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SANSKRIT VOCABULARY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO WORD FAMILIES WITH MEANINGS IN ENGLISH, GERMAN AND SPANISH BERNFRIED SCHLERATH LEIDEN E. J. BRILL 1980 ISBN 90 04 06108 8 Copyright 1980 by E. J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced of translated in any form, by print, photopries, microfilm, microfiche con any other means without written permission from the publisher PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS PRE! PACE ief difficulty for be n Sanskrit is to master and memorize the large number of grammatical forms. Various books are used in universities to introduce students to Sanskrit, amongst which one may mention: J. Gonda, Kurze Elementargrammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache, Leiden; E. D. Perry, Sanskrit Primer, New York; A. F. Stenzler, Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache, Berlin. however, numerous other primers which have proved versity teaching. In some universities these gram- grammatical ta- their value in u mars are supplemented by additional mate bles, exercises, ete In general it is fair to say that the acquisiti vocabulary is largely neglected. Although this neglect is quite understandable it creates a basie difficulty for beginners in Sanskrit which is not usually overc cond year. The main has to look up almost every word which he comes across in the course of his reading, but rather that the Sanskrit words strike him as arbitrarily-concocted polysyllahic conglomerations, which cannot be analysed and which must therefore be memorized individually. The exceptional clarity of Sanskrit word-formation is however a factor which can decisive: ly simplify the task of learning vocabulary. Unfortunately, the pri ly regarded as a part of the grammar of Sanskrit, In Sanskrit courses—whose orientation is towards indology pure and simple—it is very often not expressly taught that, for instance, a can also represent the nasal sonant, or that # can also be the zero-grade of original d; consequently, the structure of very many words is bound to remain obscure to the student. The basic rules of word-formation, which are explained in the present book on three pages preceding the glossary, make it possible for the student to analyse numerous words for himself and to understand their structure. T ysis of Sanskrit words is usually straightforward, and experience shows that students take a special delight in it. In this way, too, it may in many cases he possible to recognize the word's basic meaning, which is not al- ways given in dictionaries. Once it has become a matter of course for the student, whenever he meets a new Sanskrit word, first of ne before the end of the ot so much that the stude problem is ciples of word-formation are not ust Preface all to attempt to analyse it for himself, he wit Tess and less dependent on the dictionary, “The present book contains nearly all words which joned books of Gonda, Perry and Stenzley “ia The Sradually 4 above-menti , u are arranged by families, under the appropriate roots, [tig that this vocabulary should be learnt little by little, coy with the grammar. The pages to be memorized may be qa beforehand with the teacher, who can give additional |; cultural explanations according to the interests of the stag, From the source of the material it follows that some comment ly rare words are included in the present vocabulary, white which one might consider more important, do not appear jt compensatory advantage is that this glossary can also be emus as a work of reference for the translation of the exercises three books referred to. Moreover, as is well known, Sanskrit yee ulary varies to a quite exceptional degree from one class of Ine ture to another, so that the student must in any case work the vocabulary again as he tackles each new literary genre. present work should, however, more or less cover the basic ulary of the Paficatantra, Hitopadesa, Kathdsaritsdgara ang narrative parts of the Mahabharata. Nevertheless it should be stressed that the chief aim of this ulary is to stimulate the student to attempt to analyse ; words and thus gain a deeper understanding of the language such he might otherwise reach only by a lengthy detour, This vocabulary I have composed in 1969/70 when 1 was iq Mexico as visiting professor at the Colegio de México where Th to interrupt my ordinary work done at home. The pleasant atu phere of that institute inspired me to write this vocabulary as aid for the students. So I can explain why the meanings are gi also in Spanish, Berlin 1979 BERNFRIED SCHLERATH 1. “ABLAUT” eg. paplus —pat-a-ti 12, ati i ayje eg agni-s — agn-ay-as agn-e-s 3 a¢ul ou ‘avjo av/au/a(v) eg pads padav-e pas-aw ugera-——_oj-as- har-tum tan-tum jan-a- am am gantum jagama it ae 7 eg. sthita. —stha-tum 2. THE DEVELOPMENT OF IE 9 IN SANSKRIT 2.11 between consonants: > i: sthila- of stha- (*sthaz-) 2.12 or it disappears: davdh-mas of dhd- (*dha2-) 22 before vowels: it disappears: root *hhave-, bhav-a-ti (— ‘hav(a)-ati), ut bhavi-twm (according to 2.%.2) 23 1 Here sometimes a is reatituted + For the details cp. 2. + Cp. 3znrand 27, vay Introduction |, ep > ir *: root * sof consonants =F ir # Toot tare, tray / wae 2 Eo 22 ee in th (te a } Feonants > #7 in the vicinity of labia, ss a before 23a 1 spares PPP pir-na- Is > ar Sireas- (: Sires. 2 ae an): hir-na- according to 2.3.1) ‘Oot 233 1 re consonants "> a: root *khans-: » ee) cout according t0 2-5-1) PD. m+ 2 before consonants > “i > 4 oF am: root *krams. 25 a ‘i » pop. Arana oo : eG : Ty before consonants > 4: root dhav-: dha-tum (: hirtg, Advi-op-a- “on two sides water hanged generally in ¢ (not in ayi); sonants is ¢ ) inf. bhetum < *bhayo-tum aya before con (*bhi9-) bie “to be afraid” 3, SAMPRASARANA etc. a relation ya: i we ead of the relation ayle:t ista-; vak-ti- (root vac) If we have inst ‘yajate, p-D-D- 18t 1 that samprasdrana: call ppp. kta. - rn the base of a zero grade of 2 5 mprasdrana a new guna is cit ehat “Sehwebeablaut”: root oyadl-, perf. v-nyddie ai, int, veddhum < *vedh-tum. 4. WORD FORMATION with the help of a suff. we must know: a taddhita suff. ? word is required by this suffix? by this suffix? formed, we a, pres. vidh- If. we want to form a wor _ is this suff. a Ayt suff, oF which accentuation of the ich grade of Ablaut is required render has the word ? function of this suffix? 1 3. whi 4 which g 5, is there a special a) suffix -ti: is Ayt, that means that -ti- is immediately is accentuated (only in Vedic) added to the root 1d *7 (ep. 2.3) but is always an analogical «Skt. 7 never represents ol Sanskrit. lengthening of skt. 7, a matter of the system of Ix Introduction J. -f- requires zero grade of the root 4. the words formed with the help of -fi- are feminine 5. -ti- forms verbal abstracts examples: mukti-, krti-, tusti- b) suffix -a- 1. -a- is het 2. the root is accentuated 3. -a- requires guna grade of the root 4. the words formed with the help of -a- are masculines or neuters 5. -a- forms nomina actionis examples: yéga-, jdya-, hdra- c) suff. zero (9) 1. hyt 2. root accentuated 3. zero grade of the root 4. feminine 5. verbal substantive example: dis- d) suffix -ta-: 1. taddhita, that means 2. -fd- is not accentuated 3. the stem does not change its Ablaut grade 4. feminine 5. abstracts of quality examples: kavitd-, devatd- - is added to a stem (word) Sometimes the independent verbal root of a word is lost in Sanskrit. Nevertheless we must in any case presuppose a root. E. y. ugra- “strong” with the kyl-suffix -ra-, from *uj-, and ojas- n “strength” with the Ayt-suffix -as-, from the same root. The root *uj exists in latin aug-é-re “to increase”, Hence ugra- is not a deri- vation of ojas-! 