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APHG TED Talks Hans Rosling: Global Population Growth, Box by Box Video

Please complete the following questions to be completed while watching the video.
1. According to Hans Rosling, who has a larger population in 1960; the
developed world or developing world?
developing world
2. In the video, Hans Rosling uses the terms developing economies,
emerging economies, and developed economies. In which Stage of the
DTM is each?
-developing economies : LDC
-emerging economies: DC
-developed economies: MDC
3. In the video, Hans Rosling uses the terms developing economies,
emerging economies, and developed economies to describe the countries
in the 3 Stages of the DTM. What does he say people in each are
aspiring/dreaming to buy/have for transportation?
-LDC: flip flops
-DC: car
-MDC: plane
4. In 2010, in which of the 3 groups is the majority of the population: the
developing economies, emerging economies, or developed economies?
-developing economies.
a. -what are the demographic characteristics he uses to describe the
standard of living in this largest group?
-lower income, high population.
5. As Hans Rosling projects into 2050, what does he project for the population in
each of the 3 groups: developing economies, emerging economies,
developed economies?
-developing economies: will double
-emerging economies: decreases
-developed economies: decreases
6. What does Hans Rosling believe must change to slow or stop population
growth in the developing world in 2050?
-the birth rate must decrease.
7. Describe the progression of the TFR (children per woman) and IMR (child
survival) starting in 1960 and ending in 2008 as represented by the colored
circles on Hans Roslings animated graph.

-the child survival rate increases so the number of children per family
decreases due to improved medical treatments.
8. What does Hans Rosling believe is the key to the progression of the worlds
poorest (developing countries)?
-They need to have higher child survival rates.
9. What does Hans Rosling believe is the role of the West (developed countries)
in the New World in 2050?
-foundation of the modern world

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