he was clear out of his mind and nothing could stop him."
Having pulled that main plug, it all poured out, how Winnie Jo and I had explored and kissed each other's body in
bed at night, how Mel Blossom had put it to me and Miz Blossom had claimed her licks, how I'd accepted money
for it, how Miz Blossom had gotten to Winnie Jo too, and the teacher, Miss Pauline Barlow had butched Win and
embraced with me in sixty-nines. And how Daddy had raped me, aroused me so deeply I'd had orgasms and wanted
"That's really the living end, honey," the Ringgold star said. "From one to sixty nine! I guess I've had a hundred
lovers at one time or another, but nothing in the incest style and lesbians have never tempted me.
"Oh I don't blame you at all, Carol. Sex is a delight beyond compare. Between you and me that's why I happened to
be over here in Missouri, for a night with a certain man. We both drink quite a bit and then we do everything.
Elliott fucked me in bed, on the floor, in the bathtub, even out in the yard under the hedge. I know his penis like the
back of my hand."
She laughed, got a piece of paper and drew a detailed picture of it and his testicles. Big erection of course. "I've put
my mouth to every bit of that sweet stick, had it in me front and back."
"You mean Greek style? Doesn't it hurt like fire?"
"That's just what I mean dear, and it hurts lovely It would surprise you how many of the jet-set indulge. Quite a
thrill if handled right, with lubricant you know. Still I suppose Elliott would be too exhausting as a steady partner. I
know various men in various places, lots of loving is what makes life worth living, love silences that voice of
doom, 'You are growing old, Bonnie Ringgold.' "But my advice to you and Winnie Jo is lay off that Blossom sexstuff, you're young -God, how I wish I were! I mean if you're smart you'll settle down to normal sex with a man, yes
and preferably a husband.
"The only chance you kids have to straighten yourselves out is get clean away from the Bindale associations of rape,
incest, and those baby fucking crunchers. Come on to San Francisco, let me know and I'll have you picked up at
the airport, I have a big house in Burlingame where you can stay as long as you wish."
Miz Blossom wanted Win and me to come out to the house with her that night. "You shouldn't be alone after
burying your father." But I told her we Weavers would stay family down to two now.
We had to be alone to make love. That night Winnie Jo screwed me with the dildo Miz Blossom had left in the
apartment. "Just for once," she said, giving me a poke up my brownie that made me double up and yelp. "Aw-w I
didn't mean to. Now I'll put it into your cunny and I'll be kissing my sweetheart on the mouth while she's getting
good and peckered."
She made me come several times, I went down on her and then she butched me, lying on top with her little mound
rubbing against mine. It was a hope-renewing comfort. "Tell me you love me, Carol. You don't say it often enough
any more." I said it and we kissed good night.
"Sometimes you make me so mad I could swing you by your hair like a yo yo but you're my sweetheart. We're
married aren't we? Not legally of course because I'm only fifteen."
We found a will Daddy had made out just two days before his death He left everything to Winnie Jo and me. And

as "everything" was next to nothing, the county administrator and the lawyers let us sell the stuff without any fuss,
there wouldn't be enough loot in it for them to drag out a long probate.
An insurance adjuster offered to settle the drunk-driver liability for my father's death for forty thousand dollars, plus
the two thousand Bonnie had given me, plus funeral expenses. And was he ever surprised when Win and I accepted
that without putting up an argument! Mel Blossom was so furious he tried to use his influence with the court judge
to upset the deal, wanting to hook the rich star for more money and take his cut.
So I had to reveal to Judge Mapes in confidence that even though Bonnie Ringgold had driven into Daddy while she
was drunk we fully believed Daddy had deliberately walked in front of her car, wanting to end his life because his
urges to rape women had gotten beyond his control.
Else why had Daddy make his will just two days before?
Win and I didn't let Miz Blossom touch us any more, I installed a new lock on the door of our apartment to keep her
out. When everything was settled we telegraphed Bonnie Ringgold that we would be flying out to San Francisco the
next day. The reply was signed by a man, Rudy Mather, secretary, and read "Bonnie is on tour but has asked me to
pick you up at San Francisco Airport at one PM. Carry red handkerchiefs to identify yourselves.
Have a good flight."
I wondered what Rudy Mather would be like. "How'd you picture him in your ESP, speedo?"
"I ignore the bullgut! Life would be a lot less frazzled around here if you'd stop forever drooling over men."