5. EXERCISES 5.1 Collect all homonyms of all words which show only a differ- ence in the length of the vowel (e.g. kara- and kdra-). earth”) and try 5.2. Collect synonyms (e.g. for a “king”, “tree”, to define the etymological meaning. ta-, an- YQ. atas (abl.) atra akga- m. aksi- n., akgan- n. paroksa- (paro- "ks praty-akga- pratyaksam (adv.) pratyakse (loc.) pratyaksata f. pratyaksataya (instr.) sdksat (abl.) (sa-a) agara-, Agara- n. a (negative pref.) // (Negativpraf.) // (pref. de la negacién) that (pron. stem) // das (Pron. Stamm) || eso (tema de pronombre) hence from this, from this, from that time // von hier, davon, daraus // por eso, de eso here, there, then // hier, dort, da // aqui, alli die for gambling, axle, eye // Wiirfel, Achse, Auge // dado, eje, ojo eye |] Auge // ojo invisible, mysterious |/ unsichtbar, ver- borgen // invisible, misterioso, oculto visible, clear (“‘present before the eves”) /| augenfallig, offenkundig, deutlich // distinto, claro, (“ante los ojos") before the eyes // vor Augen, ins Ge- sicht // en vista before one’s face // vor Augen, ins Ge- sicht // en flagrante visibility // Augenfalligkeit, Deutlich- keit // publicidad before the eyes of anyone // vor den Au- gen von | publicamente with the eyes, in person // mit den (ei- genen) Augen, persénlich // con ojos, en persona witness // Zeuge // testigo in presence of (at the end of com- pounds) // in Gegenwart von (am Ende von Komposita) // en presente de (en el fin de compuestos) house // Haus // casa agni- agni- m. signika- (8-2) agra: n. agratas (abl.) agre (loe.) (adj.) gra ag vy vyagrati- f. anki afiga- n. praty-afigam (adv) afigiras- m. aiguli- f. aiiguri-f. angula- m, aj-, ajati (1) ajra m. fire, the god of fire // Feuer fuego, dios del frog Feuers together with Agni!) cus stn Agni // junto con Agni "mit top. pinnacle, beginning, highest best, greatest Spitze, Gipfel, pee’ fiche, Anfang. Hichstes, veal punta, pico, m: cumbre, el mas gran a at first, in the beginning // uerst, age Anfang // antes (temporal), de frente por adelante " in front, ahead of frente, por adelante de primers, optimg inattentive, distracted // nicht beach. tend, unautmerksam // no atento, ners vorn, voran // de foremost // best vioso intense occupation ocupacién Beschiiftigung jf marked / charakterisiert // earaeterizadg limb, body // Glied, Kérper |) miembro, cuerpo on every part of the body | an jedem Glied |) miembro por miembro name of a Rsi, group of demigods (ple ral) |) Name eines Rsi, Gruppe von Halhgéttern (Plural) // nombre de un Rgj, tun grupo de semidioses (en plural) , Zehe || dedo Daumenbreite [f ger, toe j/ King a thumb’s breadth: hura de un pulgar to drive, to go // hinfiihren, gehen // impeler, conducit pasture, field // Weide, Feld /) pote ("a donde se conduce el ganado"): campo sam-ajam anja m.,, aja f aij, anakti (7.) papape alktae vy-akta- aijali- m, praiijali- (adj.) ath (1) anu (adj,) anda-n. brahmanda- 1 atio ativa atithi- m. atha athava atho (atha-u) ad-, atti (2,) inf, attum anna- n. (ad-na) ad eting |] Zusammenkunlt // reunidn he-goat, goat | Ziegenbock, Ziege if cabrén, eabra to anoint, to adorn jf salben, sebnntike ken // ningir, untar, adornar manifested |/ sichthar // manifesto the open hands placed side hy side and slightly hollowed {/ die beiden hot ausainmengelegten Hinde /f Jas manos uceas puesta ju holding out the hollowed open hands // hohle achend ff que tienne las amianos ppuestas jut to wander about /j gehen, sehreiten jf andar, eaminar minute /j fein, diinn {f delicade, Hi |/ Imevo 'S egg — the universe [J Brah- die Welt [/ huevo del Brahe man — el mundo exceedingly, very /[ beraus, sehr |] muy, sumamente exceedingly, very jf ganz besonders, sehr jf muy guest // Gast /) huesped then, moreover |] dann, darauf // pues, ahora, entonces: ither—or, or // oder, oder vielmehr // 0, antes bien now |/ nun /] pues to eat |) essen // comer food {/ Speise j/ comida adr adie ™ atv) adhas gaastat (0 ) ahaa (04) super) adh adhi® adhiki- adhvan- ™. adhund (instt.) ahwan- (adj) aniti (2,) pripiti (pra-a®) pr pranin- m, nana- n, anala- m, rock, MOULIN ]] Sto), Foe, Ce, Montag (J unten, hinaly jp stone, pier // pied pelow, down ahaje down, from under jj por debaje de hact below hinunter II yj der, die, das lowest inferior [[ niedriger, geringgp Jabio inferior inferior over and above, besi abc inant, daz /f arvil adaitional, abundant (flere hi jf mas alto, mas fuerte, may reer road, way // Wee, Linge // canmo, row // jetzt |) alvora ("en la via") vine, who has walked a path oll fj der einen Weg auriickgelegt hat, alt que ha caminado la via, viejo sacrifice [J Opfer [| sacrifice an officiating priest who recites hymns of the Yajurveda {Pri einer bestimmten Kaste, der Dienst verrichtet u. die Yaju Hymnen rezitiert |[ sacerdote que ae] Yajurveda y ejecuta las acc en el lugar del sacrificio to breathe // atmen // respirar to live jj leben |) vivir breath, wind || Hauch, Wind, Atem ff aliento, halite, vida preathing, living being |/ sme Lebewesen |/ el ser vivo, erature mouth, face |{ Mund, Gesicht |i rostro, cara fire |] Feuer |/ fuego anas- n, anila- m. anu tadamy Janta-m., n, ananta- nirantaka- antika- n. antaka- m. krtanta- m. (krta-a9) pranta- m., n, (pra-a®) pragvrttanta- m. (prak-vrtta-a®) ekainta- m. (eka-0°) ekainte (loc., adv.) vedanta m. (veda-a®) samanta- m. samantat (abl) tanta- Sante. cart // Wagen // cargo air, wind (/ Haniel, Wind // vient, sople along, after, alongside: //-enthang, dat aunt // 0 To large de, despre, then J/ daraut, clan |/ lospriee desea end, limit, boundary, conelision // Ende, Grenze, Schull // fin, término, solueién endless, infinite, having ne end |] unendlich // infinite having no end / ununterbrochen, 1m endlich // que no tiene fin nearness, proximity, near /J Nahe coreanta h, causing death, lord of death a) | Tod, vernichtond, ma) | muerte, eausande dios de la muerte (Yama) causing an end, death // ein Ende machend, Tod /] acabar, muerte edge , end jj Rand, Saum, Ende |/ punta, parte mas alte former event, previous adventure |] friheres Ereignis |/ prehistoria a lonely place // einsamer Ort // lugar solitario aside // beiseite // aparte end of the Veda; philosophical system // das Ende des Veda; phil. System {/ fin del Veda; sistema filoséfico having the ends together, neighbouring WJ benachbart, zusammenhingend | vecino, ("que tiene frontera comin”) on all sides, around, wholly, completely | allerseits, ringsherum // por todas las partes bor between, within |) zwischen dentro, entre nen |] andha- svanta- n. (sva-a°) Santara- (compar.) antara- n. abhy-antara- n. an-antaram (adv.) atrdntare (loc., atra-a®) antama- andha- anya- anyatama- anyatra (adv.) anyatas (adv.) anyatha (adv.) anyonya- (anyo- deSantara- m. (desa-a°) ap. f dvipa- dvipin- m, heart (seat of the « ‘Motions (Sitz der Gefahte j/°") interior, intimate, ne; a) inne lich, naher // interior, mas cg, occasion, distance, interm, or time j/ Gelegenheit, .