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SUR 4201

Route Geometrics
Midterm Q1 Review
The Midterm Q1 will be about 24 questions, six from each HW1, 2, 3, 4 topics, all applied to the SR25 case. Total
100 possible points. Half will be "theory" and the other half "computations." Open notes: you many use anything
on paper that you produced: lecture notes, printouts of Excel spreadsheets, formula pages, etc. The computer will
be "locked down" so it can be used only for taking the online exam.
Module1/HW1 Traverse Computations applied to SR25 -3 Theory Questions (about 12.5% of the exam) What is this? Why is this done? Where did this formula come
from? etc.
Traverse calculations -- cartesian coordinates, route coordinates, northing, easting, conversion between bearings,
angles, and azimuths, computing N/E by "traversing" using sine and cosine function, calculating the unknown
distance and azimuth between two coordinate points (inversing)
3 Calculation Questions (about 12/5% of exam) These questions will be a "variation" on the SR25 Pre-Solution.
Now, change this value, what's the new answer for _?, etc.
Sample Calcs: Compute bearings, azimuths, clockwise and deflection angles. Compute the cartesian coordinates of
points on the SR25 alignment. Use the one given azimuth (bearing), compute azimuths of lines on the traverse.
Calculate the unknown straight line distance and azimuth between two traverse points (use distance formula and
atan for azimuth.)
Module 2/HW2 Horizontal Route Geometry and Design applied to SR25
3 Theory Questions (about 12.5% of the exam)
Topics: design for most gradual alignment, route horizontal tangents, delta angles, compute tangent lengths and
azimuths, stationing, curve data and curve parts, PC and PT and PI stations, design to avoid overlaps, computing
N/E coordinates of curve points.
3 Calculation Questions (about 12/5% of exam)
Sample Calcs: Horizontal curve data. Lets change one curve to a different curvature/radius, what is the new station
of some point? new curve data? Compute the largest radius (minimum D) that would avoid overlap between
curves, etc.
Module 3/HW3 Vertical Route Geometry and Design applied to SR25 -3 Theory Questions (about 12.5% of the exam)
Topics: route vertical tangents, percent grade, computing elevations on a vertical tangent, vertical curve theory,
equal tangent property, constant rotation rate property, K and r, vertical curve equation, high/low turning points,
design to prevent overlap, design to limit cut and fill heights, design to achieve a "r" or K value.
3 Calculation Questions (about 12/5% of exam)
Sample Calcs: Compute the baseline elevation at any station. Choose PVI locations and elevations. Design
alignment for most gradual transit. Calculate the high/low point station and elevation. Change the vertical curve
(Length L, K, or r) to a different value, now what's the new curve elevation at a station, PVC/PVT sta/elev, low
point sta/elev. Change a PVI sta/elev to a different value, what's the new g1 and g2?
Module 4/HW4 Cross Section Geometry and Volumes applied to SR25
3 Theory Questions (about 12.5% of the exam)
Topics: field cross sections of existing ground, typical section specifications, plotting existing and proposed cross
sections, identify cut and fill end areas, calculate end areas, estimate transition stations, calculate earthwork
volumes, digital terrain models.
3 Calculation Questions (about 12/5% of exam)
Sample calcs: Compute offset/elevation coordinates, compute area, compute volume, compute transition stations
from cut to fill.

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