"He might be an old fusspot or impossible otherwise. Still I kinda have a notion If we stay at Bonnie's house we'll
probably see a lot of him."
Such thoughts stirred my mind I wanted to get married and settle down. Winnie Jo insisted she was my spouse but
we simply had to grow up out of that dodge.

Chapter 12
On our westward plane trip Winnie Jo struck up an acquaintance with Rena Felice, a stunning brunette of about
thirty who obviously knew her way around the sex circuit. She'd been in Kansas City, she said, hostessing an
introductory party between a number of swinging couples. She and her partner Rollo Haskell engaged in such social
relations work she said, their headquarters being in San Francisco. She made friends with Win, drew from her the
facts that we two sisters were on our own, and Win didn't like boys but I did.
I looked over the presentable young men on the plane, junior executives on expense accounts I supposed. One sat
next to me on the aisle in the four-seat row I caught him glancing at my legs and breasts. The stewardess handed
out free advertising cigarettes in miniature packages and as I don't smoke I passed mine on to the young man. His
smile and "Thank you" were as far as we got. That was all right, I was still thinking of Rudy Mather.
At San Francisco International Airport we walked down the movable corridor to the waiting room for our flight,
identifying ourselves by holding red handkerchiefs in our hands. And there came Bonnie Ringgold's agent Rudy
Mather to meet us. I knew him at once as though my ESP had imaged him all along. He had chestnut hair, full and
curly without frilly bristles, he was tall and rangy, had a proud walk like my dad he was the rugged-faced young
man of my dreams, with lit-up smile for me. Oh yes, his bright brown eyes admired me with a close-up that said it
was a splendid day, life and all the world was good, and he thought the shape and style of me very pleasing. "Yeah,
a bullgut," Winnie Jo whispered "I was afraid of this. Don't pay any attention to him Carol or I'll spank you and
ship you back to Bindale on the next plane."
She made a play for Rudy, chattered away to keep me out of it. We collected our grips and as we waited at the
loading ramp for him to bring Bonnie's Pontiac station wagon around, Win told me fiercely, "He's contagious with
some gruesome disease like smallpox or leprosy I can see it with my ESP, so don't you dare touch him, Carol, I

mean it."
I knew Rudy had no terrible disease. What, he was contagious with shone in his eyes upon me, the sweet sickness,
and I knew I had already caught it from him. I would touch him and he would touch me, our looks told Winnie Jo
how we were drawn to each other, and she feared to lose me to him. For the first time in my life I had plunged
deeply in love.
Win contrived to sit between Rudy and me on the front seat. She slipped her arm around me. "My sister and I are
very close. We never go out with boys." Rudy only chuckled, exchanged a quick look with me in which we
simultaneously expressed "Who does she think she'd kidding?" He wore an expensive brown sports jacket, a golden
shirt, flannel trousers of a gray and russet design.
"What a persnick!" Winnie Jo said later in our room. "If they put him out in a corn field chopping weeds with a hoe
I'll bet he wouldn't look so gut-ball."
"Mmm, he'd delicious. He's going to drive me to San Francisco in the morning." Bonnie's big house was in
Burlingame, about twenty minutes commuting south of the city I'd get a job at telephone selling, I was used to
phone work and although I'd not earn much I could come and go at my own hours, not be tied down.
"Then I'm riding with you," Winnie Jo said. "I promised Rena Felice I'd look her up. She's a night woman though,
said not to come around to her apartment before noon."
"You'd better stay out of her bed."
"Piddle. You should talk after you've corrupted me with your tricks until my pussy knows your tongue as well as it
does my middle finger."
We had enough left from the two thousand and some other money that we'd no immediate financial problems even
without touching the big chunk. I'd be earning some and I didn't want Win to be talked into swinging dates that
were the equivalent of commercializing the cunt.
Sure enough Rena Felice was in the business. Worrying about my sister I called at Rena's apartment myself late that
afternoon. The black-haired beauty came to the door in her robe. "So it's you, Carol? How nice. Winnie Jo's in
the bedroom. You know I love your little sister like mad? She'd swing like a star."
Win trotted out, stark naked, and not in the least regretful that she'd presented her pretty fifteen-year-old body to the
woman sensualist to pleasure with as she wished.
She told me later, "We showered together, kissing, hugging and petting, we drank water that dripped off our pubic
hair. Then Rena gave me the most divine lickings, all over my crotch and brownie, she sucked and nibbled my toes.