\}, schenzeit, Zovischenraum | diferencia, intermedio, intervaty in - diate g stand, Ze interior // das Innere // el interigg immediately after (having no in, {j gleich darauf (ohne Zvischengey Jmediatamente después (sn inter in the meantime // in der Zyy ‘schenzg || mientras tanto, entretanto the last // der letzte / / ultimo blind // blind // ciego other, different // ein andererj/ otro anyone of many’/ einer von vielen f uno de varios in another place parte from another |/ anderswoher // a otra parte otherwise // andererseits // de lo cone travio one another, mutual // einander, weche selscitig /J reciproco, uno a otro another // ein anderer // otto another country // ein anderes Land jj pais ajeno nderswo // en otra water //Wasser |/ agua island // Insel | isla (“por dos partes agua”) panther, leopard // Panther, Leopard [| pantera, leopardo (“que tiene ‘islas! {manchas!”) pratipam (adv.) vipa- (vi-) samipa- n, samipam (adv.) apa apa-tya- n, (ta) atya- n. (sva-a9) apara- aparam (adv.) apama- api kutrapi (kutra-a®) tathapi (tatha-a°) apsaras- f. abda- m. abhi abhra- n. ambhas- n. ama- m, svamin- m, (< sva- amin-) ama- contrary, adverse |} entgegengesetzt, feindlich /] contrario waterless // ohne Wasser // sin agua nearness |] Nahe // cercania (formacién posterior cuando se ya no comprendié al sentido original de la segunda parte) in the vicinity of (with gen.) // nahe benachbart (m. Gen.) |/ a (con gén.) away, off, on the outside of // fort, weg, von auBen |} fuera, de fuera offspring, child, son // Nachkomme, Kind, Sohn // descendiente, nifio, hijo childless |/ kinderloss // sin hijos own child {/ eigenes Kind // propia criatura another // ein anderer // otro moreover // fener // ademés the last // der letzte /] ultimo also, even, very j/ auch, noch, sogar, gerade // también, atin, mismo anywhere, wherever | irgendwo, wo auch immer // en (a) alguna parte although, nevertheless // dessenun- geachtet, trotz // no obstante nymph |/ Nymphe // ninfa year |] Jahr // afio to, towards, into |/ gegen, nach, in |] hacia alli cloud /} Wolke // nube water // Wasser // agua power, impetuosity, fright // Macht, Andrang, Ungestiim, Schreck |/ poder, impetu, susto owner, proprietor, master // Eigen- tamer, Besitzer, Herr // duefio, soberano ama ama (adv.) ama-tya- m. ambara- n. ambé- f. try-ambaka- m. ayas- n. ayas-maya-, aya- maya arana- aranya- n. aranya(ka)- ari- m. are, re (voc. de ari-) arya-m, 8 at home // 2 Hause // en casg companion, minister | Ha Minister // coinquilino NBER, circumference, atmosphere: " clo Umwelt, Luftraum; Gewang tS If biente, vestido am. mother // Mutter // madre originally Siva (three-mothera to the 'three-eyed” Siva /j me es drei Mutter besitzend) bezieht sich ey die drei Augen Sivas /) Siva (que tiene tres madres, mas tarde se refiere Ip palabra a los tres ojos del Siva) iron, metal jf E: hierro: made of iron or metal // eisern jf de hierro, férreo Eisen |) mineral, distant, foreign // fern, fremd j/ ajeno, lejano desert, forest // Einéde, Wald // desierto, selva relating to a forest; class of religions and philosophical writings closely com nected with the Brahmanas which were studied in forests // Wald; Text, der im Wald zu studieren ist /J referente a las selvas, texto que se estudia en las selvas ved. foreigner = guest or enemy; class, enemy /] ved. der Fremde = der Gast oder Feind; Klass. der Feind // ved. el advenedizo, el ajeno huesped 0 enemigo; clas. enemigo interjection of calling // Interjektion der Anrede / eh!, oiga! master, lord (who protects the foreign- ers) // Herr, (der die Fremden be arya m. artha- m, artham, arthe (loc) ) arthaya (dat) artha-vat- arthin- arthaya-, arthayati (10.) pra-arthayati prarthita- n, arthya- adhya- \ artha- sehatzt) /) amo de casa Jas advenedizos”) honourable // ehrenhatt // honrado & man highly esteemed, a respectable man who belongs to the first three classes // ein hochgeachteter I einer der dreihdheren Klassen an- gehirt // hombre honrado, hombre de bien; que pertenece a las tres primeras castas ‘que protege n, der aim, purpose, cause, motive, thing, reason, advantage, money // Sache, Ziel, Zweck, Bedeutung, Grund, Sinn, Vorteil, Geld // cosa, asunto, dinero, avantaje, sentido on account of, for // wegen, um-willen // por, a causa de, con motivo de wealthy (“possessing money”) // reich (“Vermégen besitzend”) jf rico (“que tiene dinero”) active, longing for, one who desires anything (c. instr.) // eifrig, begehrend, begierig nach etwas (c. Instr.) // ansioso, codicioso (c, instr.) to ask for, to request // verlangen, um etwas bitten // rogar, pedir to ask for, to request // fordern, ver- angen // exigir desire, wish |/ Wunsch, Verlangen // deseo wealthy, proper, fit // reich, zweck- miaBig, passend // rico wealthy, rich (resanscriticized Prakrit- form of arthya-) |] reich, wohlhabend (= arthya- in volkssprachl, und dann resanskritisierter Lautung) / rico (= arthya- en lengua vulgér y resanscri- tizado) ardha- anartha- m. anartha- (Adj.) aty-artha- kim-artham nir-arthaka- padartha (pada-a°) parartha- m. (para- a) pardrtham (adv.), pararthe (loc.) sam-artha- sdmarthya- n, svartha- m. (sva-a®) ardha- a sardham (adv.); (sa- a) arh-, arhati (1.) an-atha- yatharham (adv.); yatha-a® alam (adv.) ali- m ~~ Xo a worthless object, yi Schade |/ mala suerte, dang! V™8liey worthless, useless, unfortinayy nitz, unglicklich, bedewtat’ imitil, desgraciado, infeliz "8S 1 excessive //tberaus, sehr | why? // warum? // porque? useless // nutzlos // initil object, thing // Sache, Ding *xtremg objeto Mose, the highest advantage : he Vorteil // el avantaje de mul Pchster for another, for others jum g, «ines anderen willen, fir andere | pare otros able to, capable of // fahig, ims |] habil, capas de lene. ability to, capacity for // Geschicktien, eit, Fahighet// poder, habildad, cape cidad (de: loc.) own affair // eigene Sache |) propip asunto log, half // halb // medio the half // Mitte, Halfte |/ mitad together, with (instr.) /) zusammen, mit (Instr.) // junto con (instr.) (“que tiene como mitad”) to merit, to be worth of, to deserve j verdienen, wert sein |] merecer, poder, valer, deber unworthy // unwiirdig /) indigno, i propio according to what is right /] Verdienst entsprechend, nach Gel || debidamente enough // genug j/ basta! deja! bee // Biene // abeja n alika- vy-alika- alpa- sv-alpa- ava avara- (compar.) avatic- avata- m. avi- m. aS-, aSnoti (5.) abhy-agnoti abhyaéa- m, as-, aénati (9.) agana- n. an-agana- m, hutééa(na)- m. (huta- 40) améa- m, agman- m. agru- n. agva- m. f atara- m, ‘Svin- m. dual. aud false, untrue //falsch, ligenhat //falso, mentiroso very false |] falsch |} falso small, little // klein | pequefio, débil very small / sehr klein // muy corto, muy breve down from, off // herunter, hinab, unten |/ hacia abajo inferior |] unterer, geringer // inferior downwards |] abwirts, nach unten gerichtet // abajo hole [J Grube |] hoyo sheep /] Schaf |/ oveja to obtain j/ erlangen // conseguir, lograr, obtener to reach to, to gain j/ erreichen |] aleanzar, Hegar proximity // unmittelbare Nithe // cercania to eat // essen // comer eating, food |] Essen // comida abstinence from food, fasting /| fasten IJ ayuno food, eating |/ Essen |] comida eating |/ essend // comiendo god of the fire // Feuergott / dios del fuego part |/ Teil // parte, seccién stone, rock |/ Felsen // piedra tear // Trine |) ligrima horse |/ Pferd |/ caballo mare j/ Stute // yegua mule // Maultier // mula name of two divinities (Dual) (“the = ase Jas-, asti (2.) sat- (partic. pres.) sati f assati- f. sat-tva- n. mahé-sattva- satya- a asatya m. abhy-asyati abhyasa- tas-, asyati (4.) as-tra- vy-asana- n. or, aR two charioteers”) // Name vo Gottheiten (Dual) (“durch Pfeqyy “#4 rakterisiert”) // nombre de doy «je (‘‘caracterizados por caballos”) i" to be | sein // ser, estar being, existing, good, honest 1) gy befindend, gut, ehrenhatt / Sengy estando, bueno, honrado 3 a good man / ein ehrenhafter Mann 1 hombre bueno a faithful wife // eine treue Frau esposa fiel an unfaithful wife // eine untreue Fray || esposa infiel the best // der Beste // el mejor reality, existence, being, creature jj Wirklichkeit, Existenz, Wesen, Lebe. wesen |/ realidad, existencia, cl ser, criatura noble | edel jj noble true // wahr // verdadero truth // Wahrheit // verdad, promesa false /j falsch //falso a liar | Betrager, Ligner |/ embust to study, to learn (not from tas- Mayrhofer) |/ studieren, lernen (ni von ®as- : s. Mayrhofer) |) estudi aprender (no de ®as- : v. Mayrhofet) exercise, study, military practice Ubung, Studium, Waffen-Ubung ejercicio, estudio, practica