Bullying Policy

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Bullying Policy in Miss Dieters Classroom

Each student shall be responsible to respect the rights of others and maintain an
environment free of bullying and cyber bullying in which all members of the school
community are treated with dignity and respect.
Bullying is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. If I see or hear any account of
bullying, we will have a discussion and after, you will be immediately sent to the
principals office, as this schools policy for bullying is prohibited and not tolerated.
From there, consequences will be discussed, which includes and are not limited to
detention, ISS, and expulsion.
Please promptly report incidents of bullying and cyber bullying to a teacher, counselor, or
building principal.
Bullying includes unwelcome harassment and/or attacks or comments directed by a
student or group of students toward another student or group of students by means of
intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical acts or series of acts.
Bullying can take many forms and can include a variety of behaviors:
Physical violence and attacks
Verbal taunts, name calling and put-downs
Emotional bullying, i.e. rumors, ridiculing and manipulating social relationships
Threats and intimidation
Extortion or stealing
Racial, ethnic or gender-based verbal or physical abuse
Spreading false information about a person
Cyber bullying- includes, but is not limited to, misuses of technology which have the
effect of harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another student,
teacher or employee carried out by means of sending or posting inappropriate email
messages, instant messages, text messages, pictures, images or other text by means of
computers or electronic devices.
Inappropriate or derogatory use of personal profiles on websites or other website
postings, etc. is also considered cyber-bullying
I have read and understand this document and the consequences of the bullying policy in
both the school and Miss Dieters classroom and will abide by this policy.
Student Signature ___________________________________ Date ________________
Parent Signature ____________________________________Date ________________

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