She has an electric vibrator that fits over her hand and whe-ewww! The feelies! Honestly after that when her hot
tongue was lapping my clitty I was punching and moaning and you can bet the peaks came bumper to bumper."
"How's she built?"
"Pretty slick, although her stomach sticks out a bit and she has a scar across her hindy where she says some jealous
dyke cut her. With her big-mama hips she'd be pretty heavy on me I guess so I lay on her when we rubbed pussies.
She has a perky tuft of black hair on her mound but she's depilated herself on the sides of her slit, right there she's
barer than Miz Blossom . She's promiscuous like you I'm afraid, screws with men although she said she could go
for me better than for any man.
"She told me a U.S. Senator and a lot of snooty businessmen had put the old spike to her and I don't think she was
lying either. She showed me a couple of action pictures with herself on top and you could see her cunny wrapping
itself around the stalks of their dingers up into her. The men's shaggy pubic hair looked absolutely super-crud.
"She said one of the monsters was a big union boss and the other a famous trial lawyer and I guess they were
although I wouldn't know such goofs from the mailman, if the mailman happened to be pig-poking with his dicky.

Rena wants us to meet her partner, Rollo Haskell, and fix up dates where we could make good money. I told her
you were making a ninny of yourself over some jerk out of Bonnie Ringgold's but I'd try to reason with you."
I scolded my sister and of course that's just what she wanted, to fight, say she was sorry make up and come to terms.
"I'll give up Rena Felice if you'll tie a can to Rudy Mather?" I promised nothing. According to Mandy the other
Ringgold secretary, I ought to have a legal guardian appointed for Winnie Jo to protect her, but I knew if she
wouldn't mind me she'd not obey any stodgy stranger.
Rena Felice went completely ape over Winnie Jo did her best to bring me to intimate cuddling as well. I tonguekissed with her while she gave me stroking pats on the seat of my panties, that was all. She flattered me said she
was sure Win and I would especially appeal to socializing lonesome couples, tourists and roving swingers.
I was too much in love to concern myself with letting some middle-aged girl-buyer screw me while his wife gorged
herself on Winnie Jo's pussy. I met Rudy Mather in the garage and we were alone together for the first time.
Needless to say we wasted not a minute before we were kissing, snug in each other's arms. When his legs meshed in
hard with mine I didn't back off or pretend not to like it.
He shifted uneasily and I asked him if there was anything wrong. "Wrong? I was only conscious of your virginal
thigh, baby. The way my leg was pressing. You must have felt it too?"
"I felt, uh, your manhood denting my leg, Rudy." I thought it politer to call it his "manhood" instead of his prick,
although in Bonnie's household everybody talked pretty strong. "In high school I had a nice-girl reputation yet in
the strictest sense I guess I can't truly call myself a virgin."
In the strictest sense I could confess I'd been screwed to climax by my father, by Mel Blossom, and a dildo, I'd gone
nooky with three women and girls, including my sister. I though I'd kept that part of my life secret, I didn't want to
scare Rudy and lose him.
He said, "I don't want to lose you, honeybun." It was as though our thoughts and emotions meshed together like our
bodies. He hugged my breasts against his chest. "You can imagine in my job I've met a lot of show biz easy-living
people and inevitably there've been intimacies."
"Including Bonnie herself?"
He turned away, batting a hand at me. "A guy can't talk about it, you know that, Carol."
"All right darling." So he'd had it on with her. I liked Bonnie and didn't feel very jealous, not yet. "I suppose
entertainers are lonelier than you'd think, snatch at whatever happiness comes their way. But you can get out of the
racket can't you? You have higher ambitions I'll bet?"
We had our arms around each other while Rudy said he'd like to buy into a tomato growing project it was a coming
thing and I was enthusiastic. I know something about such deals, but then I spotted Mandy and Winnie Jo coming.
Win didn't want me out of her sight when Rudy was around. Before we parted he stroked my behind and I gave his
hand a squeeze. Sharp-eyed. Win saw it, rushed up and dug her thumb into my ribs.
Two days later Rudy asked me if I'd meet him at the apartment of Tucket, a minor actress Bonnie had befriended.
She was expecting an important COD package and as she was doing commercial work she couldn't be there to
receive it.
I knew pretty well what would happen if I spent an hour or so alone with my darling in that Bush Street apartment,
yet I couldn't stay away. It was a dinky place that still cost Tucket two-twenty a month Rudy said, "Between
assignments she's been known to accept money presents from men, that's why she needs a private apartment. Pretty
grim the way girls trying to make it in show biz have to put out but that's how the bed bounces."