to throw, to cast |/ werfen, schleuderm| echar, arrojar ‘a missile weapon, arrow // Wurfgesd Pfeil // arrojadiza, flecha (throwing effort into), misfortune, si crime |/ (Wurf gegen), Unglick, Sinde Verbrechen /j (el echar en), mala suerte, pecado, crimen any sameaseti~ asim, asus m, asuras sura m, ast} n. astamya- n. asthi- n., asthan= n, asmadiya aah-, perf. aha praha (pr an- n. ekiham (adv,) anyasminn ahani (loe.) ahan- whole, all // vollstandig, ganz /[ todo, completo sword /] Schwert // espada life // Leben |] vida A class of gods; class.: a class of demons |/ ved. Klasse von Géttern; klass,: Klasse von Dimonen |) ved.: tna clase de dioses; clas,; una clase de dlemonios 1 god (artificial word through false in- pretation of the a in ‘as particle of the negation )// Gott (kinstl, Wort durch falsche Interpretation des @ in asura als Negationspartikel) // dios (palabra artificial por interpretacién falsa de la a en asura como particula de ta negation) blood // Blut // sangre to go down, to set (sun, moon etc.) // untergehen (Gestirne) // ponerse (sol, luna ete setting of the sun |/ Sonnenuntergang // puesta del sol bone j/ Knochen jf hueso our, ours // unser // nuestro to speak, to say // sprechen, sagen // hablar, decir to announce, to declare // verkinden, aussagen /J anunciar, declarar day |] Tag jj dia the period or duration of one day // Zeitraum cines Tages || para un todo dia one day // eines Tages // algin dia, un dia ahi- madhyahna- m. (ca-a®) praty-aham (adv.) ahi- m. a(c. abl. akula- vy-akulita- vyakulatva- n. Atopa- m. atman- m, atmiya- duratman- m. dhrtatman- m. (dhrta-d°) paramatman- (parama-4°) papatman- m. (papa-a®) midday, noon // Mitta (/ mediodtg day by day, daily) taglicn 1) dianig snake |/ Schlange // serpiente a from, up to, as far as, towards // yon von-an, bis zu, hinzw // hasta, desde confused, agitated |/ verwirrt, bestartee |] embrollado, confuso confused, bewildered, filled with verwirtt, bestirtzt, angefallt- mit jj nervioso, consternado, cumplido con alarm, bewilderment, agitation 1) Alarm, Verwirrung, Aufregung, Ep. regung |] temor, excitacién puffing, swelling // das Anschwellen /) el hinchar the soul, self, abstract individual /J Seele, das Selbst, das Innere // alma, mismo, interior ‘one’s own |] eigen, selbst // propio, mismo wicked, bad // schlimm, schlecht // malo a wicked man |/ Bosewicht, Obeltater[] malvado steady, calm, one who is firm-minded /] standhaft, bestandig, ruhig, jemand, der Fertigkeit im Denken besitzt {/ que ha fijado los pensamientos en (loc). the Supreme Spirit // der hochste Geist | ¢1 espiritu_ mas alto, espiritu del mundo a wretch, a sinner // Schuft, Sinder /f malhechor, malvado mahatman- (maha-a9) mahatmya-n, lokatman- m. (loka-a®) sudharmatman- adi- m. an-Adi- Aditas (adv.) adya- Aditya- m. ap-, apnoti (5.) p-p.p. apta- ips-, ipsati (desid.) P-P-p. ipsita- abhipsu- (abhi ap- noble, generous, magnanimous // edel, groBmiitig, groBziigig // noble, generoso, ‘magndnimo greatness, authority, power, magna- nimity // GréBe, Autoritat, GroBmut // magnanimidad, grandeza, autoridad, prestigio the soul of the universe // die Weltseele |] alma de mundo most virtuous // sehr tugendhaft / muy virtuoso beginning, commencement (at the end of a bahuvrihi: etcetera) // Anfang, Beginn (Am Ende cines Bahuvrihi ete.) | principio, comienzo (al fin de un bahuvrihi: etcetera) having no beginning // ohne Anfang ] sin principio at first // zuerst |) primero the first // der erste // primo ved. name of a class of deities, class. sun {/ ved. Name einer Gruppe von Géttern, Klass, Sonne j/ ved. nombre de un grupo de dioses, clas. sol to reach, to obtain // erreicher |] conseguir, lograr reached, fit, apt, true, acquainted erreicht, fahig, passend, geeignet, treu, bekannt // conseguido, apropiado, apto, leal, conocido to strive to reach or obtain |] danach streben zu erlangen, begehren /) desear de conseguir, apetecer wished, desired, esteemed, popular gewiinscht, hochgeachtet, beliebt deseado, estimado, popular longing for, desiring // begehrend {/ que apetece slangen ll maya pripnoti ppp. prapta- prapti f pari-sam-apta- sam-pripta- amaya-m. an-dmaya- n. nir-amaya- amra- m. ayus-m, Ayugmat- gatdyus- (gata-d°) dinghayus- (dirgha- a0) ardra- 1a. f, Maga f ague fs-, Aste (2.) as-n., dsya- n, to attain to, to rece erlangen // consequir reached, come to, arrived |) 1 rei gekommen // conseguido, venide reach, advent // Erlangung j/ complete, finished jf beendet standig |/ totalmente, terminade, reached, arrived // erreicht, angel men // conseguido, egado sickness, disease medad health // Gesundheit jf salud healthy // gesund // sano | Krankheit // en the mango tree // der Mangobaum Arbol de mango life {/ Leben |] vida healthy, possessed of vital power gesund, kraftig |) sano, vigoroso dead // tot |) muerto long-lived {/ langlebig / longevo wet, damp, soft // feucht, naB, zart hnimedo, blando wish, hope j/ Wunsch, Hoffnung deseo, esperanz space, region // Raum, Gebiet // es regién fast, quick // schnell // rapido to sit, to remain, to inhabit // sit sich aufhalten j/ estar sentado, detenerse, tratar con sitting, seat |/ Sitz // asiento mouth // Mund // boca 7 iyat- id ced ittham, itthat (adv,) itara- itara-tha (adv.) itas (adv.) itagcetasca (itas ca itas ca) iva iha eti (2) p.p.p. ita- adhy base of the demonstrative pronoun // amm des Demonstrativpronomens // tema de pronombre so large, so much // so groB, so viel // tan grande, tan mucho a particle of affirmation // Partikel zur Bejahung // particula de afirmacién when, if // wenn, falls // si if not // wenn nicht, falls nicht // si no thus (is placed at the end of a speech or of a quotation) // so (gibt das Ende einer direkten Rede oder eines Zitats an) |] asf (indica el fin de una oracién directa o de una cita) thus, in this manner |/ so, auf diese Weise // ast, en esa manera the other (of two), another // der andere (von zweien) {/ el otro in another manner |/ auf andere Weise, anders j/ en otra manera from hence |) von hier |/ de aqui hence and thence // hierhin und dorthin, hier und dort j/ (de) aqui y alli like, in the same manner |} wie, gleich wie // como here, in this world // hier, hienieden // aqui, en este mundo to go, to walk / gehen // ir gone // gegangen j to observe, to be occupied with, to learn, to learn by heart, to recite, to study // bemerken, sich beschaftigen mit, lernen, auswendig lernen, rezitie- ren, studieren |) (“ir a con la atencién”): echar de ver, ocuparse de, aprender, saber de memoria, recitar, estudiar (-) ppp. adhita- adhy-ya- ™- svadhyaya- (va-a®) anveeti anv-aya- m. sdnvaya- (sa-a°) abhy-cti avaiti (ava-e®) aveta- (avai) aiti (4-e9) abhyaiti (abhy-&-e°) ) ud-ita ud-aya- m. atita- n. (ati-i®) m, (apa-a®) ww studied, learned //gelernt, unterrichtet aprendido, informado MN lesson, chapter, study, proper time f a iesson |/ Unterricht, Kapitel einge Buches, Studium, rechte Zeit far den Unterricht // leccidn, capitulo, estudig tiempo conviente para cl estudio” recitation of sacred texts to oneself 1 Rezitation von heiligen Texten fir sich selbst jf recitacién particular de textos sagrados to go after or alongside, to follow jj verfolgen, folgen // seguir, perseguir descendants, family |! Abstammung, Familie /J descendencia, familia with the family // mit der Familie jp con la familia to approach // sich nahern {f acercarse to go off /f fort-, weggehen jf ise, marcharse passed |] vergangen |/ pasado to come towards, to hasten near /f sich begeben, heraneilen // ditigirse, acudir to approach |} sich nahern |/ acercarse to go for a walk, to go about /] spazie- rengehen |/ pasearse to go up to, to proceed, to rise //hinauf- gehen, aufgehen // subir risen (sun, moon) |) aufgegangen (Son ne, Mond) |/ salido (sol, luna) rise (of the sun, moon) jj