Rudy and I honeyed very close together on the chesterfield making the old springs creak His mouth pressed to mine,
my tongue slipped in between his lips, and his hand down in my loosened blouse stroked a bare nipple. But then
the COD package arrived. He had to get up and attend to it. Before we could settle down to kissing again Fred and
Hettie, a pair of small-time entertainers, showed up.

As Rudy said and I was to learn in my brief acquaintance with the Ringgold star, there were endless people like Fred
and Hettie on the fringe of show biz. "They try to borrow money, look for favors and inside casting info; "they'd
stab any back or kiss any ass for a boost in the profession." Fred and Hettie were fortyish ginned up, grim and sad
behind their gay front, and I'm sure Winnie Jo would have called them a pair of stinkers. Hettie threw her arms
around my darling, plastered her mouth on his, and thrust hard with her wriggling middle, of which she packed more
than a weight-watcher ought. "Isn't he beautiful?" she gushed.
"Beautiful!" Fred grinned and rolled his eyes.
"Aren't you and Hettie married?" I'd understood their last name to be Kleinhart.
"Sure," Hettie said between kisses with Rudy, "but that gash hound of mine would trade me for a cup of coffee."
Or pimp her out, I thought, to buy favor with Bonnie Ringgold's agent.
"Four porno movies he's starred in," Hettie went on, "and they treated his old prick with so many chemicals to make
it stay hard I was afraid they'd dissolve it. Thought to myself that's where the cocky crumbles. Ha ha!"
"And ironically my iron rod is better than ever." Fred patted over the bulge it made in his pants, winked at me,
made a fucking gesture with his finger, and I knew I'd have to do something to save Rudy from those dopes. The
woman was trying to climb up him, with her skirt hiked to show her panties and garter belt. "Producers cry for Fred
Kleinhart's victorious cock." the actor said, leering at me. "A lot of impotence going around, you know what I
mean? So whether they want it for themselves or for their wives remains open for negotiation. But I'm really not
hard to deal with." He tried to hold in a belch but it came, reeking of gin. They toadied up to Rudy but sized me as
an outsider so they'd scare me off with dirty talk.
Okay, Miz Blossom had grounded me along that line. "Say Hettie," I said, "you'd better be careful how you rub up
against Rudy. He's just come down with a dose of clap."
Abruptly Hettie pulled back her stomach. "A dose? Gawd! No, you must be kidding?"
"All we know is what Dr. Schulz said, huh Rudy? If you doubt my word I'll let you talk to the doctor, or his nurse
anyhow " I went to the telephone and started to dial a number at random.
But just as I'd hoped Hettie was convinced without talking to Dr. Schulz. "Save it, Vinnie went to that prick sticker.
The damnedest thing. How'd you catch it, sweetheart? Gawd I've heard there's dozens of cases of it right here in
the city and in the south swinging groups have made it an epidemic. Rosen caught the syph from a choir singer, can
you tie that?" Hettie crossed herself.
"Ah, you remember that wild party out at Irene's?" Rudy improvised. "Just one of those things."
"Surely Irene didn't give you a dose?"
"Not Irene. Ah. Tessa I think her name was."
"I know that Tess! Pretty but she's a turtle." Hettie slashed her hand horizontally as though cutting Tessa's throat.
"You ought to report her to the police. And be sure you don't go within ten miles of the slut, Fred."
The pair of swingers left a moment later. Fred took time to draw me to one side. "You're a pretty swell little
actress." The way he grinned. I knew he hadn't fallen for my yarn about Rudy's dose of clap. "It's okay sugar.
Keep in touch, I have connections that could set you up in a big way."
As soon as we were alone Rudy took me by the shoulders and shook me. "All right, where did you learn about
doses of clap? Not in Bindale High School?"
"Why not? Anyhow I got rid of the pests for you, didn't I?" I swished with him in a hug that threw him off balance.

"Umm. Don't tell me Dr. Schulz really exists?"

"Of course he exists. When I was selling by telephone this morning a crazy woman or man with a woman's voice
answered a call, you never know what weirdo you're going to get on the line. He or she told me, Take this down, it's
vitally important. I have a dose of clap and I need money for treatments with Dr. Schulz.' And Hettie had heard of
Rudy had to burst out laughing. For a moment he had frightened me, with his beetling brows, bristling so with male
pride and arrogance, but now he kissed me soundly and the spank he delivered was loving-marvelous.