Aufgang (der Sonne, des Mondes) j/ salida (sol, tuna) passed // vergangen |} pasado going away, departure, loss, evil, in- jury j/ Abreise, Ausgang, Verlust, Schaden, Verletzung | salida, marcha, pérdida, daiio free from harm or devil // gefahrlos, sicher /j sin riesgo, seguro 19 viparita- (vi-pari-i9) upeta- (upa-ie) upaya- m. (upa-a®) upayana- n, (upa-a9) vatayana- n. (vata- ae) preta- (pra-i9) pretya (indecl., absol.) praty-aya- parita- nydya- m. (ny-3-a°) nyayya- vita- (visio) vy-aty-ay sam-avaya- m. sam-ita, sameta- sam-aya- m. sahaya- m. (saha~ (i) inverted, reversed // entgegengesetzt |] invertido endowed with, possessing // begabt, versehen mit // dotado (de: instr, a means or expedient (of any kind) // Ausweg, Mittel // expediente, remedio present, gift, offer |/ Geschenk, Angebot || regalo, obsequio window (wind-passage) |/ Fenster, Luft- weg |/ ventana ("‘pasaje de viento”) dead, deceased |) tot, verstorben // difunto after death // nach dem Tod // despues de la muerte confidence j/ Vertrauen j/ confianza surrounded, filled with // umgeben von, an- erfillt von // rodeado de, dotado de method, rule, logic | Methode, Regel, Logik j/ método, regla, légica right, fit, correct, usual, customary |) richtig, passend, anst’ndig, gewohn- lich, blich // justo, conveniente, decente passed, gone |] vergangen |} pasado mutable, liable to change // verander- lich, vergiinglich // variable, mudable not liable to change, continuous {/ bestindig, fortwahrend // estable, continuo change || Wechsel // cambio coming together, contact, connection |/ Zesammenkunft, Verbindung, Gemein- schaft {/ unién, asociacién assembled, joined with | versammelt, verbunden mit // reunido, juntado meeting, agreement, opportunity, oc- casion, time {/ Zusammenkommen, Vereinbarung, Gelegenheit, Zeit // tiem- po, reunién, acuerdo companion |] Gefahrte |/ |] companero idh- idhate (1.) sam-idh- f indu- m. indra- m. devendra- m. mahendra- m. rajendra- m. indriya- n. jitendriya- (jita-i9) Yig., iechati (1.) PPP. ista~ iccha f. sveccha- f. (sv: an-icchat- 4ig., igyati (4.) presyati (pra-i9) to kindle, tolight // anziinden 3 lene firewood |/ Brennholz // lenge drop, moon, Soma j) Tropfen, M Soma // gota, luna, soma ‘ond, the God Indra / der Gott Indra y dios Indra chief of the Gods //Gotterarst/ rey de los dioses the great Indra, a great chief 1) ep groBe Indra, Oberherr, Farst l gran Indra, gran rey supreme sovereign // Furst, Grotkonig I gran rey organ of sense // Sinnesorgan | (érgano del) sentido one, who has subdued his senses p jemand, der seine Sinne besiegt hat, sich selbst beherrscht // que tiene log érganos del sentido bajo control, cone centrado to desire, to wish, to seek for // wine. schen, stichen // desear, buscar , beloved, liked, agreeable jf enwinscht, geliebt, licb, angenehm [pf deseado, querido, amable, muy bueno wish |/ Wunsch // deseo one's own will or wish, free will j eigener Wunsch, freier Wille volun libre y propia not wishing // nicht wollend |] que desea to send out or off, to incite, to | (abjsenden, erregen, fordern |] em agitar, levar adelante to send forth // absenden // enviar a female servant |/ Dienerin /f sirviente arrow j/ Pfeil // flecha at ikg-, ikgate (1.) upekgate (upa-i9) upeksitavya- pratiksate (prati-i9) apeksi-f. (apa-i?) iksana- n. ire, inte (2.) irayati (caus.) pp.p. irita- prerita- (pra-i ira- m. svairam (adv.) irgya- f. is, iste is. 7 to see, to regard, to consider // sehen, anblicken, betrachten // ver, mirar, considerar to look at, to expect, to neglect // anschauen, erwarten, vernachlassigen || mirar, esperar, descuidar to be overlooked or disregarded // was vernachlassigt werden muB // que se debe descuidar to expect // erwarten // aguardar to look at, to become aware of, to perceive // anschen, bemerken, ver- stehen/ echar de ver, notar, comprender consideration, respect // Betrachtung, Achtung j/ consideracién, respeto eye |] Auge | ojo to agitate, to move, to excite // anregen, bewegen, treiben // poner en movi- miento, agitacién to pronounce, to proclaim, to utter // verkiinden, auBern // exclamar pronounced, said, uttered // verkiindet, gesagt, geduBert |) pronunciado dispatched, sent, incited, spoken /] abgesandt, geschickt, angestimmt, aus- gesprochen |/ despachado, entonado wind // Wind |] viento according to one’s own will or inclina- tion, spontaneously |/ aus eigenem Antrieb, ohne Umstande /] de motu propio, espontaneamente envy |] Eifersucht, Neid // to possess, to be powerful, to command J], besitzen, kénnen, befehlen, herr schen // poser, poder, mandar, reinar gra ita kesitigae m. (sith) igvara- nir-igvara- naregvara- m. (nara-i®) aigvarya- yaksesvara- m vugra- ojas-n. uc, ucyati (4.) ucita- yathocita- (yathd-u®) uta, ud % capable of, powerful, lord, rule vermégend zu, fahig, Herr jj g T capaz de; duefio ruler of the earth, a king // pay Kénig // principe, rey st, master, lord, prince, king / Herp Herrscher, First |/ sefior, soberang, principe who has no ruler, independent // dep einen Herm besitzt, unabhingig que no tiene un soberano, independien. te Jord of men, prince, king // Herrscher, First, Kénig // soberano, principe, rey rule // Herrschaft |/ dominio NE eg. Cogn. of Kubera ("a king of the Yakgas”) |/ Beiname des Kubera (“Herr ‘iber die Dimonen) |/ sobrenombre del Kubera ("‘sefior de los demonios”) u powerful, huge, terrible / michtig, ungeheuer // poderoso, enorme strength, power |] Kraft, Macht /f fuerza, poder to take pleasure in, to delight in // gefallen, behagen, belieben // agradar, placer, gustar convenient, suitable, proper, agreé: able, usual j/ angemessen, geeign passend, angenehm, lieblich // adecuat conveniente, grato, usual fit, suitable |] passend, geeignet adecuado and, also, even // und, auch // v, tambien up, upwards, on, over, above |/ obem auf, ber // arriba, sobre a3 udafic- uuceais (adv., ud-ca v. Wackernagel II, 2, 545) uttama- (ud-t?; superl.) purusottama- (puruga-u°) uda-ka- n an-udaka- ksiroda- m. (ksira-u®) sam-udra- m. ksira-samudra- m. udara- udara- audarya- n. upa upara- (compar.) upama- upari wpe turned to the north, northern // ndrd- lich // hacia norte very high // sehr hoch // muy alto highest, greatest // der hochste, der r6Bte // el mas alto, el mejor the Supreme Spirit Visnu // der hachste Geist = Visnu // el espirito mas alto = Visgu water |/ Wasser // agua waterless // wasserlos // sin agua the ocean of milk // Milchmeer // mar de leche ‘ocean, sea |/ Meer // mar the ocean of milk // Milchmeer // mar de leche the belly, stomach // Bauch, Magen // vientre high, great, noble // hoch, erhaben, edel | sublime, noble noble personality, nobility // edles Wesen, Adel // el ser excelente towards, at near to // gegen, nach, in der Nahe von // hacia, hacia alli situated below, under, posterior // unterer, folgend // inferior, posterior highest, next, nearest (at the end of similar to s.o,, to sth.) |/ der hochste, der nachste (am Ende von Komposita: Anblich ; “was einer Sache am nichsten kommt”) // el mas alto, el proximo (en el fin de compuestos: parecido; “que tiene como proximo”) above, over, on, upwards // auf, aber, nach oben // sobre, encima de, hacia arriba ubha- ubha- uras- n. uru- urvif. urvarita- sas: f firdhva- gara- m.,n. rp, rechati (1.); roti (5-) iyarti (3) sam-rechati sam-ara- a-rnvati anta- (G-rta-, ppp.) rksa- m. re-, arcati (1.) both | beide |! ambos the chest, breast // Brust // pec 0 wide, broad j] weit, breit the earth |/ die Erde ‘alt left, left over |) trig. (blej sobrante, restante morning light, daybrea the morning light // T Géttin Morgenrote // amanecer, de amanecer q raised, erected, high {J aulgeri erhoben // erguido, en pie line soil |} salzhaltiger Boden |) nfecunda i; to go |} gehen || ir, enviar to excite // aufregen, in setzen [J poner en movimiento to go /! gehen [| struggle, battle // Kampf // lucha to fall, to come (into mist kommen, stiirzen (ins Unglick) caer (en desdicha) afflicted, oppressed // gequalt, || atormentado, vejada bear // Bar // 050 to shine, to be brilliant, to sing, praise |/ glinzen, scheinen, let singen, rithmen |/ radiar, lucir, & glorificar areayati (caus,) ef. rg-veda- m. arka- candrarka- m. dual (candra-a®) ti-, arjati (1.) arjayati (caus.) arjit ra: n, tta- n. an-ta~ rtu- m, rtveije m rte (c. abl, ac.) rd-, ardati (1.) ardayati (caus.) ardita- p.p.p. rdh-, pdhnoti rih- to honour // ehren / honrar vers, hymn |/ Vers, Strophe, Hymne // verso, estrofa Rgveda ("knowledge of the sacred verses”) |] Rgveda (“Wissen von den Hymnen") j// Rgveda (‘‘conocimiento de las estrofas”) a ray, the sun // Strahl, Sonne // rayo, sol moon and sun j/ Mond und Sonne // Tuna y sol to obtain, to acquire // erlangen, er- reichen /) conseguir, lograr to obtain, to get // erlangen |/ conseguir debt |/ Schuld // deuda, culpa (only ved.) truth // (nur ved.) die Wahr- heit // (s6lo ved.) verdad false jj falsch // falso fixed time, season, menstrual dis- charge /] bestimmte Zeit, Jahreszeit, menses // tiempo fijado, estacién, men- struacién priest // Priester // sacerdote without, besides, unless // ohne, auBer | sin, excepto to disturb, to torment, to pain // stéren, peinigen, qualen |/ perturbar, atormentar to make agitated, to torment // auf- regen, quien // acosar, atormentar injured, tormented // verletzt, gequalt |j herido, atormentado to prosper, to promote, to grow |/ Erfolg haben, fordern, wachsen || prosperar, activar rsabha- sam-rddha- (rdh-ta-) samrddhi-mat- rsabha- m. sim. maharsi- m. brahmarsi- m. viprarsi m. eka-, f. ekcaika- (eka-e®) ekaikasas (adv.) ekakin, f. ini an-eka- pl. ekata-f. ekada enas- n. eva Be wealthy // reich // rico satisfactory, according Ih bet entsprechend J satisactort facto ri pondiente O bull // Stier // toro a saint or sanctified sage y Weiser, Heilger |/acivino, say, a great sage or saint 1 in Heiliger, ein groBer Weiser j) -., 8! Brahmanical sage |) priesterigne: ser || santo brahminico q a priestly sage /! prieste santo sacerdotal slicher Weige e one, alone, single // ein, alli, e uno, solo, tinico nm. cial every single one, one by one / einzelne |/ cada uno por se mismo one by one | einzeln, besonder f por menor solitary //allein, einsam, An // solo, solitario (Wacker 66) not one, many jj cinige, mehrere, || wn0s, algunos, muchos union, unity /) Einheit // unién one day |] eines Tages, einstmals dia (Wackernagel ITT, 591) sin, fault // Stinde, Schuld |] just, so, exactly, even, still (in of strengthening the idea ex by the preceding word) /| gerade, so, also, kaum, auch (zur Hervorhel des vorhergehenden Wortes) || j 7 evam tathaiva (tatha-e®) okas- n. divaukas- m. (diva-0) jalaukas- f. (jala-o°) vanaukas- m. (vana- 08 osadhi- f. augadha- n. ostha- m. adharostha- m. (adhara-u° !) ka- ka-, ka-, kim kim (con instr.) kasmat (abl). ka- mento, pues, ya, apenas, también (pone de relieve la palabra previa) thus, so // so also, nun // asi, pues exactly so, in the same manner only, likewise // auf dieselbe Weise, ebenso // del mismo oO house, dwelling |/ Haus, Wohnung // casa, habitacién sky-dweller // Himmelsbewohner // ha- bitante del cielo inhabitant of water, leech // Blutegel // sanguijuela forest-dweller // Waldbewohner, mit // habitante de la selva, ermi- tafio herb, plant |/ Pflanze, Gewachs // yerba, planta (medicinal) medicine, medicament // Medizin, Medi- kament // medicina, medicamento the lip // Lippe // labio the lower lip // Unterlippe // labio inferior k (base of the pronoun) // (Pronominal- stamm) |/ (tema del pronombre) who? which ? // wer? welcher? welche ? welches? // quien? what ? whence ? wherefore ? why ? // was ? weshalb ? woher ? warum ? // a qué ? para qué ? wherefore? why? // weshalb? warum? || por qué? (ha) a-kasmat kas-cid, kas-cana, ko 'pi kaccid (kad-c9) a-kim-cana a-kimeanya- 0 kim tu kim punar kim va katham atham api, kathameana, kathamcid |) na katham api ete. kada karhicid kiyat- kutas (adv.) kutra kva kvapi (kva-a0), kva- cana, kvacid na kva cid suddenly, unexpected (“forng // plotalich, unerwartet (“ohne g: || de improviso, inesperado, de (“no por algo”) anyone // irgendein / algin, un tal (interrogative particle) yy partikel) |/ (particula de intero poor (without anything) // arm etwas) |/ pobre (sin algo) poverty // Armut // pobreza exty but, however, nevertheless jj jedoch, trotedem // pero, sin en how much more? how much less? ever, but // wieviel mehr oder jedoch, sondern // menos atin or? [/ oder? / 0? how 2 in what manner? // wie? /) in any way, some how or other some means or other, scarcely gendwie, eben nur, kaum // de modo, de cualquier manera in no way at all, not at all // auf Weise, unter keinen Umstanden, ‘aus nicht // en ningiin caso when? // wann? // cuando? at any time, never, at no irgendwann, niemals // nunca, j how much? a little // wieviel? cin wenig |/ cuanto? pequefio, less // wieviel weniger /] mu menos where? whereto? // wo? donde? a donde? where // wo |] donde anywhere, somewhere, to some irgendwo, irgendwohin || en parte nowhere |/ nirgends, nirgendw en ninguna parte 29 kata- m. kantaka- m. kantha- m. upa-kantha- n. katha- f. kathaya-, kathayati (10.) kandarpa- m. kanya f. kanyaka- f. kaniyas- kanigtha- kapi- m. kapota- m, kam- (kan-i / ka < *kn- 2), kamayate (10.) kama- m. abhi-kama- kame mat // Matte // estera thorn, prick, sting // Dorn, Stachel // spina throat, neck // Hals // cuello vicinity // Nachbarschaft // vecindad conservation, speech // story, tale // Unterhaltung, Gesprich, Erzthlung // cuento to converse with, to relate, to speak about / erzihlen, berichten, sprechen /] contar, relatar, hablar the god of love // Licbesgott /] dios del amor girl, virgin /J Madchen, Jungfrau // muchacha, virgen girl, daughter {) Madchen, Tochter // muchacha, hija smaller, younger, a younger son /] Kleiner, jiinger, jtingerer Sohn // mas pequefio, mas joven, hijo mas joven the youngest |/ der jiingste // el mas joven ape, monkey // Affe | mono dove, pigeon /) Taube /{ paloma to love // lieben // amar wish, desire, longing, love, the god of at theend of compounds: desiring, wishing // Wunsch, Wille, Verlangen, Liebe, Liebesgott, - am Ende von Komposita: wiinschend |) deseo, vo- luntad, gana, amor, dios del amor, - en al fin de compuestos: que desea desirous, affectionate // zugeneigt // que tiene anhelo (de: loc.) hamatha- yatha-kamam (adv.) kamandalu m., n. kamala- n. kamala- f, kamp-, kampate (1.) caus,: kampayati "kara- m. %kara m. karuna karna- m S-karnaya-, Akarnayati (10.) kardama- m. karpfira- m., n. kal-, kalayati (r0.) a-kalayati according to wish, at pleasure y Wunsch, nach Beblieben // a vol, loved /] geliebt // querido a lover |/ Geliebter // amante loveliness, beauty splendour 1 reiz, Anmut, Glanz jj gracia, at a tortoise // Schildkrote |/tortuga distinctive or belonging to a charakteristisch ftir eine Schil peculiar a una tortuga pitcher, can /J Wasserkrug, XK; cdntaro, jarra lotusflower j Lotosbliite // flor de name of the goddess Laksmi jf ¥; der Gittin Laksmi // nombre de ladig Laksmni to tremble // zittern // tremblar to cause or make to tremble /j zittern verursachen // causar de t blar ray of light |/ Strahl // rayo tax, tribute // Tribut // tributo miserable, mournful |/ klaglich, tig // lastimero, lastimoso ear |] Ohr |/ oreja to listen to, to hear // héren, escuchar, oir mud, dirt // Schmutz / suciedad camphor |/ Kampfer // alcanfor to impel, to incite, to bear to camry antreiben, tragen, veranlassen || empujar, levar, hacer | to fasten, to examine, to consider kala- kala f. vi-kala- a-vikala- kalya- kalyana-, f kalatra- n. (!) kalaga- m. kalaha- m. kavi- m. kavya-n. kavi-ta- f. kaéyapa- m., kacchapa- m