I asked him "Just who is this Tessa?"
"I don't know her any more than you know Dr. Schulz. Just a name I happened to think of."
"Tessa's a turtle." I was scolding him but hugging him at the same time. "The next Irene's wild party you go to
you'd better take me along. I'm your girl aren't I? I want to be your girl, Rudy."
"Yeah and looks like I'm hooked. And because you are my girl I don't want you fooling around with creeps like
Fred. I saw you two whispering together. He was trying to set up something with you wasn't he?"
"Only in a creepy sort of way He let me know he didn't believe you're diseased, said it was all right, he was on my
side, what's wrong with that?"
"Probably nothing." Rudy lifted me off my feet, sat down on the chesterfield with me across his lap . "You don't
know how those dogs sniff at a connection, your being a friend of Bonnie Ringgold's." He kissed me hard, whether
in forgiveness or to show his authority I couldn't guess. I loved it anyhow.
"Keep showing your authority, sir," I told him, "it's all right." And he bruised my mouth again I caught my breath,
felt my heart racing at the way he held me. "You ... you were sure bucking for Hettie's fat bottom the way you hiked
up her skirt." I became well aware right then that Rudy's hand was moving high on my own thighs.
"Are you calling me an ass-man?" His voice thickened. "Hell, I plead guilty. Yours is a gem, flawless and serene
in its heavenly curves."
Mmm I thought of Miz Blossom calling me "Apple-ass." But I mustn't ever mention Miz Blossom to my darling.
Not let Winnie Jo snitch either.
He stroked the curves around my crotch. "If your sweet ass wasn't enveloped in pantyhose I'd be kissing it all over."
I pushed at the hand getting too familiar with my inner dips, but not unrelentingly He was stronger! "After all,
darling! Ohh umm ... well ... would you rather I wore lace panties and garter belt?"
"Good for when we're alone together, sugarbun. But with those minis my girl wears she'd better stick to pantyhose
when she's out in public. Sure lots of chicks put out the old crotch view these days but my girl had better not. As
for Hettie, she's an old trouper and she exhibits her slick tail in lace ruffles and garter belt because what else has she
got that's sensational?"
"Big boobs?" This shifted Rudy's line of inquiry upward. He was pulling off my sweater blouse, and as usual I
wore no bra.
Rudy buried his face between my breasts, kissed my nipples till I jiggled my legs and squealed. "Geez, Carol. I
don't deserve these So young and perfect they make me feel old at twenty four. Hettie's? Don't mention them in the
same breath, hers droop over dry hard skin."
I knew without his admitting it that he must have explored every inch of Hettie's naked body that he'd screwed her,
and also this Tucket whose apartment we were in. He'd probably put the prod to lots of women Don't let that bother
me now! Because I was only too well aware that as soon as he could get to me Rudy was going to make me his.

We did it right there on the chesterfield not wanting to drag Tucket's bed from the closet, leave indications -semen
drops for instance that would give us away.
My skirt, pantyhose and underpants came off, leaving me naked for Rudy to stroke and kiss. In a thrice he was
naked himself. I loved his build, tapering up to his broad shoulders, and I loved that scrumptious big penis I'd felt
against my leg and belly. Mmm it stood out like a soldier on parade. I wanted to kiss that darling prick, but I was
afraid to on our first fuck. He had a lean body not too hairy, and his legs were as trim as a male dancer's.
He didn't go down on me, there in Tucket's apartment, but his kisses on my hindy nuzzling and licking, had me
whimpering wanting more. Criminy! I had little orgasms even before the moment came when he mounted me. I
held his pecker in my hand, feeling its throb, and I guided it into my pussy The head poked hard through the small
opening-then utter delight! I hugged the man I loved down against my belly and felt the staff of heaven in me all the
"Lover, lover!" I couldn't help giving -in to him with my whole body and thrust. Win would be screaming, "You're
humping up for it like a house afire!" My legs and privates worked so smoothly with Rudy's we might have been
dancing. He fucked me for forty minutes!
I was glad then that he'd had experience knew how to time it so well, easing along with magic thrills, then gradually
quickening his pace. So strong he never seemed to tire. And I felt I'd surely be happy forever in his arms and with
his cock in me.