hasvapa befestigen, priifen, betrachten // suje tar, examinar, considerar dumb, indistinct, confused, inarticulate |/ stumm, undeutlich, verworren, un verstindlich // mudo, indistinto, con fuso, incomprensible a small part of anything, a sixteenth part // ein kleiner Teil, ein Sechszehntel || pequeiia parte, un decimo sexto mutilated, imperfect // verstiimmelt, unvollstindig, mangelhaft // mutilado, imperfecto unimpaired, entire // unbeeintrichtigt, ganz, |/ de que ninguna parte falta healthy, clever // gesund, geschickt // sano, habil good, beautiful, happy, fortunate good (uncertain analysis, s. Mayrhofer) // schén, gliicklich, (unsichere Analyse s. Mayrhofer) |) bueno, hermoso, feliz, (andlisis incierta, v. Mayrhofer) wife, the female of an animal // Ehe- frau, ierweibchen // esposa pitcher, water-pot // Wasserkrug, Topf |/ olla, jarra strife, quarrel // Zank, Streit // rifia, disputa poet j/ Dichter // poeta a poetical composition, poem // dich- poetry // Dichtkunst // arte poética tortoise // Schildkréte // tortuga kanks-, katiksati (r.) a-kaAKS-€- f, kana- kala- m. a-kdla- m. akalena (instr.), akile (loc.) anta-kala- m. cira-killa- cirakalam (adv.) pripta-kala- m, mrtyu-kéla- yathd-kélam (adv.) kalya- n, kaya- m, kayastha- m, bad // schlecht // malo a bad state of things, eviy trouble // Obel, Elend, Not Met miseria, desgracia to strive for, to desire, ta erstreben, verlangen, wiinschey tecer, pedir, desear desire, wish // Wunsch, Vert deseo wif one-eyed // einaugig // tuerto time, occasion // Zeit, Gelegenhel tiempo, ocasién wrong or bad time // Unzeit j unseasonably // zur Unzeit // a time of death // Todesstunde jj suprema a long time // eine lange tiempo for a long time |/ eine lange Zeit mucho tiempo occasion, opportunity, a fit time Gelegenheit, die rechte Zeit |] 0 oportunidad time of death / Todesstunde |] suprema in due time, at the right time ff rechten Zeit j/ a tiempo moming, dawn |) Morgenfrihe, anbruch |/ madrugada, amanecer Mayrhofer) eit /] body // Kérper // cuerpo writer, man of the writer caste Schreiber, Angehdriger der Sch kaste // copista, escribiente, de la casta de los escribientes 33 kas, kagate (1.) pra-kagate caus.: pra-kaSayati prakasana- n, prakasin- samkaga- m, a-kasa- m. kastha- n. kasthamaya- kila (adv.) kilbisa- n. kilaka- m. kila- to shine, to be brilliant, to appear // leuchten, glinzen, erscheinen // Iuci brillar, aparecer to become manifest, to become visible, evident |/ sich zeigen, sichtbar sein, erkennen lassen, verraten // manifes- tarse, descubrir sus intenciones, tras- cender to manifest, to reveal, to proclaim // verraten, anzeigen, verkiinden j trax icionar, denunciar bringing to light, publicly manifesting || das Erhellen, Offenbaren // el sacar a luz, aclaracién brilliant // glanzend // brillante look, appearance, at the end of com- pounds: having the appearance of, looking like, resembling // Klarheit, Schein, Aussehen; am Ende von Kom- posita: gleich, ahnlich // claridad, apariencia ; en el fin de compuestos: que parece, que como, parecido sky, atmosphere |] Atmosphire, Luft- raum {/ atmésfera a piece of wood, wood // ein Stick Holz, Holz // trozo de lefia, lefio made of wood, wooden j/ hélzern |] hecho de madera, de madera indeed jj sicher, gewiB // ciertamente fault, sin /] Schuld, Siinde |) culpa, pecado worm |] Wurm /} gusano a sharp piece of wood, wedge, elbow // xugespitztes Holz, Keil, Ellbogen // estaquilla, cufia, codo peg, wedge / Pflock, Keil // estaquilla, cufla uksi= pratickila- ™ keuksi- m- kufjara- ™- kuti- f., kuti kutiraka-™- kuttani- kunthita- vi-kuntha- vaikuntha- m., 0. kutiihala- n., kautiihala- a kunta- m. kup-, kupyati (4.) pra-kupyati caus.: prakopayati kopa- m., prakopa- m. kumara- m. su-kumara- kula- n. opposite post oF peg /) Ge contra-cufia Benked belly // Bauch // vientre elephant / Elefant // elefante hnut, cottage // Hiitte / chova, oa bawd // Kupplerin // alcahueta blunt, dull, weak // stumpf, schlaff |/ romo, boto, apitico sharp, keen, penetrating, irresist surname of Visnu // scharf, spitz, dringend, unwiderstehlich, Beiname, Visnu jj cortante, afilado, agudo, trante, irresistible, sobrenombre Visnu Vignu’s heaven // Vignus Himmel cielo des Visnu curiosity, falsity |/ Neugier, F: Jj curiosidad, falsedad javelin j/ Wurfspeer // jabalina to be angry // argerlich, zornig estar enojado to be agitated, to become sich aufregen |/ encolerizarse to agitate, to excite, to provoke, anger // aufregen, argern |/ enojar fury, rage, anger // Zorn, Wut, célera, ira boy, son // Junge, Sohn // muci hijo very tender or delicate // zart, weich /) tierno caste, tribe, com” multitude, company, M ellschaft, munity, family // Menge, Ges 35 sam-kula- sat-kula- n, kusa- n, kugala- n, kugalin- kit n, *kiita-n kastha-kata- kiipa- m. killa- n, prati-kiila- ky-, karoti (8.) alam-karoti an-alam-krta- sv-alamkrta- hr Kaste, (Volks-)Stuinm, Familie // mul titud, grupo, familia filled with // erfilllt von // cumplito eon noble origin, « good or noble tansily /) vornehme Herkunft, cin edles Ge schlecht |) origen distinguide, fannibia noble the grass kusa |/ Gras kusa // el yerba Kuga well-being, welfare, prosperous cone dition /j Woblbefinden, Wohtstand // bienestar healthy, well // esund, 4 I] sano, false, untrue jj falseh {/ falso trick, falsehood // Betrug, | engaito, falsedad Ischheit // iron hammer J Ha Jj martillo a sort of wood pecker // Specht // pica, péjaro, carpintero (Picus bengalensis) pit, well / Grube, Héble, Brunnen [fuente a shore, a bank, declivit Ufer, Strand, Abhang |] ribs pendiente favourabl ble (“following the slope”) // ginstig, geeignet, angenchm Jj favorable, oportuno (“segun la pen- diente”) disagreeable {/ unangenchm j/ desagra- dable slope // , orilla, to make // machen // hacer to decorate, ornament / schmicken // adornar not decorated // ungeschmickt |) no adornar, que carece de well decorated | wohl geschmiickt |] bien adornado (kr) vickaroti (con 10%) pahig-karoti bahiigkrta~ pravkaroti adbi-krta- tambaladhikara- . (tambila-«®) pari-gkrta- sam-skrta- dus-krta- n, balat-krta- satkrta- sat-kara- m. apackrta-n. an-apa-karin- krte (c. gen.) to deprave, spoil, impair, deg verunstalten, verstiimmeln, y pisotear, hollar to remove, to expel, to exclude entfernen, ausstoBen, ausschlj excluir excluded from |/ ausgeschlossen cluido to accomplish, to perform, roduce j/ vollenden, bewi fiihren |/ acabar, realizar, ejecutar appointed, engaged // eingesetzt, traut mit // encargado, funcionarig command to bring betel // Ai Betel zu bringen |) encargo de traer prepared, furnished with, accompan by // zubereitet, versehen mit, a stattet, begleitet_ von // prep epuipado, acompafiado (s-kar: ‘'s mobile”) prepared, perfected, well or com formed |] bereitet, untadelig, |/ preparado, corecto, regular sin // Siinde |) pecado treated violently, forced, overpowe JJ vergewaltigt, geewungen, tberwal- tigt // dominado, subyugado honoured, treated with hospitality // gechrt, freundlich aufgenommen |! hon- rado, bien obsequiado hospitable treatment |} gastliche Auk nahme // acogida hospitalaria mistake, injury, offence jj Irrtum, ” Vergehen, Schadigung, Beleidigung |} equivocacién, falta, delito innocent, not harming // schuldlos, nicht schadigend // que no hace malo ‘on account of, for the sake of, for If fiir, wegen // por, a causa de 37 tkara- karin- m karma-kara dus-kara- diva-kara- m. pari-kara- m, pida-kara- bhayam-kara- kara-, karin- m. andha-kara- m. pra-kéra- pra-krti- f. nand-prakdra- prakara- m, (pra-&-k®) ratha-kara- m. (kr) doing; m, hand // machend; Hand // que hace; mano elephant (‘‘characterized by the hand = trunk”) |/ Elefeant (“charakterisiert durch die Hand = Riissel”) // elefante (“caracterizado por el mano = trompa”’) doing work for another