I told myself this was my true lover at last. Daddy had been driven by his savage lust when he'd screwed me,
practically mindless, and Mel Blossom had soon been panting raggedly with the exertion of middle-age, but Rudy
and I fitted together without all that friction, we belonged. My bare hindy pressed so hard into the rough tapestry of
the chesterfield that the cloth printed its pattern on my skin. I didn't care. Bounce me, put it, put it! The longer
Rudy screwed me the more I loved him.
I had little moments, then the big one-dear Lord, I was glad I came before he did. I was so high I gloried at my
sweetheart's cock being still hard inside my cunny and finally spending there.
I held him on me as long as he would stay. When he slid off, stood up leaned to kiss me, I said, "I wish you'd just
made a baby in me. I'm not knocked up don't worry, but that's what I wish, that you'd want to father my baby and
we'd be partners the rest of our lives."
But my frankness instantly put him on his guard, he remained the wary bachelor. "You're not angling to put me
under permanent contract?"
"I'm just saying you're my darling, Rudy Anyhow, name me one way I wouldn't make you a good wife?"
"Did I say you weren't a winner's prize?" Careful though to avoid such words as "wife" and "marriage" he laughed
with brash assurance that affronted and yet somehow pleased me.
"We'll make it go yet, you'll see."

Chapter 13
I was so bubbling over with glad hopes that Winnie Jo instantly guessed what had happened. "Get away from me,
you cheating hustler! After all we've meant to each other and then you go peddling your patoot."
In bed she at first refused to touch me but soon relented, kissed and forgave me, stuck her tongue into my vagina.
"Doesn't feel any bigger." Holding the lips apart she kissed my private flesh while I held her small head against my
crotch. "But honestly, Carol, if you keep it up this honeypot it'll stretch out like a witch's cauldron."
Bonnie Ringgold returned from her tour and business picked right up, with many visitors, reporters, a producer,
booking agent, Bonnie's physician, dressmaker and hair stylist.

Loads of food, also cases of liquor were delivered at the house. Bonnie herself looked bright and healthy although
she admitted she'd still been drinking too much.
She seemed genuinely pleased to see Win and me as her house guests. But she proceeded to lecture us on the
dangers of the city. "Don't trust any of the men around here, beware of friendly pats from any man younger than
seventy . you hear me?" She smiled at Winnie Jo's fierce expression. "I'm sure they aren't going to put anything
over on you."
"Just let 'em try to get me down," Win said "and I'll raise a lump on their head like a potato." Then she had to blurt
out, "But trust Carol to polish the old apple. She's been humping like mad with Rudy."
"That's a lot of kid nonsense," I said quickly. I forced a laugh but Bonnie was an old hand, I didn't fool her for a
minute. I saw that she was hurt and angry. Rudy had practically admitted he'd bedded the star. She was in her late
forties, acutely conscious of the menace of advancing age. Her squinting glance accused me of ingratitude, betrayal.
She couldn't compete with an eighteen year-old rival on even terms but she could use her power to separate Rudy
from me. "And what are your future plans here in the city dear?"
Meaning, "Don't expect me to board you in my house while you steal my lover."
"I have a temporary job telephone selling." (What I earned wouldn't keep Bonnie in toilet paper.) 'Win and I are
looking for a nice apartment near a school in town for when the fall term starts."
Winnie Joe knew we hadn't been looking for any apartment, opened her mouth to say so, then caught my eye and
had enough sense to keep quiet.
The next day all I could think of was another date with Rudy. I waited around, hoping he'd offer to drive me up to
the city but he buried himself in business, more personal appearances for Bonnie had to be arranged, and so on. I
was getting pretty fed up with all the polite snubs and infighting of the theatrical crowd, I'd never dreamt that
competition in the arts could be so crude and merciless.
Fat fixers with acting parts to hand out were offered women's (and men's!) bodies for their pleasure as a matter of
course and then more often than not the fixer took what he smugly called "Just another piece of tail" and gave
nothing in return. Also, as a matter of course, successful older show biz personalities demanded youthful lovers and
got them.
So Bonnie, aging and supporting an expensive household, had as her star's right taken on my handsome Rudy. Well
she could just give him up! I felt sure he didn't love her. She didn't own the earth . Let her go balling with a man
her own age and leave us young people alone.
I arrived at Bonnie's house that late afternoon at the cocktail hour, but neither she nor Rudy Mather were in the big
living room. The long bar was deserted save for Winnie Jo swigging a Coke. Her eyes glittered with mischief.
"Wait till you hear the latest! Whew-ee! You'll scram outdoors screaming and climb a tree."
I noticed she wore her blouse like a loose smock. "Don't tell me you're knocked up?
Blithers, you're too man-shy for that."
"I've been waiting for you, to show you how I'm painted then I'll clean it off." She shucked out of her blouse and I
could see bright red on her navel and nipples. "This noon Bonnie cleared us all out of the house so she could rest
and Mandy took me to the theatre not to sit in the audience, we caught the acting from the wings. The show was a
dud so far as I could see, endless goo about man's destiny in this rotten modern world, you know that boring slurp.
"They asked me would I care to meet the male star and I told them 'Some other time,' but I saw the female star
Dawn Topping, in her dressing room-Mandy said her real name is Mrs. Ada Murphy. She was painting herself and
she insisted on daubing me with red too "

"So you stripped naked for her, I suppose?" But the cause of my darkening frown was that neither Bonnie nor my
darling had come through the door arid Rudy had always stopped by at this time for a drink or a chat before dinner.
"And I suppose dear Mrs. Murphy's hand found its way between your legs?"
"Oh shucks! Sometimes Carol you're just too childish for mod society. Show biz people are so full of vibes and
feelies that nudity and a friendly goose mean no more to them than drinking a glass of beer. Oh well, now that
you've seen my new beauty spots I guess I'll go upstairs and clean my poor body. Come and watch and give me a
tickle if you want."
She fixed her blouse, wiggled her behind, and started off, but I called, "Wait!" Winnie Jo smiled at me with an
innocent expression as if she didn't know what worried me. "When Bonnie cleared everybody out of the house even
you and Mandy did Rudy Mather stay here while you were gone?"
"Well of course Rudy stayed what do you think she wanted the rest of us out of the way for? After all, you poor
thing you, he's her live-in lover and Bonnie can't rest without a bit of dicky-do."
"Stop it!" Win reacted round-eyed to my glare, the opening and closing of my angry fists. I stilled my shaking only
with severe effort. "You don't know they went to bed together, you didn't see them."
"Sure maybe they played ringtoss." Winnie Jo rolled her eyes in the exasperating manner that made me want to slap
her down - "Bear up, hon, get some sense. You know you asked for this, trying to steal the man from a top show
biz star. Hereafter you'd better have more consideration for me, your true sweetheart."
"Oh knock it off!" I turned my back on her, I was so upset, and she ran upstairs in a huff.
Mandy suddenly showed up, fixed herself a drink of Scotch at the bar and for once I helped myself to a gin-andtonic. The alcohol took the edge off my temper but didn't cure my love-sickness.
Dinner was a dismal affair, neither that man-eating star nor Rudy showed up. I recalled her mention of how she
liked to give her sex partner tongue treats, even licking his anus and I lost all appetite for the roast lamb and caper
I hung around the living room all evening hoping I'd see Rudy but he stayed away. Then Mandy broke the hateful
news: Winnie Jo and I were politely asked to leave. "Bonnie's found a nice apartment in the Marina for you two and
she's asked me to move you first thing in the morning in the station wagon."
Money power had spoken. Bonnie had a perfect right to ask us to leave, what I could never forgive was her
grabbing off the man I knew loved me. I felt sure that Rudy soon would have asked me to marry him; but when his
fat job with Bonnie was at stake he'd had to ditch. He played along in the cutthroat game like all the rest!
Winnie Jo and I had never done anything to earn more than piddling amounts of money if you didn't count what the
Blossoms paid us for whoring. Sure, we had the big insurance settlement but Daddy had died for that. I had
invested the forty thousand in high-interest bonds and so far we hadn't touched even the three hundred a month
income it yielded.
"I'll miss living high on the hog," Win said, "but it's a change so what't'doody?"
She was cool at adapting herself to our being shuffled around from place to place even though deep down every
uprooting filled her with new terrors. "Gee Carol, won't it be nice to live by ourselves again? I can cook you things
we used to eat, like spare ribs, greens and stuffed peppers. But don't you try bringing any trashy men around to our
apartment or I'll give 'em a good kick in the belly " We had gone on up to our room, Winnie Jo was in the bathroom
assigned for our use and I was standing in my robe, combing my hair, when someone knocked on the door. It was
Rudy I stood there, let out a sighing breath," expecting him to take me in his arms, but he walked right by me, paced
back and forth avoiding my eyes as though he chose to exclude me from his sight and touch.