one, workman, a hired labourer, artisan // fair einen anderen arbeitend, Arbeiter, Tageléh- ner, Kiinstler |/ que trabaja para otros, obrero, jornalero, artesano hard to be done / schwer zu tun // dificil de hacer the sun (“day-maker ") // Sonne (““Tag- macher") // sol (‘que hace el dia”) followers, entourage |/ Gefolge, Be- gleitung // comitiva, séquito pain causing, afflicting // Schmerz verur- sachend // que causa dafio, pena causing fear, terrible, dangerous // Furcht bringend // que causa miedo at the end of compounds: making, causing, working |/ am Ende von Komposita: machend, bewirkend, voll- bringend j/ en el fin de compuest: que hace, que causa, que elabora maker, doer, author |/ Tater, Verfasser |/ autor darkness // Dunkelheit, Finsternis // oscuridad, tinieblas way, manner, mode |/ Art, Weise // modo nature |/ Natur // naturaleza various, manifold | verschieden, man- nigfaltig // diverso, heterogéneo wall, rampart, surrounding wall // Mauer, Wall, Umwallung // terraplén, muro, muralla carpenter (“carriage-maker”) |/ Zim- (kr-) sam-skéra- m. prati-kara- m., prati-kriya- f. a-kara- m., akrti- f. krti- f. kriya- f. palayana-kriya- f. rajya-kriya- f. karana- m. kgaura-karana-n. vy-d-karana- karana- n. yat-karanam (adv.) karaniya- n. krtya- n, kartavya- mermann (“Wagenmache, tero (‘que hace carros”) ceremony performed on a dg, (i.e. cremation) // Volley’ Sakramentes, d. h. Verbrennyn Leiche // consumacién de un sive to, pac. eremacién de un eadae opposition, revenge, reward, he, edy |/ Gegenmittel, Wiederver Ausweg, Heilmittel // antidot diente, remedio form, figure // Form, Gestalt II forma figura = literary work // literarisches Werk obra literaria deed, action, sacrifice, act j/ Typ Handlung, Opfer, Werk // hecho, a. cién, sacrificio, acto 4 flight, escape // Flucht // hufda, fuga exercising government // Regierung gewalt, Herrschaft // el ejercer, imperio doing, making // Tun // el ejecucién shaving // das Rasieren // afeitado grammar (“analysis”) // Grammati (“Analyse”) // gramatica (“‘andlisis") cause, reason // Grund, Ursache causa with it, by it, since, because // damit // porque to be done or made // was getan werd soll // que se debe hacer 4 duty // Pflicht // deber what ought to be done // was get werden miBte // que se debe h duty, office, business, deed, act Pflicht, Aufgabe, Geschaft, Bes¢ gung, Tat // obligacién, negocio to be done or made // was getan werdell "can Beltung, 0, 39 krtyd- £ karaka- hita-karaka- m, karya karya- karyavat- kptackarya- karman- n. priya-karman- arty m. kkrtrima- loka-krt- m. krt-, krntati (6.) caus, vikartayati ppp. vikartita- sackrt (adv.) ketvas (adv.) ni-kartana- n. byte soll // que se debe hacer ‘magic, enchantment |/ Zauber canto, hechizo making, doing // machend, tuend // que hace a benefactor |) Wohitater // bienhechor to be made or done // was getan werden soll oder mull // que se debe hacer matter, thing, occupation // Sache, Ding, Beschaftigung j/ cosa, negocio engaged in a business // tatig, be- schaftigt // activo, solicito fone who has done its duty, one who has obtained his object {/ jd, der seine Pflicht getan hat, jd., der seine Absicht cerreicht hat // que ha hecho el deber que ha logrado su fin (finalidad, intencién; ep. Stenzler § 320) work, occupation, action, act // Werk Beschaftigung, Tat // obra, negocio, pleasant, friendly, agreeable | liebens- wiirdig |/ amable cone who makes, author, he who in- spires // jdm. der macht, Verfasser, Inspirator // que hace, autor, inspirador artificial // kiinstlich jf artificial the creator of the world |/ Schépfer der Welt // ereador del mundo to cut // schneiden // cortar to tear, to rend asunder, to cut into // zerreiben, spalten, zerschneiden |] des- garrar, dilacerar, arafiar at once, suddenly // mit einem Mal, platalich // de una vez, de repente at the end of a numeral: times // nach Zahlwortern: mal j/ despues de nu- merales: veces massacre // Gemetzel, Téten // matanza Aytsna- krtsna-, f. “a krochra- n. krechrena (instr.) krpa- f. krpana- n. krSa- kets-, kargati (1.) a-kargati ppp. akrsta- ut-karga- m. krsi- f. krsivala- m. krsna- Akf-, kirati (6.) p.p.p. kirna- a-kirna- (kf) ppp. pra-kirtita- all, whole, entire // ganz // todo difficulty // Schwierigkeit // gi with difficulty // schwer, schwi dificilmente pity, piety // Mitleid, Frommig compasién, piedad poor, miserable // arm, elend /] lamentable ? misery, wretchedness//Elend, Ung miseria, desgracia lean, thin // mager, diinn // delgado to draw, to drag, to plough // zi schleppen, pfliigen // tirar, arras arar to draw towards, to draw(out of), take off, to take away, to deprive of heranziehen, herausziehen, auszi entreiBen, berauben // atraer, extraer, arrebatar, atacar deprived of |/ beraubt |/ arreba atacado excessive, excess | iibertrieben, mab // exceso agriculture // Ackerbau // agricul peasant, cultivator // Bauer // cam De black // schwarz // negro to scatter, to disperse, to pour ausstreuen, verbreiten, ausschi diseminar, esparcir, difundir, dit overspread, filled // bedeckt, ¢ cubrido, lleno to inform // ankiindigen, verkd anzeigen // anunciar announced, approved, called Il kiindet, angesehen, ernannt // a" samp-Kirtayati (10,) Kirti- f kdp-, kalps ava-kalpayati (10.) upa-kalpayati vi-kalpate kalpa- m. sam-kalpa- m. kega- m hysikesa- keval kevalam (adv.) kaivalya- n. hevala- ciado, calificado de, llamado to announce j/ ankdndigen // anunciar glory // Ruhm // gloria to be suitable to (instr.), to be well ordered // passend sein (Instr.), in Ordnung sein /j ajustar (instr.), estar en orden to put in order, to prepare /] ordnen, zubereiten |j ordenar, preparar to put in order, to equip, to furnish with // ordnen, ausriisten, verschen mit // ordenar, dotar de, proveer de to change, to be doubtful, to be un decided jj sich andern, zweifelhaft sein unsicher sein |) cambiar, estar dudoso, estar incierto ordinance, rule, law, manner, totality of the sacred precepts |) Satzung, Regel, Norm, Art, Gesamtheit der rituellen Vorschriften // estatuto, regla, norma, modo, la totalidad de los pre- ceptos rituales conception or idea formed in the mind or heart // Idec, Auffassung, Vorstel- lung |/ pensamiento, relexién, razon hair |/ Haar / cabello whose hairs are bristling = Visnu- Krsna |/ dessen Haare sich strauben Vignu-Krsna | cuyo cabello esté zado = Vignu-Krsna alone, sole // allein, einzig // solo only, solely {/allein {J solamente isolation, absolute unity, the absolute detachment from all other connections || AusschlieBlichkeit, Einzigheit, abso- lute Einheit, das Absolute, vollkom- mene Erlésung // el estar solo, unidad absoluta, el absoluto, redencién total Retu- ketu- m. koti- f. koga- m. kautuka- n. kaulika- m. kaustubha- m., n. krand-, krandati (r.) kram-, kramati, kramate (1) camkramyate (intens.) p-p.p. kramta-, kranta- inf. kramitum ati-kramati ) sam-ati-kramati § # brightness, light, flag, banner, eng Licht, Fahne, Banner, : Standarte luz, bandera, estandarte ae I! the highest point, top, ten million hochster Grad, Spitze, zehn Millie” nen el punto mas alto, diez millones”! vessel, box, lexicon or vocabula scabbard // GefaB, Kasten, Wortschatz, Scheide // recipiente, caja, tesoro 1g. xico, vaina curiosity, festival, festivity, solemn ceremony // Neugierde, Fest, Kestlich. keit, feierliche Zeremonie // curiosidad fiesta, festividad, ceremonia solemne weaver // Weber // tejedor jewel on the breast of Visnu // Edel. stein auf der Brust von Visnu // joya del pecho del Visnu to neigh, to weep // wiehern, weinen /) relinchar, lorar / to go, to walk // gehen, spazicrengehen j/ andar, pasearse to go for a walk // spazierengehen // pasearse to pass, to pass by, to lose, to pass (time), to transgress, to surpass, to neglect (

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