I weakened reached for his hand, but he yanked it away. In quick anger I blurted out, "Are you through screwing
the boss for your paycheck or must you go back for an overtime suck?"

Rudy turned very red, clenched his hands into tight fists, but made no reply. Hurt and resentment came over me, for
I knew now for certain that he and Bonnie had been playing such games as kiss-my-twat. "Did she look and smell
pretty down there when you gave her a tonguebath. Or did you close your eyes and dream of the dollars you'd rake
in for cheating on the girl who would love you and become your loyal wife?"
He did touch me then violently. He threw me on my back on the bed I thought he was going to make love to me.
I'd put up a holler, then I'd let him overpower me. Except that Winnie Jo would be fighting him like a tiger.
Also the urpy doubt flashed: he probably couldn't even raise it after Bonnie Ringgold had drained him to the last
drop in a marathon orgy- He didn't even try to take me, instead he crushed me in agony with words. "Such shitty
talk from you, Carol, is no more than I'd expect the way you must know all the positions.
You didn't mention that you'd carried on prostitution with your father's employers, going down on the wife, letting
her debauch your kid sister, taking the pill so the man wouldn't knock you up the many times you let him screw you
for money."
"But that-that-" I was stammering "Mel Blossom forced himself on me-the first time-"
"Yeah I can just see him doing that when it was right there for him. Do you expect me to believe he forced you to
do a deep throat job sucking his cock?" I was really crushed speechless. Win came bouncing in her robe tight
around her. "What's going on here? You leave my sister alone you bullgut or I'll throw you out the window." Rudy
sprang up pushed Win back into a chair, resumed his pacing.
"Moral dry rot clear through," he said "A decadent, noisome situation. Chances are after you came home from
selling your cunt to the Blossoms there was your drunken, rapist father to throw you down on the bed or floor, nail
you with his oversize rod-" But Win was up clawing at him snarling raging. He tried to hold her off, could have
knocked her senseless but didn't want to hurt the kid. She grabbed his shirt, tore off the buttons. I pulled her back
kicking and crying.
Rudy too was breathing hard. "Yeah incest. With your father and this little demon too. So you expected me to
involve myself in a situation like that? Maybe you thought I was as nutty as you two."
I could find no words to defend myself. Why bother? The road back to him was forever blocked. He demolished
me with a bitterly cold stare. He'd never marry me, I must have been out of my mind to have expected it. When a
well-set man could pick and choose, he'd be pretty foolish to take for his wife a girl with my sex record - Rudy
Mather had his weaknesses but he was no fool, he played the game smart.
It embarrassed me when Winnie Jo jeered at him. "Who do you think you are but a male hooker? Yeah, Bonnie
Ringgold's fancy man What do you expect you'll ever amount to?
Ten years from now when she's nothing but an alcoholic old rag you'll still have to kiss her twat to earn your pay.
Ha! That's all you show biz characters are, a lot of animals, so stuck on yourselves anybody'd think you had
principles to be proud of. Yeah! You ass-kissers are pretty useless and boring in my opinion."
I chocked her with an arm around her neck made her shut up Win gurgled and thumbed me in the ribs.
"I've listened to enough of this crap " Rudy stared morosely at the ruins of his twenty dollar shirt. "Bonnie wanted
me to talk to you frankly let you know where you stand "
"I know Rudy." Anger had left me, I felt only despair. I saw the big truth about myself.
Nothing but a promiscuous cunt. No man who knew the facts would ever want to marry me. "You can reassure the
boss, tell her that Win and I will go peaceably, thank her for taking in such trash as us."
"We aren't either any trash!" Winnie Jo said but didn't convince anybody.
"I'm sorry it had to end this way Carol." Rudy spread his hands in a gesture he must use often when being tactful

dismissing the losers. "But it definitely has ended. A girl as pretty as you will make new contacts, easy. And next
time take my advice and confess nothing."
With a sly twist of his lips he turned and left the room.
"Afraid even to kiss you goodbye," Win said "Just shows, all he loves is himself. Good riddance, I'd say. Maybe I
shouldn't have blabbed to Bonnie about you and Mr. Hot-Nutsy but she'd have found it out quickly enough. I'll
never forgive Bonnie for snitching on us."
I could never forgive the rich star either. What I'd confided to her in earnest trust and was understood not to be
repeated. But the aging star, fighting to retain youth and love stopped at nothing.

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